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Terry Tempest Williams Bird Quotes & Sayings

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Top Terry Tempest Williams Bird Quotes

Terry Tempest Williams Bird Quotes By Terry Tempest Williams

I could not separate the Bird Refuge from my family. Devastation respects no boundaries. The landscape of my childhood and the landscape of my family, the two things I had always regarded as bedrock, were now subject to change. Quicksand. — Terry Tempest Williams

Terry Tempest Williams Bird Quotes By Terry Tempest Williams

Now, in a shift of light, the shadows of birds are more pronounced on the gallery's white wall. The shadow of each bird is speaking to me. Each shadow doubles the velocity, ferocity of forms. The shadow, my shadow now merges with theirs. Descension. Ascension. The velocity of wings creates the whisper to awaken ... .
I want to feel both the beauty and the pain of the age we are living in. I want to survive my life without becoming numb. I want to speak and comprehend words of wounding without having these words become the landscape where I dwell. I want to possess a light touch that can elevate darkness to the realm of stars. — Terry Tempest Williams

Terry Tempest Williams Bird Quotes By Terry Tempest Williams

My grandmother simply shook her head and said, You know what you saw. The bird doesn't need to be counted, and neither do you. — Terry Tempest Williams

Terry Tempest Williams Bird Quotes By Terry Tempest Williams

To see the yellow fritillaries burst forth after the deep snows of winter and know that the bears are soon to follow is to be attentive to wild nature's seasonal fugue of infinite composition and succession. The great gray owl sitting on a snag near Sawmill Ponds is not simply a bird but a heightened intelligence with golden eyes behind a mask of feathers. — Terry Tempest Williams

Terry Tempest Williams Bird Quotes By Terry Tempest Williams

I can tell that in Refuge the question that was burning in me was, how do we find refuge in change? Everything around me that was familiar had been turned inside out with my mother's diagnosis of ovarian cancer and with the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge being flooded. — Terry Tempest Williams