Famous Quotes & Sayings

Lively Love Quotes & Sayings

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Top Lively Love Quotes

Lively Love Quotes By Blake Lively

I love scuba diving. I'm an avid diver. And, there's this beautiful world that's more incredible than any CGI film we could ever make, that we're destroying, for what? It's heartbreaking to me. — Blake Lively

Lively Love Quotes By Erica Jong

If she has been called a woman of the town, a tart, a bawd, a wanton, a bawdy-basket, a bird-of-the-game, a bit of stuff, a buttered bun, a cockatrice, a cock-chafer, a cow, a crack, a cunt, a daughter of Eve, a gay-girl, a gobble-prick, a high-flyer, a high-roller, a hussy, a hurry-whore, a jill, a jude, a judy, a jug, laced mutton, lift-skirts, light o' love, merry legs, minx, moll, moonlighter, morsel, mutton-broker, mount, nestcock, night-bird, night-piece, night-walker, nymph of darkness, nymph of the pavement, petticoat, pick-up, piece, pillow-mate, pinch-prick, pole-climber, prancer, quail, quiet mouse, or even Queen - it is not surprising. A woman of lively parts is as likely to be slandered as she is to be praised. — Erica Jong

Lively Love Quotes By Penelope Lively

Matt only knew that he was entirely happy, wholly in love, and that years of this rolled ahead, waiting for him. — Penelope Lively

Lively Love Quotes By Jane Austen

Not all that Mrs. Bennet, however, with the assistance of her five daughters, could ask on the subject, was sufficient to draw from her husband any satisfactory description of Mr. Bingley. They attacked him in various ways - with barefaced questions, ingenious suppositions, and distant surmises; but he eluded the skill of them all, and they were at last obliged to accept the second-hand intelligence of their neighbour, Lady Lucas. Her report was highly favourable. Sir William had been delighted with him. He was quite young, wonderfully handsome, extremely agreeable, and, to crown the whole, he meant to be at the next assembly with a large party. Nothing could be more delightful! To be fond of dancing was a certain step towards falling in love; and very lively hopes of Mr. Bingley's heart were entertained. — Jane Austen

Lively Love Quotes By John Berendt

[Quoting Miss Harty:]

"People come here from all over the country and fall in love with Savannah. Then they move here and pretty soon they're telling us how much more lively and prosperous Savannah could be if we only knew what we had and how to take advantage of it. I call these people 'Gucci carpetbaggers. — John Berendt

Lively Love Quotes By Laura Amy Schlitz

The girls who come into my library adore the prettiness of fairies, theminiature-ness. But they are also nature lovers and lovers of adventure
the future wild women of America. I couldn't help thinking that these little girls who love fairies deserve something lively. — Laura Amy Schlitz

Lively Love Quotes By Blake Lively

If I wasn't an actress, I'd be a chef. I'd love to open a restaurant. — Blake Lively

Lively Love Quotes By P.G. Wodehouse

Great pals we've always been. In fact there was a time when I had an idea I was in love with Cynthia. However, it blew over. A dashed pretty and lively and attractive girl, mind you, but full of ideals and all that. I may be wronging her, but I have an idea that she's the sort of girl who would want a fellow to carve out a career and what not. I know I've heard her speak favourably of Napoleon. So what with one thing and another the jolly old frenzy sort of petered out, and now we're just pals. I think she's a topper, and she thinks me next door to a looney, so everything's nice and matey. — P.G. Wodehouse

Lively Love Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Express your feelings, no matter what. Make your every word beautiful, bright, and lovely. Make your every thought creative, caring, and lively. — Debasish Mridha

Lively Love Quotes By F Scott Fitzgerald

Marriage was created not to be a background but to need one. Mine is going to be outstanding. It can't, shan't be the setting - it's going to be the performance, the lively, lovely, glamorous performance, and the world shall be the scenery. — F Scott Fitzgerald

