Famous Quotes & Sayings

Bucket Quotes & Sayings

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Top Bucket Quotes

Bucket Quotes By Hugh Howey

there is a man blocking our way. Sitting astride a tractor with a big scooping bucket on the front, he yells at us for being on his property. We explain the boats, and he says we can't tie up there, that this is his restaurant. We say there's no room anywhere, that the Coast Guard won't let us leave, that they'll shoot at us if we do. He tells us we better go fucking home and get our guns. He tells us we're at war. — Hugh Howey

Bucket Quotes By Antonio Banderas

I drink a bucket of white tea in the morning. I read about this tea of the Emperor of China, which is supposedly the tea of eternal youth. It's called Silver Needle. It's unbelievably expensive, but I get it on the Web. — Antonio Banderas

Bucket Quotes By Samuel Woodworth

The old oaken bucket, the iron-bound bucket, The moss-covered bucket, which hung in the well. — Samuel Woodworth

Bucket Quotes By Patricia Briggs

Werewolves usually have markings that are more doglike than wolflike. I don't know why. Bran,
the Marrok, has a splash of white on his tail, as though he'd dipped it in a bucket of paint. I think it's
cute - but I'd never had the nerve to tell him so. — Patricia Briggs

Bucket Quotes By L. Frank Baum

The little girl, seeing she had lost one of her pretty shoes, grew angry, and said to the Witch, "Give me back my shoe!" "I will not," retorted the Witch, "for it is now my shoe, and not yours." "You are a wicked creature!" cried Dorothy. "You have no right to take my shoe from me." "I shall keep it, just the same," said the Witch, laughing at her, "and someday I shall get the other one from you, too." This made Dorothy so very angry that she picked up the bucket of water that stood near and dashed it over the Witch, wetting her from head to foot. Instantly the wicked woman gave a loud cry of fear, and then, as Dorothy looked at her in wonder, the Witch began to shrink and fall away. "See what you have done!" she screamed. "In a minute I shall melt away. — L. Frank Baum

Bucket Quotes By Nicholas Kristof

The ice bucket challenge went viral in 2014, partly because it was so much fun to watch videos of celebrities or friends dumping ice water on their heads. Videos of people in the challenge have been watched more than 10 billion times on Facebook - more than once per person on the planet. — Nicholas Kristof

Bucket Quotes By Tara Sivec

Give me a cat over a kid any day. You can open up a bag of Meow Mix, plop it down on the floor next to a bucket of water, go on vacation for a week, and come home to an animal that is so busy licking it's own ass that it has no idea you were even gone. You can't do that with a kid. Well, I guess you could, but I'm sure it's frowned upon in most circles. And if my kid could lick his own ass, I'd have saved a shit load of money on diapers, I can tell you that. — Tara Sivec

Bucket Quotes By Charles Haddon Spurgeon

I bear my testimony that there is no joy to be found in all this world like that of sweet communion with Christ. I would barter all else there is of heaven for that. Indeed, that is heaven. As for the harps of gold and the streets like clear glass and the songs of seraphs and the shouts of the redeemed, one could very well give all these up, counting them as a drop in a bucket, if we might forever live in fellowship and communion with Jesus. — Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Bucket Quotes By Charles Dickens

Where is your false, your treacherous, and cursed wife?"
"She's gone forrard to the Police Office," returns Mr Bucket. "You'll see her there, my dear."
"I would like to kiss her!" exclaims Mademoiselle Hortense, panting tigress-like. "You'd bite her, I suspect," says Mr Bucket.
"I would!" making her eyes very large. "I would love to tear her, limb from limb."
"Bless you, darling," says Mr Bucket, with the greatest composure; "I'm fully prepared to hear that. Your sex have such a surprising animosity against one another, when you do differ. — Charles Dickens

Bucket Quotes By Amy Tan

People talk about this 'bucket list': 'I need to go to this country, I need to skydive.' Whereas I need to think as much as I can, to feel as much as I can, to be conscious and observe and understand me and the people around me as much as I can. — Amy Tan

Bucket Quotes By Terry Pratchett

The Ephebians made wine out of anything they could put in a bucket, and ate anything that couldn't climb out of one. — Terry Pratchett

