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Wrong Turn At Tahoe Movie Quotes & Sayings

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Top Wrong Turn At Tahoe Movie Quotes

Wrong Turn At Tahoe Movie Quotes By Allan Dare Pearce

But, ladies and gentlemen, we will also be asked to make sacrifices in matters that are not our affair and that do not concern us, sacrifices that would leave our people bleeding or wounded, or even dead, from battle. There is no equality for us in this lifetime. — Allan Dare Pearce

Wrong Turn At Tahoe Movie Quotes By Vironika Tugaleva

It is only by seeing beauty in everything that we can see it in any one single thing, day after day. Don't run into the arms of obsession, for that quickly fades. Long lasting love comes from an open, loving heart. — Vironika Tugaleva

Wrong Turn At Tahoe Movie Quotes By Adrienne Rich

I wanted him [my father] to cherish and approve of me, not as he had when I was a child, but as the woman I was, who had her own mind and had made her own choices. — Adrienne Rich

Wrong Turn At Tahoe Movie Quotes By Gordon Getty

If you have more money than you need, you have to give it away. It's a duty. I get to choose whom to sponsor, and I like to give to the areas that I know something about. — Gordon Getty

Wrong Turn At Tahoe Movie Quotes By Kate Winslet

One thing I love about being back is English rain. Looking out of the window now, it's raining, and the sky is dark; I love it. To me, those are reassuringly English things. I love it when it rains. — Kate Winslet

Wrong Turn At Tahoe Movie Quotes By Viet Thanh Nguyen

Some might say I was seeing things, but the true optical illusion was in seeing others and oneself as undivided and whole, as if being in focus was more real than being out of focus. We thought our reflection in the mirror was who we truly were, when how we saw ourselves and how others saw us was often not the same. Likewise, — Viet Thanh Nguyen

Wrong Turn At Tahoe Movie Quotes By Rick Warren

Christianity is not a religion or a philosophy, but a relationship and a lifestyle. The core of that lifestyle is thinking of others, as Jesus did, instead of ourselves. — Rick Warren

Wrong Turn At Tahoe Movie Quotes By Anna Faris

You know, right now, they say - I don't know who says this, but somebody told me - there's three male roles to every female role. And I guess I'd work on evening that up. Making great roles for women. It's just such a huge challenge. — Anna Faris

Wrong Turn At Tahoe Movie Quotes By David Attenborough

The fundamental issue is the moral issue. — David Attenborough

Wrong Turn At Tahoe Movie Quotes By Umberto Eco

If a shepherd errs, he must be isolated from other shepherds, but woe unto us if the sheep begin to distrust shepherds. — Umberto Eco

Wrong Turn At Tahoe Movie Quotes By Jay Griffiths

As a writer you have a duty to be a messenger. — Jay Griffiths

Wrong Turn At Tahoe Movie Quotes By Kimberly Novosel

But I tended not to date men who ever showed up for me. — Kimberly Novosel