Lively Love Quotes By Saint Ignatius

Among the many signs of a lively faith and hope we have in eternal life, one of the surest is not being overly sad at the death of those whom we dearly love in our Lord. — Saint Ignatius

Lively Love Quotes By Blake Lively

To be around me, you must love food, or I'm the most obnoxious person you've ever met. — Blake Lively

Lively Love Quotes By Theodore Roethke

Wish For A Young Wife
My lizard, my lively writher
May your limbs never wither
May the eyes in your face
Survive the green ice
Of envy's mean gaze;
May you live out your life
Without hate, without grief,
And your hair ever blaze,
In the sun, in the sun,
When I am undone,
When I am no one. — Theodore Roethke

Lively Love Quotes By Georgette Heyer

The Reverend William Trent, whose mind was of a serious order, had several times warned his elder sister that too lively a sense of humour frequently led to laxity of principle. She now perceived how right he was; and wondered, in dismay, whether it was because he invariably made her laugh that instead of regarding the Nonesuch with revulsion she was obliged to struggle against the impulse to cast every scruple to the winds, and to give her life into his keeping. — Georgette Heyer

Lively Love Quotes By Martha Beck

The thing I love most about my job is watching people age backward, becoming more lively and energetic as they free themselves from situations that are toxic to their essential selves. — Martha Beck

Lively Love Quotes By Marjorie Spock

In a universe where all life is in movement, where ever fact seen in perspective is totally engaging, we impose stillness on lively young bodies, distort reality to dullness, make action drudgery. Those who submit - as the majority does - are conditioned to a life lived without their human birthright: work done with the joy and creativity of love.
But what are schools for if not to make children fall so deeply in love with the world that they really want to learn about it? That is the true business of schools. And if they succeed in it, all other desirable developments follow of themselves.
In a proper school, no fact would ever be presented as a soulless one, for the simple reason that there is no such thing. Every facet of reality, discovered where it lives, startles with its wonder, beauty, meaning. — Marjorie Spock

Lively Love Quotes By Blake Lively

Scents evoke very, very powerful memories, whether it's the scent of someone that you know and someone that you love, or if it's a meal that your mother made. — Blake Lively

Lively Love Quotes By David Hume

The great charm of poetry consists in lively pictures of the sublime passions, magnanimity, courage, disdain of fortune; or thoseof the tender affections, love and friendship; which warm the heart, and diffuse over it similar sentiments and emotions. — David Hume

Lively Love Quotes By Patrick O'Brian

What do you say to taking up our game where we left off? I was winning, you will recall.'
Winning, for all love: how your ageing memory does betray you, my poor friend,' said Stephen, fetching his 'cello. They tuned, and at no great distance Killick said to his mate, 'There they are, at it again. Squeak, squeak; boom, boom. And when they do start a-playing, it's no better. You can't tell t'other from one. Never nothing a man could sing to, even as drunk as Davy's sow.'
I remember them in the Lively: but it is not as chronic as a wardroom full of gents with German flutes, bellyaching night and day, like we had in Thunderer. No. Live and let live, I say.'
Fuck you, William Grimshaw. — Patrick O'Brian

Lively Love Quotes By Blake Lively

I love to photograph the gorgeous landscapes when I travel. — Blake Lively

Lively Love Quotes By Maeve Brennan

It is necessary to find one's own way in New York. New York City is not hospitable. She is very big and she has no heart. She is not charming. She is not sympathetic. She is rushed and noisy and unkempt, a hard, ambitious, irresolute place, not very lively, and never gay. When she glitters she is very, very bright, and when she does not glitter she is dirty. New York does nothing for those of us who are inclined to love her except implant in our hearts a homesickness that baffles us until we go away from her, and then we realize why we are restless. At home or away, we are homesick for New York not because New York used to be better and not because she used to be worse but because the city holds us and we don't know why. — Maeve Brennan