Bucket Quotes By Leon Wagner

I play for the poor man. I try to give a thrill to the lunch bucket fan. I know their plight. I worked in a factory in high school. The poor folk who lay out the hard bread to see a game. That's where my heart lies. The rich don't need heroes. — Leon Wagner

Bucket Quotes By Lynda Barry

My goal on my bucket list is to write a romantic comedy movie. — Lynda Barry

Bucket Quotes By Marilyn Manson

Don't ever empty the bucket of mystery. Never let people define what you do. It's not about zigging when you should zag. It's not about doing something unprecedented and unpredictable. It's just about never being a word, or something that is not in the process of transformation. — Marilyn Manson

Bucket Quotes By Ros Baxter

He shook his head at her question. Did women really think men cared about that stuff? Did he care if she did this all the time? Definitely, definitely not. He could honestly say he did not give a flying fuck whether this girl dragged guys home every other day to have her way with them for seven hours. He was just glad as hell she'd decided to do it with him. Today. And hopefully maybe again. Sometime. — Ros Baxter

Bucket Quotes By Gayle Forman

Don't worry, I plan on living a long time."
"Why are you making a bucket list, then?"
"Because if you wait until you're really dying, it's too late. — Gayle Forman

Bucket Quotes By Chinua Achebe

Unfortunately, oppression does not automatically produce only meaningful struggle. It has the ability to call into being a wide range of responses between partial acceptance and violent rebellion. In between you can have, for instance, a vague, unfocused dissatisfaction; or, worst of all, savage infighting among the oppressed, a fierce love-hate entanglement with one another like crabs inside the fisherman's bucket, which ensures that no crab gets away. This is a serious issue for African-American deliberation.
To answer oppression with appropriate resistance requires knowledge of two kinds: in the first place, self-knowledge by the victim, which means awareness that oppression exists, an awareness that the victim has fallen from a great height of glory or promise into the present depths; secondly, the victim must know who the enemy is. He must know his oppressor's real name, not an alias, a pseudonym, or a nom de plume! — Chinua Achebe

Bucket Quotes By Lana Parrilla

Israel was always on my bucket list, it was always one of those places that you check off and move onto the next place, but I'm never going to check Israel off my list. It's a place I'm always going to want to come back to. — Lana Parrilla

Bucket Quotes By Kate Kae Myers

I didn't ask him "why did you bite?" since "why" was a word that shouldn't be used with foster kids. "Why" brought up a bucket-load of garbage from the past that most of them didn't want to share and the rest of us didn't want to hear. Simple commands were best. "Don't bite," I stressed again, my voice kinder this time. — Kate Kae Myers

Bucket Quotes By Tom Spanbauer

There's hundreds of corners on this island, Crystal said. And there are thousands of us. Exiles from the heartland without a heart. Out of the old country, a brand-new tribe, dancing to new tunes around a bucket of fire in a vacant lot. — Tom Spanbauer

Bucket Quotes By Duncan McLean

Or even a really good hug! Jesus, your arms around another person, someone's arms round you, tight, so tight. Cause it's impossible to be happy all the time, to have a happy whole life, but you can be happy in bursts: with a really good hug you could be happy for...for half an hour maybe, and then that would be the best way, not to waste your time trying to get permanently happy, but just the next half-hour you are happy for, well immediately after, just fucking kill yourself. — Duncan McLean

Bucket Quotes By Kim Harrison

Jenks watched for a moment from the rim of the bucket, then said, " You look like a porno star on your hands and knees, mopping in your underwear. Push it baby" he moaned. " Push it! — Kim Harrison

Bucket Quotes By Ruta Sepetys

Better that he gets used to it,' he said.
Used to what, the feeling of uncontrolled anger? Or a sadness so deep, like your very core has been hollowed out and fed back to you from a dirty bucket? — Ruta Sepetys

Bucket Quotes By Deion Sanders

The problem I have with Bill Parcells is him quitting. I don't like guys quitting. If you sign up for something, finish the job get the job done. Don't quit. It is a three-year formula, he goes in, gets his three years and then he quits and walks out of there with a bucket full of money. I don't like that part of it — Deion Sanders

Bucket Quotes By Grace Burrowes

He was more tired than he had a right to be, considering he'd done little more than tool along in the gig, stroll around the property, and talk with Anna. But he was exhausted, and he'd taken some sort of chill in the rain, and he could barely keep his eyes open. Still, he wasn't going to waste an opportunity to torment his intended duchess, so he stripped out of his shirt, his breeches, stockings, and smalls, and took the bucket to the hearth, the better to illuminate him for Anna's peeping eyes. Truth — Grace Burrowes

