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Plucking Quotes & Sayings

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Top Plucking Quotes

Plucking Quotes By Barbara Tuchman

No female iniquity was more severely condemned [in the 14th century] than the habit of plucking eyebrows and the hairline to heighten the forehead. — Barbara Tuchman

Plucking Quotes By Angelina Jolie

The fact is I am not having sex. But I feel absolutely ripe for the, what would you say? plucking? — Angelina Jolie

Plucking Quotes By Rachel Bloom

One of the ways that my show has been most successful is when it's dealing with women's issues, like Spanx and plucking and having heavy tits. That's why it feels like, creatively, an advantage. — Rachel Bloom

Plucking Quotes By Laurence Sterne

Did not Dr. Kunastrokius, that great man, at his leisure hours, take the greatest delight imaginable in combing of asses tails, and plucking the dead hairs out with his teeth, though he had tweezers always in his pocket? — Laurence Sterne

Plucking Quotes By Ashley Jensen

I was in King Lear with Sir Tom Courtenay at The Royal Exchange in Manchester. In fact, that's where I met my husband. I was playing Regan and he was playing Cornwall and together we fell in love plucking out Gloucester's eyes. It was great fun. Everyone assumes that I was Cordelia because I've got blonde hair but I was Regan and they gave me a long auburn wig. It was great, good fun. — Ashley Jensen

Plucking Quotes By Rachel Heffington

When the holly's in the red
And the pine is in the green,
When the mornings all are frosty,
In a brilliant silver sheen
Then I love to go a' walking
Rambling here and there, quite slow,
Plucking greenery and berries;
Wishing for a Christmas snow — Rachel Heffington

Plucking Quotes By George R R Martin

-[ ... ]what did the bearded queen have to say?
-Her Grace can provide no help.
-Too busy plucking out her chin hairs, is she? — George R R Martin

Plucking Quotes By Norman Rush

I feel like someone after a deluge being asked to describe the way it was before the flood while I'm still plucking seaweed out of my hair. — Norman Rush

Plucking Quotes By Edward Burns

A bird in the hand is worth plucking, frying, and sticking between two bits of bread. — Edward Burns

Plucking Quotes By Tamar Adler

Though plucking artichoke leaves doesn't mend all cracked spirits as firmly as pea shelling, it has its own curative power. There is a Dutch saying: "Bitter in the mouth cures the heart." If you happen to have a friend shaken by heartache, hand over a bag of raw artichokes. Once she has relieved them of their leaves, encourage one brave bite. Between the meditative peeling and the bitter taste, she should be completely healed. If there are no artichokes around, raw dandelion greens are a good substitute. — Tamar Adler

Plucking Quotes By Nescio

The unknown doesn't bother me. I nod now and then to the beautiful women plucking the flowers in my gardens and I hear the wind rustling through the high pines, through the forests of certainty, of knowing that all this exists whenever I decide to think it. I am grateful that this has been given to me. And I puff on my pipe in all humility and feel like God himself, who is infinity itself. I sit there aimlessly, God's aim is aimlessness.

But to keep this awareness always is granted to no man — Nescio

Plucking Quotes By Joanne Stepaniak

There is no logical basis to support the theory that plants feel pain. The dubious possibility that they might, however, is no justification for killing obviously sentient beings. Any rational person understands the striking difference between slitting the throat of a sentient animal and plucking a fruit or a vegetable. — Joanne Stepaniak

Plucking Quotes By Amanda Lovelace

i used to think
i was broken

i never once

spent my

swollen pomegranates

someone else's tree.

