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Incompetent People Quotes & Sayings

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Top Incompetent People Quotes

Incompetent People Quotes By Muriel Barbery

But that's not even the problem. What his sentence (Those who can, do; those who can't, teach; those who can't teach teach the teachers and those who can't teach the teachers go into politics.) means isn't that incompetent people have found their place in the sun, but that nothing is harder or more unfair than human reality: humans live in a world where the ultimate skill is mastery of language. This is a terrible thing because basically we are primates who've been programmed to eat, sleep, reproduce, conquer and make our territory safe, and the ones who are most gifted at that, the most animal types among us, always get screwed by the others, the fine talkers, despite these latter being incapable of defending their own garden or bringing rabbit home for dinner or procreating properly. Humans live in a world where the weak are dominant. — Muriel Barbery

Incompetent People Quotes By Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

If two people fight on the street, whose fault is it? Who is the criminal? It is the government?s responsibility because the government has not educated the people to not make mistakes. The people have inadequate, incompetent education, so they make mistakes them! It is such a fraud. — Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Incompetent People Quotes By Ayn Rand

People meant very little to Mike, but their performance a great deal. He worshiped expertness of any kind. He loved his work passionately and had no tolerance for anything save for other single-track devotions. He was a master in his own field and he felt no sympathy except for mastery. His view of the world was simple: there were the able and there were the incompetent; — Ayn Rand

Incompetent People Quotes By Anonymous

Saigonese corruption was incapacitating, a malignancy that poisoned the entire system of government. Graft was the main preoccupation of those on the Saigon side, Vann learned, absorbing more time and thought than any other concern and summoning considerable ingenuity from people who were incompetent at the task they were supposed to perform. — Anonymous

Incompetent People Quotes By R.S. Burnett

Why don't you tell people what happened last night"
"You slept on the sofa!"
"And why is that?"
"Because you're ... incompetent — R.S. Burnett

Incompetent People Quotes By John Maxwell

People who lack vision almost always lack passion. Incompetent leaders are ineffective and they often stay that way. — John Maxwell

Incompetent People Quotes By Muriel Barbery

If people could climb higher in the social hierarchy in proportion to their incompetence, I guarantee the world would not go round the way it does. But that's not even the problem. What his sentence means isn't that incompetent people have found their place in the sun, but that nothing is harder or more unfair than human reality: humans live in a world where it's words and not deeds that have power, where the ultimate skill is mastery of language. — Muriel Barbery

Incompetent People Quotes By Micah Zenko

astonishing number of senior leaders are systemically incapable of identifying their organization's most glaring and dangerous shortcomings. This is not a function of stupidity, but rather stems from two routine pressures that constrain everybody's thinking and behavior. The first is comprised of cognitive biases, such as mirror imaging, anchoring, and confirmation bias. These unconscious motivations on decision-making under uncertain conditions make it inherently difficult to evaluate one's own judgments and actions. As David Dunning, a professor of psychology at Cornell University, has shown in countless environments, people who are highly incompetent in terms of their skills or knowledge are also terrible judges of their own performance. For example, people who perform the worst on pop quizzes also have the widest variance between how they thought they performed and the actual score that they earned.22 — Micah Zenko

Incompetent People Quotes By David Ogilvy

It is the inescapable duty of management to fire incompetent people. — David Ogilvy

Incompetent People Quotes By George Carlin

If you vote and you elect dishonest, incompetent people into office who screw everything up, you are responsible for what they have done. You caused the problem; you voted them in; you have no right to complain — George Carlin

Incompetent People Quotes By Richard Reeves

Whatever one thinks of President George W. Bush and his unilateralist crew, most of the people laughing at us do not think we are evil. What they think is that we are naive and incompetent. — Richard Reeves

Incompetent People Quotes By Al Gore

The subjugation of news by entertainment seriously harms our democracy: It leads to dysfunctional journalism that fails to inform the people. And when the people are not informed, they cannot hold government accountable when it is incompetent, corrupt, or both. — Al Gore

