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Tough Decision Quotes & Sayings

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Top Tough Decision Quotes

Tough Decision Quotes By Stacey D'Erasmo

While 'A Blessed Child' might have been a more tough-minded book had Ullmann thrown a spanner into the works, it's not hard to understand her decision to keep things going. — Stacey D'Erasmo

Tough Decision Quotes By Ann Romney

You can never predict what kind of tough decisions are going to come in front of a President's desk. But if you can trust that they will do the right thing, and maybe the hard thing, and maybe not the popular thing. And if you really want to know how a person will operate, look at how they've lived their life. — Ann Romney

Tough Decision Quotes By Laura San Giacomo

There's always the question of what is good and evil and the gray area in between where that most people live. In everyday life, things aren't black or white, but rather there's a lot of coping and really tough decision making. — Laura San Giacomo

Tough Decision Quotes By Ben Crenshaw

It's emotional for every champion who decides to step down, it's a tough decision. It's probably easier for some, like me. But I'm just going to try to take it in stride. It's part of life. — Ben Crenshaw

Tough Decision Quotes By Bidemi Mark-Mordi

Look those tough and hard decisions in the face and make them; keep making them until you are confident in what you see. — Bidemi Mark-Mordi

Tough Decision Quotes By Rachana Shakyawar

What I have learnt in life is that,
What we are today, are not the compromises or sacrifices we made in life.
We are the product of passion in priorities we make to enrich our as well as other's life. Indeed, you are only growing and evolving in your life with your tough decisions. — Rachana Shakyawar

Tough Decision Quotes By Isabelle Joshua

I want to have my friend back, so I need to set him straight. I am by his side and he looks up to see me. I speak before he can say anything.
"Are you talking to me yet? Because I don't believe you're justified in your anger. I get to make my own decision about the relationships that I may or may not have. And I can choose at what pace I have that relationship. If you don't like it, then tough. You're happy - you have Bethany. Let me find my own happiness. You can't tell me what to do about this. I have to make up my own mind. Okay? — Isabelle Joshua

Tough Decision Quotes By Tom McClintock

Experience should warn us that tough and unpopular decisions are only made under intense political pressure produced by urgent necessity. — Tom McClintock

Tough Decision Quotes By Chris Bowen

Well there are tough decisions necessary in budgets. I agree there are tough decisions necessary to ensure the long-term health of the budget. What I don't accept and will never accept is that those decisions must be unfair as a matter of course. — Chris Bowen

Tough Decision Quotes By Brandon Sanderson

Personally, I like it much better when someone else does the decision making. That way you have legitimate grounds to whine and complain. I tend to find both whining and complaining quite interesting and amusing, though sometimes
it's hard to choose which one of the two I want to do.
Sigh. LIfe can be so tough sometimes. — Brandon Sanderson

Tough Decision Quotes By CC Sabathia

I was definitely honored to be chosen, but I just didn't feel ready to be pitching in big games yet. It was a tough decision. I talked to my wife and my mother. I'm not sure I'm ready to be pitching in front of 40,000 to 50,000 people. I don't think I'd be helping Team USA or the Indians if I hurried up (his training schedule) and got hurt. — CC Sabathia

Tough Decision Quotes By Sara Furlong Burr

Life is full of tough decisions, Chase. Decisions that may make a person seem horrible, when in reality that decision was the most humane thing they could have done. A person isn't horrible for having second thoughts, for realizing they've made a mistake and deciding to correct it before it's too late. What makes a person horrible is when they do nothing. When they string other people along with them through their misery when they could have let them go and find happiness elsewhere. What's horrible is seeing the light leave your eyes and taking theirs with it. — Sara Furlong Burr

Tough Decision Quotes By Carly Fiorina

To wage war, we need a commander in chief who has made tough calls in tough times and stood up to be held accountable over and over, not first-term senators who've never made an executive decision in their life. — Carly Fiorina

Tough Decision Quotes By Haley Barbour

The decision is 'trust fund' versus 'no more Medicaid' - and that shouldn't be a tough decision. — Haley Barbour

Tough Decision Quotes By Hulk Hogan

I feel really good right now. It will really be a tough decision. It's so hard to give up what you love doing. Hanging up the boots will not be an easy thing to do. — Hulk Hogan

Tough Decision Quotes By David Finch

I still love Marvel to death and I had a great experience, and it was a really tough decision to leave Marvel. It was a very easy decision to come to DC; it was very difficult to leave Marvel. And I really wanted to draw Batman, and really, that was entirely the discussion when it came to coming to DC. — David Finch

Tough Decision Quotes By Ehud Olmert

Leadership is tested not by one's capacity to survive politically but by the ability to make tough decisions in trying times. — Ehud Olmert

Tough Decision Quotes By Tony Blair

You know, one of the things I've learnt since coming out of office is how much easier it is to give the advice than take the decision. I mean, you know, it's tough. — Tony Blair

Tough Decision Quotes By A. O'Connor

Now, I didn't approve of this marriage, but you've made your decision and you can't come running back home just because the going gets tough. — A. O'Connor

