Leap Inspirational Quotes & Sayings
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Top Leap Inspirational Quotes

From the day we arrive on the planet
And blinking step into the sun
There's more to be seen than can ever be seen
More to do than can ever be done
Some say, eat or be eaten
Some say, live and let live
But, all are agreed as they join the stampede
You should never take more than you give
In the circle of life
It's the wheel of fortune
It's the leap of faith
It's the band of hope
Till we find our place
On the path unwinding
In the circle
The Circle of Life — Elton John

Only a bet on the impossible makes sense. It is an act of faith and courage requiring an irrational leap over reason. A man wins simply by making such a bet. — William Kennedy

We are all born to fly. Instead, we sit on the branches afraid of the leap into the unknown. But the unknown is where enlightenment lives. Our true nature is the unknown. — Enza Vita

Matter is fun for a while; but ultimately, it is the spiritual experience where we leap beyond what we know- that is the happiness. — Frederick Lenz

To overcome your fear of death, you have to move from 'the world ends with me' to 'the world goes on without me'. It is a great leap, the biggest step a human can take. — Shashi Deshpande

Christian faith is not an irrational leap.Examined objectively, the claims of the Bible are rational propositions well supported by reason and evidence. — Lee Strobel

Having children-the responsibility of rearing good, kind, ethical, responsible human beings-is the biggest job anyone can embark on. You have to take a leap of faith and ask lots of people for their help and guidance. — Maria Shriver

They'd fallen into an easy routine, the three of them. Breakfast together in the morning, then Hughie would leave for work and she and Nell would get started in the house. Lil found she liked having a second shadow, enjoyed showing Nell things, explaining how they worked and why. Nell was a big one for asking why-why did the sun hide at night, why didn't the fire flames leap out of the gate, why didn't the river get bored and run the other way?-and Lil loved supplying answers, watching as understanding dawned on Nell's little face. For the first time in her life, Lil felt useful, needed, whole. — Kate Morton

Hand in hand, we head for the kiss and cry. Today, we're going to kiss. Sometimes, we'll cry. There'll be broken tree branches. Misunderstandings and crash landings. It turns out all relationships are like Axels. They take a leap of faith and they have their ups and downs.
But it's not about falling, it's about what you do after the fall. Whatever happens, we'll pick ourselves u. Brush ourselves off. And circle around for another attempt. — Katie Van Ark

Lesson number one: opportunity can be manufactured. Yes, you can wait around for the right set of circumstances to fall into place and then leap into action but you can also create those set of circumstances on your own. In so doing, you manufacture your own opportunities. This has helped me immeasurably. — Biz Stone

Do you give the horse his strength or clothe his neck with a flowing mane? Do you make him leap like a locust, striking terror with his proud snorting? He paws fiercely, rejoicing in his strength, and charges into the fray. He laughs at fear, afraid of nothing; he does not shy away from the sword. The quiver rattles against his side, along with the flashing spear and lance. In frenzied excitement he eats up the ground; he cannot stand still when the trumpet sounds.
Job 39:19-25 — Anonymous

First visualize your goal in your mind. Then have a leap of faith, and let your passion guide you throughout the process. — Abhijit Naskar

Arguing is a waste of time, because our attitudes need a quantum leap, not our knowledge. Arguing is a sport at best and a bad attitude at worst. — Stefan Emunds

Take a leap of faith, because if you're not risking something, you're not truly living. — Robert Palasciano

You are now 18
standing on the precipice,
trembling before your own greatness.
This is your call to leap.
There will always being those
who say you are too young and delicate
to make anything happen for yourself.
They don't see the part of you that smolders.
Don't let their doubting drown out
the sound of your own heartbeat.
You are the first drop of a hurricane.
Your bravery builds beyond you
You are needed by all the little girls
still living in secret, writing oceans
made of monsters and
throwing like lightening.
You don't need to grow up to find greatness.
You are stronger than the world
has ever believed you to be.
The world is waiting for you to set it on fire
Trust in yourself
and burn. — Clementine Von Radics

Sometimes your only available transportation is a leap of faith. — Margaret Shepard

The jump is so frightening between where I am and where I want to be ... because of all I may become I will close my eyes and leap! — Mary Anne Radmacher

