Quotes & Sayings About Someone Sabotaging You
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Top Someone Sabotaging You Quotes
By denying feelings of anger, withdrawing from direct communication, casting themselves in the role of victim, and sabotaging others' success, passive aggressive persons create feelings in others of being on an emotional roller coaster.
...exacting hidden revenge, the passive aggressive individual gets others to act out their hidden anger for them. This ability to control someone else's emotional response makes the passive aggressive person feel powerful. He/she becomes the puppeteer - the master of someone else's universe and the controller of their behavior. — Signe Whitson
All emotions that feel unpleasant are signals of inconsistencies within the collective consciousness. These inconsistencies are often false beliefs of duality in the Universe/God and in opposition to the natural unity of the Principle of Oneness. If you attack or wish ill of someone, you are attaching and sabotaging yourself. If you hate others, you hate yourself. Instead of reacting with dislike or hate, choose instead to just allow that part of you to exist without any judgement. This is the enlightened choice. — Russell Anthony Gibbs
People ask, why hasn't that person busted out? Almost always, at the end of it, consciously or subconsciously, it hasn't happened because that person has chosen for it to not happen. Either walking away, because it wasn't the life they wanted, or through self-sabotaging. — Chris Gethard
What is God trying to tell me? ... I'm just so tired. Why are people sabotaging me? Why, when I try to do something right, do people get angry? — Spencer Haywood
Chloe came up with the crazy idea that we should work SUPERhard in class and earn our black belts by the end of the month. Then we can start a secret crime-fighting team called the Dorky Defenders! She said that superheroes lead very romantic lives, when villains aren't trying to KILL them. After hearing THAT little detail, I wasn't exactly sold on the superhero lifestyle. Having to deal with MacKenzie is quite enough drama, thank you. I don't need any more villains sabotaging my life. — Rachel Renee Russell
He liked the clover, evidence of the country always pressing in close, quietly sabotaging anyone who tried to manicure nature into suburban submission. — Helen Simonson
I wanted so desperately to prove that I was right, even though all of my efforts were obviously self-sabotaging. — Wayne W. Dyer
True, he had chosen to live alone, but not unbearably alone. The worst of being unbearably alone was that you had to bear it - either that or you were sunk. You had to work hard to prevent your mind from sabotaging you by its looking hungrily back at the superabundant past. — Philip Roth
Evaluate the demands in your child's life (at home and at school) - and find at least one "cognitive unicycle" that may be sabotaging him or her. Then, if you can, get rid of it. — Todd Rose
Unfortunately, there's no law against being smart and living stupid, no matter how harmful it may be to you. You can unknowingly ricochet away from your deepest values because you've mistakenly come to believe you don't deserve to live them - and spend much of your life sabotaging what you want most by aiming for just the opposite. This doesn't mean your values haven't always been your values. They're driving you still and they're waiting for you still. Toss them away as forcefully as you want, then duck: boomerang. — Stan Slap
Self-sabotage is the smartest thing you can do if you're sabotaging a self that is not really you. — Armand DiMele
Managing your emotions doesn't mean you don't express yourself; it means you stop short of hurting others and sabotaging yourself. — Sue Fitzmaurice
Lack of forgiveness causes almost all of our self-sabotaging behavior. — Mark Victor Hansen
Few things can mess you up as badly as trying to do your best. For the tender heart, the earnest heart, it is so discouraging to give all you have trying to do what you think Jesus would have you do, and find yourself falling short, sabotaging your own efforts at every turn. Discouragement and shame settle in like a long Seattle rain.
