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W.e.b. Dubois Quotes & Sayings

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Top W.e.b. Dubois Quotes

W.e.b. Dubois Quotes By W.E.B. Du Bois

One ever feels his twoness,
an American, a Negro; two souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled strivings; two warring ideals in one dark body, whose strenth alone keeps it from being torn asunder. — W.E.B. Du Bois

W.e.b. Dubois Quotes By Barack Obama

I kept finding the same anguish, the same doubt; a self-contempt that neither irony nor intellect seemed able to deflect. Even DuBois's learning and Baldwin's love and Langston's humor eventually succumbed to its corrosive force, each man finally forced to doubt art's redemptive power, each man finally forced to withdraw, one to Africa, one to Europe, one deeper into the bowels of Harlem, but all of them in the same weary flight, all of them exhausted, bitter men, the devil at their heels. — Barack Obama

W.e.b. Dubois Quotes By Jennifer DuBois

Major export is people who are funny and smart, who have advanced degrees, who read on public transportation. — Jennifer DuBois

W.e.b. Dubois Quotes By Jennifer DuBois

But all that talk. All those confidences. He shuddered to think about it. At the time, though, he didn't know any better, and he was filled the gleeful lurching and teeth-chattering panic of early and undiagnosed love. — Jennifer DuBois

W.e.b. Dubois Quotes By Barack Obama

It was into my father's image, the black man, son of Africa, that I'd packed all the attributes I sought in myself, the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela. — Barack Obama

W.e.b. Dubois Quotes By Debois

g*d wept, but that mattered little to an unbelieving age ... for there began to rise in America in 1876 a new capitalism & a new enslavement of labor" --w.e.b. duboisDebois

W.e.b. Dubois Quotes By Gabrielle Dubois

A good reader should always have two books with him: one to read, the other one to lend. — Gabrielle Dubois

W.e.b. Dubois Quotes By Jennifer DuBois

The things that go wrong are rarely the things you've thought to worry about. — Jennifer DuBois

W.e.b. Dubois Quotes By Laurent Dubois

It's important to remember there is a 20 year US. occupation of Haiti from 1915 to 1934. That represents a major transition in the history of the country and kind of reshaping partly in terms of just their direction of their attention. — Laurent Dubois

W.e.b. Dubois Quotes By Tennessee Williams

I'll tell you what I want. Magic! Yes, yes, magic! I try to give that to people. I misinterpret things to them. I don't tell the truth. I tell what ought to be truth. And if that is sinful, then let me be damned for it! - Don't turn the light on! — Tennessee Williams

W.e.b. Dubois Quotes By Howard Zinn

Furthermore, some of the best people in the country were connected with the Communist movement in some way, heroes and heroines one could admire. There was Paul Robeson, the fabulous singer-actor-athlete whose magnificent voice could fill Madison Square Garden, crying out against racial injustice, against fascism. And literary figures (weren't Theodore Dreiser and W. E. B. DuBois Communists?), — Howard Zinn

W.e.b. Dubois Quotes By Gabrielle Dubois

Turn the page, your heroine is still there, breathe, relax, life is beautiful: you're in a book! — Gabrielle Dubois

W.e.b. Dubois Quotes By Jennifer DuBois

But it was one thing to know that your privilege was unearned; it was another thing entirely to feel that your sadness was, too - to have to be so pitifully glad, so pitifully sorry, for the modest perks of a dull and diligent middle-class life (TV, and Target candles, and a trip to Six Flags every year). — Jennifer DuBois

W.e.b. Dubois Quotes By Jennifer DuBois

The city had seemed grand to him once ... it had once had a certain clarity. When you're young you think it's the clarity that's intoxicating; later you realize you were only ever drunk on your own vision. — Jennifer DuBois

W.e.b. Dubois Quotes By Jennifer DuBois

The way to assure morality on Earth was not to behave as though there was a God, even if there wasn't - it was to behave as though there was no God, even if there was. We must act as though ours is all the judgment and forgiveness that is ever forthcoming, if we want any hope of getting anything right. — Jennifer DuBois