Bucket Quotes By Lisa Samson

Gus, its never too late for redemption. The scars never run too deep, so deep that God is not there."
"I should know this. I minister to scarred people everyday. It just feels impossible when the scars are your own, or are those of the person you wronged so fully"
"It feels different when its you"
"Why is it the good you do seems like a drop in the bucket but the evil spreads for miles & miles — Lisa Samson

Bucket Quotes By Ros Baxter

Quentin flicked a quick glance back at her again. Poppy. This girl had the wrong name. She should have been Rose. Great face, lots of prickles. — Ros Baxter

Bucket Quotes By Ed Catmull

When we put setbacks into two buckets - the "business as usual" bucket and the "holy cow" bucket - and use a different mindset for each, we are signing up for trouble. — Ed Catmull

Bucket Quotes By Hilary McKay

Fishing in a bucket. The total hopelessness of the activity was very soothing. It was the perfect sport. Without the emotional stresses of success and failure, she was entirely free to enjoy the pleasures of the moment ... It was a good hobby, and cheap, and if more people did it more often — Hilary McKay

Bucket Quotes By W.B.Yeats

To A Young Beauty
Dear fellow-artist, why so free
With every sort of company,
With every Jack and Jill?
Choose your companions from the best;
Who draws a bucket with the rest
Soon topples down the hill.
You may, that mirror for a school,
Be passionate, not bountiful
As common beauties may,
Who were not born to keep in trim
With old Ezekiel's cherubim
But those of Beauvarlet.
I know what wages beauty gives,
How hard a life her servant lives,
Yet praise the winters gone:
There is not a fool can call me friend,
And I may dine at journey's end
With Landor and with Donne. — W.B.Yeats

Bucket Quotes By Arthur Melvin Okun

Society can transport money from rich to poor only in a leaky bucketArthur Melvin Okun

Bucket Quotes By Sam Walter Foss

Seek not for fresher founts afar, just drop you bucket where you are. — Sam Walter Foss

Bucket Quotes By Carl Sandburg

I speak of new cities and new people
I tell you the past is a bucket of ashes.
I tell you yesterday is a wind gone down,
a sun dropped in the west.
I tell you there is nothing in the world
only an ocean of tomorrows.
a sky of tomorrows.
I am a brother of the cornhuskers who say
at sundown:
Tomorrow is a day.
- Carl Sandburg, Cornhuskers — Carl Sandburg

Bucket Quotes By Charlie Fletcher

People pay money to go in there and that row thrown at them? Could stick your head in a bucket and whack it with a stick for free ... — Charlie Fletcher

Bucket Quotes By Gary Paulsen

Stories are like a river that flows - you dip a bucket in it — Gary Paulsen

Bucket Quotes By Sam Siv

*Be goal-oriented. Call it a bucket list, a life plan or just a list of goals. But whatever you call it, create a list of things you want to accomplish; both short and long-term. Like the list of changes you wish to make in yourself, meditate on accomplishing each goal you set in a reasonable amount of time. — Sam Siv

Bucket Quotes By Eric Kierans

This is the standard procedure for corporate growth these days; one company buys up another on loans that are floated on the basis of future earnings, and the monopoly or oligopoly created in this way produces the necessary funds by squeezing out competition, and passing the costs along to the consumer. The bucket that holds the new wealth is called a corporation. — Eric Kierans

Bucket Quotes By Alison Sweeney

My husband and I both have our bucket lists. Running a marathon was on mine. — Alison Sweeney

Bucket Quotes By Ilona Andrews

Go to the Black Sea, meet new people, see beautiful places, get killed by a mutant carnivorous kangaroo goat. One item off my bucket list. — Ilona Andrews

Bucket Quotes By Fernando Pessoa

Tobacco Shop') and compares his thinking to 'an overturned bucket' (in a poem dated 16 August 1934). If Soares thinks that 'Nothing is more oppressive than the affection of others' (Text 348), a Ricardo Reis ode (dated 1 November 1930) maintains that 'The same love by which we're loved/Oppresses us with its wanting. — Fernando Pessoa