And this is what most Christians experience as the Christian life: Try harder; feel worse. — John Eldredge
The choice for the judge who believes the death penalty to be immoral is resignation, rather than simply ignoring duly enacted, constitutional laws and sabotaging death penalty cases. He has, after all, taken an oath to apply the laws and has been given no power to supplant them with rules of his own. Of course if he feels strongly enough he can go beyond mere resignation and lead a political campaign to abolish the death penaltyand if that fails, lead a revolution. But rewrite the laws he cannot do. — Antonin Scalia
we are highly invested in feeling different from one another - and superior - no matter how flimsy the grounds for our sense of superiority, and no matter how self-sabotaging that may end up being. You — Leonard Mlodinow
Stop sabotaging yourself with "I cannot". Take one step at a time and move steadily towards your goal. — Maria Teresa De Donato
To all of you reading this who are on the fence about therapy because of the cost: It's smart money, spend it. That one hundred bucks an hour pays off down the road when you learn through therapy how to get out of your own way, stop self-sabotaging and thus make good decisions about relationships and career. Think of it as an investment in yourself. Simply going to therapy helps. Just carving out an hour for yourself, and deciding that you and your life are worth spending some time and money on makes a difference. That simple act alone boosts your self-esteem. Don't think of going to therapy as "I'm a broken pile of crap and need someone to fix me," think of it as "I'm going to change myself for the better instead of crying, masturbating and blaming my parents for the rest of my life. — Adam Carolla
To me, that's the important issue about spiritual principle: that you recognize it as both that which saves you from the self-sabotaging mind and that which heals you and lifts you up when you succumb to it and attract whatever personal disaster you attract. — Marianne Williamson
REBT, then, helps you not only to understand what you "are" but to change what you harmfully think, feel, and do. It accepts your desires, wishes, preferences, goals, and values, then tries to help you achieve them. But REBT shows you how to separate your preferences from your insistences - and thus keep from sabotaging your own goals. It gives you insight into what you are now doing rather than into what you (and your damned parents!) have done. — Albert Ellis
The reason you might not be creating the life you want is that you are making most of your decisions unconsciously, and most of your subconscious policies (programs and rules) are fear-based and inaccurate. These inaccurate policies are sabotaging your success, because they don't want the very things you think you consciously want. — Kimberly Giles
Just imagine how much you'd get done if you stopped actively sabotaging your own work. — Seth Godin
The expense of making yourself panicked, enraged, and self-pitying is enormous. In time and money lost. In needless effort spent. In uncalled-for mental anguish. In sabotaging others' happiness. In foolishly frittering away potential joy during the one life - yes, the one life - you'll probably ever have. — Albert Ellis
When I was bartering to gain clients, I was self-sabotaging my business. I wasn't making money, and the promised "exchange of advertising" wasn't helping to grow my business. — Kim Beasley
I still have faith in people. But that is getting increasingly harder to maintain. I just don't see many people today choosing love. I see people passing it up a lot. Foreclosing on it, deferring it, sabotaging, letting go. — Masha Tupitsyn
My team is sabotaging me by not letting me sleep in my motorhome. — Rory Sabbatini
It was a particular sort of Turner weakness: self-sabotaging self-righteousness masked as self-reliance. — Angela Flournoy
Am I early? Human time so bores me. Besides, surprises are a better way to assure you are helping instead of sabotaging me, said the woman who - let's take a wild leap here and call this sex bomb, Aphrodite.
A & E Kirk (2014-05-26). Drop Dead Demons: The Divinicus Nex Chronicles: Book 2 (Divinicus Nex Chronicles series) (p. 484). A&E Kirk. Kindle Edition. — A&E Kirk
Although he was a young and virile man at 37, he was not inexhaustible. In addition to food and drink, he had better lay in a couple thousand tablets of viagra. The drug would probably remain potent if he vacuum packed the pills in groups of 10 and kept them in a freezer. That would work unless civilization completely collapsed and power companies were unable to function. Fortunately, Jim had a propane-powered backup generator with half a dozen tanks of fuel already on hand. If Henry added to the propane supply, and he used the generator only for essential maintenance like keeping the viagra freezer operating in warm weather, he would be happy here on the farm for a looong, looong time. Unless, even now, dead Jim was out there in the generator shed sabotaging the machinery. — Dean Koontz
While sabotaging our reliable energy sources, Obama is also throwing as much federal money as he can at failed green energy projects, which are so ill-conceived that a reasonable person might conclude this goal is to waste money. Solyndra wasn't the only such failed enterprise, as we've shown. There were a dozen others, and despite these failures and the unconscionable waste, he has revealed nothing but a defiant determination to double down and spend more on other such projects. It's mind-blowing. — David Limbaugh
I have trouble asking for what I want, especially when it comes to men."
"If you don't ask for what you want, how do you get it?" Felicia asked. "If you're relying on him guessing, you're sabotaging your own happiness. — Susan Mallery
The rewards are profound. Shadow-work enables us to alter our self-sabotaging behavior so that we can achieve a more self-directed life. — Connie Zweig
Most of us don't fear that we are not enough; what most of us really fear is our own greatness. Most of us have a fear of success. Why? Because we don't think that we deserve to be successful in anything. This is why people recklessly spend their money or don't work as hard as they could or do things that they know are wrong. They are hindering their own success on purpose, because they don't think they deserve it. They cut their own legs out from underneath them on purpose. They are self-sabotaging. — Lisa Bedrick