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Wickedly Quotes & Sayings

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Top Wickedly Quotes

Wickedly Quotes By Sherrilyn Kenyon

Fury wagged his tail and smiled wickedly, then tried to look up Bride's dress.
Vane caught him quickly by the neck. "Stop!" he snarled mentally to Fury. "Or I'll rip your head off."
Bride frowned at them. "Don't you like my wolf?"
"Yeah," Van said, patting him roughly on the head. "He's my new best friend."
"I'm your only friend, dickhead."
Vane balled his fist in the wolf's fur as a warning to him. "You know you have to be firm with wolves. Let them know who the alpha is."
"Your father?"
Vane smacked Fury's head.
"Ow!" — Sherrilyn Kenyon

Wickedly Quotes By Adam Gidwitz

In Hebrew, satan means an advocate of the alternative, the one who makes the arguments you don't know how to refute." Michelangelo looked to the old Jew, still grinning wickedly in the corner. "That satan is my best friend. — Adam Gidwitz

Wickedly Quotes By Suzanne Steele

I am your knight in dark, shining, and wickedly laden armor. — Suzanne Steele

Wickedly Quotes By Monica Burns

You look delectable no matter what you wear...or don't wear."
The suggestive words made her cheeks burn, and she jerked her gaze up to meet his. Amusement and a wickedly seductive flame flashed in his green eyes as he stared down at her. — Monica Burns

Wickedly Quotes By Gautama Buddha

If people become accustomed to lying, they will unconsciously commit every possible wrong deed. Before they can act wickedly, they must lie and once they begin to lie they will act wickedly without concern. — Gautama Buddha

Wickedly Quotes By John Calvin

For Scripture is the school of the Holy Spirit, in which, as nothing is omitted that is both necessary and useful to know, so nothing is taught but what is expedient to know. Therefore we must guard against depriving believers of anything disclosed about predestination in Scripture, lest we seem either wickedly to defraud them of the blessing of their God or to accuse and scoff at the Holy Spirit for having published what it is in any way profitable to suppress. — John Calvin

Wickedly Quotes By Marta Acosta

You know, I've always hated those stories about princes and princesses with some extraordinary ability, special because they're born special.'
'Like me?' He smiled wickedly, making me laugh a little.
'I didn't see how those were happy stories, because life has given princes and princesses enough unearned advantages. I'd rather believe that anyone can accomplish remarkable things when she really tries. Maybe her accomplishments will never be recognized, but simply loving and caring for someone else, that's miraculous to me. — Marta Acosta

Wickedly Quotes By Anonymous

PSA106.6 We have sinned with our fathers, we have committed iniquity, we have done wickedly. — Anonymous

Wickedly Quotes By Michael Scott

Its mouth was wide and its teeth were wickedly pointed. He managed a brief "Hey!" and jerked away from the window ... just as the rat hit the glass with a furry, wet thump. It slid down to the alley one floor below, where it staggered around in stunned surprise. — Michael Scott

Wickedly Quotes By Charles Dickens

Those of the said French Lewis, and wickedly, falsely, traitorously, and otherwise evil-adverbiously, revealing to the said French Lewis what forces our said serene, illustrious, excellent, and so forth, had in preparation to send to Canada and North America. This much, Jerry, with his head becoming more and more — Charles Dickens

Wickedly Quotes By Angela Corbett

Alex watched me with a measured stare. "What if he's dangerous?"
I smiled wickedly. "Then I'll die happy. — Angela Corbett

Wickedly Quotes By Quinn Loftis

Alston snorted. "Be realistic, Peri. You don't have the power to challenge us. Not unless you possessed all of the Fae stones."
Peri pulled both hands from the pockets in her robes and held them out, fist clenched and palms upward, to the Fae arrayed before he. She slowly unclenched her fists, revealing the five Fae stones, two in her left hand, and three in her right. The Fae stones, which only appeared in times of greatest need, lay ominously in her outstretched hands.
"How do you like me now bee-otch?" She grinned, wickedly. — Quinn Loftis

Wickedly Quotes By Robin Hobb

You want a mate who will follow your dream. You don't want to give up your own ambitions to make someone else's life possible.'
'I supposed that's true,' Althea admitted reluctantly. An instant later she demanded, 'Why is that so wrong?'
'It isn't,' Amber assured her, A moment later she added wickedly, 'As long as you're male. — Robin Hobb

Wickedly Quotes By John Grisham

Very few writers understand the complex history and maddening social order of the Mississippi Delta. For Steve Yarbrough, though, it's home turf. He is wickedly observant, funny, cynical, evocative, and he possesses a gift that cannot be taught: he can tell a story. — John Grisham