Bucket Quotes By Frank Abagnale

Two little mice fell in a bucket of cream. The first mouse quickly gave up and drowned. The second mouse, wouldn't quit. He struggled so hard that eventually he churned that cream into butter and crawled out. Gentlemen, as of this moment, I am that second mouse. — Frank Abagnale

Bucket Quotes By Bobby Bragan

Say you were standing with one foot in the oven and one foot in an ice bucket. According to the percentage people, you should be perfectly comfortable. — Bobby Bragan

Bucket Quotes By Raymond Chandler

She's a charming middle-aged lady with a face like a bucket of mud and if she has washed her hair since Coolidge's second term I'll eat my spare tyre, rim and all. — Raymond Chandler

Bucket Quotes By Terry Pratchett

Across the street, a clown picked up a ladder, turned, knocked the clown behind him into a bucket of water, then turned again to see what the commotion was, thus sending his rising victim into the bucket again with a surprising parping noise. The crowd watched silently. If it were funny, clowns wouldn't be doing it. The — Terry Pratchett

Bucket Quotes By Jan Ellison

The heart is large, and there is more than one material in the bucket we call love. — Jan Ellison

Bucket Quotes By John Ramsey Miller

Consciously, she thought she had her feelings for him licked; subconsciously, every time she thought about him, it was as though someone stumbling around inside her head had kicked over a bucket of electric eels. — John Ramsey Miller

Bucket Quotes By J.K. Rowling

Seventeen, eh!" said Hagrid as he accepted a bucket-sized glass of wine from Fred.
"Six years to the day we met, Harry, d'yeh remember it?"
"Vaguely," said Harry, grinning up at him. "Didn't you smash down the front door, give Dudley a pig's tail, and tell me I was a wizard?"
"I forge' the details," Hagrid chortled. — J.K. Rowling

Bucket Quotes By Benedict Cumberbatch

To get a horse to hit a mark without a rider, to get it to stand up, to get it to rear, to get it to pick up a bucket and bring it over is amazing. It's hard work and very rewarding but can be dangerous. — Benedict Cumberbatch

Bucket Quotes By Chuck Jones

Human beings will line up for miles to buy a bucket of catastrophes, but don't try selling sunshine and light - you'll go broke. — Chuck Jones

Bucket Quotes By Miguel De Cervantes Saavedra

He seized a bucket and plunging it into one of the half jars took up three hens and a couple of geese, — Miguel De Cervantes Saavedra

Bucket Quotes By Karl Malone

When we play the game like we're supposed to play it, it is pretty easy. Making the extra pass, making the simple play, it's not about between your legs, behind your back, and all of that, it's just about scoring the bucket. — Karl Malone

Bucket Quotes By Stephen King

Which leads us to discuss if, deep down, Edgar Freemantle has decided that when the time comes, he's just going to - in the words of my misspent youth - cry fuck it and crawl in the bucket. — Stephen King

Bucket Quotes By Haruki Murakami

After a certain length of time has passed, things harden up. Like a cement hardening in a bucket. And we can't go back anymore — Haruki Murakami

Bucket Quotes By J.C. Daniels

I just sliced and diced a Burmese python while you were busy growling at the universe, fuzz bucket. — J.C. Daniels

Bucket Quotes By Matt Bomer

For me, a lot of these actors are new. For me, I only worked with Finn [Whittrock] and Michael Chiklis. So a lot of these actors are people I've been a huge fan of for years and are bucket-list actors for me to get to work with. It's pretty surreal now getting to step into scenes with them.You all get to find your characters together. — Matt Bomer

Bucket Quotes By JSA Lowe

You nightmare, gasped and jerk up all at once where I bolt too, hand flown to rest on his kidneys. Confused bedclothes, the sulphurous dark. Worse for you, the same war, another battle so undoing that in daylight you won't admit it, nothing, nothing, avert and work. His purple-circled eyes could have been anywhere. She sets a pan, quietly, of biscuits. Bring me morning's water bucket, then turn wordless out. Finished enough, now I will out too, Mr. Whitman in scandalous hand with a leaf to hold my place. Rivering. Greening. It all stops, water too silty and feet booted, she crooks in a moss-tree and is lost, forgets even to ask for moccasins. I have wrapped fear into linen and hoped it into lavender, saved for funerary. At noon he looks; returns, admits. Across the tablecloth can ask Where did you come from. — JSA Lowe