Incompetent People Quotes By Brandon Sanderson

Now, no complaining, Waxillium. It will help. I've put the list in this little book," Steris said, producing a palm-sized notebook, "for ease of reference. Each page contains a conversation opener, indexed to the people it will likely work best upon. The numbers below list ways you could segue the conversation into useful areas and perhaps figure out what our targets are up to, and what their connection is to the Bands of Mourning."
"I'm not socially incompetent, Steris," Wax said. "I can make small talk."
"I know that," Steris said, "but I'd rather avoid an incident like the Cett party. ... "
"Which Cett party?"
"The one where you head-butted someone."
He cocked his head. "Oh, right. That smarmy little man with the ridiculous mustache. — Brandon Sanderson

Incompetent People Quotes By Tim Leffel

I have very little patience for ignorant, incompetent people who don't care that they're ignorant and incompetent. — Tim Leffel

Incompetent People Quotes By Dennis Prager

People who assume that voter ID would suppress the black vote have to believe that millions of blacks are uniquely incompetent citizens. Few things in civic life are simpler than obtaining an ID, and identification is needed almost everywhere in society. One has to believe in widespread black incompetence in order to believe that obtaining an ID is too difficult for a vast number of blacks. And is virtually every democracy in the world racist for requiring voter ID? Again, the answer is no. The idea is absurd. — Dennis Prager

Incompetent People Quotes By Todd Mitchell

Most people would call me incompetent, clumsy, flawed..."

"A pearl is a flaw. A diamond is an accident of nature. In all of creation, there's nothing more precious than the unexpected deviation. — Todd Mitchell

Incompetent People Quotes By Martha Gellhorn

In Warsaw, you also remember that you are in a Communist-controlled country, though by all accounts the control is now humane and lenient, judged by what it was and what it is in other satellite countries. Still you do hear the incompetent echo in the tapped hotel telephone, you do notice that people look over their shoulders when talking in restaurants - the secret police are dormant but not forgotten; you feel in your bones, as you would a threatening change in the weather, every change in Russian mood or action. This is not and air we have ever breathed; I doubt if we would be strong enough to resist such a climate and stay as healthy in spirit as the Poles. — Martha Gellhorn

Incompetent People Quotes By Ernest Hemingway,

But, you say, there is very little conversation in this book. Why isn't there more dialoge? What we want in a book by this citizen is people talking; that is all he knows how to do and now he doesn't do it. The fellow is no philosopher, no savant, an incompetent zoologist, he drinks too much and cannot punctuate readily and now he has stopped writing dialogue. Some one ought to put a stop to him. He is bull crazy. — Ernest Hemingway,

Incompetent People Quotes By Paul Glen

To technical people, these seem like minor oversights that take only a minute to fix. "Oops. I forgot to change the server name to the production server." Or, "Oh, the new screens are there. I just forgot to link the button." But to users who are already feeling a bit skittish about trying out the new technology, these first impressions are a big deal. To you, these events probably seem inconsequential, carrying no inherent meaning, but to them it sets off major alarm bells. It signals things like, "This technology must be a sloppy piece of crap," and, "These IT people must be completely incompetent," and, "They must think I'm not important enough for them to check their work. — Paul Glen

Incompetent People Quotes By Lee Kuan Yew

You know, the cure for all this talk is really a good dose of incompetent government. You get that alternative and you'll never put Singapore together again: Humpty Dumpty cannot be put together again and your asset values will disappear, your apartment will be worth a fraction of what it is, your jobs will be in peril, your security will be at risk and our women will become maids in other people's countries, foreign workers. — Lee Kuan Yew

Incompetent People Quotes By Rupert Sheldrake

In both religion and science, some people are dishonest, exploitative, incompetent and exhibit other human failings. — Rupert Sheldrake

Incompetent People Quotes By Donald Trump

Our country is being run by incompetent people. — Donald Trump

Incompetent People Quotes By Martin Luther

The people, especially in the villages, know nothing at all of Christian doctrine; and many pastors are sadly unfit and incompetent to teach. Yet all are called Christians, have been baptized, and enjoy the use of the Sacrament, although they know neither the Lord's Prayer, nor the Creed, nor the Ten Commandments ... — Martin Luther

Incompetent People Quotes By Kenneth Prewitt

The actual assertion that the Census Bureau could behave in such a way as to tilt things one way or the other way in the partisan sense, is, on the face of it, a silly charge. It's the same Census Bureau that's considered to be incompetent by some people, and then some of the same people are saying that this incompetent agency is so clever and so Machiavellian that it can design a census for partisan reasons. — Kenneth Prewitt

