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Quotes & Sayings About Failure Of Dreams

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Top Failure Of Dreams Quotes

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Mike Norton

The true measure of a man is not what he dreams, but what he aspires to be; a dream is nothing without action. Whether one fails or succeeds is irrelevant; all that matters is that there was motion in his life. That alone affects the world. — Mike Norton

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By John Zerzan

We can either passively continue on the road to utter domestication and destruction or turn in the direction of joyful upheaval, passionate and feral embrace of wildness and life that aims at dancing on the ruins of clocks, computers and that failure of imagination and will called work. Can we justify our lives by anything less than such a politics of rage and dreams? — John Zerzan

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Tim O'Brien

It is easy, of course, to fear happiness. There is often complacency in the acceptance of misery. We fear parting from our familiar roles. We fear the consequences of such a parting. We fear happiness because we fear failure. But we must overcome these fears. We must be brave. It is one thing to speculate about what might be. It is quite another to act in behalf of our dreams, to treat them as objectives that are achievable and worth achieving. It is one thing to run from unhappiness; it is another to take action to realize those qualities of dignity and well-being that are the true standards of the human spirit. — Tim O'Brien

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Steve Goodier

Leaving what feels secure behind and following the beckoning of our hearts doesn't always end as we expect or hope. We may even fail. But here's the payoff: it can also be amazing and wonderful and immensely satisfying. — Steve Goodier

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Joyce Swann

Her mind returned to Dr. Chaturvedi's testimony. He had turned to Christianity because he had discovered that he was not special. He seemed happy enough, but was he really happy? Was Christianity just a club for people who had managed to lose their specialness? Was it a last resort for people when they realized that their dreams were not going to come true? Did they embrace Christianity because they could use their "faith" as an excuse for their failure? They could pretend that their Christian convictions were all that was standing between them and success, and they could declare that they would be on top of the world if they had not chosen to willingly give it all up to follow Jesus. — Joyce Swann

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Betsy Lerner

Fear of failure is the reason most often cited to explain why so many aspiring writers never realize their dreams. But I think it's that same fear of failure that absolutely invigorates those who do push through-that is, the fear of not being heard. — Betsy Lerner

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Steve Harvey

But far too often when we face the failure of a business venture, we let that failure paralyze us from trying again. The failure could stem from a lack of financial planning, a lack of resources, or the lack of the right team members. But you have to realize that failure is part of the process when you are on the road to success. The only way to get back on track is to come up with another plan. I've failed more times than I can count. But you can't let the failure freeze you in place and stop you from pursuing your dreams. — Steve Harvey

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Eric Ludy

I had a God who knew my every desire. He also knew how I would fall. And yet he was waiting on the other side of my failure and my shattered dreams with some dreams of his own ... — Eric Ludy

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Robert Kiyosaki

If you want to change your life, begin by changing your words. Start speaking the words of your dreams, of who you want to become, not the words of fear or failure. — Robert Kiyosaki

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Ikechukwu Joseph

Failure is not fatal nor that you are finished but the result of unfinished product waiting to be reproduced, reprocessed and polished. Failure is that you have learned your omissions, mistakes or what you did not do right or well at the last attempt. You can transform failure into a fortune by dealing with what went wrong. Failure is only a product of uncorrected mistakes. — Ikechukwu Joseph

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Craig D. Lounsbrough

Dreams must be chased, for if we wait for them to chase us we will live a life of waiting. — Craig D. Lounsbrough

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Eugene O'Neill

The tragedy of life is what makes it worthwhile. I think that any life which merits living lies in the effort to realize some dream, and the higher that dream is, the harder it is to realize. Most decidedly we must all have our dreams. If one hasn't them, one might as well be dead. The only success is in failure. Any man who has a big enough dream must be a failure and must accept that as one of the conditions of being alive. If ever he thinks for a moment that he is a success, then he is finished — Eugene O'Neill

