Famous Quotes & Sayings

10th Anniversary Card Quotes & Sayings

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Top 10th Anniversary Card Quotes

10th Anniversary Card Quotes By Karen Traviss

We have an understanding. I don't laugh at his skirt, and he doesn't rip my head off.
-Fi Skirata — Karen Traviss

10th Anniversary Card Quotes By Queen Rania Of Jordan

If one girl with courage is a revolution, imagine what feats we can achieve together. — Queen Rania Of Jordan

10th Anniversary Card Quotes By Stephanie Grace Whitson

Cooper took his hat off and swiped his forehead. Finally he spoke. "Well, Frank, to my mind, what a woman does or doesn't do should be up to the woman. She should be who she is, not what others expect her to be." It's her land. As far as I'm concerned she's the boss. — Stephanie Grace Whitson

10th Anniversary Card Quotes By Susan Ee

She sees me once in a guy's arms and she has us married already. I wonder what Raffe would think of my mom being his mother-in-law. — Susan Ee

10th Anniversary Card Quotes By Johann Kaspar Lavater

Not every one who has the gift of speech understands the value of silence. — Johann Kaspar Lavater

10th Anniversary Card Quotes By Andrew Solomon

Ease makes less of an impression on us than struggle. — Andrew Solomon

10th Anniversary Card Quotes By Lynda Lee-Potter

The sight of a paunchy playboy groping a scantily-dressed Diana must appal and humiliate Prince William ... As the mother of two young sons she ought to have more decorum and sense. She has for many years criticised Prince Charles for being a distant, undemonstrative father. In the long run he's been the more responsible parent and certainly inflicted less damage, anguish and hurt. — Lynda Lee-Potter

10th Anniversary Card Quotes By Maya Banks

Don't take her from me, he whispered fiercely, hoping the words wrenched from the depths of his soul somehow made it to God's ears. — Maya Banks

10th Anniversary Card Quotes By Alcuin

If many people follow your enthusiastic endeavours, perhaps a new Athens might be created in the land of the Franks, or rather a much better one. — Alcuin

10th Anniversary Card Quotes By Meg Cabot

And then, little by little, the reality of what I had just done sank in: I had just killed my boyfriend's dad! — Meg Cabot

10th Anniversary Card Quotes By Lou Harper

It's not who you slept with that matters, but whom you fell in love with. — Lou Harper

10th Anniversary Card Quotes By Brene Brown

The hallmark of embarrassment is that when we do something embarrassing, we don't feel alone. — Brene Brown

10th Anniversary Card Quotes By Fetty Wap

My whole thing is loyalty. Loyalty over royalty; word is bond. — Fetty Wap

10th Anniversary Card Quotes By Michael O'Leary

I'm probably just an obnoxious little bollocks. Who cares? — Michael O'Leary