- then i learned that society is broken, not me. — Amanda Lovelace

Plucking Quotes By Tarryn Fisher

I was afraid of him. He was outplaying me, plucking all of my weapons from my fingers and making me feel like a toothless tiger. — Tarryn Fisher

Plucking Quotes By Emily Dickinson

Angels in the early morning may be seen the dews among. Stooping, plucking, smiling, flying. Do the buds to them belong? — Emily Dickinson

Plucking Quotes By Pleasefindthis

She reminds him of every good day he's ever had. Every summer spent in fields of grass. Every sunrise. Every sunset. She tastes like dew and smells like light. And when she speaks, it's like someone slowly plucking the strings of a guitar, a sadly beautiful song starting to play, all his own. And he loves her. — Pleasefindthis

Plucking Quotes By Rita Dove

I've always felt that the poems I've written which have historical context are hopefully not just simply plucking something out of history and saying great, let's write about that. In every case what has happened is that I've become fascinated or haunted by something and couldn't shake it. — Rita Dove

Plucking Quotes By Paul L. Maier

Who set Rome on fire? The man we must admire. For killing his wife, and taking the life of mother and brother and so many others, while plucking his damnable lyre. — Paul L. Maier

Plucking Quotes By Rita Ora

If I'm not working and getting my makeup done, that's my chance to do a hair mask and a face mask and my plucking and waxing and all of that. — Rita Ora

Plucking Quotes By Jen Hatmaker

Let's treat each other well, making more space for every sort of ragamuffin. We needn't mistake unity with uniformity; we can have the first without the second. The breadth of God's family is mercifully wide. Grace has no discernment, apparently. Jesus created a motley crew, plucking us from every context and inaugurating a piecemeal clan that has only ever functioned with mercy. We should be grabbing hands, throwing our heads back, and laughing that God saved us all, because surely this is the messiest family ever and He loves us anyway. Our shared redemption should keep us grateful and kind, because what other response even makes sense? May the world see a thankful, committed family who loves their God, adores their Savior, and can't get enough of one another. This is a story that saves, a story that heals, and the right story to tell. — Jen Hatmaker

Plucking Quotes By Debra Anastasia

-I'll play you a song.
Blake flexed his fingers and concentrated harder on the cardboard, moving his hands methodically over it's surface.
What do you say after an imaginary concert?
Livia watched as the song came to a close with his careful plucking a certain keys on the cardboard. She couldn't help but glance to see if the commuters were staring.
-I couldn't hear that, but your hands looked beautiful.
-Of course not. It's not plugged in.
Blake smiled, then watched as she didn't get his joke. — Debra Anastasia

Plucking Quotes By Lauren Weisberger

Smokers always waxed poetic about the ritual of it, how a large part of the satisfaction was packing the box and pulling the foil wrapper and plucking an aromatic stick. They claimed they loved the lighting, the ashing, the feeling of being able to hold something between their fingers. That was all well and good, but there was nothing quite like actually smoking it: Leigh loved inhaling. To pull with your lips on that filter and feel the smoke drift across your tongue, down your throat, and directly into your lungs was to be transported momentarily to nirvana. She remembered- every day- how it felt after the first inhale, just as the nicotine was hitting her bloodstream. A few seconds of both tranquility and alertness, together, in exactly the right amounts. Then the slow exhale- forceful enough so that the smoke didn't merely seep from your mouth but not so energetic that it disrupted the moment- would complete the blissful experience. — Lauren Weisberger

Plucking Quotes By Fennel Hudson

To not use a talent to the best of your ability is to stifle the thing that makes you most special. It is like plucking the wings off a butterfly. — Fennel Hudson

Plucking Quotes By Thomas Bailey Aldrich

Everywhere on the Continent, the tourist is looked upon as a bird to be plucked, and presently the bird himself feebly comes to regard plucking as his proper destiny and abjectly holds out his wing so long as there is a feather left on it. — Thomas Bailey Aldrich

Plucking Quotes By Henry H. Neff

Sorry, Toby," said Max, plucking up the smee by one end. "This will have to do." He unceremoniously dunked the creature into a nearby pitcher of water. "Better?"
"Invigorated," groused the smee. "And now I will ask you to kindly put me down and never to grab me by that particular part of my anatomy again."
Horrified, Max promptly dropped the smee onto its pillow. — Henry H. Neff

