Famous Quotes & Sayings

Woman Assassin Quotes & Sayings

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Top Woman Assassin Quotes

Woman Assassin Quotes By Aiden Wilson Tozer

If you cannot worship the Lord in the midst of your responsibilitie s on Monday, it is not very likely that you were worshiping on Sunday! — Aiden Wilson Tozer

Woman Assassin Quotes By Bridget Blackwood

Do I want this woman to be another assassin or just want me for my body? Is it wrong if I want both? - Varian — Bridget Blackwood

Woman Assassin Quotes By Friedrich Nietzsche

The truth is ugly: we have art so as not to perish from the truth. — Friedrich Nietzsche

Woman Assassin Quotes By Robert Mayer

There were no more heroes. Kennedy was dead, shot by an assassin in Dallas. Batman and Robin were dead... Superman was missing... — Robert Mayer

Woman Assassin Quotes By Steven Erikson

The woman moved in a blur, one elbow driving backwards into the assassin's stomach. She twisted round and drove her knee into the man's crotch. A shout burst from Kalam as he reeled back a step, then fell to the ground with a heavy thump. — Steven Erikson

Woman Assassin Quotes By Kim Holden

I know human beings are made up of cells, but I'm convinced my father was made up of negativity. — Kim Holden

Woman Assassin Quotes By R.A. Salvatore

Selfishly, perhaps, Catti-brie had determined that the assassin was her own business. He had unnerved her, had stripped away years of training and discipline and reduced her to the quivering semblance of a frightened child. But she was a young woman now, no more a girl. She had to personally respond to that emotional humiliation, or the scars from it would haunt her to her grave, forever paralyzing her along her path to discover her true potential in life. — R.A. Salvatore

Woman Assassin Quotes By Elia Suleiman

I'm trying to use Palestine as a microcosm of the world, but maybe the world is a microcosm of Palestine. We're living in a moment that has lost attachment to the ideology behind boundaries. — Elia Suleiman

Woman Assassin Quotes By Laura Teagan

A woman with a gun in high heels, only the most dangerous combination a man could know. — Laura Teagan

Woman Assassin Quotes By Sherrilyn Kenyon

Syn watched the Partini closely as the alien lunged for him. He caught the alien's wrist before the knife could make contact with his skin. The Partini tried to pull loose, but Syn held fast with one hand. "Tell me," he asked snidely, "what smells like shit and screams like a girl?" He shot the Partini in the knee. The Partini screamed like a woman meeting her long-lost best friend as he crumpled to the street, his poisoned knife falling on the concrete with a metallic clink. Syn kicked the knife into the darkness, out of the assassin's reach. "That's right. You." The — Sherrilyn Kenyon

Woman Assassin Quotes By Thoraya Obaid

If world leaders decide to [meet the Millennium Development Goals], I think it can be done by 2015 ... The question is, is there a political will to make this investment? — Thoraya Obaid

Woman Assassin Quotes By James Patterson

It doesn't matter what the end looks like - what matters is that it came. Bam, you're done. But life, Axi? There are degrees of life. You can live it well or half-asleep. You can go sledding down a sand dune, or you can spend your life in front of the TV. And I don't mean to sound like a stupid after-school special, but you have to keep living the way we did these last weeks. Risk, Axi. That's the secret. Risk everything."
I nodded, trying not to cry again. "Okay. But I might not keep stealing cars."
"That's all right," he said. — James Patterson

Woman Assassin Quotes By Susan Dennard

The assassin in the night. The fire on the Jana. The woman in Judgment Square. Each event had led Merik here, to Noden's temple. To a fresco of the god's Left Hand.
And only a fool ignored Noden's gifts. — Susan Dennard

Woman Assassin Quotes By Sherrilyn Kenyon

You owe me this. You made me get rid of my assassin and now I have no control over those creatures that - "
That you created," he added, interrupting her angry tirade. "Don't forget the important part here. The Dark-Hunters wouldn't exist at all had someone, and for the sake of your missing intellect let me clarify that, you, not stolen powers from me that could bring back the dead. I didn't need the Dark-Hunters to help me fight against the Daimons and protect the humans. I was doing fine on my own. But you wouldn't have it. You created them and made me responsible for their lives. It's a responsibility that I take most seriously, so excuse me for banning you from killing them because you have reverse PMS."
She scowled. "Reverse PMS?"
Yeah, unlike a normal woman, you're cranky twenty-eight days out of the month. — Sherrilyn Kenyon

Woman Assassin Quotes By Lynn Raye Harris

She looked like a somewhat frightened and helpless woman, and yet he knew she was a deadly assassin. The same as he was. She was like one of those startlingly beautiful creatures in the wild - colorful and attractive, but deadly when touched. — Lynn Raye Harris

Woman Assassin Quotes By Kiersten White

Women who go into the harem do not come out. It is a permanent position." [...]
"I am not going in as a woman. I am going in as an assassin. So we have nothing to fear. — Kiersten White

Woman Assassin Quotes By Drea Damara

She better be capable of achieving something of the greatness that a cure for cancer would give the world or as damned good of an assassin as he was. If she possessed none of that, she should at least be the kind of woman with both a personality and face that could make any man question his better judgment. There weren't enough of those in the world, at least not in the world he knew. — Drea Damara