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Connor Franta

Success involves failing first. Ask any successful person. Ask any experienced person, really. It's all part of the creative process, so sit back and allow the artist within you to sprout, blossom and flourish. You must accept that your first, second, and third attempt at something might suck. It's a necessary step in improving your skill. Failure is your teacher, not your judge. — Connor Franta

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Noelle Sterne

Often what keeps us stuck and continually doing penance is the very feeling that we must pay for lack of action. We become caught in a circle of blame, condemn ourselves, feel hopeless, and feed the fire - or slow burn - by reciting like a mantra our history of inertia and self-judged wrong choices. Well, let's break that dead-end cycle of waste and regret. — Noelle Sterne

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Ingmar Bergman

When film is not a document, it is dream. That is why Tarkovsky is the greatest of them all. He moves with such naturalness in the room of dreams. He doesn't explain. What should he explain anyhow? He is a spectator, capable of staging his visions in the most unwieldy but, in a way, the most willing of media. All my life I have hammered on the doors of the rooms in which he moves so naturally. Only a few times have I managed to creep inside. Most of my conscious efforts have ended in embarrassing failure - THE SERPENT'S EGG, THE TOUCH, FACE TO FACE and so on — Ingmar Bergman

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Nikki Gemmell

No one except your husband knows of the cautiousness at the heart of your life. Your adulthood has been a progressive retreat from curiosity and wonder, an endless series of delays and procrastinations. You wanted to be so much, once, but life kept on getting in the way ... You settled. Shunned creativity, flight, risk, never had the courage to give a dream, any dream, a go. — Nikki Gemmell

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Alex Haley

I wasn't going to be one of those people who died wondering what if? I would keep putting my dreams to the test - even though it meant living with uncertainty and fear of failure. This is the shadowland of hope, and anyone with a dream must learn to live there. — Alex Haley

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Habeeb Akande

Fear of failure prevents you from realising your dreams of success. — Habeeb Akande

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Fernando Pessoa

I'll be living quietly in a house somewhere in the suburbs, enjoying a peaceful existence not writing the book I'm not writing now and, so as to continue not doing so, I will come up with different excuses from the ones I use now to avoid actually confronting myself. Or else I'll be interned in a poorhouse, content with my utter failure, mingling with the riffraff who believed they were geniuses when in fact they were just beggars with dreams, mixing with the anonymous mass of people who had neither the strength to triumph nor the power to turn their defeats into victories. — Fernando Pessoa

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By J. Raymond

The truth about most people: they will never accept you as you are. You'll need to change. And I'm begging you, change. But only for yourself, and even if that means by yourself. Never bend for them. Don't calm your heart, don't scale back these dreams. Stay strange, lost your mind, finger fuck the rules, burn bridges if you must, and follow your insanity. Feel everything, it's telling you something. People will love you in bits and pieces, and hate you just the same. You'll always be too much for some, and not enough for others. They will never believe in you, as much as you do. And understand that you will never be a success in the eyes of a failure. There's a magic in you that most others can't believe in, simply because they haven't made sense of themselves. But you're magic, still. You've been that way all along. And even if the world changed everything in you, that much would always be true. — J. Raymond

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Harry Hopkins

I thank God that I live in a country where dreams can come true, where failure sometimes is the first step to success and where success is only another form of failure if we forget what our priorities should be. — Harry Hopkins

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By William Faulkner

All of us failed to match our dreams of perfection. So I rate us on the base of our splendid failure to do the impossible. — William Faulkner

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Israelmore Ayivor

The failure of a person is wrapped in his ignorance about his strengths. — Israelmore Ayivor

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Richie Norton

If someone thinks your ideas, the dreams bubbling up inside of you, are stupid, welcome to the Club. — Richie Norton

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Rene Carayol

To place your dreams before the crowd is to risk ridicule. To go forward in the face of overwhelming odds is to risk failure. But risks must be taken because the greatest hazard of life is to risk nothing. — Rene Carayol