Plucking Quotes By Kathleen E. Woodiwiss

Erienne stared up at him, and when she spoke it was almost in awe. "And what of you, Christopher? If I were to yield myself to you, would you, then, honor me?"
"Honor you?" he breathed. "Sweetest Erienne, how could I not? You are ever in my thoughts, bending me, twisting me, plucking at the fibers of my mind. The man inside me trembles whenever you're near, and I groan in agony for the touch of your hand laid upon me in a soft caress. I am beset with my desire for you, and if I thought for one moment that you would not loathe me forever, I would ease my lusts this very night, be you willing or nay. But I'd rather hear my name fall from your lips with words of love than snarled in tones of hate. 'Tis the one thing that keeps you safe from me, Erienne. 'Tis the only thing."

-Erienne & Christopher — Kathleen E. Woodiwiss

Plucking Quotes By Georgette Heyer

I may be a little fool,' retorted Miss Challoner, plucking up spirit, 'but at least I meant it for the best. While as for you, my lord, you meant nothing but wicked mischief right from the start. — Georgette Heyer

Plucking Quotes By Debasish Mridha

The best way to love a woman is to let her bloom like a flower so that you can enjoy her beauty without plucking her petals. — Debasish Mridha

Plucking Quotes By Kiersten White

Fabulous Jack said, reaching down and plucking a crimson flower. A small scream sounded from it as he severed the stem. He smiled maliciously, then started stomping with abandon through the beds of blossoms, a chorus of tinny, shrill screams punctuating every step. — Kiersten White

Plucking Quotes By Elizabeth Hoyt

You look pensive," he said quietly, holding his hand out from where he lay on the bed. He wore only his shirt and breeches. She went to him without protest. Why pretend when they really had so little time left together? He gathered her against him, her back to his front, and began plucking the pins from her coiffure. "Have I told you how much I admire your hair?" "It's just plain brown," she murmured. "Plain, lovely brown," he replied, raising a lock he'd freed to his face. "Are you smelling my hair?" she asked in amusement. "Yes." "Silly man," she said lightly. "Smitten man," he corrected, spreading her hair over her shoulders. "I've been watching you today." "In between escorting Miss Royle about the garden?" she asked, glancing over her shoulder at him. "Yes. I'd rather it'd been you, but that wouldn't've been prudent." He frowned down at the strands of her hair caught between his fingers. "Or, perhaps, safe. — Elizabeth Hoyt

Plucking Quotes By Kinley MacGregor

Well, well. What have we here? (Thief #1)
Looks like we got some little pigeons just right for a plucking. (Thief #2)
Well, well. What have we here? (Sin)
Looks like a pack of fools wanting to die. (Braden) — Kinley MacGregor

Plucking Quotes By Julie Powell

I began to ponder; this life we had for ourselves, Eric and I, it felt like the opposite of Potage Parmentier. It was easy enough to keep on with the soul-sucking jobs; at least it saved having to make a choice. But how much longer could I take such an easy life? Quicksand was easy. Hell, death was easy. Maybe that's why my synapses had started snapping at the sight of potatoes and leeks in the Korean deli. Maybe that was what was plucking deep down in my belly whenever I thought of Julia Child's book. Maybe I needed to make like a potato, winnow myself down, be a part of something that was not easy, just simple. — Julie Powell

Plucking Quotes By Robert Jordan

You got further plucking the chicken in front of you than trying to start on one up a tree. Especially when the tree was in another country and there might not even be another chicken. — Robert Jordan

Plucking Quotes By Scott Wilbanks

A dream is a slippery thing, plucking and bending and toying with our memories, sometimes acting as a bridge between the living, the loved, and the loved no-longer-living, but more often than not acting as a lesson not quite learned. — Scott Wilbanks

Plucking Quotes By Neil DeGrasse Tyson

I don't care what town you're born in, what city, what country. If you're a child, you are curious about your environment. You're overturning rocks. You're plucking leaves off of trees and petals off of flowers, looking inside, and you're doing things that create disorder in the lives of the adults around you. — Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Plucking Quotes By Selenis Leyva

