Elizabeth Vaughan Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 24 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Elizabeth Vaughan.
Famous Quotes By Elizabeth Vaughan

Want to know the best part of being a warlord?' came a hoarse whisper.
I bit my lip, puzzled by the question.
Keir's mouth curled up slowly into a smile. 'I always get what I want. — Elizabeth Vaughan

No, no, my heart's fire, you misunderstand my words." Keir shifted to Xyian. "When I spoke that word, and made that pledge to you, I didn't really understand what it meant."
He shifted slightly, pulling me closer. "It doesn't just mean for years and years, for the rest of our lives. Or as we would say, to the snows and beyond."
"Oh?" I still wasn't sure what he was trying to say.
"'Forever' means every day, every breath. Through the mistakes that we make, through the love that we share between our bodies, through illness we suffer, through sorrow, frief, and joy.
All of it, Lara. — Elizabeth Vaughan

I turned back to my work and lifted the lid of the last crate.
I sat down. Hard. And stared.
It was filled with paper. Ink. Blank journals.
In one wonderful, horrible moment I knew that I was lost. Keir, Warlord, had taken me, claimed me, made me his warprize. But somewhere, somehow, he had managed to find a way into my heart as well.
How had this happened? I'd given myself to a barbarian, a ravaging, crazed warlord, expecting little more than abuse and dishonor at his hands. But this man had offered nothing but kindness and respect to me, his property. I knew this gift was by his hand, I'd not spoken to Sal about paper or ink, and she'd not understand its importance.
Could he care so much that he paid attention to this tiny detail?
Did he want me to be happy? — Elizabeth Vaughan

Will you allow this, Keir of the Cat?"
Keir's face was bland, but I could see the storm in his eyes. After a long moment, he turned to me. "Lara?"
"My oaths require that I treat any that ask it of me," I responded. "You are my Warlord, Keir of the Cat. I respect that you are concerned for my safety. Please respect my oaths in return. Besides," I smiled at him, "it's a tent. If I so much as breathe hard, you will slash your way to my side."
He gave me a look then, an unhappy look, to be sure. But I raised my eyebrows at him, and the corners of his eyes crinkled. "Very well. As my Warprize requests."
Essa struggled to his feet. "Please refrain from slashing your way through my tent, Warlord." He walked toward what must be his sleeping area. "This way, Warprize. — Elizabeth Vaughan

Finally, as the sun was setting, Marcus 'killed' all my body guards, and I was facing my 'attacker' alone. Prest grinned at me as he lay dead at my feet. I looked over at Marcus, who stood there with two daggers, threatening me. "Now what?"
He tilted his head under that cloak, and glared at me. "What can you do?"
"I don't know!" Frustrated, I glared back at him.
Ander had managed to 'die' face down, and looked like he was taking a nap. "Look for a weakness," he whispered to me.
Weakness? Marcus had already proved he was deadly with those daggers, so what weakness did he have?
Marcus rolled his one eye at me.
Oh. — Elizabeth Vaughan

Atira! Heath!" I hugged Atira first, then threw myself into Heath's arms. But I pulled back quickly. "Heath! Your eye! What happened?"
His eye was black, with deep purple bruises and swelling all around. It was almost completely swollen shut.
Heath grimaced. "Nothing, Lara." He glanced over at Atira, who glared right back at him.
"Next time, you will not get between a warrior of the Plains and her enemy." Atira snapped, clearly unsympathetic.
"Oh, there's a truth that needs telling!" Simus crowed. — Elizabeth Vaughan

Fear Hold you still when you need to move, and moves you when you need to be still.
Fear makes you silent when you need to be Loud, and Loud when you need silence.
Fear closes your throat, makes it hard to breathe.
Fear weakens your hand and blinds your eyes.
Fear is a danger.
Know your fear.
Face your fear. — Elizabeth Vaughan

Muttering something, Tant raised his hands to the sky as he walked beside me. I wasn't sure if it was a prayer or curse, but I distinctly heard "Why me? — Elizabeth Vaughan

