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Quotes & Sayings About Dinosaurs Extinction

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Top Dinosaurs Extinction Quotes

Dinosaurs Extinction Quotes By Alecia Stone

This will be the greatest discovery since the extinction of dinosaurs."
"Assuming dinosaurs did exist, that is," Derkein said.
Alex shook her head. "Couldn't just let me have this moment, could you? — Alecia Stone

Dinosaurs Extinction Quotes By Louie Psihoyos

Humanity is creating an extinction event that will make every war ever fought a footnote to history. We belong to the only generation in history that can turn this around - we're one step away from greatness or the biggest disaster since the meteor wiped out the dinosaurs. — Louie Psihoyos

Dinosaurs Extinction Quotes By E. O. Wilson

The extinctions ongoing worldwide promise to be at least as great as the mass extinction that occurred at the end of the age of dinosaurs. — E. O. Wilson

Dinosaurs Extinction Quotes By Michael Crichton

It suggests to us that behavior of complex animals can change very rapidly, and not always for the better. It suggests that behavior can cease to be responsive to the environment, and lead to decline and death. It suggests that animals may stop adapting. Is this what happened to the dinosaurs? Is this the true cause of their disappearance? We may never know. But it is no accident that human beings are so interested in dinosaur extinction. The decline of the dinosaurs allowed mammals - including us - to flourish. And that leads us to wonder whether the disappearance of the dinosaurs is going to be repeated, sooner or later, by us as well. Whether at the deepest level the fault lies not in blind fate - in some fiery meteor from the skies - but in our own behavior. At the moment, we have no answer."

And then he smiled.

"But I have a few suggestions," he said. — Michael Crichton

Dinosaurs Extinction Quotes By Rupert Sheldrake

The biggest bursts of speciation that we know about in the history of the earth are soon after great cataclysms, like the extinction of the dinosaurs, which create new opportunities, and all sorts of new forms spring up ... So, quite often, the reasons for creativity depend on accidents or disasters that prevent the normal habits being carried out. — Rupert Sheldrake

Dinosaurs Extinction Quotes By Carl Sagan

All the explanations proposed seem to be
only partly satisfactory. They range from massive climatic change to mammalian predation to the extinction of a plant with apparent laxative properties, in which case the dinosaurs died of constipation. — Carl Sagan

Dinosaurs Extinction Quotes By Al Gore

Global warming, along with the cutting and burning of forests and other critical habitats, is causing the loss of living species at a level comparable to the extinction event that wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. That event was believed to have been caused by a giant asteroid. This time it is not an asteroid colliding with the Earth and wreaking havoc: it is us. — Al Gore

Dinosaurs Extinction Quotes By Brother Theodore

About a hundred million years ago, the dinosaurs had everything their own way. They thought they knew all the answers. They thought they could hear the grass growing. Maybe they could. But according to Titsling and Boukanowski, their social life was a disgrace. They changed their sex every other month and used profane language, and at the age of three, at the very tender age of three, they would go steady in no uncertain manner and bring forth eggs as large as footballs! Without benefit of clergy or city hall. Extinction! That's what they asked for, that's what they got. — Brother Theodore

Dinosaurs Extinction Quotes By Darren Shan

I stop reading after half an hour. I've had enough. Humanity has hit a brick wall. We're facing our end, like the dinosaurs millions of years before us. The only difference is we've got journalists on hand to document every blow and setback, cataloguing our rapid, painful downfall in vibrant, vicious detail. Personally, I think the dinosaurs had the better deal. When it comes to impending, unavoidable extinction, ignorance is bliss. — Darren Shan

Dinosaurs Extinction Quotes By Catherynne M Valente

The tyrannosaurus looked a little shamefaced - but only a little, for dinosaurs would rather drown in tar than admit they're wrong. That unfortunate attitude played a key role in their extinction. — Catherynne M Valente