Incompetent People Quotes By Carl Paladino

We are angry about paying the highest income taxes and property taxes in the nation and getting less and less for it. We are angry about our incompetent, dysfunctional government that pays no attention to the desires of the people. We are angry about the cesspool of corruption and conflicts of interests and self-dealing that is Albany. — Carl Paladino

Incompetent People Quotes By Cordelia Fine

Unlike men in the same position, women leaders have to continue to walk the fine line between appearing incompetent and nice and competent but cold. Experimental studies find that, unlike men, when they try to negotiate greater compensation they are disliked. When they try out intimidation tactics they are disliked. When they succeed in a male occupation they are disliked. When they fail to perform the altruistic acts that are optional for men, they are disliked. When they do go beyond the call of duty they are not, as men are, liked more for it. When they criticize, they are disparaged . Even when they merely offer an opinion, people look displeased. The perceptive reader will notice a certain pattern emerging. The same behavior that enhances his status simply makes her less popular. It's not hard to see that this makes the goal of getting ahead in the workplace distinctly more challenging for a woman. — Cordelia Fine

Incompetent People Quotes By Liz Murray

When you go back to your environment and you deal with employees ... do you inspire people or do you make them feel fear? Do you make them feel confident or incompetent? I think that distinction really marks the leader. — Liz Murray

Incompetent People Quotes By Julian Sanchez

Why is it that any time government takes over something for a few years, its assumed that people are too incompetent to do it for themselves? — Julian Sanchez

Incompetent People Quotes By Noam Chomsky

Eople would like to think there's somebody up there who knows what he's doing. Since we don't participate, we don't control and we don't even think about the questions of crucial importance, we hope somebody is paying attention who has some competence. Let's hope the ship has a captain, in other words, since we're not taking in deciding what's going on. I think that's a factor. But also, it is an important feature of the ideological system to impose on people the feeling that they are incompetent to deal with these complex and important issues; they'd better leave it to the captain. One device is to develop a star system, an array of figures who are often media creations or creations of the academic propaganda establishment, whose deep insights we are supposed to admire and to whom we must happily and confidently assign the right to control our lives and control international affairs. — Noam Chomsky

Incompetent People Quotes By Pentti Linkola

Any dictatorship would be better than modern democracy. There cannot be so incompetent a dictator, that he would show more stupidity than a majority of the people. Best dictatorship would be one where lots of heads would roll and government would prevent any economical growth. — Pentti Linkola

Incompetent People Quotes By Shiv Khera

* Intelligence is quickness to learn. Ability is the skill to apply what is learned. Competence is the ability and the desire to apply what is learned. Desire is the attitude that makes a skillful person competent. Many skillful people are incompetent. Ability without the right attitude is wasted. — Shiv Khera

Incompetent People Quotes By Linus Torvalds

I claim that Mach people (and apparently FreeBSD) are incompetent idiots. — Linus Torvalds

Incompetent People Quotes By Thomas J. Stanley

How do you judge the professionals you patronize? Too many people judge them by display factors. Extra points are given to those who wear expensive clothes, drive luxury automobiles, and live in exclusive neighborhoods. They assume a professional is likely to be mediocre, even incompetent, if he lives in a modest home and drives a three-year-old Ford Crown Victoria. Very, very few people judge the quality of the professionals they use by net worth criteria. Many professionals have told us they must look successful to convince their customers/clients that they are. — Thomas J. Stanley

Incompetent People Quotes By Jack McDevitt

So long as men and women are free, no one is safe. People will be in danger because others can't operate vehicles responsibly or shoot straight. Because physicians are sometimes incompetent and lawyers dishonest. But most of all they will be in danger from ideas. It is the price we willingly pay to be free. Nor would we have it any other way. — Jack McDevitt

Incompetent People Quotes By Boris Zubry

Modern science shows that some of the mentally incompetent people would become more incompetent if you deprive them of sleep. How does it affect us? — Boris Zubry

