Famous Quotes & Sayings

U Will Win Quotes & Sayings

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Top U Will Win Quotes

U Will Win Quotes By Ian C. Esslemont

Battle is for an army to win or lose; war is for civilization to win or lose. — Ian C. Esslemont

U Will Win Quotes By Tommy Lasorda

When we win, I'm so happy I eat a lot. When we lose, I'm so depressed, I eat a lot. When we're rained out, I'm so disappointed I eat a lot. — Tommy Lasorda

U Will Win Quotes By John Linder

The U.S. Forces are winning in Iraq. It is to be hoped that they will win at home also. — John Linder

U Will Win Quotes By William L. Shirer

All the good things on this earth are trophy cups. The strong win them. The weak lose them.
from a speech by the Nazi Minister of Education — William L. Shirer

U Will Win Quotes By Lisa Kleypas

Westcliff sees an odd sort of logic in why you would finally be the one to win St. Vincent's heart. He says a girl like you would appeal to ... hmm, how did he put it? ... I can't remember the exact words, but it was something like ... you would appeal to St. Vincent's deepest, most secret fantasy."
Evie felt her cheeks flushing while a skirmish of pain and hope took place in the tired confines of her chest. She tried to respond sardonically. "I should think his fantasy is to consort with as many women as possible."
A grin crossed Lillian's lips. "Dear, that is not St. Vincent's fantasy, it's his reality. And you're probably the first sweet, decent girl he's ever had anything to do with."
"He spent quite a lot of time with you and Daisy in Hampshire," Evie countered.
That seemed to amuse Lillian further. "I'm not at all sweet, dear. And neither is my sister. Don't say you have been laboring under that misconception all this time? — Lisa Kleypas

U Will Win Quotes By Mark Lawrence

When they killed him, Mother wouldn't hold her peace, so they slit her throat. I was stupid then, being only nine, and I fought to save them both. But the thorns held me tight. I've learned to appreciate thorns since. The thorns taught me the game. They let me understand what all those grim and serious men who've fought the Hundred War have yet to learn. You can only win the game when you understand that it IS a game. Let a man play chess, and tell him that every pawn is his friend. Let him think both bishops holy. Let him remember happy days in the shadows of his castles. Let him love his queen. Watch him loose them all. — Mark Lawrence

U Will Win Quotes By Hermann Maier

I like to win. If I lose, I'm not very happy. — Hermann Maier

U Will Win Quotes By Lou Holtz

One reason I won't compromise is because I believe honesty helps you win over the long haul. You can win a game tomorrow and lose a team. You can lose a game tomorrow and win a football team. — Lou Holtz

U Will Win Quotes By Iron Maiden

Seven deadly sins,
seven ways to win,
seven holy paths to hell,
and your trip begins
Seven downward slopes
seven bloodied hopes
seven are your burning fires,
seven your desires ... — Iron Maiden

U Will Win Quotes By Joe Frazier

There's one thing I don't ever think about: losing ... Instead, I think about how I'm going to win, and how I can do it the quickest way. — Joe Frazier

U Will Win Quotes By Jack Nicklaus

You can win tournaments when you're mechanical, but golf is a game of emotion and adjustment. If you're not aware of what's happening to your mind and your body when you're playing, you'll never be able to be the very best you can be. — Jack Nicklaus

U Will Win Quotes By Kathleen Hanna

Gay marriage! That's a huge change and a huge win-win for feminism. — Kathleen Hanna

U Will Win Quotes By David Cook

I'm competitive to a fault, so of course every week I'm just like, "I want to win, I want to do great." — David Cook

U Will Win Quotes By Michel Patini

The match against Brazil was football at its best. Both sides had opportunities to win the game. — Michel Patini

U Will Win Quotes By Ginuwine

To get nominated, and a lot of people get nominated and say they're glad to be nominated but I wanna win! I want to win! — Ginuwine

U Will Win Quotes By Frederick Lenz

It is necessary to go through all the daily tasks and bring perfection to them, to learn to be perfect in your meditation, and to win in all your endeavors so that one day you will complete again. — Frederick Lenz

U Will Win Quotes By Pat Cash

There's a lot of heartache because you don't always win. You need loads of determination. — Pat Cash

U Will Win Quotes By Stephen Rodrick

To build an empire - or win seven Tour de Frances in a row - you must have a Lone Star-size ego and a dash of megalomania. — Stephen Rodrick

U Will Win Quotes By Elizabeth Debold

Raising a daughter is an extremely political act in this culture. Mothers have been placed in a no-win situation with their daught ers: if they teach their daughters simply how to get along in a world that has been shaped by men and male desires, then they betray their daughters' potential But, if they do not, they leave their daughters adrift in a hostile world without survival strategies. — Elizabeth Debold

U Will Win Quotes By John Gardner

I look down past the stars to a terrifying darkness. I seem to recognize the place, but it's impossible. "Accident," I whisper. I will fall. I seem to desire the fall, and though I fight it with all my will I know in advance I can't win. Standing baffled, quaking with fear, three feet from the edge of a nightmare cliff, I find myself, incredibly, moving towards it. I look down, down, into bottomless blackness, feeling the dark power moving in me like an ocean current, some monster inside me, deep sea wonder, dread night monarch astir in his cave, moving me slowly to my voluntary tumble into death. — John Gardner

U Will Win Quotes By LeBron James

If it wasn't for the determination and the will power we have in each other, we wouldn't have pulled through and got this win. Much respect to Spain, but the U.S. is back on top again. — LeBron James

U Will Win Quotes By Lavinia Agache

When I broke my knee, no one cared how I was; they just wanted me to get better and come back to gymnastics to win more medals for their country. — Lavinia Agache