My grandmother was this amazing woman in the Dominican Republic who used to read tea leaves and palms. She would cure people in her neighborhood by going into her garden, plucking a couple of leaves, and brewing teas. — Selenis Leyva

Plucking Quotes By Robert Lowell

"You can buy cooler, more humdrum pets
a monkey deprived of his mother in the cradle
feels the want of her affection so keenly
he either pines away or masters you
by literally hanging on your neck
no ounce of your patience or courage is misplaced;
the worst is his air of boredom and neglect,
manifested in tail-chewing and fur plucking.
The whole species is vulnerable to killing colds,
likes straw, hay or bits of a torn blanket,
a floortray thinly covered with sawdust,
they need trapezes, shelves, old rubber tires
any string or beam will do to set them swinging
these charming youngsters tend to sour with age — Robert Lowell

Plucking Quotes By Geri Jewell

You know the hardest thing about having cerebral palsy and being a woman? It's plucking your eyebrows. That's how I originally got pierced ears. — Geri Jewell

Plucking Quotes By Dean Koontz

Between two of the joists, backlit by a bare dust-coated bulb in a white ceramic socket, a fat spider danced from string to string, plucking from its silken harp a music beyond human hearing. Bibi — Dean Koontz

Plucking Quotes By George R R Martin

Morality is a closely knit garment that binds tightly when it binds at all, but the vastnesses that lie between the stars are prone to unraveling it, to plucking it apart into so many loose threads, each brightly colored, but forming no discernible pattern. — George R R Martin

Plucking Quotes By Peter C. Brown

As he throws himself into one scheme after another, he draws lessons that improve his focus and judgment. He knits what he learns into mental models of investing, which he then uses to size up more complex opportunities and find his way through the weeds, plucking the telling details from masses of irrelevant information to reach the payoff at the end. These behaviors are what psychologists call "rule learning" and "structure building." People who as a matter of habit extract underlying principles or rules from new experiences are more successful learners than those who take their experiences at face value, failing to infer lessons that can be applied later in similar situations. Likewise, people who single out salient concepts from the less important information they encounter in new material and who link these key ideas into a mental structure are more successful learners than those who cannot separate wheat from chaff and understand how the wheat is made into flour. — Peter C. Brown

Plucking Quotes By Jim Behrle

Now, you might think that because there are more poets than ever, there might be more opportunities for poets than ever. And you'd be correct. If your fondest wish is to become the next totally obscure minor poet on the block, well, you're probably already successful at that. This literary landscape has proven itself infinitely capable of absorbing countless interchangeable artists, all doing roughly the same thing in relative anonymity: just happily plucking away until death at the grindstone, making no great cultural headway, bouncing poems off their friends and an audience of about 40 people. A totally fine little life for an artist, to be sure. No grand expectations from the world to sit up and listen. One can live out one's days quite satisfied to create something enjoyed by a genial cult. But that's not why any of us are here tonight. We're here to conquer American Poetry and suck it dry of all glory and juice. — Jim Behrle

Plucking Quotes By Christian Wiman

What you must realize, what you must even come to praise, is the fact that there is no right way that is going to become apparent to you once and for all. The most blinding illumination that strikes and perhaps radically changes your life will be so attenuated and obscured by doubts and dailiness that you may one day come to suspect the truth of that moment at all. The calling that seemed so clear will be lost in echoes of questionings and indecision; the church that seemed to save you will fester with egos, complacencies, banalities; the deepest love of your life will work itself like a thorn in your heart until all you can think of is plucking it out. Wisdom is accepting the truth of this. Courage is persisting with life in spite of it. And faith is finding yourself, in the deepest part of your soul, in the very heart of who you are, moved to praise it. — Christian Wiman

Plucking Quotes By Katy Lederer

There is, in the heart, the hard-rendering profit. As if we were plucking the leaves from the trees. — Katy Lederer

Plucking Quotes By C.S. Lewis

I believe, to be sure, that any man who reaches Heaven will find that what he abandoned (even in plucking out his right eye) has not been lost: that the kernel of what he was really seeking even in his most depraved wishes will be there, beyond expectation, waiting for him in 'the High Countries'. — C.S. Lewis

Plucking Quotes By A.P.