Wickedly Quotes By Jean-Jacques Rousseau

I was not much afraid of punishment, I was only afraid of disgrace.But that I feared more than death, more than crime, more than anything in the world. I should have rejoiced if the earth had swallowed me up and stifled me in the abyss. But my invincible sense of shame prevailed over everything . It was my shame that made me impudent, and the more wickedly I behaved the bolder my fear of confession made me. I saw nothing but the horror of being found out, of being publicly proclaimed, to my face, as a thief, as a liar, and slanderer. — Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Wickedly Quotes By Ann Bruce

With his forefinger and middle finger, he tipped her chin up. A corner of his mouth kicked up wickedly, as if he knew she was mentally undressing him. "My face is up here. — Ann Bruce

Wickedly Quotes By Hank Bracker

The Milky Way, which is our galaxy, will collide with its nearest neighbor the Andromeda Galaxy. The two galaxies are heading towards each other at a wickedly high snail's pace, of about 75 miles per second. This massive crash is expected to occur about 3 to 4 billion years from now." My suggestion is to keep your head down! Captain Hank Bracker — Hank Bracker

Wickedly Quotes By Becca Fitzpatrick

Vee lowered her lashes and smiled wickedly. "This class isn't going to teach me anything I don't already know."
"Vee? As in virgin?"
"Not so loud." She winked just as the bell rang, sending us both to our seats, which were side by side at our shared table. — Becca Fitzpatrick

Wickedly Quotes By Mary Calmes

Kiss me."

I cleared my throat softly even though a doctor had come in and so everyone had turned to him. "Your family is here."

"Don't care, can't feel anything unless you're touching me."

That comment again, from before. "When you're better, you'll tell me what that means."

"Tell you now." He took a breath. "Other people touch me, it's like nothing. When you do it, it's like electric current on my skin, and it goes right to my heart and other places."


"You asked." He smiled wickedly; the sarcasm had not been lost on him. — Mary Calmes

Wickedly Quotes By Lisa Kleypas

Ah, Evie," she heard him say softly, "I must have a heart, after all ... because right now it aches like the devil."
"Only your heart?" she asked ingenuously, making him laugh.
He lowered her to the bed, his eyes sparkling wickedly. "Also a few other things," he conceded. "And as my wife, it's your duty to ease all my aches. — Lisa Kleypas

Wickedly Quotes By Stephen Crane

It is perhaps, plausible that a man in this situation, impressed with the unconcern of the universe, should see the innumerable flaws of his life and have them taste wickedly in his mind and wish for another chance. — Stephen Crane

Wickedly Quotes By Greg Farshtey

I have checked our teleportation technology," Tridax said. "There was no sign of sabotage. You are a liar."
"Well, no one ever said Makuta were observant," said Vezon, "How could you be so sure? Suppose I sabotaged it myself using my incredible powers of the mind."
"You have no powers," said the Makuta, picking up a wickedly sharp blade. "You have no mind. You are about to have no head. — Greg Farshtey

Wickedly Quotes By L.A. Casey

Give over, big man. She is pregnant, not made of glass. Give her a bump, I promise she won't break."

Kane grinned wickedly. "Giving her a bump is what has me worried about her in the first place."

Keela's eyes shone with wonder. "I can't wait to see what you're like when she gets here; you'll have the poor kid wrapped up in bubble wrap from day one. — L.A. Casey

Wickedly Quotes By John Calvin

Now, if any one should object, that it is unjust for the innocent to bear the punishment of another's sin, I answer, whatever gifts God had conferred upon us in the person of Adams he had the best right to take away, when Adam wickedly fell. — John Calvin

Wickedly Quotes By Amy Lane

Malcolm chuckled wickedly. "You, my American friend, are like a hidden landmine of sex appeal. I'm going to have to look out for you."
"Too late." Owen raised his face to the unfamiliar smells, breezes, sounds of the city, enjoying them even more now that he knew something of it and it had become personal to him. "I've already exploded. You're caught."
He tilted his head back and laughed, inviting Malcolm to share the joke, but Malcolm was unusually quiet ... — Amy Lane

Wickedly Quotes By Alex Bledsoe

Wickedly Dangerous translates a terrifying figure from folklore , the Baba Yaga, into the smart, resourceful, motorcycle-riding Barbara Yager, who travels with her dragon-disguised-as-a-dog best friend, righting wrongs and helping those in need. But when she stumbles into a town whose children are vanishing, and meets the haunted young sheriff trying to save them, what was a job becomes very personal. This is urban fantasy at its best, with all the magic and mayhem tied together with very human emotions, even when the characters aren't quite human. — Alex Bledsoe

Wickedly Quotes By Richelle E. Goodrich

Always be good, but be wickedly beautiful. — Richelle E. Goodrich

Wickedly Quotes By Jupiter Hammon

All the time spent idly, is spent wickedly, and is unfaithfulness to our masters. — Jupiter Hammon