Incompetent People Quotes By Miya Yamanouchi

A good manager instills staff with self-confidence, teaches them to believe in themselves and helps them to realise their brilliance. Do not ever treat your staff with disrespect. It is competent until proven incompetent; not incompetent til proven competent. — Miya Yamanouchi

Incompetent People Quotes By Herbert Spencer

Consumptive patients, with lungs incompetent to perform the duties of lungs, people with defective hearts that break down under excitement of the circulation, people with any constitutional flaw preventing the due fulfillment of the conditions of life are continually dying out and leaving behind those fit for the climate, food, and habits to which they are born ... And thus is the race kept free from vitiation. — Herbert Spencer

Incompetent People Quotes By Thomas Bernhard

Almost everybody we get together with about a matter, even if it is of the highest importance, is incompetent. — Thomas Bernhard

Incompetent People Quotes By Christine Carter

working more than 40 hours a week was stupid, wasteful, dangerous, and expensive - and the most telling sign of dangerously incompetent management to boot," Robinson writes. Further, more than a hundred years of research shows that "every hour you work over 40 hours a week is making you less effective and productive over both the short and the long haul." Really! Even though most people think this makes intuitive sense, they are still surprised to hear that it is actually true. This common sense is so widely ignored that overwork - and the problems with health, happiness, and productivity that it brings - is epidemic. — Christine Carter

Incompetent People Quotes By Diana Rowland

That old if you 'need anything, let me know,' is a total crock. You hear people say it all the time, but you never see anyone actually call up the person who said it and say, "Hey, remember when you said to let you know if i needed anything? Well, I'm feeling really overwhelmed. Could you please come clean my kitchen, I'd feel like I had a bit of a head start." You will never hear someone say that, because then the person asking the other person to clean their kitchen is seen as a helpless, incompetent dick. -Diana Rowland (My life as a white trash zombie) — Diana Rowland

Incompetent People Quotes By Richard Rybolt

There will be a time when loud-mouthed, incompetent people seem to be getting the best of you. When that happens, you only have to be patient and wait for them to self-destruct. It never fails. — Richard Rybolt

Incompetent People Quotes By Rahul Gandhi

If I am incompetent, I am useless, the people of India will see that. — Rahul Gandhi

Incompetent People Quotes By Rush Limbaugh

I.Q. deficiency. There are some people who are an order of fries short of a Happy Meal, and what is often a characteristic about every one of these people is that they don't know it. They have no idea how incompetent or stupid they are. It's the exact opposite. They have the loftiest, highest self-image. — Rush Limbaugh

Incompetent People Quotes By Paulo Freire

Whether the teacher is authoritarian, undisciplined, competent, incompetent, serious, irresponsible, involved, a lover of people and of life, cold, angry with the world, bureaucratic, excessively rational, or whatever else, he/she will not pass through the classroom without leaving his or her mark on the students. — Paulo Freire

Incompetent People Quotes By Mona Charen

It's a peculiar thing about liberals. When it comes to middle-class people who are fully capable of caring for themselves, liberals seek to undermine their independence in every way possible. With seductive 'entitlements' like guaranteed retirement, health care, nutrition, education, and jobs, liberals attempt to lure the middle class into dependence on the state. But when it comes to those who are truly incompetent, those whose mental afflictions render them unable to manage their lives at all, liberals are suddenly transformed into absolutists for personal autonomy. — Mona Charen

Incompetent People Quotes By Michael Palin

I'd got over playing a character. People accepted who I was, and if I was incompetent and useless, they felt quite endeared to me. — Michael Palin

Incompetent People Quotes By Ben Goldacre

people who are incompetent suffer a dual burden: not only are they incompetent, but they may also be too incompetent to assay their own incompetence, because the skills which underlie an ability to make a correct judgement are the same as the skills required to recognise a correct judgement. — Ben Goldacre

Incompetent People Quotes By Jim Rohn

If someone gives you $1,000,000 you'd better become a millionaire so you can keep the money. Success doesn't want to hang around incompetent people. — Jim Rohn

Incompetent People Quotes By Kenny Smith

Should a reasonable person not demand that philosophy should not be foolishly purveyed before people incompetent to see the point of it, as pearls before swine? For Nietzsche is utterly correct: philosophy is only for the healthy and whole-minded, the sick it has always only made even sicker. By means of philosophy they dig themselves even deeper into their pathetic delusions. — Kenny Smith