What's that she's fiddling with when she ought to be listening? I do believe it's a pair of tweezers. She's plucking the hairs off her arms. Off her arms, of all places. Not even legs or face, which is bad enough, but arms. Holy shit, what pathetic geisha behaviour - pain in order to please the male; has no one ever told her she has the right to be hairy if that's the way she's made? — A.P.

Plucking Quotes By Beverly Cleary

Writers are good at plucking out what they need here and there. — Beverly Cleary

Plucking Quotes By Joseph Conrad

In plucking the fruit of memory one runs the risk of spoiling its bloom, especially if it has got to be carried into the market. — Joseph Conrad

Plucking Quotes By William Gaddis

Holy things and holy places, out of mind under the cauterizing brilliance of the summer son, reared up now as the winter sun struck from the south, casting shadows coldly upon the avenues where the people followed and went in, wearing winter hearts on their sleeves for the plucking. — William Gaddis

Plucking Quotes By Hwang Sok-yong

There is an old saying that goes 'Start by plucking a hair, end by killing a man'. It is also said, 'Two hands must meet to make a sound'. The atrocities that happened here weren't carried out by strangers - it was us, the people who'd once lived together harmoniously in the same village."
"They say it was the superstitious freaks who did it."
"No, it was Satan who did it."
"Come now, what sort of a ghost is that?"
Ryu Yosop replied, "It is the black thing that lives in the heart of every man. — Hwang Sok-yong

Plucking Quotes By Vivienne Savage

You're a beautiful woman." "I want to be more than that," she said, plucking petals off a wildflower. "I want someone who wants me for more than my pretty face or my title. — Vivienne Savage

Plucking Quotes By Cheryl Strayed

It's hard to go. It's scary and lonely ... and half the time you'll be wondering why the hell you're in Cincinnati or Austin or North Dakota or Mongolia or wherever your melodious little finger-plucking heinie takes you. There will be boondoggles and discombobulated days, freaked-out nights and metaphorical flat tires.
But it will be soul-smashingly beautiful ... It will open up your life. — Cheryl Strayed

Plucking Quotes By Elizabeth Lynn Casey

Since when did you start plucking books off the children's shelf, Leona? — Elizabeth Lynn Casey

Plucking Quotes By Cillian Murphy

I take my hat off to the ladies. The amount of grooming-plucking and shaving and all the other things men never have to do. I went down and spent time with transvestites in London in the clubs and all that. Got an insight to that world, and it's a mad world, but they are very warm and very open people. It was a great experience. — Cillian Murphy

Plucking Quotes By Gautama Buddha

You don't gather the beauty of a flower by plucking her petals. — Gautama Buddha

Plucking Quotes By Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Here's the new art of the twenty-first century: the art of curating, the art of plucking all the good stuff from a superabundance of crap. — Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Plucking Quotes By Dennis Gabor

Poetry is plucking at the heartstrings, and making music with them. — Dennis Gabor

Plucking Quotes By Barbara Kingsolver

The view from our garden is spectacular. I thought about people I knew who right at that moment might be plucking chickens, picking strawberries and lettuce, just for us. I felt grateful to the people involved, and the animals also. I don't say this facetiously. I sent my thanks across the county, like any sensible person saying grace before a meal. — Barbara Kingsolver

Plucking Quotes By Jean-Baptiste Colbert

The art of taxation consists in so plucking the goose as to obtain the largest amount of feathers with the least possible amount of hissing. — Jean-Baptiste Colbert

Plucking Quotes By Mehmet Murat Ildan

Flowers represent hope for us; but we do not represent hope for them! Let us keep the flowers in the soil; no plucking! — Mehmet Murat Ildan