Wickedly Quotes By Heather Graham

And you ma'am, are pure sweetness and light!" He grinned slowly. He mocked her in return, but he was surprisingly, wickedly handsome. — Heather Graham

Wickedly Quotes By Georgette Heyer

I don't know what you may have seen fit to tell her, Venetia, but so far as I understand it you could think of nothing better to do than to beguile her with some farrago about wishing Damerel to strew rose-leaves for you to walk on!"
Damerel, who had resumed his seat, had been staring moodily into the fire, but at these words he looked up quickly. "Rose-leaves?" His eyes went to Venetia's face, wickedly quizzing her. "But my dear girl, at this season?"
"Be quiet, you wretch!" she said, blushing. — Georgette Heyer

Wickedly Quotes By Julia Quinn

Your talents are for pointing guns and removing necklaces off ladies' necks?'
'I charm the necklaces off their necks ... Kindly make the distinction.'
'Oh, please.'
'I charmed you.'
She was all indignation. 'You did not.'
'Recall the night in question, Miss Eversleigh. The moonlight, the soft wind.'
'There was no wind.'
'You're spoiling my memory,' he growled.
'There was no wind,' she stated. 'You are romanticizing the encounter.'
'Can you blame me? he returned, smiling at her wickedly. 'I never know who is going to step through the carriage door. Most of the time I get a wheezy old badger. — Julia Quinn

Wickedly Quotes By A.G. Howard

I try to shake off the spell, but he angles his face and deepens the kiss. "Embrace me ... embrace your destiny." He breaks the barrier of my lips, touching his tongue to mine, a sensation too wickedly delicious to deny. As our tongues entwine, his lullaby purrs through my blood and bones, carrying me to the stars. — A.G. Howard

Wickedly Quotes By Michelle Hodkin

Is there any point asking what you're going to make me do on Sunday?'
'Not really.'
Okay. 'Is there any point asking what you're going to do to me?'
He grinned wickedly. 'Not really.'
Fabulous. 'Does it involve the use of a safe word?'
'That will depend entirely on you.' Noah moved impossibly closer, just inches away. A few freckles disappeared into the scruff on his jaw. 'I'll be gentle,' Noah added. My breath caught in my throat as he looked at me from beneath those lashes, ruining me.
I narrowed my eyes at him. 'You're evil.'
In response, Noah smiled, and raised his finger to gently tap the tip of my nose. 'And you're mine,' he said, then walked away. — Michelle Hodkin

Wickedly Quotes By Darynda Jones

Hey, wait," I said, pulling back, "you are the son of Satan. Maybe we need a safe word."
His grin morphed into something wickedly charming. "Okay, how about, 'Oh, my god, it's so big.'"
Laughter burst out of me before I could stop it. Not that it wasn't. "That would be a safe phrase, but okay." I thought about it, then said, "How about 'Is that all you've got? — Darynda Jones

Wickedly Quotes By Terry Spear

...She did what she should never have done. For a second time, she drew close, took hold of his shoulders, and gave him a kiss, only this time on the ...cheek.
His mouth curved up wickedly, his eyes showing the same heated expression, right before he slipped his arms around her and pulled her tight against his body -- his already aroused body -- and kissed her. Hot, hard, in charge, possessive, filled with want and need and so much more. — Terry Spear

Wickedly Quotes By Christine Schutt

Herein find fiction full of whimsy, wit, hurt, and terror. Wicked, as in wickedly funny, is in the mix, too, along with a prose style both seductive and sly. Any one of Doug Watson's first collection of stories, The Era of Not Quite, can mend a broken world. — Christine Schutt

Wickedly Quotes By Lora Leigh

I love her," Kane suddenly remarked from the other side of the room. "God bless her heart. I love her."
He was chuckling wickedly as he looked back at the Felines staring at him. "Wolves eat cats for dinner.
By God, I wanna be a wolf." He looked at Sherra and growled. — Lora Leigh

Wickedly Quotes By Morton Irving Seiden

What astonishes many of us is not so much that human nature is fundamentally corrupt; we are astonished rather that it does not behave more wickedly than it obviously does. — Morton Irving Seiden

Wickedly Quotes By Cassandra Clare

Isabelle looked at him thoughtfully. "Did you seriously jump thirty feet out of a Malachi Configuration? Did he, Alec?"
"He did," Alec confirmed. "I've never seen anything like it."
"I've never seen anything like this." Jace lifted a ten-inch dagger from the floor. One of Isabelle's pink brassiers was spread on the wickedly sharp tip. Isabelle snached it off, scowling. — Cassandra Clare