Nobody thought it could be done, so nobody had tried before. Standing with one foot in the abyss and the other with a foothold in her dreams, she stood on the edge of a cliff. She took one look behind and with one last deep breath, she leapt with reckless certainty and decisive confidence. Blurring through the sky, for a moment she looked like she would fade into darkness, but in the very last moment when everyone else had given up on her, from her back spread wings. With a leap of faith, she learned to fly. — Forrest Curran

To have regret is to be disappointed with yourself and your choices. Those who are wise, see their life like stepping stones across a great river. Everyone misses a stone from time to time. No one can cross the river without getting wet. Success is measured by your arrival on the other side, not on how muddy your shoes are. Regrets are only felt by those who do not understand life's purpose. They become so disillusioned that they stand still in the river and do not take the next leap. — Colleen Houck

Allowing attachments to people/things create a compulsive addiction in us to be controlling. This "control" (fueled by fear of loss) fools us into a false sense of security and love. At first glance, it is common to confuse the idea of Conscious Detachment with non-feeling or being cold, however learning this skill is a giant leap towards enlightenment. When you consciously detach from an object or a loved one, you empower them to exist at their potential. From this perspective, just being in their presence fosters feelings of love and admiration that far exceed any relationship that is limited with expectations, confinement and control — Gary Hopkins

Great Leadership sometimes requires taking a step backward in order to take a leap forward. — Todd Stocker

You get told to look before you leap. But if you are too careful you may end up just looking. — Max McKeown

Let's Elevate, Educate, and Empower Our Youth ... Not Incarcerate Them! Try To HELP Our Youth ... Don't HURT Them! Lord knows they'll have plenty of enough hurdles to leap over in their lives! — Timothy Pina

If poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world, science fiction writers are its court jesters. We are Wise Fools who can leap, caper, utter prophecies, and scratch ourselves in public. We can play with Big Ideas because the garish motley of our pulp origins make us seem harmless. — Bruce Sterling

Every great leap in life comes after you have made a clear decision of some kind. — Brian Tracy

Truth has a certain sound to it. Your spirit will hear it clearly and leap inside of you and you will feel hope; even if your mind is still wrestling with all the pieces. — Yvette R. Dempster

Live a life of love, of passion of desire, of free will. Take a chance, take the leap, and jump head first into the abyss. Start a flame in your bonfire
heart, and show the world your passion. — Steven Aitchison

A radiant glow enveloped Alaura. Soft eruptions of various shades of effervescent green danced in the air and frolicked in the locks of her dark blonde hair. Whispers of yellows and blues revealed themselves near the skin, kissing the air with each leap. — Diane Lynn McGyver

With a single leap, you can change your entire life. — Janelle Jalbert

Your past is handing you a tool you can use to leap into your future: the crucible moments from your own life. The power you need is in looking back to look forward. — Bill Jensen

Precarious, life is. A flying leap. A sweep of hand. A star flung across the night. A lucky catch in this whirling juggling circus act.
From Steam Drills, Treadmills, and Shooting Stars — Rivera Sun

Choices are always with us. Faith, hope and love are decisions we make. They will leap over our barriers, tear down our walls and make the impossible -- possible. — Amy E. Tobin

All growth is a leap in the dark. — Henry Miller

There is no greater mistake than to try to leap an abyss in two jumps. — David Lloyd George

Sometimes in life we take a leap of faith. Remember, the leap is not about getting from one side to the other. It's simply about taking the leap ... and trusting the air, the universal breath, will support your wings so that you may soar. — Kristi Bowman

If you keep standing on the verge of greatness, you'll eventually get the courage to leap into it, — Curtis Tyrone Jones

To get where we want to be, we must first trust, then make the leap of faith that our Heavenly Father will allow us to soar. — Tommy Jones

Take a leap of faith right now and know that you can live the life of your dreams by making a positive decision. — Auliq Ice

Fear holds us back from living the lives we want. Use your 20s to make bold decisions, follow different paths, learn from heartbreak, and figure out who you are. When you're 30, do you want to look back at the same boring job, the stale relationship that isn't working, and no stamps in your passport? If you want something different, if you want a life that is filled with experiences, if you want to learn and grow, if you want to make a difference ... conquer the fears, believe in yourself, and just do it. You may be questioning something right now. You may be battling thoughts in your mind about taking a leap. Ask yourself what you have to lose if you leap. Ask yourself what kind of stories you want to have. Ask yourself if you're worth it, if you deserve it. — Katie Robinson