Plucking Quotes By Beth Michele

His touch does strange things to me. It makes me feel things. Things I'm not supposed to feel. Things I can't allow myself to feel. It's like his fingers are strumming my heartstrings, pulling, plucking, twisting, and I'm helpless. Completely and utterly helpless. — Beth Michele

Plucking Quotes By Lisa Kleypas

The covers slipped between them. Amelia shivered as the cool air wafted over her naked back and shoulders. "Come back to bed," she whispered. "I need you to warm me."
Cam stripped away his shirt, and laughed quietly as he felt her hands plucking at the buttons of his trousers. "What happened to my prudish gadji?"
"I'm afraid" - she reached into his open falls and stroked his aroused flesh - " that continued association with you has made me shameless."
"Good, I was hoping for that. — Lisa Kleypas

Plucking Quotes By Kylie Scott

The opening notes of a song began, some plucking of guitar strings. I knew the melody. It was Maroon 5's "She Will Be Loved." As pop songs went, it was pretty damn good, a bit of a favorite of mine. — Kylie Scott

Plucking Quotes By James Joyce

Woodshadows floated silently by through the morning peace from the stairhead seaward where he gazed. Inshore and farther out the mirror of water whitened, spurned by lightshod hurrying feet. White breast of the dim sea. The twining stresses, two by two. A hand plucking the harpstrings, merging their twining chords. Wavewhite wedded words shimmering on the dim tide. — James Joyce

Plucking Quotes By Homer

The day that robs a child of his parents severs him from his own kind; his head is bowed, his cheeks are wet with tears, and he will go about destitute among the friends of his father, plucking one by the cloak and another by the shirt. Some one or other of these may so far pity him as to hold the cup for a moment towards him and let him moisten his lips, but he must not drink enough to wet the roof of his mouth; then one whose parents are alive will drive him from the table with blows and angry words. — Homer

Plucking Quotes By Frances Hardinge

One of the two of us, thought Mosca, is in a lot of trouble right now. I wonder which of us it is? She isn't turning pale or plucking at her handkerchief. Oh draggles, I think it's me. — Frances Hardinge

Plucking Quotes By Kathleen E. Woodiwiss

Honor you? he breathed. Sweetest Erienne, how could I not? You are ever in my thoughts, bending me, plucking at the fibers of my mind. The man inside me trembles whenever you're near, and I groan with agony for the touch of your hand laid upon me in a soft caress. — Kathleen E. Woodiwiss

Plucking Quotes By Ronald Reagan

I've been told that some members of Congress disagree with my tax cut proposal. Well, you know it's been said that taxation is the art of plucking feathers without killing the bird. It's time they realized the bird just doesn't have any feathers left. — Ronald Reagan

Plucking Quotes By Arthur W. Pink

Again, there are multitudes who are quite ready for Christ to justify them, but not to sanctify. Some kind, some degree, of sanctification they will tolerate, but to be sanctified wholly,their "whole spirit and soul and body" (1 Thess. 5:23), they have no relish for. For their hearts to be sanctified, for pride and covetousness to be subdued, would be too much like the plucking out of a right eye. For the constant mortification of all their members they have no taste. For Christ to come to them as Refiner, to burn up their lusts, consume their dross, to dissolve utterly their old frame of nature, to melt their souls, so as to make them run in a new mould, they like not. To deny self utterly, and take up their cross daily, is a task from which they shrink with abhorrence. — Arthur W. Pink

Plucking Quotes By Rabih Alameddine

All living languages are promiscuous. We promiscuous speakers shamelessly shoplift words, plucking bons mots and phrases from any tempting language. We wear these words when we wish to be more formal, more elegant, more mysterious, worldly, precise, vague. — Rabih Alameddine

Plucking Quotes By Emmanuelle De Maupassant

She is drawn to the river, and all its hideous, dead-eyed treasures: rot-bloated cats, and cold-meat corpses of unwanted infants, eels plucking at their tender fingers and toes. — Emmanuelle De Maupassant