W.e.b. Dubois Quotes By Henry Louis Gates

We can't all work in the inner city. And, I don't even think that it is incumbent upon an African-American intellectual to be concerned in their work with problems of race and class. It's just one of the things, that we here at the DuBois Institute, are concerned about. — Henry Louis Gates

W.e.b. Dubois Quotes By Gabrielle Dubois

Let's read as if books were to disappear tomorrow! — Gabrielle Dubois

W.e.b. Dubois Quotes By Neal Stephenson

Dr. Harris was now wishing that the late Doc Dubois had never opened his big fat mouth. — Neal Stephenson

W.e.b. Dubois Quotes By Jennifer Estep

What did Owen ever see in you?" "Oh, I don't know," I said, my voice as cold and calm as hers was. "Maybe the fact that I'm not a psychotic bitch who tortures people for kicks. — Jennifer Estep

W.e.b. Dubois Quotes By Jennifer DuBois

He could hear his knees crack, and it made him feel old. You had to live so terribly long to actually be old, but Sebastien was starting to wonder if people began to feel that way quite a bit earlier, and spent their lives waiting for their bodies to match their souls. — Jennifer DuBois

W.e.b. Dubois Quotes By Jennifer DuBois

But I find something compelling in the game's choreography, the way one move implies the next. The kings are an apt metaphor for human beings: utterly constrained by the rules of the game, defenseless against bombardment from all sides, able only to temporarily dodge disaster by moving one step in any direction. — Jennifer DuBois

W.e.b. Dubois Quotes By Jennifer DuBois

My father had a healthy disregard for social conventions: he once let me paint the house windows in rainbows with my watercolor set, to my mother's horror, and he'd clap for trees that he thought were doing a good job of exploding into red during the fall. — Jennifer DuBois

W.e.b. Dubois Quotes By W.E.B. Du Bois

But we do not merely protest; we make renewed demand for freedom in that vast kingdom of the human spirit where freedom has ever had the right to dwell:the expressing of thought to unstuffed ears; the dreaming of dreams by untwisted souls. — W.E.B. Du Bois

W.e.b. Dubois Quotes By Ron Suskind

In his book The Soul of Black Folks, W.E.B. DuBois writes about always feeling his twoness
an American, a Negro; two souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled strivings; to warring ideals in one dark body. — Ron Suskind

W.e.b. Dubois Quotes By Dana Goldstein

Henry David Thoreau, Susan B. Anthony, W. E. B. DuBois, and Lyndon B. Johnson are just a few of the famous Americans who taught. They resisted the fantasy of educators as saints or saviors, and understood teaching as a job in which the potential for children's intellectual transcendence and social mobility, though always present, is limited by real-world concerns such as poor training, low pay, inadequate supplies, inept administration, and impoverished students and families. These teachers' stories, and those of less well-known teachers, propel this history forward and help us understand why American teaching has evolved into such a peculiar profession, one attacked and admired in equal proportion. — Dana Goldstein

W.e.b. Dubois Quotes By W.E.B. Du Bois

The history of the American Negro is the history of this strife,
this longing to attain self-conscious manhood, to merge his double self into a better and truer self. In this merging he wishes neither of the older selves to be lost ... He simply wishes to make it possible for a man to be both a Negro and an American ... — W.E.B. Du Bois

W.e.b. Dubois Quotes By Jennifer DuBois

He regarded conversation as sport, and Lily loved anyone who regarded anything in life as sport (except for actual sports). — Jennifer DuBois

W.e.b. Dubois Quotes By Jennifer DuBois

There wasn't a single cell in our bodies that was the same as the day we were born, and yet we were still held responsible for everything all of our formers selves had ever done. — Jennifer DuBois

W.e.b. Dubois Quotes By Stephanie Grace Whitson

The sessions with Mr. Dubois continued, but it was in the private parlor of Abigail Braddock that Sarah Biddle received the greatest knowledge, for in Mrs. Braddock's private parlor Sarah Biddle learned not only to read books, but also to love them. — Stephanie Grace Whitson