Dinosaurs Extinction Quotes By Terry Teachout

At its best, no art form is more thrilling than grand opera, yet none is at greater risk of following the dinosaurs down the cold road to extinction. — Terry Teachout

Dinosaurs Extinction Quotes By Robert T. Bakker

The public image of dinosaurs is tainted by extinction. It's hard to accept dinosaurs as a success when they are all dead. But the fact of ultimate extinction should not make us overlook the absolutely unsurpassed role dinosaurs played in the history of life. — Robert T. Bakker

Dinosaurs Extinction Quotes By David Almond

And I've been thinking: if the human race manages to destroy itself, as it often seems to want to do, or if some great disaster comes, as it did for the dinosaurs, then the birds will still manage to survive. When our gardens and fields and farms and woods have turned wild, when the park at the end of Falconer Road has turned into a wilderness, when our cities are in ruins, the birds will go on flying and singing and making their nests and laying their eggs and raising their young. It could be that the birds will exist for ever and for ever until the earth itself comes to an end, no matter what might happen to the other creatures. They'll sing until the end of time. So here's my thought: If there is a God, could it be that He's chosen the birds to speak for Him. Could it be true? The voice of God speaks through the beaks of birds. — David Almond

Dinosaurs Extinction Quotes By Larry Niven

The dinosaurs became extinct because they didn't have a space program. And if we become extinct because we don't have a space program, it'll serve us right! — Larry Niven

Dinosaurs Extinction Quotes By Jeff Corwin

We live in a time where we have more extinction happening on our planet than since the dinosaurs were wiped out 50 million years ago. — Jeff Corwin

Dinosaurs Extinction Quotes By Philip Ridley

We're like . . . like dinosaurs bedazzled by all the pretty lights in the sky, too fucking stupid to realise it's a comet getting closer and closer. — Philip Ridley

Dinosaurs Extinction Quotes By Lisa Randall

I did not set out to explain the extinction of the dinosaurs. I'm a particle physicist, and I was actually thinking about dark matter along with some collaborators. — Lisa Randall

Dinosaurs Extinction Quotes By Robert Kiyosaki

Corporate America is a 20th-century dinosaur, trembling on the edge of extinction, and the only way for you to have a genuinely secure future is for you to take control of that future. — Robert Kiyosaki

Dinosaurs Extinction Quotes By Roland Smith

Studying elephants is like going back into prehistoric times. In size, elephants are the closest thigns we have to dinosaurs. There are days when I feel as though there is nothing we can do for elephants - I feel that the only good I am doing is recording the extinction of one of the most magnificent animals that ever walked the earth. — Roland Smith

Dinosaurs Extinction Quotes By Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Dinosaurs are extinct today because they lacked opposable thumbs and the brainpower to build a space program. — Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Dinosaurs Extinction Quotes By Neil Peart

When punk and new wave styles exploded in the late '70s, some established artists were nimble enough to respond to the changes around them. Some grumbled, "What am I supposed to do, forget how to play?", and continued to ride their dinosaurs into extinction, but others willingly adapted to the streamlining and back-to-basics urges of the times, without giving up all they had learned. Former Genesis singer Peter Gabriel, for example, or former Yes keyboardist Trevor Horn, continued to produce vital, influential music through the '80s and '90s. Ian Anderson has continued to lead Jethro Tull out of the '60s and '70s and quietly through the decades, making high quality music and finding a large enough audience to continue recording and touring worldwide. — Neil Peart

Dinosaurs Extinction Quotes By Orson Scott Card

But I am designed to last forever," said the expendable, "if not interfered with."
"Isn't that nice? Expendable yet eternal. You'll be able to go back and observe any part of human history that you wish. Watch the pyramids being unbuilt. See the ice ages go and come in reverse. Watch the de-extinction of the dinosaurs as a meteor leaps out of the Gulf of Mexico."
"I will have no useful task. I will not be able to help the human race in any way. My existence will have no meaning after you are dead."
"Now you know how humans feel all the time. — Orson Scott Card