Famous Quotes & Sayings

Wim Hofman Quotes & Sayings

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Top Wim Hofman Quotes

Wim Hofman Quotes By Todd Phillips

I just love the look of film. But I have nothing against HD. — Todd Phillips

Wim Hofman Quotes By Marty Rubin

Seize the day, then let it go. — Marty Rubin

Wim Hofman Quotes By Kate Morton

All true readers have a book, a moment when real life is never going to be able to compete with fiction again. — Kate Morton

Wim Hofman Quotes By Peter Hanson

No false promises are made that if you read these pages, you will learn the formula for writing a million-dollar screenplay; in fact, the dirty little secret of screenwriting books is that anyone who promises such formulas is lying. There — Peter Hanson

Wim Hofman Quotes By Ferid Murad

There are very few things in the body that nitric oxide doesn't regulate. — Ferid Murad

Wim Hofman Quotes By Michael Lewis

A man who can tell a good story can make a good living as a broker. — Michael Lewis

Wim Hofman Quotes By Jonas Mekas

In a meadow full of flowers, you cannot walk through and breathe those smells and see all those colors and remain angry. We have to support the beauty, the poetry, of life. — Jonas Mekas

Wim Hofman Quotes By Lauren Blakely

They'd done plenty of wild things in their time together, but Reeve's favorite and Sutton's too was when he asked her to beg for it. She always did, and he always made sure she was rewarded. — Lauren Blakely

Wim Hofman Quotes By Russell Kirk

Burke, and the better men among his disciples, knew that change in society is natural, inevitable, and beneficial; the statesman should not struggle vainly to dam the whole stream of alteration, because then he would be opposing Providence; instead, his duty is to reconcile innovation and prescriptive truth, to lead the waters of novelty into the canals of custom. This accomplished, even though he may seem to himself to have failed, the conservative has executed his destined work in the great mysterious incorporation of the human race; and if he has not preserved intact the old ways he loved, still he has modified greatly the ugly aspect of the new ways. — Russell Kirk

Wim Hofman Quotes By Victoria Scott

You're beautiful. If you believe it, they'll believe it. — Victoria Scott

Wim Hofman Quotes By John Sebastian

I certainly hear the Trombones Unlimited version of 'Daydream' in a lot of elevators. — John Sebastian

Wim Hofman Quotes By Thomas Frank

There is much to dislike about President Obama's approach to the financial crisis. But opposition, it seems, will have to come from somewhere other than conservatism. The party out of power is also a party out of touch. — Thomas Frank