W.e.b. Dubois Quotes By Maurice J. Dubois

We all have days when we say that we are gown-ups, that we are mature, have a lot of experience and don't need advise from others.
But it is our mom and dad we turn to when we're in trouble or can't find the answer to a question. — Maurice J. Dubois

W.e.b. Dubois Quotes By Stephen Lloyd Jones

She stopped, and he knew she had caught herself, dismayed a what she had been about to reveal. [Nicole Dubois] — Stephen Lloyd Jones

W.e.b. Dubois Quotes By Ellen DuBois

Extending over more than a century and including most nations of the globe, the cause of woman suffrage has been one of the great democratic forces in human history. — Ellen DuBois

W.e.b. Dubois Quotes By Tina Fey

If you're a die-hard "foodie," hop off the road in DuBois and enjoy a Subway sandwich made at a place that is eighty percent gas station. — Tina Fey

W.e.b. Dubois Quotes By Elizabeth Strout

I have sometimes been sad that Tennessee Williams wrote that line for Blanche DuBois, "I have always depended on the kindness of strangers." Many of us have been saved many times by the kindness of strangers, but after a while it sounds trite, like a bumper sticker. And that's what makes me sad, that a beautiful and true line comes to be used so often that it takes on the superficial sound of a bumper sticker. — Elizabeth Strout

W.e.b. Dubois Quotes By Jennifer DuBois

This was the elasticity and permanence of parental love; everything vile about your children was to some degree something vile about yourself, and disowning your child for their failings could only compound your own. — Jennifer DuBois

W.e.b. Dubois Quotes By Jennifer DuBois

Sometimes there are things we don't understand even about ourselves. Sometimes we run out of the time to keep trying to unravel them, and we have to sit back and content ourselves with a shrug. But I think there are some things that we'd never understand even if we had forever to wonder. There are things that - even if we had unnumbered lifetimes to think about them - we still wouldn't know. — Jennifer DuBois

W.e.b. Dubois Quotes By Cecelia Ahern

Above Constance's desk were nude photographs of women in 1930s France, draped in provocative poses. She had put them there for Bob's viewing pleasure and in return he had placed African art of naked men above his desk for her. — Cecelia Ahern

W.e.b. Dubois Quotes By Allison DuBois

Saying good-bye when you know it's for the last time is like no other sadness you will ever experience. — Allison DuBois

W.e.b. Dubois Quotes By Chuck Palahniuk

This woman is Pocahontas. She is Athena and Hera. Lying in this messy, unmade bed, eyes closed, this is Juliet Capulet. Blanche DuBois. Scarlett O'Hara. With ministrations of lipstick and eyeliner I give birth to Ophelia. To Marie Antoinette. Over the next trip of the larger hand around the face of the bedside clock, I give form to Lucrezia Borgia. Taking shape at my fingertips, my touches of foundation and blush, here is Jocasta. Lying here, Lady Windermere. Opening her eyes, Cleopatra. Given flesh, a smile, swinging her sculpted legs off one side of the bed, this is Helen of Troy. Yawning and stretching, here is every beautiful woman across history. — Chuck Palahniuk

W.e.b. Dubois Quotes By Jennifer DuBois

The trick to not killing yourself was to convince yourself, every single day, that your departure from the world would have a devastating effect on absolutely everyone around you, despite consistent evidence to the contrary. — Jennifer DuBois

W.e.b. Dubois Quotes By Gabrielle Dubois

Life can be so unexpected and wolderful! — Gabrielle Dubois

W.e.b. Dubois Quotes By Jennifer DuBois

We are inscrutable even to ourselves, I suppose. — Jennifer DuBois

W.e.b. Dubois Quotes By Jennifer DuBois

One can become so sentimental about a person's absence, but it's impossible to be consistently sentimental in his presence - when you're confronted with the quotidian selfishness and silence that, I'm given to understand, comprise most of a life. But we were just so new. — Jennifer DuBois

W.e.b. Dubois Quotes By Jennifer DuBois

I yawned, which is my cover for everything. — Jennifer DuBois