U Will Win Quotes By Wafaa Bilal

More than 100,000 soldiers will soon return home with the post-traumatic stress I know so well, not to mention the mysterious effects of deplted uranium ... and the ripples of resentment and animosity this war has sent throughout the world will inevitably wash up on U.S. shores.
As I write this, mainstream political dialogue is still focused on the crazy idea that we can somehow still "win" the war in Iraq. For someone like me, a citizen of both countries, what outcome would constitute a victory? When you're talking about war, about so many thousands dead, so many families shattered on both sides, how can anyone claim victory? — Wafaa Bilal

U Will Win Quotes By Bill O'Reilly

Americans despise cowards," Patton continued all those months ago, putting his own spin on U.S. history. "Americans play to win all the time. I wouldn't give a hoot in hell for a man who lost and laughed. That's why Americans have never lost nor will ever lose a war; for the very idea of losing is hateful to an American. — Bill O'Reilly

U Will Win Quotes By Randy Alcorn

Imagine you're alive at the end of the Civil War. You're living in the South, but you're a Northerner. You plan to move home as soon as the war's over. While in the South you've accumulated lots of Confederate currency. Now, suppose you know for a fact the North's going to win the war, and the end is imminent. What will you do with your Confederate money? If you're smart, there's only one answer. You should immediately cash in your Confederate currency for U. S. currency - the only money that will have value once the war's over. Keep only enough Confederate currency to meet your short-term needs. Kingdom currency, backed by the eternal treasury, is the only medium of exchange recognized by the Son of God, whose government will last forever. The currency of his kingdom is our present faithful service and sacrificial use of our resources for him. The payoff in eternity will be what Paul called 'a firm foundation' consisting of treasures beyond our wildest dreams. — Randy Alcorn

U Will Win Quotes By William Goldman

It's one of my biggest memories of my father reading. I had pneumonia, remember, but I was a little better now, and madly caught up in the book, and one thing you know when you're ten is that, no matter what, there's gonna be a happy ending. They can sweat all they want to scare you, the authors, but back of it all you know, you just have no doubt, that in the long run justice is going to win out. — William Goldman

U Will Win Quotes By Sandy Koufax

There is among us a far closer relationship than the purely social one of a fraternal organization because we are bound together not only by a single interest but by a common goal. To win. Nothing else matters, and nothing else will do. — Sandy Koufax

U Will Win Quotes By George S. Patton Jr.

Give me an Army of West Point graduates and I'll win a battle ... Give me a handful of Texas Aggies and I'll win a war. — George S. Patton Jr.

U Will Win Quotes By David Beckham

One thing will not change - we will be going out to win. — David Beckham

U Will Win Quotes By Jon Krakauer

From elementary school through high school, my siblings and I were hectored to excel in every class, to win medals in science fairs, to be chosen princess of the prom, to win election to student government. Thereby and only thereby, we learned, could we expect to gain admission to the right college, which in turn would get us into Harvard Medical School: life's one sure path to meaningful success and lasting happiness. — Jon Krakauer

U Will Win Quotes By Sanjo Jendayi

It seems the older we get, the tighter our inner circle becomes. When life has you down, some of those you thought had your back run, others ... sometimes strangers surprise you and fill that empty space up. Oh, but life has a great balancing act and when that axle turns and you are right side up again ... you will definitely not be looking for any long, lost "friends" because your inner circle is battle-tested to win! — Sanjo Jendayi

U Will Win Quotes By Mason Cooley

I win on my merits; my opponents win by cheating. — Mason Cooley

U Will Win Quotes By Stephen Covey

Many people think in terms of either/or: either you're nice or you're tough. Win-win requires that you be both. It is a balancing act between courage and consideration. To go for win-win, you not only have to be empathic, but you also have to be confident. You not only have to be considerate and sensitive, you also have to be brave. To do that-to achieve that balance between courage and consideration-is the essence of real maturity and is fundamental to win-win. — Stephen Covey

U Will Win Quotes By Robert T. Bakker

You could arm-wrestle with a T. rex and win, but you shouldn't because it only makes them mad. — Robert T. Bakker

U Will Win Quotes By Arnold Schwarzenegger

Mass is vital to a bodybuilder's physique. But it is the shape and the quality of this mass that win contests. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

U Will Win Quotes By Jordan Henderson

Play like a champ. Win like a champ. Act like a champ. — Jordan Henderson

U Will Win Quotes By David Rudisha

I was still young when I missed Beijing. I was favourite to win a medal but I knew I had time. My coach advised me to stay at school and finish my exams. Even if I had gone and won the Olympics, I might not have handled the pressure. So I moved on. — David Rudisha

U Will Win Quotes By Os Guinness

This basic problem of relevance-cum-subservience has been given an added twist in the modern world, where relevance has become not only hollow but fragile and short-lived. A wider range of choices, a deeper uncertainty of events, a more pressing need for new styles - all this makes for an accelerating turnover of issues, concerns and fads. Nothing tires like a trend or ages faster than a fashion. Today's bold headline is tomorrow's yellowing newsprint. Thus the relevance-hungry liberals achieve relevance, but their victory is Pyrrhic. It is precisely as they win that they lose. As they become relevant to one group or movement, they become irrelevant to another and find themselves rudely dismissed. Far from being in the avant-garde, Christian liberals trot smartly behind the times. Far from being genuinely new or radical, they catch up and announce their discoveries breathlessly, only to see the vanguard disappearing down the road on the trail of a different pursuit. — Os Guinness

U Will Win Quotes By Xavi

In football, the result is an impostor. You can do things really, really well but not win. There's something greater than the result, more lasting - a legacy. — Xavi

U Will Win Quotes By Toyotomi Hideyoshi

Whether in commerce, administration, or on the battlefield, leaders who win understand the Secret of Victory: Act first to finish first. — Toyotomi Hideyoshi