Wickedly Quotes By Eugene H. Peterson

THE PUZZLE IS WHY SO MANY PEOPLE LIVE so badly. Not so wickedly, but so inanely. Not so cruelly, but so stupidly. There is little to admire and less to imitate in the people who are prominent in our culture. We have celebrities but not saints. Famous entertainers amuse a nation of bored insomniacs. Infamous criminals act out the aggressions of timid conformists. Petulant and spoiled athletes play games vicariously for lazy and apathetic spectators. People, aimless and bored, amuse themselves with trivia and trash. Neither the adventure of goodness nor the pursuit of righteousness gets headlines. — Eugene H. Peterson

Wickedly Quotes By Kelly Oram

Are you going to put on your old cheer uniform?"
Ryan was a little too excited by the thought of me in a costume, so I squashed that idea, and fast.
"In your dreams."
"Not exactly." Ryan grinned wickedly. "In my dreams you're usually dressed like Wonder Woman."
Ugh. I wondered how long it would take for him to start in on the superhero crap. Obviously, not long. I was not amused, but Ryan seemed to think
himself hilarious. I could also tell by the look on his face that he was quite confident he'd have me in costume one day. "Never gonna happen," I
assured him. "Ever."
And of course he responded with that classic, cocky smile. "Just like you were never gonna be my girlfriend, right? — Kelly Oram

Wickedly Quotes By Cathrina Constantine

I believe love conquers hate, faith overcomes despair, and that life is stronger than death." Wickedly They Come — Cathrina Constantine

Wickedly Quotes By Mackenzie Herbert

And his eyes were fluttering shut, and his sinner's smile- that wickedly wondrous thing- was less than an inch from mine. And soon enough, there was no space between them at all. He tasted like chances. — Mackenzie Herbert

Wickedly Quotes By Samantha Young

Grinning wickedly,Jai ceased tickling her and tugged her roughly against him,his arms tight around her waist."You gonna watch that mouth of yours?"
"You watch it,"she replied saucily.
His expression almost solemn now,Jai leaned down to kiss her,his words whispering across her mouth before their lips touched,"Oh I've been watching it since the day I first saw you. — Samantha Young

Wickedly Quotes By Stacey Jay

He hesitates only a moment before pulling me close, arms tightening around me, mouth meeting mine the same way it did before. Purely, sweetly, wickedly, perfectly. He sighs against my lips, a sound of such relief it echoes through my skin, making me smile and our teeth bump together. I know exactly how he feels. How it feels to come home, to find sanctuary, to be handed that missing piece that makes life not something to be endured, but something to be celebrated. — Stacey Jay

Wickedly Quotes By Pawan Mishra

We have a mental emergency here. Our noble pal Sevak has just been wickedly divorced by his mind. — Pawan Mishra

Wickedly Quotes By Micalea Smeltzer

Ooh that's him!" my mom cried jumping up and down.
"Why don't you date him, mom? You seem to really like him," I smiled.
She stopped jumping. "Oh, I couldn't. He's much too young for me," she laughed wickedly and went to get the door.
"Haven't you ever heard of cougars!" I yelled after her.

Sloane and her mom Tammi — Micalea Smeltzer

Wickedly Quotes By Augustine Of Hippo

For often we wickedly blind ourselves to the occasions of teaching and admonishing them, sometimes even of reprimanding and chiding them, either because we shrink from the labor or are ashamed to offend them, or because we fear to lose good friendships, — Augustine Of Hippo

Wickedly Quotes By Christine Feehan

Come,we cannot leave the poor man pacing the swamp.He will think we are engaging in something other than conversation."
Wickedly Savannah moved her body against his,her hands sliding provocatively, enticingly, over the rigid thickness straining his trousers. "Aren't we?" she asked with that infuriating sexy smile he could never resist.
"We have a lot of clean-up to do here, Savannah," he said severely. "And we need to get word to our people, spread the society's list through our ranks, warn those in danger."
Her fingers were working at the buttons of his shirt so that she could push the material aside to examin his chest and shoulder,where two of the worst wounds had been.She had to see his body for herself, touch him to assure herself he was completely healed. "I suggest, for now,that your biggest job is to create something for Gary to do so we can have a little privacy. — Christine Feehan

Wickedly Quotes By Georgette Heyer

Of a certainty Madame has died," Leonie said wickedly. "Tiens, c'est bien drole! — Georgette Heyer

Wickedly Quotes By Kiersten White

Now, now, you aren't afraid of monsters in the dark, are you?" I caught a flash of her eyes, winking wickedly at me.
"No," I said, shivering. After all, I was one of them. — Kiersten White