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Steve Pavlina

Imaginary testing is unreliable, and in many cases, it's a huge waste of time and energy. In truth you just don't know what will happen until you try. You may start a business, and it could take off in ways no one could predict. Or it could be a complete failure. You could ask for a date and end up with the partner of your dreams. Or you could be rejected cold. It's great to visualize what you want, but you never really know what's going to happen until you act. — Steve Pavlina

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Dan B. Allender

The reluctant leader doesn't merely give accolades to others. It is her true joy to see others awaken to their potential and exceed their greatest dreams. It is the hope of every good teacher to have students who take their work further than the teacher was able to do. To be surpassed is the ideal. To be replaced is the goal, not a sign of failure. — Dan B. Allender

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Vineet Raj Kapoor

The Brain Size of People who see Big Dreams, is same as of Yours. — Vineet Raj Kapoor

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By T.B. Markinson

My eyes lingered on her naked body for several minutes. Was our relationship what she wanted? Was it satisfying for her? Was it what she dreamed of when she started falling in love with me? Did reality ever fulfill our dreams? Or do dreams just continually set us up for failure and disappointment? — T.B. Markinson

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By David Grann

Much of the discovery of the world was based on failure rather than on success
on tactical errors and pipe dreams. — David Grann

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Sigourney Weaver

Most of life is hell. It's filed with failure and loss. People disappoint you. Dreams don't work out. Hearts get broken. Innocent journalists die. And the best moments of life, when everything comes together, are few and fleeting. But you'll never get to the next great moment if you don't keep going. So that's what I do. I keep going. — Sigourney Weaver

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Christopher Dines

Failure to put faith into action is one of the main causes of people's dreams coming to nothing. — Christopher Dines

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Jeanette Coron

It's better to die pursuing your dreams and destiny, than to live a life in fear of failure. — Jeanette Coron

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Balroop Singh

The fear of failure, the fear of competition, the fear of being ridiculed, the fear of running out of expenses and many more such issues encompass us when we start thinking about our dreams. — Balroop Singh

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Farshad Asl

So what motivates you more? The fear of failure or the fantastic feeling of achieving your dreams? — Farshad Asl

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Dreams come true if we can overcome the fear of failure and pursue them. — Debasish Mridha

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Cara Alwill Leyba

True "fearlessness" does not really exist. When I refer to being fearless, I'm talking about recognizing that you have fears, but deciding to move forward anyway. That's a biggie. A fearless and fabulous woman is someone who recognizes her desires, has the confidence to chase her dreams, and believes that everything is possible. She does not believe in the word "failure." She redefines it. To the fearless and fabulous woman, a "failure" is just a signal that she needs to change her course and try a new way of doing something. She thinks positively, takes consistent action toward her goals, and never gives up. — Cara Alwill Leyba

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Meg Jay

Shoulds can masquerade as high standards or lofty goals, but they are not the same. Goals direct us from the inside, but shoulds are paralyzing judgments from the outside. Goals feel like authentic dreams while shoulds feel like oppressive obligations. Shoulds set up a false dichotomy between either meeting an ideal or being a failure, between perfection or settling. The tyranny of the should even pits us against our own best interests. — Meg Jay

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Sanhita Baruah

It's strange how people give up on you within weeks of promising that they will always be there..
and it's just sad that promises are destined to break
and when you had finally believed in that one promise
someday you give up on yourself too ...
and it's not about love, it was never..
it is, at times, about barren hopes and a bleak tomorrow ... — Sanhita Baruah

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Shivam Singh

There is a trend going on in world these days for when people see they can't achieve something or reach somewhere, they start blaming their race, color or religion for it. They give examples or learn from those 99% who could't achieve something, ignoring those 1% who are already there regardless of their color, caste or religion. Only difference between these 99% and those 1% is, they were working hard, trying to break the myths and barriers when other 99% were just sitting at home in the comfort of their couches and crying for their failures, blaming it either on their race or color.Celebrating your races or religions and crying blaming it for your failure everyday, won't take anyone anywhere. Go out, move your feet and work. — Shivam Singh

