Famous Quotes & Sayings

Steven Millhauser Quotes & Sayings

Enjoy the top 46 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Steven Millhauser.

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Famous Quotes By Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 658766

Repetition for no reason is a sign of carelessness or pretentiousness, but there are plenty of good reasons to repeat words and phrases. — Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 810121

The more the mouse pursues this line of of thought, the more it seems to him that the cat is a large, soft mouse. — Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 1087082

One thing I learned is that the park by the river in a recent story, 'Getting Closer,' is the same park by the river that appears for a moment near the end of 'The Eighth Voyage of Sinbad,' a story first published 23 years earlier. This echo at first irritated me, then pleased me deeply. — Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 651457

What I dislike is conventional realism - a system of gestures, descriptions, psychological revelations that was once a vital way of representing the world but has become hackneyed through endless repetition. I'd argue that a conventional realist isn't a realist at all, but a falsifier of the real. — Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 233463

Now and again we would happen to step out of the familiar universe into a sudden sharp shock of sweetly scented air, sudden as spilled perfume, piercing as crystal, dark and sweet as the sound of oboes. — Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 1606968

We know nothing. Absolutely nothing. — Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 818021

I am often tired. I am sometimes discouraged. I am always sure. — Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 152091

I expected no miracles; I wasn't young enough for dreams; I knew in my bones that I couldn't escape my troubles by changing the view from my window. — Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 2210425

If you fear phantoms, you're like a child frightened of seeing things in the dark. — Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 1764384

And again it snowed, and again the sun came out. In the mornings on the way to the station Franklin counted the new snowmen that had sprung up mysteriously overnight or the old ones that had been stricken with disease and lay cracked apart
a head here, a broken body and three lumps of coal there
and one day he looked up from a piece of snow-colored rice paper and knew he was done. It was as simple as that: you bent over your work night after night, and one day you were done. Snow still lay in dirty streaks on the ground but clusters of yellow-green flowers hung from the sugar maples. — Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 1513543

Or perhaps the truth was that there is
no Fate, no pattern, nothing at all except a tired man looking back and forgetting everything but this
and that detail which the very act of memory composes into a fate. Eschenburg, remembering his
childhood, wondered whether Fate was merely a form of forgetfulness. — Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 1824363

We are happy to be here, where the sky has always seemed a little bluer, the leaves a little greener, than in other towns we know. — Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 1514896

Perhaps sound is only an insanity of silence, a mad gibber of empty space grown fearful of listening to itself and hearing nothing. — Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 1567897

Awkward approximations, dull stammerings which cannot convey my sense of exhilaration as I seem to burst impediments, to exceed bounds of the possible, to experience, in the ruins of the human, the birth of something utterly new. — Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 1353483

All words are masks and the lovelier they are, the more they are meant to conceal. — Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 1606010

The swirling lines of snow were composed of separate flakes, and each flake was a cluster of separate ice crystals--scientists had counted over a hundred of them in a single flake. Under the microscope each minuscule crystal, colorless and transparent, revealed a secret symmetry: six sides, the outward expression of an inward geometry of frozen molecules of water. But the real wonder was that no two crystals were precisely alike. In one of this father's camera magazines he had seen a stunning display of photomicrographs, and what was most amazing about the enlarged crystals was that each contained in its center a whole world of intricate six-sided designs, caused by microscopic air pockets. For no conceivable reason, Nature in a kind of exuberance created an inexhaustible outpouring of variations on a single form. A snowstorm was a fall of jewels, a delirium of hexagons--clearly the work of a master animator. — Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 2205497

That afternoon he told me that the difference between human beings and animals was that human beings were able to dream while awake. He said the purpose of books was to permit us to exercise that faculty. Art, he said, was a controlled madness ... He said books weren't made of themes, which you could write essays about, but of images that inserted themselves into your brain and replaced what you were seeing with your eyes. — Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 1607373

I saw that I was in danger of becoming ordinary, and I understood that from now on I would have to be vigilant. — Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 1716158

I had thought that words were instruments of precision. Now I know that they devour the world, leaving nothing in its place. — Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 2180083

So imagine a fire going
wood snapping the way it does when it's a little green - the wind rattling the windows behind the curtains
and one of those Chopin melodies that feel like sorrow and ecstasy all mixed together pouring from the keys
and you have my idea of happiness. Or just reading, reading and lamplight, the sound of pages turning.
And so you dare to be happy.
You do that thing.
You dare. — Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 1791480

I thought of myself, in those days, as someone in disguise - beneath the obedient son, beneath the straight-A student, the agreeable well-brought-up boy with his friends and his ping-pong and his semiofficial girlfriend, there was another being, restless, elusive, mocking, disruptive, imperious, and this shadowy underself had nothing to do with that other one who laughed with his friends and went to school dances and spent summer afternoons at the beach. — Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 2164088

Franklin knew that the truth lay with the winter night: the world was silent and black-and-white. — Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 1802700