Tough Decision Quotes By Jamake Highwater

People who exist at the margins of society are very much like Alice in Wonderland. They are not required to make the tough decision to risk their lives by embarking on an adventure of self-discovery. They have already been thrust beyond the city's walls that keep ordinary people at a safe distance from the unknown. For at least some outsiders, "alienation" has destroyed traditional presumptions of identity and opened up the mythic hero's path to the possibility of discovery. What outsiders discover in their adventures on the other side of the looking glass is the courage to repudiate self-contempt and recognise their "alienation" as a precious gift of freedom from arbitrary norms that they did not make and did not sanction. At the moment a person questions the validity of the rules, the victim is no longer a victim. — Jamake Highwater

Tough Decision Quotes By Peter Enns

All this is to say, if your present community sees your spiritual journey as a problem because you are wandering off their beach blanket, it may be time to find another community. One should never do that impulsively. But if after a time you are sensing that you do not belong, that you are a problem to be corrected rather than a valued member of the community, maybe God is calling you elsewhere and to find for yourself that "they" aren't so bad after all. That decision is very personal (sometimes involving whole families) and can take some courage to make, but it is worth the risk. One thing is certain: if you stay where you are without any change at all, the pressure to either conform or keep quiet will work in you like a slow-acting poison. And if you go too far down that road, it can be a tough haul coming back from bitterness and resentment - especially for children. — Peter Enns

Tough Decision Quotes By Oliver

Heroes inspire us for many reasons: they make tough decisions, they keep going and they get done what matters. But there's another reason we love our heroes. Inside us all, we know we have the power to become one ourselves. — Oliver

Tough Decision Quotes By Robert H. Schuller

Again and again, the impossible problem is solved when we see that the problem is only a tough decision waiting to be made. — Robert H. Schuller

Tough Decision Quotes By Maria V. Snyder

Ari's coming with backup. Should I pretend we barely survived without his help or gloat that we didn't need him at all?"
"Tough decision," I said.
"You can't go wrong with either one," Kade said.
"You guys are no fun. I have to go with the gloating. But no mention of that magic stuff. It ruins the effect." Janco rushed off. — Maria V. Snyder

Tough Decision Quotes By Eric Schmidt

Meetings should have a single decision-maker/owner. There must be a clear decision-maker at every point in the process, someone whose butt is on the line. A meeting between two groups of equals often doesn't result in a good outcome, because you end up compromising rather than making the best tough decisions. Include someone more senior as the decision-maker. The decision-maker should be hands on. He or she should call the meeting, ensure that the content is good, set the objectives, determine the participants, and share the agenda (if possible) at least twenty-four hours in advance. After the meeting, the decision-maker (and no one else) should summarize decisions taken and action items by email to at least every participant - as well as any others who need to know - within forty-eight hours. — Eric Schmidt

Tough Decision Quotes By David Harewood

My parents are very proud of my success but still worry, as I'm in a profession where there is no guarantee of work. They have always supported my decision to go into acting, but there have been tough times work-wise. — David Harewood

Tough Decision Quotes By J. B. Pritzker

Early education is the type of issue politicians nod their heads at, and then when it comes time to make a tough decision, a financial trade-off, inevitably it's about the first item tossed from the table. — J. B. Pritzker

Tough Decision Quotes By Zadie Smith

It was a tough decision.' Mickey crosses his arms and scoffs, 'No such thing, mate. You're either right or you ain't. And — Zadie Smith

Tough Decision Quotes By J. Loren Norris

Core values serve as a lighthouse when the fog of life seems to leave you wandering in circles; when you encounter that moment where every decision is a tough one and no choice seems to clearly be the better choice. — J. Loren Norris

Tough Decision Quotes By Mike DeWine

After all, our Constitution was intended as a popular document. It was drafted and ratified by the people. It established democratic institutions. It entrusts the people with the power to make the tough decisions. And, in most cases, it prefers the will of the people to the unchecked rule of judges. — Mike DeWine

Tough Decision Quotes By Calvin Johnson

I hoping to make it [decision] sometime next week. I love the academics at Tech. I can get a great degree there in engineering. Georgia has the ability to win it all next season. I think I can play early at both schools. It's going to be tough. — Calvin Johnson

Tough Decision Quotes By Charles Kennedy

You mustn't confuse the need for effective chairmanship, which is part of the job of the boss, along with the ability to take tough decisions and to lead people. — Charles Kennedy

Tough Decision Quotes By George W. Bush

"In a time of war, the president must have the power he needs to make the tough decisions, including, if need be, the decision to grant himself even more power." — George W. Bush

Tough Decision Quotes By Luke Donald

The last few years I've been doing the Middle East thing, and it's a tough decision whether to go there and try and knock off some events as a European Tour member, this year I think overall looking at my results, I played a little bit better on the West Coast than I have in the Middle East, so that was another determining factor for coming back here to an event that I have had some success in the past. — Luke Donald