Bucket Quotes By Mark Twain

Tom appeared on the sidewalk with a bucket of whitewash and a long-handled brush. He surveyed the fence, and all gladness left him and a deep melancholy settled down upon his spirit. Thirty yards of board fence nine feet high. Life to him seemed hollow, and existence but a burden. — Mark Twain

Bucket Quotes By Elsa Bakalar

Never plant without a bucket of compost at your side. — Elsa Bakalar

Bucket Quotes By Maggie Osborne

A man could shoot a squirrel out of a tree from a distance of sixty feet. But he couldn't vomit into a bucket or pee into a pot only two feet away. It was one of the great mysteries of life. — Maggie Osborne

Bucket Quotes By Truman Capote

Never pump the well dry; always leave a bucket there. — Truman Capote

Bucket Quotes By David Berman

Out in the wide readership,his younger brother was kicking an ice bucket in the woods behind the Marriott,
his younger brother who was missing that part of the brain that allows you to make out with your pillow.
Poor kid. — David Berman

Bucket Quotes By Roald Dahl

This is Mr. Bucket. This is Mrs. Bucket. Mr. and Mrs. Bucket have a small boy whose name is Charlie Bucket. — Roald Dahl

Bucket Quotes By Kate Elliott

No, no! I'll carry the waste bucket. No one will ever suspect Prince Temnos would do that, will they?" His grin heartens me. We — Kate Elliott

Bucket Quotes By Christa Black

Being loved continuously when you believe that you're unlovable is like throwing salt on a wound. It stings like acid. You want it desperately, instinctively knowing deep down you were wired to need it. But the more love given, the more unworthy of love you behave, constantly trying to find ways to make up for the void and pain that reside like a monster inside your heart. — Christa Black

Bucket Quotes By Virginia Woolf

The light blazed out across the patch of grass; fell on the child's green bucket with the gold line round it, and upon the aster which trembled violently beside it. For the wind was tearing across the coast, hurling itself at the hills, and leaping, in sudden gusts, on top of its own back. How it spread over the town in the hollow! How the lights seemed to wink and quiver in its fury, lights in the harbour, lights in bedroom windows high up! And rolling dark waves before it, it raced over the Atlantic, jerking the stars above the ships this way and that. — Virginia Woolf

Bucket Quotes By Emily Matchar

It's not the nineteenth century; I'm not meant to be judged on how good a housekeeper I am. Getting down on the floor with a lemon and a bucket of vinegar does not make me a better person. — Emily Matchar

Bucket Quotes By Crystal Woods

Being near you for a day was at the top of my bucket list of the greatest life achievements, so this has by far exceeded my expectations and everyday has been magic. — Crystal Woods

Bucket Quotes By Anonymous

Here's another way to put it: You're here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We're going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don't think I'm going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I'm putting you on a light stand. Now that I've put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand - shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you'll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven. — Anonymous

Bucket Quotes By Wendell Berry

We weren't allowing our hopes to become expectations. Expectations are tempting, pleasant, maybe necessary. They are scary too, once you have had some experience. They are not necessarily and not always a bucket of smoke, but they can be and are even likely to be. — Wendell Berry

Bucket Quotes By Devon Monk

Shamus Flynn stood at the door halfway across the room, a bucket of ice tucked between his arm and chest, and a grin on his face.
"Thank God I got here in time." He tossed another volley our way. "You might have gone up in sex at any minute. — Devon Monk

Bucket Quotes By Heather Dixon

He's around the twist,' said Azalea. 'Breaking all the windows? He's mad.'
'Ah, no,' said the King. 'It's only madness if you actually do it. If you want to break all the windows in the house and drown yourself in a bucket but don't actually do it, well, that's love. — Heather Dixon

Bucket Quotes By Becky Wade

You in the mood for a movie tonight?" Kate asked him a couple days later. Matt was working, and she was sitting on her customary bucket taking a break, drinking bottled water, and surreptitiously admiring him from every angle.
"I could pick something up on my way over tonight."
"How about Pride and Prejudice?"
"What's that?" he asked warily. It's not one of those movies where they all wear old-fashioned clothes and walk around talking in British accents, is it?"
"That's exactly what it is."
Matt groaned.
"It's romantic! Maybe one of the most romantic stories ever. — Becky Wade