Wickedly Quotes By Claud Cockburn

What arouses the indignation of the honest satirist is not, unless the man is a prig, the fact that people in positions of power or influence behave idiotically, or even that they behave wickedly. It is that they conspire successfully to impose upon the public a picture of themselves as so very sagacious, honest and well-intentioned. — Claud Cockburn

Wickedly Quotes By Jennifer Hillman

I am lover of words ... I am wickedly drunk with the magic of words ... the poetic nature whispers through and to my very heart and soul. — Jennifer Hillman

Wickedly Quotes By Toni Morrison

Oh, some of us "loved" her. The Maginot Line. And Cholly loved her. I'm sure he did. He, at any rate, was the one who loved her enough to touch her, envelope her, give something of her filled the matrix of her agony with death. Love is never any better than the lover. Wicked people love wickedly, violent people love violently, weak people love weakly, stupid people love stupidly, but the love of a free man is never safe. There is no gift for the beloved. The lover alone possesses his gift of love. The loved one is shorn, neutralized, frozen in the glare of the lover's inward eye. — Toni Morrison

Wickedly Quotes By Madison Thorne Grey

He was the most wickedly handsome creature she had ever seen in all her days. His hair was black as night, his stature large, his muscles were etched with precision into his smooth skin, every last ripple chiseled into wicked perfection. — Madison Thorne Grey

Wickedly Quotes By Terry Spear

Lynetta bared her wickedly sharp pointed canines and hissed. Her long black hair hung wildly to her hips, tangled and teased by the breeze. She was petite like me but as strong as a male body builder. Her grip on Dominic remained iron tight. Her soul-less black eyes, vacant and without a care, really ate away at my heart. I surveyed the yard for any kind of weapon I could use against the vampire. My heart surged when I spied a colorful whirligig attached to a wooden stake embedded in my mother's pampered pansy garden nearby. Without a second's hesitation, I dashed for it and yanked it out. Running at the vampire, I screamed at the top of my lungs, "Death to the blood sucky vampire!" which gave me some courage. It wasn't every day I had to beat one vampire off of another when they didn't even really exist! — Terry Spear

Wickedly Quotes By William Styron

Wickedly funny to read and morally bracing as only good satire can be. — William Styron

Wickedly Quotes By Charles Dickens

Charles Darnay had yesterday pleaded Not Guilty to an indictment denouncing him (with infinite jingle and jangle) for that he was a false traitor to our serene, illustrious, excellent, and so forth, prince, our Lord the King, by reason of his having, on divers occasions, and by divers means and ways, assisted Lewis, the French King, in his wars against our said serene, illustrious, excellent, and so forth; that was to say, by coming and going, between the dominions of our said serene, illustrious, excellent, and so forth, and those of the said French Lewis, and wickedly, falsely, traitorously, and otherwise evil-adverbiously, revealing to the said French Lewis what forces our said serene, illustrious, excellent, and so forth, had in preparation to send to Canada and North America. — Charles Dickens

Wickedly Quotes By Christina Lauren

You're looking at me like I'm food." She held out her carrot, grinned wickedly. "Want some?" I shook my head. "I want you. — Christina Lauren

Wickedly Quotes By Francine Pascal

Actually for a while Jessica had contemplated making a grand entrance wearing only the dress, thinking wickedly about how the sight of her cold, shivering body would prompt Nicholas to rush up and put his arms around her to warm her up. But evenings at this time of year were usually chilly, and she saw no reason to risk pneumonia just for a sympathy hug. She'd have to settle for throwing her coat off dramatically as she was being ushered into the Morrow mansion. — Francine Pascal

Wickedly Quotes By E.L. James

We'll go by helicopter to Seattle?" "Yes." "Why?" He grins wickedly. "Because I can. Finish your breakfast." How can I eat now? I'm going to Seattle by helicopter with Christian Grey. And he wants to bite my lip ... I squirm at the thought. — E.L. James

Wickedly Quotes By Toni Morrison

Wicked People Love Wickedly, Violent People Love Violently, Weak People Love Weakly, Stupid People Love Stupidly, But The Love Of A Free Man Is Never Safe ... — Toni Morrison

Wickedly Quotes By Scarlett Dawn

His lips slowly twitched. "As a gentleman, I think you should sleep off the drugs in your system." Again, his wide, full lips curved wickedly. "Unless you plan to move your hand lower, then I might forget I'm acting the gentleman because, really, I'm not all that gentlemanly. — Scarlett Dawn

Wickedly Quotes By Julia Quinn

I really must tell you, I have never been a thespian.'
Harriet waved this off like a gnat. 'That is what is so wonderful about my plays. Anyone can enjoy himself.'
'I am *not* playing a frog.' His eyes narrowed wickedly. 'Unless you [Anne] do, too.'
'There is only one frog in the play,' Harriet said blithely.
'But isn't the title The Marsh of the Frogs?' he asked, even though he should have known better. 'Plural?' Good Lord, the entire conversation was making him dizzy.
'That's the irony,' Harriet said, and Daniel managed to stop himself just before he asked her what she meant by that (because it fulfilled no definition of irony *he'd* ever heard). — Julia Quinn