Plucking Quotes By Carmen Reid

Very sweetly, he always told her he loved her just the way she was. Although, honestly he had no idea. She shuddered to think what she would really look like if she stopped waxing, plucking, highlighting, manicuring, applying make-up and
dressing with care and concentration. — Carmen Reid

Plucking Quotes By Kurt Vonnegut

Roses are red,
And ready for plucking,
You're sixteen,
And ready for high school. — Kurt Vonnegut

Plucking Quotes By Adam Jones

As long as I can remember, growing up we had a guitar around our house, and I was always plucking on it. — Adam Jones

Plucking Quotes By Caroline Norton

A child's eyes, those clear, wells of undefiled thought - what on earth can be more beautiful? Full of hope, love and curiosity, they meet your own. In prayer, how earnest; in joy, how sparkling; in sympathy, how tender! The man who never tried the companionship of a little child has carelessly passed by one of the great pleasures of life, as one passes a rare flower without plucking it or knowing its value — Caroline Norton

Plucking Quotes By Virginia Woolf

If we didn't live venturously, plucking the wild goat by the beard, and trembling over precipices, we should never be depressed, I've no doubt; but already should be faded, fatalistic and aged. — Virginia Woolf

Plucking Quotes By Israelmore Ayivor

Your initiatives should be purposeful. Never climb a tree with the purpose of plucking a fruit, only to come down with a leaf. — Israelmore Ayivor

Plucking Quotes By Tamara Agha-Jaffar

It happened so quickly. One minute I was plucking the flower, and the next I was in his chariot immersed in darkness. I struggled to wrench myself free from his grasp and run away. I twisted as far as I could, hoping to see mother chasing after me. But ahead of me, behind me, on either side of me, everywhere I looked, all I could see was darkness. — Tamara Agha-Jaffar

Plucking Quotes By J.C. Ryle

Beware of letting small faults pass unnoticed under the idea it is a little one. There are no little things in training children; all are important. Little weeds need plucking up as much as any. Leave them alone and they will soon be great. — J.C. Ryle

Plucking Quotes By Wes Craven

I did have the resource of having taught Greek mythology and the history of Western civilization, and you can go back into the plays of Aeschylus and follow what happens when people seek revenge, and there are people plucking their eyes out. And Greek mythology is filled with all kinds of monsters and whatnot. — Wes Craven

Plucking Quotes By Jo Beverley

Her eyelashes lay on her cheek, but they were not extraordinarily thick or long. Her eyebrows would benefit from plucking, but they were elegantly curved. — Jo Beverley

Plucking Quotes By Rita Ora

Eyebrows are really important because they structure the face. In school it was funny because I was always the one walking around with tweezers plucking my girlfriends' eyebrows. I was really good; eyebrow tweezing runs in my family - my mother used to do mine, and I picked it up. — Rita Ora

Plucking Quotes By Joseph Stalin

The way to handle people is to treat them like chickens. Take away everything they have by plucking all their feathers and then throw them a few bread crumbs. They will then follow you forever. — Joseph Stalin

Plucking Quotes By Rabindranath Tagore

By plucking her petals you do not gather the beauty of the flower. — Rabindranath Tagore

Plucking Quotes By George R R Martin

My name is Marillion," the singer said, plucking a string on his woodharp. "Doubtless you've heard me play somewhere? — George R R Martin

Plucking Quotes By Heather O'Neill

It might seem like the easier way to get rid of a poet would be just to take him out to the backyard, have him kneel between the cans with tomato plants in them and put a bullet in his brain. But they knew from history that it doesn't work to kill a writer. Every time you shoot a poet,a dozen new ones are born. It's like plucking a grey hair. — Heather O'Neill