Bucket Quotes By Madeline Sheehan

Could just feed 'im to the dogs, Prez," Bucket drawled. "Wouldn't have to feed 'em for a whole fuckin' month after that."
Dirty rolled his eyes. Bucket was full of shit; the club didn't have any dogs. — Madeline Sheehan

Bucket Quotes By Robyn Carr

Uh-huh. I think she was flattered. It'll help fill her bucket." "Huh?" "You know - the bucket ... " "What are you talking about?" "Well, the elementary school teachers talk about the bucket a lot. Everyone has one. When people say nice things to you, do nice things, make you feel better about yourself, they're filling your bucket. When people are mean or insulting or hurtful in any way, they're emptying your bucket and you don't want to go around with an empty bucket. It makes you sad and cranky. And you don't want to be emptying other peoples' buckets - that also makes you unhappy. The best way is to fill all the buckets you can and keep yours nice and full by looking for positive people and experiences." She smiled. Troy leaned his elbow on the bar and rested his head in his hand. "What do I have to do to get a job with you?" "Master's degree in counseling." She took a sip. "Easy peasy. You'd be great. — Robyn Carr

Bucket Quotes By Michael Pollan

[David] Wallerstein discovered that people would spring for more popcorn and soda- a lot more- as long as it came in a single gigantic serving. Thus was born the two-quart bucket of popcorn, the sixty-four-ounce Big Gulp, and, in time, the Big Mac and the jumbo fries. — Michael Pollan

Bucket Quotes By Henry Miller

I am thinking of one woman and the rest is blotto. I say I am thinking of her, but the truth is I am dying a stellar death. I am lying there like a sick star waiting for the light to go out. Years ago I lay on this same bed and I waited and waited to be born. Nothing happened. Except that my mother, in her Lutheran rage, threw a bucket of water over me. My mother, poor imbecile that she was, thought I was lazy. She didn't know that I had gotten caught in the stellar drift, that I was being pulverized to a black extinction out there in the farthest rim of the universe. — Henry Miller

Bucket Quotes By Nadine Darling

I wanted to bring a bucket of fried chicken home through the snow to my family. — Nadine Darling

Bucket Quotes By Amy Andrews

He kissed her then. Not tentative. Not polite.
This was no first-kiss kiss. It was demanding. Dirty. And it went on and on. Deep, open-mouthed, head-twisting, tongue-fucking, rock'n'roll kissing. — Amy Andrews

Bucket Quotes By John Steinbeck

From the Grapes of Wrath and a woman that would not be moved: 'On'y way you gonna get me to go is whup me.' She moved the jack handle gently again. 'An' I'll shame you, Pa. I won't take no whuppin', cryin' an' a-beggin'. I'll light into you. An' you ain't so sure you can whup me anyways. An' if ya do get me, I swear to God I'll wait till you got your back turned, or you're settin' down, an' I'll knock you belly-up with a bucket. I swear to Holy Jesus' sake I will. — John Steinbeck

Bucket Quotes By John Berendt

Two tears in a bucket. Motherfuck it. — John Berendt

Bucket Quotes By Rick Riordan

I woke to a bucket of ice water in my face.
"Sadie! Get up," Zia said.
"God!" I yelled. "Was that necessary?"
"No," admitted Zia. — Rick Riordan

Bucket Quotes By J. Yates

I also say you can tell your true friends, by the ones who put a bucket by your bed when your drunk and going to be sick - (my quote - so proud) — J. Yates

Bucket Quotes By Robert Bly

This resembles the slow discipline of art: it's the work that Rembrandt did, that Picasso and Yeats and Rilke and Bach did. Bucket work implies much more discipline than most men realize. — Robert Bly

Bucket Quotes By Kacey Musgraves

I would love to go to India. And also someday, I want to have a family. That's my bucket-list. — Kacey Musgraves

Bucket Quotes By Barbra Annino

I drank in the scene around me. Some people were directing traffic, some were throwing buckets full of water on the flames (the whole bucket too, not just the contents), some were snapping photos and one guy, I recognized as a regular of the Black Opal, Scully, was clutching a stool and crying.
It was like the bleacher seats at a Cubs game when the beer gets cut off ... — Barbra Annino