Wickedly Quotes By Michelle Hodkin

Is there any point in asking what you're going to do to me?"
He grinned wickedly. "Not really."
"Does it involve the use of a safe word?"
"That will depend entirely on you. — Michelle Hodkin

Wickedly Quotes By Jim Bakker

I sorrowfully acknowledge that seven years ago ... I was wickedly manipulated by treacherous former friends and colleagues who victimized me with the aid of a female confederate. They conspired to betray me into a sexual encounter at a time of great stress in my marital life ... I was set up as part of a scheme to co-opt me and obtain some advantage for themselves over me in connection with their hope for position in the ministry. — Jim Bakker

Wickedly Quotes By Augustine Of Hippo

For, Thou art righteous, O Lord, but we have sinned and committed iniquity, and have done wickedly, and Thy hand is grown heavy upon us, and we are justly delivered over unto that ancient sinner, the king of death; because he persuaded our will to be like his will whereby he abode not in Thy truth. — Augustine Of Hippo

Wickedly Quotes By Nalini Singh

Mercy closed her eyes, the better to savor the most incredible pleasure she'd ever felt. She was never ever going to accuse Riley of being uncreative again. The man had plenty of imagination. Plenty. His tongue was doing things to her that she knew were illegal somewhere, and - "Riley!" Her body shook under the force of a wickedly powerful orgasm as he closed his mouth over her clit, sucking hard. — Nalini Singh

Wickedly Quotes By Megan Whalen Turner

Your Majesty, you just-" Costis stopped.
"Just what?" the king prompted wickedly.
Nothing would induce Costis to say out loud that the king had almost fallen from the palace wall and that Costis had seen him manifestly saved by the God of Thieves.
The king smiled. "Cat got your tongue?"
"Your Majesty, you are drunk," Costis pleaded.
"I am. What's your excuse? — Megan Whalen Turner

Wickedly Quotes By Maggie Stiefvater

Henry shuffled the jewelled insect back out of his pocket. It amber heart warmed light through the pit again. "Back in the lab, of course, as father dear tries to copy it with nonmagical parts. My mother told me to keep this one to remind me of what I am."
"And what is that?"
The bee illuminated both itself and Henry: its translucent wings, Henry's wickedly cut eyebrows.
"Something more. — Maggie Stiefvater

Wickedly Quotes By Marcel Proust

I should count myself most fortunate ... " Swann was beginning, a trifle pompously, when the Doctor broke in derisively. Having once heard it said, and never having forgotten that in general conversation emphasis and the use of formal expressions were out of date, whenever he heard a solemn word used seriously, as the word 'fortunate' had been used just now by Swann, he at once assumed that the speaker was being deliberately pedantic. And if, moreover, the same word happened to occur, also, in what he called an old 'tag' or 'saw,' however common it might still be in current usage, the Doctor jumped to the conclusion that the whole thing was a joke, and interrupted with the remaining words of the quotation, which he seemed to charge the speaker with having intended to introduce at that point, although in reality it had never entered his mind.
"Most fortunate for France!" he recited wickedly, shooting up both arms with great vigour. — Marcel Proust

Wickedly Quotes By Kathleen Tessaro

She had a smooth, low voice and a naughty, shocking sense of humour. Laughter followed in her wake; she collected admirers, both male and female, simply walking across the lobby. She had a certain knack for including everyone in her own private jokes, bending in conspiratorially to say something wickedly off-colour to one of the old stone-faced dowagers waiting for a cab. The next moment, they'd both be giggling uncontrollably — Kathleen Tessaro

Wickedly Quotes By Augustine Of Hippo

When the will abandons what is above itself and turns to what is lower, it becomes evil - not because that is evil to which it turns, but because the turning itself is wicked. Therefore it is not an inferior thing which has made the will evil, but it is itself which has become so by wickedly and inordinately desiring an inferior thing. — Augustine Of Hippo

Wickedly Quotes By Wendelin Van Draanen

And now I was seeing that there was something really cool about that family. All of them. They were just ... real.
And who were we? There was something spinning wickedly out of control inside this house. It was like seeing inside the Baker's world had opened up windows into our own, and the view was not a pretty one.
Where had all this stuff come from?
And why hadn't I ever seen it before. — Wendelin Van Draanen

Wickedly Quotes By Brigham Young

The government of heaven, if wickedly administered, would become one of the worst governments upon the face of the earth. No matter how good a government is, unless it is administered by righteous men, an evil government will be made of it. — Brigham Young

