Famous Quotes & Sayings

Beauty Pageant Quotes & Sayings

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Top Beauty Pageant Quotes

Beauty Pageant Quotes By Roger Scruton

The pageant of a former hour, Is Beauty in the Grave. — Roger Scruton

Beauty Pageant Quotes By Jay Leno

They always say the Miss America Pageant isn't a beauty contest, it's really a scholarship program. If that's the case, why don't we just put all the contestants on Jeopardy! and pick Miss America that way? At least you get the smartest one. — Jay Leno

Beauty Pageant Quotes By Pam Grier

My mother really wanted me to be in possibly a beauty pageant, not only for if I could win, but it helped improve my self-image because of trauma in my childhood and other issues. — Pam Grier

Beauty Pageant Quotes By David Levithan

In my mind, she was Lebkuchen Spice - ironic, Germanic, sexy, and off beat. And, mein Gott, the girl could bake a damn fine cookie ... to the point that I wanted to answer her What do you want for Christmas? with a simple More cookies, please!
But no. She warned me not to be a smart-ass, and while that answer was totally sincere, I was afraid she would think I was joking or,
worse, kissing up.
It was a hard question, especially if I had to batten down the sarcasm. I mean, there was the beauty pageant answer of world peace, although I'd probably have to render it in the beauty pageant spelling of world peas. I could play the boo-hoo orphan card and wish for my whole family to be together, but that was the last thing I wanted, especially at this late date. — David Levithan

Beauty Pageant Quotes By Jay Leno

The reigning Miss Canada has been arrested for punching out another woman in a bar fight.Quite frankly, I think it's refreshing to finally find one beauty pageant winner who is against world peace. — Jay Leno

Beauty Pageant Quotes By Cintra Wilson

Sarah Palin and her virtual burqa have me and my friends retching into our handbags. She's such a power-mad, backwater beauty-pageant casualty, it's easy to write her off and make fun of her. But in reality I feel as horrified as a ghetto Jew watching the rise of National Socialism. — Cintra Wilson

Beauty Pageant Quotes By Elizabeth Eulberg

Then it hits me: High school is exactly like a beauty pageant. Of course. Walking down a hallway is like being on stage, being judged by your appearance. — Elizabeth Eulberg

Beauty Pageant Quotes By Marc Marcel

The truth isn't meant to be pretty, that's for beauty pageants. — Marc Marcel

Beauty Pageant Quotes By Zooey Deschanel

I accidentally entered a youth pageant when I was 14. That's like a beauty pageant, but without the beauty. It was terrible. — Zooey Deschanel

Beauty Pageant Quotes By Rodney Crowell

In life's rich beauty pageant we put children on a stage, said flash your soft white belly child, but just don't act your age. — Rodney Crowell

Beauty Pageant Quotes By Susan Faludi

In place of equal respect, the nation offered women the Miss America beauty pageant, established in 1920-the same year women won the vote. — Susan Faludi

Beauty Pageant Quotes By Leslie Ludy

True feminine beauty is not a complicated formula involving hundreds of rules to remember. It is not something that requires spending two years at finishing school or being groomed as a beauty pageant queen. It is the natural byproduct of a young woman who has emptied herself, given up her own life, and allowed God's Spirit complete access to every dimension of her inner and outer life. — Leslie Ludy

Beauty Pageant Quotes By Blair Holden

We're going to kick butt at the competition, Tessie, and when we win I promise I'll let you bash my brother's head in with the trophy." I chuckle at his enthusiasm and shake my head. "It's not a wrestling match, Stone, it's a beauty pageant, and my trophy will most likely be a plastic tiara." "Well don't those things have sharp pointy combs? You can dig them into his eye or something." "You have a really twisted mind, you know that?" "Thank you, shortcake. — Blair Holden

Beauty Pageant Quotes By Dana Gould

Earthquakes would be great if they could hit specific areas, like the parent lounge at a children's beauty pageant. — Dana Gould

Beauty Pageant Quotes By Francine Pascal

If she had anything to say about it, the pageant would be called off and the dignity of Sweet Valley womanhood would be preserved. The truth was, no one seemed to care as much about the beauty pageant issue as she did. — Francine Pascal

Beauty Pageant Quotes By Dana Gould

Somewhere a woman is praying her toddler wins a beauty pageant. I say this because sometimes people wonder why God lets tornadoes happen. — Dana Gould

Beauty Pageant Quotes By Halle Berry

When I got to be about 16,17 I got into a beauty pageant and I was allowed to start playing around with makeup. — Halle Berry

Beauty Pageant Quotes By Donna Rice

Shortly thereafter, some friends encouraged me to try out for the Miss South Carolina World beauty pageant. To my surprise, I won - and was sent to New York City to compete nationally. — Donna Rice

Beauty Pageant Quotes By Joyce Giraud

Especially as a title-holder, you can do great things with charities, because people suddenly care about what you have to say. I wanted to make a difference, which is why I created the Queen of the Universe pageant. I want to change all of those stigmas in the beauty pageant world. — Joyce Giraud

Beauty Pageant Quotes By Libba Bray

I'm not that kind of Indian, Shanti said, her practiced smile never leaving her face, though it faltered just a bit, and in that slight wobble was something hard and angry, something that looked like centuries of colonial oppression boiling up into an I'm-going-to-kick-your-ass-in-this-pageant-and-then-take-over-all-your-beauty-out-sourcing-needs hatred. — Libba Bray