Martin thought of the iron El trestles winding and stretching across the city, of department store windows and hotel lobbies, of electric elevators and street-car ads, of the city pressing its way north on both sides of the great park, of dynamos and electric lights, of ten-story hotels, of the old iron tower near the depot at West Brighton with its two steam-driven elevators rising and falling in the sky
and in his blood he felt a surge of restlessness, as if he were a steam train spewing fiery coal smoke into the black night sky as he roared along a trembling El track, high above the dark storefronts, the gaslit saloons, the red-lit doorways, the cheap beer dives, the dance halls, the gambling joints, the face in the doorway, the sudden cry in the night. — Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 1956965

We others are not like you. We are more prickly, more jittery, more restless, more secretive, more desperate, more cowardly, more bold. We live at the edges of ourselves, not in the middle places. We leave that to you. — Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 1815504

Stories, like conjuring tricks, are invented because history is inadequate for our dreams. — Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 1947320

I began by working in a study in an attic, but for many years, I've used a small room in a library. What matters to me isn't decor or comfort but only quiet. I need to hear the rhythms of phrases, the music of sentences. Any place that allows me to do that is good enough. — Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 1889795

Others saw in the trend still another instance of a disturbing tendency in the American suburb: the longing for withdrawal, for self-enclosure, for expensive isolation. — Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 810232

I longed for release from whatever it was I was. But whatever I was lay hard and immovable in me, like bone; I would never be free of my own weight. — Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 219812

When a story or part of a story comes to me, I turn it over in my mind a long time before starting to write. I might make notes or take long drives or who knows what. By the time I give myself permission to write, I know certain things, though not everything. I know where the story is headed, and I know certain crucial points along the way. — Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 231557

Writing is a way of getting at the things most people would prefer to escape. Writing takes me to the center of life. That's my invitation to my readers as well. — Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 237235

Do you believe that the actor on the stage is really a villain? Let me ask you something else. If he isn't a villain, then is he a liar? — Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 422131

As we hurry along the sidewalk, we have the absurd sensation that we have entered still another department, composed of ingeniously lifelike streets with artful shadows and reflections
that our destinations lie in a far corner of the same department
that we are condemned to hurry forever through these artificial halls, bright with late afternoon light, in search of the way out. — Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 434696

I'm pleased by anything in myself that strikes me as not myself. — Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 469902

This is the night of revelation. This is the night the dolls wake. This is the night of the dreamer in the attic. This is the night of the piper in the woods. — Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 593785

I never write to disappear and escape. The truth is exactly the opposite. Most people strike me as escaping and disappearing in one way or another - into their jobs, their daily routines, their delusions about themselves and others. — Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 603412

She was wary, trained to expect little of life, grateful for small pleasures, on her guard against promises, accustomed to making the best of things, in the habit of both wanting and not daring to want something more. Now Miracle Polish has come along, with its air of swagger and its taunting little whisper. Why not? it seemed to say. Why on earth not? But the mirrors that strengthened me, that filled me with new life, made Monica bristle. Did she feel that I preferred a false version of her, a glittering version, to the flesh-and-blood Monica with her Band-Aids and big knees and her burden of sorrows? What drew me was exactly the opposite. In the shining mirrors I saw the true Monica, the hidden Monica, the Monica buried beneath years of discouragement. Far from escaping into a world of polished illusions, I was able to see, in the depths of those mirrors, the world no longer darkened by diminishing hopes and fading dreams. There, all was clear, all was possible. — Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 770311

Then solar systems, galaxies, supernovas, infinite space itself will become elements of a final masterwork
a never-ending festival, a celestial amusement park in which every exploding star and spinning electron is part of the empyreal choreography. — Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 1497591

For what is genius, I ask you, but the capacity to be obsessed? ... We have all been geniuses, you and I; but sooner or later it is beaten out of us, the glory faded, and by the age of seven most of us are nothing but wretched little adults. — Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 1037472

Was there a turn, a change in the atmosphere? To single out a particular moment is to distort the record, for it suggests a clear history of cause and effect that can only betray our sense of what really happened. — Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 1134410

I don't take off time from teaching to write. I take time off from writing to teach. — Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 1200440

A story with a single ending seems to us a bare and diminished thing, like a tree with a single branch; and each ending seems to us an expression of something that is buried deep within the tale and can be brought to light in that way and no other. — Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 1216372

I think of childhood as an explosion of creativity. For most people, growing up and earning a living means leaving all that behind. But an artist never leaves that behind. Edwin Mullhouse was my way of exploring the child as artist and, under the guise of childhood, something larger. — Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 1282458

God pity the poor novelist. — Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 1314800

But what struck me was the book-madness of the place
books lay scattered across the unmade bed and the top of a battered-looking desk, books stood in knee-high piles on the floor, books were crammed sideways and right side up in a narrow bookcase that rose higher than my head and leaned dangerously from the wall, books sat in stacks on top of a dingy dresser. The closet door was propped open by a pile of books, and from beneath the bed a book stuck out beside the toe of a maroon slipper. — Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 1439690

His ambition was to insert his dreams into the world, and if they were the wrong dreams, then he would dream them in solitude. — Steven Millhauser

Steven Millhauser Quotes 1465519

If you read a story with an 'I' or a 'he' or a 'she,' you're in familiar territory - but 'we' is mostly unexplored. I think of 'we' as an adventure. — Steven Millhauser