Wickedly Quotes By John Calvin

For how can some idea of God come into your mind without your immediately thinking (since you are His creation) that by the right of creation you are subject to His rule? That your life ought to be devoted to His service? That all that you plan or say or do should be related to Him? If this is so, it clearly follows that your life is wickedly corrupt unless it is ruled in obedience to His holy will. — John Calvin

Wickedly Quotes By Tanzy Sayadi

It's true what they say,
Love is a wicked game,
A game so wickedly played,
I am at your command in your wicked games. — Tanzy Sayadi

Wickedly Quotes By Joely Sue Burkhart

Conn was a wickedly passionate, fiercely dominant man who loved her too much to ever really hurt her. — Joely Sue Burkhart

Wickedly Quotes By R.A. Salvatore

Come an' play, stupid dogs, Bruenor chuckled wickedlyR.A. Salvatore

Wickedly Quotes By Elise Kova

Erion, how many times must I tell you not to bring me wild women until after dark? It's distracing." A man grinned wickedly. — Elise Kova

Wickedly Quotes By Eve Langlais

Tall, way taller than her five foot five frame, his body bulged with muscles covered in tanned skin. He possessed layered down brown hair with gold highlights, vivid turquoise eyes and chiseled features, including a strong straight nose
surprising because with a taunting mouth like his she expected he'd gotten it broken more than once in his life
a square chin, and wickedly full lips that now quirked into a grin.
-"Enjoying the view?" he taunted.
-"Deciding what part to carve off your body first," she replied."Do you have a name by the way? Or should I just refer to you as 'that asshole'?"
-"You can call me Remy, but when I get your thighs around my neck, feel free to call me God. It totally pisses Lucifer's brother off, which means brownie points for me. — Eve Langlais

Wickedly Quotes By Julie James

She inched closer to him. "I intrigue you?"
"You know you do," he replied boldly, his eyes burning into hers. Wow-things were suddenly heating up fast. He wondered if they would have sex right there on her desk.Somebody better move that stapler.
With a coy look, Taylor stood up to whisper in Jason's ear.
"then I think you're going to find this next part really intriging," she said breathlessly.
He gazed down at her-he like the sound of that-and raised one eybrow expectantly as taylor grinned wickedly and-
Slammed the office door right in his face.
For a moment, Jason could only stand there in the hallway with his nose pressed against the cold wood of her door. After a few seconds, he knocked politely.
Taylor whipped open the door, unamused.
Jason grinned at her. "I just gotta ask: where did you get the whole 'all the cute girls run around naked' thing? — Julie James

Wickedly Quotes By Brooke Templar

Remembering her own narrow single bed at home, she added without thinking, "Someone could get lost in that bed."

Valois laughed, surprising Delta and she looked curiously at him. His eyes twinkling wickedly, the Frenchman said, "Perhaps some company would relieve you of that fear. — Brooke Templar

Wickedly Quotes By Courtney Hunt

Well, well, what was that you were saying the other day about how you're not attracted to him?" Kennedy teased.
"I'm not." Val protested weakly and then shrugged. "He's nice looking, that's all. But..."
"But nothing. You should climb back on the horse that threw ya." Claire said.
"And I bet he'd give you quite a nice ride." Kennedy put in wickedly. — Courtney Hunt

Wickedly Quotes By Jill Shalvis

He flashed her a smile, and holy mother of God, it was wickedly sexy. — Jill Shalvis

Wickedly Quotes By Samantha Young

The Hawks want to talk to you, Boss."
"The Hawks?" I queried, confusion wrinkling my brow.
Kir smiled and pulled me to my feet. "My gang are called the Hawks."
I threw him a sardonic look. "Why? Because you always catch your prey?"
He grinned wickedly. "Always, beautiful Rogan. Always. — Samantha Young

Wickedly Quotes By T.F. Hodge

Manipulation, fueled with good intent, can be a blessing. But when used wickedly, it is the beginning of a magician's karmic calamity. — T.F. Hodge

Wickedly Quotes By Lloyd Alexander

Namaste, Prince of Naga-loka. I'm grateful. You're a fine fellow." He stuck out his tongue and grinned wickedly. "For a royal wriggler."
"Namaste, O flea-ridden tree-climber," Shesha replied, with a fond glint in his eyes. "May your life be as long as you insolence is great. — Lloyd Alexander

Wickedly Quotes By M.L. LeGette

Crazy, batty Maud," Lita teased, wiping her nose across her sleeve and staring at Mally wickedly. "Ooooh, be careful, she might cut off your hair! She'll bargain for your fingernails! — M.L. LeGette