Tough Decision Quotes By Christopher Hitchens

As he grew older, which was mostly in my absence, my firstborn son, Alexander, became ever more humorous and courageous. There came a time, as the confrontation with the enemies of our civilization became more acute, when he sent off various applications to enlist in the armed forces. I didn't want to be involved in this decision either way, especially since I was being regularly taunted for not having 'sent' any of my children to fight in the wars of resistance that I supported. (As if I could 'send' anybody, let alone a grown-up and tough and smart young man: what moral imbeciles the 'anti-war' people have become.) — Christopher Hitchens

Tough Decision Quotes By Nicholas Chong

It was told that during the wedding feast, Eris [Discordia], a daughter of Nyx, threw a golden apple into their midst, intended as a prize for the most beautiful amongst the three Goddesses at the table: Athena, Hera & Aphrodite, the daughter, wife & clandestine lover of Zeus, respectively. And Zeus wisely dodged the responsibility of making such a tough decision,directing that it should be made by Paris of Troy instead. — Nicholas Chong

Tough Decision Quotes By Meryl Streep

If you make the tough decisions, people will hate you today. But they will thank you for generations. — Meryl Streep

Tough Decision Quotes By David Ragan

A lot of times it's tough to make the decision on your own. You know what you want to do and it always helps to have someone to rely on to help you out. — David Ragan

Tough Decision Quotes By Sarah Connor

The hardest thing is deciding what I should tell you and what not to. Well, anyway, I've got a while yet before you're old enough to understand the tapes. They're more for me at this point ... to help get it all straight. Should I tell you about your father? That's a tough one. Will it change your decision to send him here ... knowing? But if you don't send Kyle, you could never be. God, you can go crazy thinking about all this ... I suppose I'll tell you ... I owe him that. And maybe it'll be enough if you know that in the few hours we had together we loved a lifetime's worth. — Sarah Connor

Tough Decision Quotes By Bow Wow

When I see my own people going through the tough times, it's a wake-up call. I hope my influence can impact someone else's decision to get out here and vote. — Bow Wow

Tough Decision Quotes By George W. Bush

When you know that somebody lost their loved one as a result of a decision that I made, that's a tough moment. If you're a faithful person you try to empathize with the suffering that that person is going through. — George W. Bush

Tough Decision Quotes By Tate Taylor

There's the movie you write, there's the movie you shoot and the movie you edit, and often, you find that you're getting the same information out of a scene that you already have and a scene that's actually more powerful, so you have to make the tough decision to take it out. — Tate Taylor

Tough Decision Quotes By Dan Brown

Writing is a solitary existence. Making a movie is controlled chaos - thousands of moving parts and people. Every decision is a compromise. If you're writing and you don't like how your character looks or talks, you just fix it. But in a movie, if there's something you don't like, that's tough. — Dan Brown

Tough Decision Quotes By Brian Jordan

Last year, the surgery was a tough decision, but I had to make a decision based on my career. It was a decision to get healthy, and start over with a new team at 100 percent. — Brian Jordan

Tough Decision Quotes By Percy Barnevik

You must avoid the investigation trap. You can't postpone tough decisions by studying them to death. — Percy Barnevik

Tough Decision Quotes By Brian Jordan

Last year was a tough decision for me, to end my season so short. But it was the right decision for me, because right now I feel great. I can go out here and sprint full speed right now, but I'm just going to pace myself for April 5. — Brian Jordan

Tough Decision Quotes By Chuck Martin

Tough management is a way to approach work. It is a practical, reasonable, and organized way to get to decisions more easily, make the numbers on a consistent basis, have those around you understand where you stand, and increase the business. — Chuck Martin

Tough Decision Quotes By John H Richardson

Most of the reasons for late-term abortions have to do with severe fetal deformities, but when I found out that dwarfism was also a reason for late-term abortions that was tough. I did a book on dwarfs and know a lot of them, and that was a shock. That's a decision I could not feel comfortable with. — John H Richardson

Tough Decision Quotes By George W. Bush

I want the Iraqis to understand that we are with them and that they have to make tough decisions, and we'll help them make those tough decisions for this country, for this democracy to survive. And they've made some tough decisions. — George W. Bush

Tough Decision Quotes By George W. Bush

I wanted to come to Washington, D.C. and help be a transformative President. And I think history, when they look back, will say this is a fellow who knew how to make decisions, and made some tough ones, stood by them, wasn't driven by the latest opinion poll, but was driven by some core principles from which he would not deviate. — George W. Bush

Tough Decision Quotes By Dan Ariely

I don't want to say that the poor are inherently cognitively diminished, but at the end of the day of making difficult, tough decisions, it's very hard to have the energy to think about things with the right mindset. — Dan Ariely

Tough Decision Quotes By Zal Batmanglij

It really ups your production value when you have one person that you can use as your avatar through a story, but I think everyone gets their moment in time. That other couple definitely has their moment too, and they have to make some tough decisions. — Zal Batmanglij

Tough Decision Quotes By J.J. Abrams

I guess the idea of not wanting to choose to direct a film, for which I've not read a script. It's a tough decision to make without seeing any pages. That's not to say that I don't have all the faith in the world in the spectacular writers. — J.J. Abrams