Plucking Quotes By Steven D. Levitt

Information is the currency of the Internet. As a medium, the Internet is brilliantly efficient at shifting information from the hands of those who have it into the hands of those who do not. Often, as in the case of term life insurance prices, the information existed but in a woefully scattered way. (In such instances, the Internet acts like a gigantic horseshoe magnet waved over an endless sea of haystacks, plucking the needle out of each one.) The Internet has accomplished what even the most fervent consumer advocates usually cannot: it has vastly shrunk the gap between the experts and the public. — Steven D. Levitt

Plucking Quotes By Samuel Park

Regret and pangs of conscience are feelings we assign to others to make the world seem a little more fair, to even things out a little and provide consolation. In reality, those who do wrong to us never think about us as much as we think about them, and that is the ultimate irony: their deeds live inside us, festering, while they live out in the world, plucking peaches off trees, biting juicily into them, their minds on things lovely and sweet. — Samuel Park

Plucking Quotes By Arthur Nersesian

As the components of your life are stripped away, after all the ambitions and hopes vaporize, you reach a self-reflective starkness
the repetitious plucking of a single overwound string. — Arthur Nersesian

Plucking Quotes By Olivia Wilde

I love the eyebrow pencils. I do my brows every day. I won't leave my house without my brows! My beauty disaster from childhood was trying to look like Kate Moss and plucking all my brows off. — Olivia Wilde

Plucking Quotes By George W. Bush

There are jobs Americans arent doing ... If youve got a chicken factory, a chicken-plucking factory, or whatever you call them, you know what Im talking about. — George W. Bush

Plucking Quotes By Lilith Saintcrow

His eyebrows drew together. He was perilously close to unibrow; I guess nobody had held him down and administered a good plucking to the caterpillar climbing across his forehead. — Lilith Saintcrow

Plucking Quotes By Stephen King

She is a cat with a burning tail, an ant under a microscope, a fly about to lose its wings to the curious plucking fingers of a third-grader on a rainy day, a game for bored children with no bodies and the whole universe at their feet. — Stephen King

Plucking Quotes By John Greenleaf Whittier

Thine to work as well as pray, Clearing thorny wrongs away; Plucking up the weeds of sin, Letting heaven's warm sunshine in. — John Greenleaf Whittier

Plucking Quotes By A. Lee Martinez

Quiet descended, a silence so consuming that even the drafty corridors ceased whistling. Bog wasn't certain where to look, so he solved the problem by plucking out his eyes and sticking them in a drawer. — A. Lee Martinez

Plucking Quotes By Manasa Rao

Borrowing other people's culture and adopting other people's way of life does destroy nation's self-respect which is the greatest asset a true citizen can enjoy more than food and clothes, more than all amenities and more than military glory. You can adopt a system of government and a way of life, but can you adopt the past history, travail and tradition out of which that system of government and a way of life were evolved? Can we adopt King Charles, King John, Magna Carta and civil wars and Cromwell as our own? They can always say "We evolved a system and a way of life", but we must always sing in refrain, "We borrowed them". Adopting a culture is not the same as adopting the use of a gadget. It is like tying other peoples' mangoes to your tree, while plucking and throwing away your own. How absurd! — Manasa Rao

Plucking Quotes By Rachel Harris

The low E is at the top, the second string is A, then it's D, G, B, and the last one is high E." A mnemonic device he once heard came to mind and, plucking the strings, he said, "Eddie Ate Dynamite ... Good Bye Eddie,. — Rachel Harris

Plucking Quotes By Natalia Vodianova

But when my grandmother saw me plucking [my eyebrows] she said: 'Don't. You will regret it. One day you will wake up with no eyebrows and think how stupid you were. Your eyebrows are the most beautiful thing about you.' — Natalia Vodianova

Plucking Quotes By Courteney Cox

Well, actually, plucking my eyebrows is more of a hobby than a grooming tip. — Courteney Cox

Plucking Quotes By Phil Robertson

I have a God-given right to pursue happiness, and happiness to me is killing things, skinning them, plucking them, and then having a good meal. What makes me happy is going out and blowing a duck's head off. — Phil Robertson