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Euginia Herlihy

Fear always devalues your capability by saying: you are not good enough to pursue your dreams or what if you fail to fulfil your dreams. But your inner ability always says, you are able, you have what it takes, you can do it, don't give up. Follow your inner ability and you will never go wrong. — Euginia Herlihy

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Craig D. Lounsbrough

In many instances, the failures of my greatest schemes ultimately lead to the fulfillment of my greatest successes. Therefore, God will allow our most cherished dreams to perish so that we might turn and seek out His most cherished plans. — Craig D. Lounsbrough

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By China Mieville

Houses built on bridges are scandals. A bridge wants to not be. If it could choose its shape, a bridge would be no shape, an unspace to link One-place-town to Another-place-town over a river or a road or a tangle of railway tracks or a quarry, or to attach an island to another island or to the continent from which it strains. The dream of a bridge is of a woman standing at one side of a gorge and stepping out as if her job is to die, but when her foot falls it meets the ground right on the other side. A bridge is just better than no bridge but its horizon is gaplessness, and the fact of itself should still shame it. But someone had built on this bridge, drawn attention to its matter and failure. An arrogance that thrilled me. — China Mieville

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Paulo Coelho

There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure. — Paulo Coelho

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Nicola Field

The idea of the family as a protective haven is a myth, the family unit cannot provide the haven it promises. On the contrary, we can never isolate ourselves from social and political relationships in the world. The places we choose to hide are alawys inseparably connected to the real world, the world they actually might encounter in school, and for some, in neighborhoods. It is not the failure, or the breakdown, of the family which causes our alienation, but the ever-disappointed hopes instilled in us as children. These hopes are false dreams of being cocooned and of belonging. — Nicola Field

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Eric Wright

But instead of spending our lives running towards our dreams, we are often running away from a fear of failure or a fear of criticism. — Eric Wright

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Jaha Knight

Your dreams and goals are bigger than small minded people or the fears that they harbor. Don't let their ocean of fear trap you in the undertow. — Jaha Knight

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Elizabeth Hand

It wasn't exactly like I'd sold out on my life and dreams and all that other bullshit, because the truth was I'd never actually had anything to sell. It was more like I slowly froze in place, inside my little office at the museum; more like some part of me just fell asleep one day and never woke up. — Elizabeth Hand

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Shaun Hick

And the man who dreamt of flight has tripped and fallen in a hole. — Shaun Hick

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Hasil Paudyal

Dreaming of getting you
I loosed everything
Cheerfulness of smile
And all the dreams of life — Hasil Paudyal

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Criss Jami

It is easier for one to take risks and to chase his dreams with a mindset that he has nothing to lose. In this lies the immense passion, the great advantage of avoiding a materialistic, pleasure-filled way of life. — Criss Jami

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Dreams come true if we can pursue them by overcoming the fear of failure. — Debasish Mridha

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Jennifer DeLucy

How many of us stop short of success on purpose? How many of us sabotage our own happiness because failure, while miserable, is a fear we're familiar with? Success, however, dreams come true, are a whole new kind of terrifying, an entire new species of responsibilities and disillusions, requiring a new way to think, act and become. Why do we REALLY quit? Because it's hopeless? Or because it's possible ... — Jennifer DeLucy

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Benjamin E. Mays

The tragedy of life doesn't lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach. It isn't a calamity to die with dreams unfulfilled, but it is a calamity not to dream ... It is not a disgrace not to reach the stars, but it is a disgrace to have no stars to reach for. Not failure, but low aim is sin. — Benjamin E. Mays

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Lauren Mackler

If you're living life from a place of fear, you're not free to take risks or pursue your dreams. If your energy is expended in avoiding failure or rejection, then that energy is used to stay safe, instead of being available to create the life you envision. — Lauren Mackler