Bucket Quotes By Miguel De Cervantes Saavedra

Brother, this is not a day on which hunger is to have any sway, thanks to the rich Camacho; get down and look about for a ladle and skim off a hen or two, and much good may they do you." "I don't see one," said Sancho. "Wait a bit," said the cook; "sinner that I am! how particular and bashful you are!" and so saying, he seized a bucket and plunging it into one of the half jars took up three hens and a couple of geese, and said to Sancho, "Fall to, friend, and take the edge off your appetite with these skimmings until dinner-time comes. — Miguel De Cervantes Saavedra

Bucket Quotes By Heather Burch

bucket on the deck behind him, bait sloshing. He — Heather Burch

Bucket Quotes By Lou Reed

I cleaned up my act because otherwise I would have kicked the bucket. — Lou Reed

Bucket Quotes By Holly Black

The big question of vampires, the question that hunts governments and individuals alike, the question that bug me every night when I see their red eyes watching citizens of Coldtown the ways hungry cats watch fishin a bucket is: what are they? Are they diseased or demonic? Are they humans who have become ill, deserving hospitals and care, as some have argued? Or are they the bodies of our loved ones animated by some dark force that we ought to seek to destroy? — Holly Black

Bucket Quotes By Carl Adamshick

I am lost in the living, in the acceptance
of rain filling a bucket,

in the belief
that the chemical burn was a washing

for the exodus
and the smoke rising through the chimneys

into the pale blue morning was a love song.
There are days when I wake

and find my face is a hole
and I have nowhere to hang my mask.

from "The Emptiness — Carl Adamshick

Bucket Quotes By Barbara Kingsolver

Want is a thing that unfurls unbidden like fungus, opening large upon itself, stopless, filling the sky.
But needs, from one day to the next, are few enough to fit in a bucket, with room enough left to rattle like brittle brush in a dry wind. — Barbara Kingsolver

Bucket Quotes By Sunday Williams

It might have been like someone vomiting, but before the liquid got all the way to the top and fully obscured the vocal cords. It was without a doubt mucousy, like damaged tissue sloughing free, egg sacs ripping; gluten, bile, chyme, and vanilla custard being dumped and sloshed in a ten-gallon bucket and the flappety-blapping of gasses ripping free from bloated corpses. — Sunday Williams

Bucket Quotes By Henry David Thoreau

Ice is an interesting subject for contemplation. They told me that they had some in the ice-houses at Fresh Pond five years old which was as good as ever. Why is it that a bucket of water soon becomes putrid, but frozen remains sweet forever? It is commonly said that this is the difference between the affections and the intellect. — Henry David Thoreau

Bucket Quotes By Anonymous

When he raises a brow in surprise, I give him a look that must be bordering on feral. "I'm craving a heaping bucket of crispy fried chicken with a side of biscuits like you wouldn't believe." "And she eats," he says to the car. "A girl after my own heart." "Just drive, Cupcake." "Easy now, Special Sauce, I'll get you your chicken. — Anonymous

Bucket Quotes By Andy Hargreaves

If one foot is in a bucket of steam, and the other is in a bucket of ice, you are not, on average, comfortable. — Andy Hargreaves

Bucket Quotes By Samuel Larsen

There aren't a whole lot of things I want out of life. My bucket list is extremely short: Achieve the success in the industry I want, and get married. If I achieve both of those, I can die completely stoked. I don't need anything else. — Samuel Larsen

Bucket Quotes By Sarah J. Maas

At dawn, Aedion had burst in, demanding why they weren't ready to leave - to go home. Lysandra had shifted into a ghost leopard and chased him out. Then she returned, lingering in her massive feline form, and again sprawled beside Aelin. They managed to get another thirty minutes of sleep before Aedion came back and chucked a bucket of water on them. He was lucky to escape alive. — Sarah J. Maas

Bucket Quotes By Heidi Cullinan

Sometimes I feel like everyone else is carrying a bucket of water but I'm trying to carry an ocean. its very hard. sometimes I would rather not carry my ocean, even if it meant I couldn't be alive. — Heidi Cullinan

Bucket Quotes By Jeremy Luke

All I'm going to say is that I worked with Christopher Walken the other day. I can cross him and working with Clint Eastwood off my bucket list! — Jeremy Luke

Bucket Quotes By Steve Whitmore

Negotiating the Goodreads interface is like returning a giraffe's eyelashes to their follicles after a Napalm attack using only a rolling pin and a bucket. — Steve Whitmore