Lively Love Quotes By Julia Cameron

An artist paints, dances, draws, writes, designs, or acts at the expanding edge of consciousness. We press into the unknown rather than the known. This makes life lovely and lively. — Julia Cameron

Lively Love Quotes By Genelia D'Souza

There is a general notion that playing a bubbly girl is undemanding and less challenging. But that's not the case. You need oodles of energy to bring out the spirit of a lively character. Besides, no two bubbly girls are the same. Every character I have played is different from the other. I love being chosen for such lively roles. — Genelia D'Souza

Lively Love Quotes By J.D. Robb

I won't say I'm sorry." He lifted his hand, skimmed his fingers over her cheek. "I wouldn't mean it. But I will say I love you. I've never meant anything more."
He drew her into his arms. She pressed her face to his shoulder and held on. "I've been so messed up."
"So have I." He brushed his lips over her hair, felt his world balance again. "I've missed you, Eve."
"I won't let the job screw this up."
"It doesn't. We manage that on our own." He drew her back, touched his lips gently to hers. "But it keeps things lively, doesn't it?"
She sighed, stepped back. "It's gone."
"What is?"
"I've had this low-grade headache for a couple of days. It's gone. I guess you were my headache."
"Darling. That's so sweet. — J.D. Robb

Lively Love Quotes By Philip Roth

I felt as though the skin had been peeled away from half of my body. Half my face had been peeled away, and everybody would stare in horror for the rest of my life. Or they would stare at the other half, at the half still intact; I could see them smiling, pretending that the flayed half wasn't there, and talking to the half that was. And I could hear my self screaming at them, I could see myself thrusting my hideous side right up into their unmarred faces to make them properly horrified. 'I was pretty! I was whole! I was sunny, lively little girl! Look, look at what they did to me!' But whatever side they looked at, I would always be screaming, 'Look at the other! Why don't you look at the other!' That's what I thought about in the hospital at night. However they look at me, however they talk to me, however they try to comfort me, I will always be this half-flayed thing. I will never be young, I will never be kind or at peace or in love, and I will hate them all my life. — Philip Roth

Lively Love Quotes By Louisa May Alcott

It does seem to me that some one might write stories that should be lively, natural and helpful tales in which the English should be good, the morals pure, and the characters such as we can love in spite of the faults that all may have. — Louisa May Alcott

Lively Love Quotes By Blake Lively

I love a challenge. — Blake Lively

Lively Love Quotes By Blake Lively

My hair is a safety net for me, so I love to have it down and full and relaxed. — Blake Lively

Lively Love Quotes By Blake Lively

I need good friends who can say, 'I love you to death, but you look terrible in that, and you need to change right now.' — Blake Lively

Lively Love Quotes By Blake Lively

I love being at home and cooking and baking. — Blake Lively

Lively Love Quotes By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

People of a lively imagination are generally curious, and always so when a little in love. — Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Lively Love Quotes By Blake Lively

You can't be an entrepreneur for other people. You can't start a company for other people. You have to love it more than you ever thought of loving something that wasn't a human being. The demands will kick you down and rob your life - but yet, it is so rewarding. — Blake Lively

Lively Love Quotes By Scott Lively

We divide those between the person that we love and the movement that we hate. — Scott Lively

Lively Love Quotes By Blake Lively

I always love somebody who makes me laugh, who's fun to be with. — Blake Lively

Lively Love Quotes By Blake Lively

My family is probably too involved in my life because they are my best friends, but I love that. — Blake Lively

Lively Love Quotes By Leigh Hunt

Large eyes were admired in Greece, where they still prevail. They are the finest of all when they have the internal look, which is not common. The stag or antelope eye of the Orientals is beautiful and lamping, but is accused of looking skittish and indifferent. "The epithet of 'stag-eyed,'" says Lady Wortley Montgu, speaking of a Turkish love-song, "pleases me extremely; and I think it a very lively image of the fire and indifference in his mistress' eye. — Leigh Hunt