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Bhagat Singh

Crush your individuality first. Shake off the dreams of personal comfort. Then start to work. Inch by inch you shall have to proceed. It needs courage, perseverance and very strong determination. No difficulties and no hardships shall discourage you. No failure and betrayals shall dishearten you. No travails (!) imposed upon you shall snuff out the revolutionary will in you. Through the ordeal of sufferings and sacrifice you shall come out victorious. And these individual victories shall be the valuable assets of the revolution. — Bhagat Singh

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Paulo Coelho

Remember your dreams and fight for them. You must know what you want from life. There is just one thing that makes your dream become impossible: the fear of failure. — Paulo Coelho

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By David Peace

In his room, his hotel room. Not is his bed, his hotel bed. Bill paced and Bill paced. Bill thinking and Bill thinking. Bill knew failure could become habitual, defeat become routine. Routine and familiar. Familiar and accepted. Accepted and permanent. Permanent and imprisoning. Imprisoning and suffocating. Bill knew failure carried chains. Chains to bind you. You and your dreams. To bind you and your dreams alive. Bill know defeat carries spades. Spades to bury you. You and your hopes. To bury you and your hopes alive. Bill knew you had to fight against failure. With every bone in your body. Bill knew you had to struggle against defeat. With every drop of your blood. You had to fight against failure, you had to struggle against defeat. For your dreams and for your hopes. For you and for the people. To fight and to struggle. For the dreams of the people,
for the hopes of people. — David Peace

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Miyuki Miyabe

Failure and disillusionment are realities, but ideologies are made of dreams. And dreams, it would seem, do not fade easily. — Miyuki Miyabe

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Paulo Coelho

Up until then, travel and the idea of going far away had just been a dream, and dreaming is very pleasant as long as you are not forced to put your dreams into practice. That way, we avoid all the risks, frustrations and difficulties, and when we are old, we can always blame other people
preferably our parents, our spouses or our children
for our failure to realize our dreams. — Paulo Coelho

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By D.A. Blankinship

When the fear of failure triumphs over the repugnance of mediocrity, we must resign ourselves to the status quo. Every change, every opportunity to do something different will send us running to hide beneath a cover of excuses and complacency. Those few courageous souls who delve into the lands where they risk failure, will be soundly ridiculed. They will be condemned not because they dream, but rather for making their dreams real and destroying the illusion that all that can be thought has been thought, all that can be done has been done, and all that can be felt has been felt. In their enthusiastic insolence, they see life filled with infinite possibilities and they know they must chart their own course, even if they must go alone. — D.A. Blankinship

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Temitope Owosela

I am way to stubborn to accept when people tell me that I cannot achieve my dreams.
Because I will literally die trying to achieve my dreams. If God cannot allow me to achieve my dreams. I would want God to instantly kill me right this second. I will not live this life without achieving my dreams. Unless God forces me to die a failure life.
But, I know that God is not like that. I know that God will fulfill my dreams one way or the other.
Because I am a major prisoner of hope, faith and victory in my life!!!!!!!! — Temitope Owosela

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Hina Hashmi

When people want success but visualize failure, they attract failure because they don't know about the power of repetition/visualization. — Hina Hashmi

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Roshan Sharma

Success or failure is not a one day event, but continuous life process. Each day you succeed and each day you fail with life, and most of the time, success follows the failure. — Roshan Sharma

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Miya Yamanouchi

Go out and do your thing knowing that rejection and failure is an inevitable and integral part of the process to achieving your dreams. — Miya Yamanouchi

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Israelmore Ayivor

Put off the fire of pride and save your life from burning with flames of failure. Pride is the reason why many dreams only survive as ashes today. Learn the lesson; hung on to humility! — Israelmore Ayivor