Beauty Pageant Quotes By Violet Bonham Carter

[The Edwardian era] was a time of booming trade, of great prosperity and wealth in which the pageant of London Society took place year after year in a setting of traditional dignity and beauty. The great houses - Devonshire, Dorchester, Grosvenor, Stafford and Lansdowne House - had not yet been converted into museums, hotels and flats, and there we danced through the long summer nights till dawn. The great country-houses still flourished in their glory, and on their lawns in the green shade of trees the art of human intercourse was exquisitely practised by men and women not yet enslaved by household cares and chores who still had time to read, to talk, to listen and to think. — Violet Bonham Carter

Beauty Pageant Quotes By Joyce Giraud

I do an international beauty pageant called Queen of the Universe for UNESCO, and what we do is we build kindergartens around the world. — Joyce Giraud

Beauty Pageant Quotes By Clay Aiken

I know that I've got big ears and a big forehead and that my hair sticks up. But I'm happy with myself. I'm not necessarily trying to win a beauty pageant here. — Clay Aiken

Beauty Pageant Quotes By Dennis Vickers

High-pitched squeal like a beauty pageant contestant found best in show, Oprah audience member given a new Chevy, rookie actress surprised with an unlikely Oscar. — Dennis Vickers

Beauty Pageant Quotes By Hadley Freeman

This is a strange pocket of the western world where it is still deemed utterly acceptable to take smart, successful women and reduce them to beauty pageant contestants, — Hadley Freeman

Beauty Pageant Quotes By Gillian Flynn

It sounded artificial, like a beauty pageant contestant pledging world peace. I did feel sad, but articulating it seemed cheap to me. — Gillian Flynn

Beauty Pageant Quotes By Tina Fey

Kay Cannon was a woman I'd known from the Chicago improv world. A beautiful, strong midwestern gal who had played lots of sports and run track in college, Kay had submitted a good writing sample, but I was more impressed by her athlete's approach to the world. She has a can-do attitude, a willingness to learn through practice, and she was comfortable being coached. Her success at the show is a testament to why all parents should make their daughters pursue team sports instead of pageants. Not that Kay couldn't win a beauty pageant - she could, as long as for the talent competition she could sing a karaoke version of 'Redneck Woman' while shooting a Nerf rifle. — Tina Fey

Beauty Pageant Quotes By Inez Haynes Irwin

With a country of rare picturesqueness for a background, a people of rare beauty for actors, everybody more or less permeated with the artistic instinct and everybody more or less writing poetry - California has a pageant for breakfast, a fiesta for luncheon and a carnival for dinner. They are always electing queens. In fact any girl in California who hasn't been a queen of something before she's twenty-one is a poor prune. — Inez Haynes Irwin

Beauty Pageant Quotes By Debra Anastasia

Beckett finally allowed himself to turn to her, to see what they saw. He had to smile. She was sheer sex and sin. The boots were old favorites with high, steel heels. And as predicted, her pants were orgasmically tight. She had a corset on, goddamn it, and her tits were so distracting it was obscene. Across her chest hung rounds of ammo like she'd just won the beauty pageant of death, and a leather jacket topped the whole fucking thing off. Well, that and the impressive automatic weapon slung over her shoulder. She pulled her favorite knife from where it was strapped to her thigh next to another. She twirled her hair into a bun and slid the knife into it, meeting his gaze when it was set. Eve was magnificent. Every damn time. — Debra Anastasia

Beauty Pageant Quotes By Lemony Snicket

A huge cloud of dust is not a beautiful thing to look at. Very few painters have done portraits of huge clouds of dust or included them in their landscapes or still lifes. Film directors rarely choose huge clouds of dust to play the lead roles in romantic comedies, and as far as my research has shown, a huge cloud of dust has never placed higher than twenty-fifth in a beauty pageant. Nevertheless, as the Baudelaire orphans stumbled around the cell, dropped each half of the battering ram and listening to the sound of crows flying in circles outside, they stared at the huge cloud of dust as if it were a thing of great beauty. — Lemony Snicket

Beauty Pageant Quotes By Jude Law

I'm only wanted by directors for the image I give off, and it makes me angry. I always wanted to be an actor and not a beauty pageant winner. — Jude Law

Beauty Pageant Quotes By Rachel Cohn

What do you want ?
It was a hard question, especially if I had to bat en down the sarcasm. I mean, there was the beauty pageant answer of world peace, although I'd probably have to render it in the beauty pageant spelling of world peas. — Rachel Cohn

Beauty Pageant Quotes By Julie Murphy

Nope," says Hannah. "I call bullshit. You don't deserve to win anything or be in any pageant until you make the effort and do the work. Maybe fat girls or girls with limps or girls with big teeth don't usually win beauty pageants. Maybe that's not the norm. But the only way to change that is to be present. We can't expect the same things these other girls do until we demand it. Because no one's lining up to give us shit, Will. — Julie Murphy

Beauty Pageant Quotes By Samantha Blake

Certain things are expected of you when you're a demon. Take the grotesque bodies, for example. Powerful, lethal, but definitely not beauty pageant material. Which is why the more talented among the demon race normally reverted to a basic human form. Those that couldn't take human form were destined to a life of servitude or as a meal on legs. — Samantha Blake