Lively Love Quotes By Blake Lively

I love to have my hair down; I love to have my hair full ... there's something romantic about it. — Blake Lively

Lively Love Quotes By Jessica Stroup

I love 'Gossip Girl.' I used to hang out with Blake Lively and Jessica Szohr. I'm also addicted to Bravo and reality shows like 'Top Chef.' — Jessica Stroup

Lively Love Quotes By Blake Lively

I love layering things. Fall is my favorite time of the year to get dressed. — Blake Lively

Lively Love Quotes By Kevin Focke

Everything about her exuded a certain calmness, an unfathomable tranquillity. Her body, her smile, and her mesmerizing eyes all came together to form a lively painting of timeless allure. — Kevin Focke

Lively Love Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Humility makes us more friendly
Happiness makes us more lively.
Love makes us more caring
Dream makes us more daring.
Trust makes us more forgiving
Kindness makes us more loving.
Hope gives us the joy of dreaming
Peace gives us the joy of living. — Debasish Mridha

Lively Love Quotes By Blake Lively

I think I'll always flutter all over. I'd like to live in different parts of the world - I'd love to live in Tuscany for a few months. — Blake Lively

Lively Love Quotes By John Barrowman

I'm lively when I perform and I always put everything into a show, but when I get home I love lying down in front of the TV and relaxing. — John Barrowman

Lively Love Quotes By Mehek Bassi

The term - 'Fairy-Tales' is so ironical in itself, when I sometimes sit to write love stories with a happy ending, it usually drags me into a dilemma whether, I should even begin with a love story at first place or not? Because honestly, I haven't seen many of them reaching climax, most of them just die out in the mid. Then comes the concept of fairy tales or what we say 'fiction', where nothing is impossible!
But over time, if I've realized something, it is that there's no such term called fiction when it comes to reality! Its harsh, in-your-face-sarcastic, ironical and highly irrational. You can't expect what's coming up next, and how it's going to blow you. In the real life, the entire meaning of fiction ceases to exist. Conclusively, we writers, deal with harsh reality and write lively fictions, this job in itself is so ironical but, that's life ... — Mehek Bassi

Lively Love Quotes By Peter Ho Davies

Lysley Tenorio is a writer of sly wit and lively invention - these are stories bursting with wonders (from monster movies and leper colonies, to faith-healers and superheroes) - but most wondrous of all is his intimate sense of character. Each story is a confession of love betrayed, told with a mournful, austere tenderness as heartbreaking as it is breathtaking. — Peter Ho Davies

Lively Love Quotes By Barbara De Angelis

That experience showed me that I-from moment to moment-am the only person in control of my connection to God. It's not that God is deciding to connect with me, depending on whether I had a good day, or did good or bad deeds. It's all up to me. God, the awareness of God, the love of God, the blessings of God-that lively ecstasy-is always there. It's me who separates from God by judging, by indulging in negativity, by criticizing myself, as well as others. — Barbara De Angelis

Lively Love Quotes By Steven W. Manskar

Deliver me, O God, from too intense an application to even necessary business. I know how this dissipates my thoughts from the one end of all my business, and impairs that lively perception I would ever retain of thee standing at my right hand. I know the narrowness of my heart, and that an eager attention to earthly things leaves it no room for the things of heaven. O teach me to go through all my employments with so truly disengaged a heart, that I may still see thee in all things, and see thee therein as continually looking upon me, and searching my reins; and that I may never impair that liberty of spirit which is necessary for the love of thee. — Steven W. Manskar

Lively Love Quotes By Blake Lively

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley is just perfect-looking. Whether she's walking down the street, she looks so regal and elegant all the time, and I love that. — Blake Lively

Lively Love Quotes By Joseph Joubert

The passions should be purged; all may become innocent if they are well directed and moderated. Even hatred maybe a commendable feeling when it is caused by a lively love of good. Whatever makes the passions pure, makes them stronger, more durable, and more enjoyable. — Joseph Joubert