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Kilroy J. Oldster

The elements of trial and error, similar to earth and sky, and fire and water, delineates the constituent modules of our lives. Living robustly includes more failures than successes. We achieve adeptness to living by exhibiting a willingness to make good faith mistakes and learn from each misadventure. Every effort that fails to achieve our expected result is understandably frustrating. The fact is that without ideas and dreams and devoid of occasional crash landings, a person can never hope to achieve any worthy acts to temper resounding personal disappointment. Meaningful success is ultimately defined when a person dies, when an entire life's work devoted to performing passionate and compassionate enterprises can be judge as a whole unit. — Kilroy J. Oldster

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Henna Inam

Authentic leaders inspire us to engage with each other in powerful dreams that make the impossible possible. We are called on to persevere despite failure and pursue a purpose beyond the paycheck. This is at the core of innovation. It requires aligning the dreams of each individual to the broader dream of the organization. — Henna Inam

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By James Surowiecki

Lack of confidence, sometimes alternating with unrealistic dreams of heroic success, often leads to procrastination, and many studies suggest that procrastinators are self-handicappers: rather than risk failure, they prefer to create conditions that make success impossible, a reflex that of course creates a vicious cycle. — James Surowiecki

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Vin Diesel

If you're the type of person who has to fulfill your dreams, you've gotta be resourceful to make sure you can do it. I came out to California when I was 21, thinking my New York credentials would take me all the way. I came back home a year later all dejected and a failure. — Vin Diesel

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Doreen Virtue

Never be afraid of failure or disappointment, because those are just temporary experiences on the path to your dreams coming true — Doreen Virtue

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By L.R. Knost

Fairy tales in childhood are stepping stones throughout life, leading the way through trouble and trial. The value of fairy tales lies not in a brief literary escape from reality, but in the gift of hope that goodness truly is more powerful than evil and that even the darkest reality can lead to a Happily Ever After. Do not take that gift of hope lightly. It has the power to conquer despair in the midst of sorrow, to light the darkness in the valleys of life, to whisper "One more time" in the face of failure. Hope is what gives life to dreams, making the fairy tale the reality. — L.R. Knost

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Shonda Rhimes

They tell you: Follow your dreams. Listen to your spirit. Change the world. Make your mark. Find your inner voice and make it sing. Embrace failure. Dream. Dream and dream big. As a matter of fact, dream and don't stop dreaming until your dream comes true.
I think that's crap.
I think a lot of people dream. And while they are busy dreaming, the really happy people, the really successful people, the really interesting, powerful, engaged people? Are busy doing. — Shonda Rhimes

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By William Faulkner

All of us have failed to match our dream of perfection. I rate us on the basis of our splendid failure to do the impossible. If I could write all my work again, I'm convinced I could do it better. This is the healthiest condition for an artist. That's why he keeps working, trying again: he believes each time that this time he will do it, bring it off. Of course he won't. — William Faulkner

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By B.G. Bowers

Secure your dreams for they are the wings of your soul, and, when vulnerable, flight is inconceivable. — B.G. Bowers

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Rod Dreher

HOW TO REFUSE DEFEAT Life is fragile and uncertain. Sooner or later, you will experience a great loss in life, when suffering reveals that the world is not the place you think it is, and that your dreams will not come true after all. What then? Don't blame others for what happened to you, even if it might well be their fault. This is a dead end. And don't settle for stoic acceptance of your fate. Merely bearing up under strain is noble, but it's wasting an opportunity for transformation. You have the power to turn your burden into a blessing. What if this pain, this heartbreak, this failure, was given to you to help you find your true self? Make adversity work for you by launching a quest inside your own heart. Find the dragons hiding there, slay them, and bring back the treasure that will help you live well. — Rod Dreher