You tried. That was all you could do. All any of us can do.... — Elizabeth Vaughan

We all wish to protect our loved ones from pain. But part of loving is sharing....Sharing hopes and fears, pain and loss, bodies and minds. Why else love? — Elizabeth Vaughan

Fear makes you silent when you need to be loud and loud when you need silence. — Elizabeth Vaughan

They take them from the plants and animals or the elements. Still Waters, Gentle Breeze, pah. Why not Dead Deer, or Rutting Ehat? — Elizabeth Vaughan

My eyes widened as I took in Rafe and Prest. Rafe seemed fine, but Prest. . . "Prest, you shaved your head!" Those long black braids were gone. Prest's bald head gleamed in the light.
He shrugged and ran a hand over his baldness. "Easier to shave." He flashed me a smile. "It grows back.
"Eventually," Rafe added. "Until then, I will need to protect my eyes from the glare. — Elizabeth Vaughan

I started, squeezing Keir's shoulder. He did not look at me, turning to look at Simus instead. "Simus, I ask that you undertake the protection of the warprize personally. Designate whatever men you need to hold her safe. Once the commotion has started, place the army on alert."
Iften rose at that. "Warlord, it's my place to take charge of the camp, not Joden." He almost spat Joden's name.
Keir almost snarled. "Iften, if you had both feet planted on the earth, were bathed in flames, calling a wind, holding my token, and blessed by rain from the skies, still I would not trust you with my warprize."
Marcus snickered, as did some of the others. Iften turned bright red, but held his tongue. — Elizabeth Vaughan

Days? Had it only been days? Does the heart count days, or even hours? — Elizabeth Vaughan

It left a tuft of wool behind, caught on the matted grasses. I plucked it, and held it to my nose. It had that spicy scent of Keir's. I twirled it in my fingers, and smiled when I realized that Keir smelled like a goat. — Elizabeth Vaughan

May your balls rot like fruit in the sun, and your manhood wither at the root! — Elizabeth Vaughan

I tried to stay in the clear parts of the road, avoiding horse dung. Perhaps going barefoot had not been the wisest choice. — Elizabeth Vaughan

I didn't know what it meant."
"Didn't know what forever meant."
"'Forever' means every day, every breath. Through the mistakes that we make, through the love that we share between our bodies, through illness we suffer, through sorrow, grief, and joy. All of it, Lara."
"It's the total of all our shared moments, good and bad, perfect and ugly."
"What I am trying to say is that now that I do know what it means, it makes it mean so much more."
"Forever. — Elizabeth Vaughan

He glared at me and pointed at the plate of food. "Eat. I must return to the tent and see if Hisself requires anything." He smirked and raised an eyebrow. "Simus is telling his tall tales, and those city-dwellers are believing every word. I needs get back and poke holes in the bucket he carries his conceit in. — Elizabeth Vaughan

The only source of my power are the pages you hold and the words written thereon. As you read them, I hope the magic starts to work between my words and your imagination. — Elizabeth Vaughan

Where is Simus?" Keir asked.
As if at his command, the flaps of the main entrance opened, and there was a commotion as Simus was borne aloft on a cot by four men, like the roast pig at the mid-winter festival. I had to smile, and saw that others in the crowd were not immune to the humor of the image.
"Make way!" Simus boomed out, his voice filled with laughter. "Make way!" He grinned like a fool, white teeth gleaming in his dark face, carried aloft over everyone's head, propped up with brightly colored pillows. But his joy changed to a yell of panic when one of his bearers stumbled slightly. This caused an outbreak of laughter in the crowd, as Simus berated his bearers for their clumsiness. — Elizabeth Vaughan

We laughed, then Keir took my hand. "I've something to show Lara down by the river. We will return."
Marcus put his hands on his hips. "None of that, now. There's a celebration to start, and no time for 'showing' her - "
Keir cut him off, as I blushed. "We'll be back in time."
Marcus gave him an evil smile. "I'll have the first meats waiting."
Keir grimaced, and grabbed my hand. "Come, Lara. — Elizabeth Vaughan