Wickedly Quotes By Jennifer Rardin

As soon as Bergman left earshot Vayl said, "I am going to buy you some pom-poms and a short pleated skirt-"
Hey, if Bergman needs a cheerleard, that's what he's getting."
Vayl tipped his head to one side and smiled wickedly. "I was just thinking perhaps I need a cheerleader as well."
Cassandra got up. "If that's where this conversation is headed, I'm leaving."
She wants some pom-poms too," I told Vayl.
I do not! — Jennifer Rardin

Wickedly Quotes By Carl Clinton Van Doren

The two most common charges against the older fiction, that it pleased wickedly and that it taught nothing, had broken down before the discovery, except in illiberal sects, that the novel is fitted both for honest use and for pleasure. — Carl Clinton Van Doren

Wickedly Quotes By Elizabeth Marie Pope

A gentleman can hardly continue to sit,' he explained, in his serenest and most level voice, 'when he asks a very remarkable young lady to do him the honor of marrying him. And - 'he somehow contrived to grin at me wickedly, 'I usually get what I want, Miss Grahame,' he added, and pitched over in a tangled heap on the floor. — Elizabeth Marie Pope

Wickedly Quotes By Devon Ashley

Here I was just thinking all these wonderful things about you and now you're trying to strip down before we can have sex."
His hands casually held in the air, he explained, "I was hot."
"It's seventy degrees in here."
His hands went to his cotton pants, thumbing the cinched band, preparing for a total strip down. Gawd, how I secretly wanted him to do it, but for some reason, the word stop came out of my mouth. At least I agreed with myself when I said, "That is so not fair."
Neither was the way the left side of his mouth curled up, smiling wickedly as his eyes swept across my body. "You're right. Your ogling is making me uncomfortable. You should remove your top to compensate. — Devon Ashley

Wickedly Quotes By Euripides

In my opinion, the unjust man whose tongue is full of glozing rhetoric, merits the heaviest punishment; vaunting that he can with his tongue gloze over injustice, he dares to act wickedly, yet he is not over-wise. — Euripides

Wickedly Quotes By Lisa Wingate

For just a moment, I thought about it. I pictured how it would be, dusting off the rusty Romance Lindsey, long hidden in some box in the back closet of my mind, under piles of more important boxes filled with Work Lindsey, and Mommy Lindsey, Divorce Court Lindsey, and now Shared Custody Lindsey, and Depressed Insane Lindsey.
Was Romance Lindsey even there anymore? Probably not. She had sat forgotten for so long that, like the Skin Horse and the Velveteen Rabbit, she had ceased to be real. I never even thought about her anymore. Until now. Which was a bad sign that the boxes were getting jumbled up and Control Freak Lindsey needed to get to work.
He grinned wickedly, and my stomach fluttered like a firecracker the instant the chain reaction starts inside the casing. Romance Lindsey and Tomboy Lindsey grabbed Mommy Lindsey, shoved her into a box, and sat down on the lid. Control Freak Lindsey ran away screaming. — Lisa Wingate

Wickedly Quotes By Donna Grant

Darcy was floating, soaring. Warrick's kiss was sensual, carnal. It aroused her, inflamed her. His touch was just as wickedly delightful. His hands stroked her back, her butt, holding her tight, as if he couldn't fathom releasing her.
She never wanted the kiss to end. It was too good, too ... perfect. — Donna Grant

Wickedly Quotes By Jeffrey Eugenides

Reading a novel after reading semiotic theory was like jogging empty-handed after jogging with hand weights. What exquisite guilt she felt, wickedly enjoying narrative! Madeleine felt safe with a nineteenth century novel. There were going to be people in it. Something was going to happen to them in a place resembling the world. Then too there were lots of weddings in Wharton and Austen. There were all kinds of irresistible gloomy men. — Jeffrey Eugenides

Wickedly Quotes By Edmund Morris

We must never exercise our rights either wickedly or thoughtlessly; we can continue to preserve them in but one possible way, by making the proper use of them. — Edmund Morris

Wickedly Quotes By Jim Butcher

For a man so strong, he was gentle. When his hands, his arms, his mouth were on her, he moved as if afraid she might shatter if held too tightly. Their nights together had been and remained a blaze of passion, for he was a wickedly patient lover who took delight in her responses to him. But more than that, in the quiet hours after he would hold her, both of them weary, content, sleepy. She would lie in his arms and feel no worry, or sadness, or anxiety. She only felt beautiful. And desired. And safe. — Jim Butcher

Wickedly Quotes By Stephenie Meyer

So what are you going to tell her?"
"A little help?" I pleaded. "What does she want to know?"
He shook his head, grinning wickedly. "That's not fair."
"No, you not sharing what you know-now that's not fair. — Stephenie Meyer