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By John Hulsman

The message from too many Democrats and Republicans alike remains that we should not let facts get in the way of our day-dreams. It's so much easier to fantasize about an alternative and ideal world, rather than making the hard and unpopular decisions that are necessary to deal with the complicated and frustrating one in which we live. It is so much easier to imagine that world as a blank slate on which America can draw as it wishes, rather than to recognize that limits on American power, and recalibrate strategy accordingly. If Americans fail to reexamine their fundamental attitudes toward that world, then the risk for the future is that failure in Iraq will make the United States more cautious, but not wiser. — John Hulsman

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Robert Cheeke

Most people are afraid to follow their dreams. The thought of failure is too much for them to handle so they never even try to achieve them. — Robert Cheeke

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Yvonne Pierre

While you're waiting on opportunity, it might be waiting on you to come to it. Get up and go get it! — Yvonne Pierre

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Mona Charen

Quantum Mechanics: The dreams stuff is made of. Quick: try to think of a single movie about the horrors of Stalinism. This is not a failure of imagination. This is moral meltdown. — Mona Charen

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Og Mandino

Failure no longer will be my payment for struggle. Just as nature made no provision for my body to tolerate pain neither has it made any provision for my life to suffer failure. Failure, like pain, is alien to my life. In the past I accepted it as I accepted pain. Now I reject it and I am prepared for wisdom and principles which will guide me out of the shadows into the sunlight of wealth, position, and happiness far beyond my most extravagant dreams until even the golden apples in the Garden of Hesperides will seem no more than my just reward. — Og Mandino

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Summary Station

From a psychological point of view, one can see how this is quite true. People until the age of around twenty five have frontal lobes of the brain that are not yet fully developed. The frontal lobe is the seat of reasoning. It is often because of this that an individual acts on impulse. It is only when a human begins to fear failure that the individual follows a more pragmatic path. Many people in the world have never realized or obtained the fruits of their dreams. — Summary Station

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Charles De Lint

People didn't realize it, but they needed myths to survive, just as much now as when their forebears were alive. Perhaps more. Mythology embodied the world's dreams, helped to make sense of the great human problems. Just as the dreams of individuals exist to give subconscious support to their conscious lives, so do myths serve as society's dreams. They uncover the dark, hidden places where mysteries dwell and can turn to nightmare if left untended. They make sense of injustice in archetypal terms. They give men and women a blueprint for how they may respond to success or failure, tragedy or joy. — Charles De Lint

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Jon Ronson

Even sleep offered no respite from my mental disorders. There was Nightmare Disorder, which is diagnosed when the sufferer dreams of being "pursued or declared a failure." All my nightmares involve someone chasing me down the street while yelling, "You're a failure! — Jon Ronson

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Kelly Cutrone

I advise you to stop sharing your dreams with people who try to hold you back, even if they're your parents. Because, if you're the kind of person who senses there's something out there for you beyond whatever it is you're expected to do - if you want to be EXTRA-ordinary- you will not get there by hanging around a bunch of people who tell you you're not extraordinary. Instead, you will probably
become as ordinary as they expect you to be. — Kelly Cutrone

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Francis Bacon

All superstition is much the same whether it be that of astrology, dreams, omen, retributive judgment, or the like, in all of which the deluded believers observe events which are fulfilled, but neglect and pass over their failure, though it be much more common. — Francis Bacon

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Be persistent in the pursuit of your dreams. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Carl Sagan

The gears of poverty, ignorance, hopelessness and low self-esteem interact to create a kind of perpetual failure machine that grinds down dreams from generation to generation. We all bear the cost of keeping it running. Illiteracy is its linchpin. — Carl Sagan

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Mehek Bassi

Dreams aren't only an illusion to put you into a subconsciously pleasurable state of mind for the time being, but also a pathway to gain complete contentment. — Mehek Bassi

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By Robin S. Sharma

The only thing standing between most people and their dreams is the fear of failure. — Robin S. Sharma

Failure Of Dreams Quotes By John Layfield

I don't have to pad my resume. Normal people are astounded by my resume, because normal people never let their dreams get beyond their front door, because they are scared of failure. I have never been scared of failure, and I have never failed. — John Layfield