Incompetent People Quotes By Ziad K. Abdelnour

Bankruptcy cleans out the system. What's wrong with that? South
Korea went through this in the late 1990s. They didn't have anyone
to bail them out, and they had to go through the pain. Sweden did
it in the early 1990s. Mexico did it. Russia did it. The list goes on
and on. Competent people take over the assets from incompetent
people and rebuild from a solid base. Business has always been survival
of the fittest and Darwinism at its best. After all, this is what capitalism
is all about. — Ziad K. Abdelnour

Incompetent People Quotes By James Cook

The American people have come to rely on the government for their security. They will find out how incompetent the government is when they no longer have security. — James Cook

Incompetent People Quotes By Kenny Smith

Most people traffic in abstractions and generalizations because they are grossly incompetent at culturing their intuition or powers of evidency, refining it to grasp the Thisness (Haecceitas) of what is before them. Thinking is like a Stradivarius that has more potential variations in how it is played than any human can finitely perform or capture. — Kenny Smith

Incompetent People Quotes By Mstislav Rostropovich

Explain to me, please, why in our literature and art so often people absolutely incompetent in this field have the final word. — Mstislav Rostropovich

Incompetent People Quotes By Rush Limbaugh

Young people have this almost romantic attachment to civil rights, liberties, emancipating people from oppression, etc. The idea that such oppression exists in this country offends me, but it's able to be pushed and sold because education in this country is so woefully incompetent and inept. — Rush Limbaugh

Incompetent People Quotes By Murray N. Rothbard

Professor Mises has keenly pointed out the paradox of interventionists who insist that consumers are too ignorant or incompetent to buy products intelligently, while at the same time proclaiming the virtues of democracy, where the same people vote for or against politicians whom they do not know and on policies which they scarcely understand. To put it another way, the partisans of intervention assume that individuals are not competent to run their own affairs or to hire experts to advise them, but also assume that these same individuals are competent to vote for these experts at the ballot box. They are further assuming that the mass of supposedly incompetent consumers are competent to choose not only those who will rule over themselves, but also over the competent individuals in society. Yet such absurd and contradictory assumptions lie at the root of every program for "democratic" intervention in the affairs of the people.12 — Murray N. Rothbard

Incompetent People Quotes By Eraldo Banovac

Problems often become worse if incompetent people try to solve them. — Eraldo Banovac

Incompetent People Quotes By John Gardner

It's a law of the universe that 87 percent of all people in all professions are incompetent. — John Gardner

Incompetent People Quotes By Warren Hern

Most physicians regard abortion as a stigmatized operation done by people who are otherwise incompetent and can't do anything else. — Warren Hern

Incompetent People Quotes By Jerry Pournelle

In any bureaucratic organization there will be two kinds of people: those who work to further the actual goals of the organization, and those who work for the organization itself. Examples in education would be teachers who work and sacrifice to teach children, vs. union representatives who work to protect any teacher including the most incompetent. The Iron Law states that in all cases, the second type of person will always gain control of the organization, and will always write the rules under which the organization functions. — Jerry Pournelle

Incompetent People Quotes By Daniel Polansky

There is no position so critical, no office so important, that the occasional, and even the more than occasional, utter incompetent will not wind up filling it. Heart surgeons, popes, presidents, it makes no difference. Look around and you will see an existence replete with people who are betraying, in a most egregious manner, the powers and responsibilities that have been entrusted to them. — Daniel Polansky

Incompetent People Quotes By Matthew Richter

Fun is going to enhance interest, because people don't feel incompetent when they're having fun. — Matthew Richter

Incompetent People Quotes By James Cook

Government employees move up the ladder through educational credentials rather than merit. People are given jobs and promotions based on seniority, race and gender rather than ability or talent. Such a system often overlooks the deserving and rewards the incompetent. There is no payoff for achievement. — James Cook

Incompetent People Quotes By George Eliot

In my opinion, legal training only makes a man more incompetent in questions that require knowledge of another kind. People talk about evidence as if it could really be weighed in scales by a blind Justice. No man can judge what is good evidence on any particular subject, unless he knows that subject well. A lawyer is no better than an old woman at a post-mortem examination. — George Eliot