Swanson Quotes & Sayings
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Top Swanson Quotes

If you don't see it with your own eyes or hear it with your own ears, don't invent it with your small mind and share it with your big mouth. — Denise Swanson

On a film set, we're all glorified troubleshooters, really, as directors. It's not if a problem arises. It's when. — Christine Swanson

One of the networks sent me a TV set to watch. I didn't care for the medium. It depressed me. — Gloria Swanson

So they were turning, after all - those cameras. Life, which can be strangely merciful, had taken pity on Norma Desmond. The dream she had clung to so desperately had enfolded her. Norma: You see, this is my life. It always will be! (In a whisper) There's nothing else - just us - and the cameras - and those wonderful people out there in the dark. All right, Mr. De Mille, I'm ready for my close-up. — Gloria Swanson

My mother and I could always look out the same window without ever seeing the same thing. — Gloria Swanson

There are many themes found in the Book of Psalms that are generally not found in modern music. These include the fear of God, the righteousness and justice of God, the sovereignty of God, the judgement of God, the evil of sin, spiritual and physical warfare, the arch enemies of the Christian, the destruction of the wicked, the reality of hell, the blessedness of the church, the vicious attacks upon the church, the commandments of God, the dominion of David's son, and so on. Without the backdrop of these truths, the themes of love, mercy, faith, and salvation become largely meaningless. — Kevin Swanson

I read Gloria Swanson's autobiography just because I wanted to know what it was like in the time. — Berenice Bejo

By all means read the Puritans, they are worth more than all the modern stuff put together. — Charles Haddon Spurgeon

It's my brothers"-Nathan croaked
"I don't give a fuck if they're your sisters"- Swanson said "I'll kiss them just the same — Maya Banks

I doubted that there were Communists hiding behind every corporation desk and director's chair. — Gloria Swanson

I think all this talk about age is foolish. Every time I'm one year older, everyone else is too. — Gloria Swanson

It was a beautiful spring night, the air rain-washed and smelling of crushed blossoms, and Henry felt as if the muscles of his body were singing in unison. — Peter Swanson

The only pressure I ever feel is the pressure I put on myself ... I'm over it. Now I go out there and I enjoy what I do. — Cub Swanson

I consider anybody who weighs over 200 pounds fat, and time was when I could not refrain from telling such people so. — Gloria Swanson

The Sennett system of making pictures was actually fun. You never knew what the person next to you was going to do. — Gloria Swanson

From the first moment on the set I was consumed with curiousity about the technical side of shooting a sound picture. — Gloria Swanson

I hate metaphors. That's why my favorite book is Moby Dick. No frou-frou symbolism. Just a good, simple tale about a man who hates an animal. — Ron Swanson

I won't date a guy who doesn't own a toolbox. I'm not saying you need to be able to knock down a wall or build a house or anything like that. But I've been out with a couple of guys who didn't own toolboxes, and they couldn't even change a light bulb. — Kristy Swanson

I can't ask for every movie I make to be great and brilliant. I can only try. — Kristy Swanson

But there is something about pleasing your parents, even when you're grown up, even when you're almost middle-aged yourself. It never goes away, at least not for me. — Cynthia Swanson

There was no place at all for me in my father's military world. — Gloria Swanson

I imagine she acted the way she thought you wanted to see her. — Peter Swanson

And just like that,the cloth was torn. was it the days, weeks of the same argument was it the months without affection, or was it simply the year and a half wasted on empty promises from both sides?I don't know what ripped it, but here I sit with my needle and thread trying to fix it knowing it will never look as beautiful as it did when we first started weaving it. — Brittany Swanson

Your body is the direct result of what you eat as well as what you don't eat. — Gloria Swanson

Education is the preparation of a child intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, and physically for life and for eternity. — Kevin Swanson

I know, right. I keep thinking — Peter Swanson

The Paramount executives were so pleased with Sunset Boulevard that they asked me to do a publicity tour. — Gloria Swanson

I had starred in more than 30 successful films, six in a row directed by Cecil B. De Mille. — Gloria Swanson

We can bring crews in from other areas, too. If Monterey is hard hit and Bakersfield, for example, is not, we can bring crews in from there. — Bryan Swanson

Going to school at home saved my life as far as education went. My parents were able to give me the attention I needed. — Kristy Swanson

I feel sure that unborn babies pick their parents. — Gloria Swanson

I'd always thought that being seen was about what people perceived with their eyes. But by the time the Eugene Field Memorial Middle School made the fall trip to the aquarium, I, Suzy Swanson, had disappeared entirely. Being seen is more about the ears than the eyes, it turns out. — Ali Benjamin

As Daddy said, life is 95 percent anticipation. — Gloria Swanson

After 16 years in pictures I could not be intimidated easily, because I knew where all the skeletons were buried. — Gloria Swanson

I've given my memoirs far more thought than any of my marriages. You can't divorce a book. — Gloria Swanson

In two months Joseph Kennedy had taken over my entire life, and I trusted him implicitly to make the most of it. — Gloria Swanson

Or was she one of those rarities, a human who didn't need other humans in her life? — Peter Swanson

Every day I wake up and go to sleep, I'm thinking about beating Cub Swanson — Dustin Poirier

Nobody gets anything for nothing. — Gloria Swanson

Much as I cared for Joseph Kennedy, he was a classic example of that person in the arts with lots of brains and drive but little taste or talent. — Gloria Swanson

At 26 I felt myself a victim rather than a victor in the realm of pictures. — Gloria Swanson

History began July 4, 1776. Anything before that was a mistake. — Ron Swanson

All creative people should be required to leave California for three months every year. — Gloria Swanson

The major gossip columnists were more concerned with protecting the industry than with gunning down sinners. — Gloria Swanson

If you're 40 years old and you've never had a failure, you've been deprived. — Gloria Swanson

Life and death. They are somehow sweetly and beautifully mixed, but I don't know how. — Gloria Swanson

When the water reaches the upper level, follow the rats. — Claude A. Swanson

A common misconception of education comes when the definition of education narrows to the intellectual. The child is compartmentalized. He is not seen as a whole person, fully-integrated with physical, emotional, spiritual and intellectual capacities. Thus, if an educational program attempts to address the child's intellect while ignoring his spiritual and emotional development, the approach is sadly ignoring the true reality of the child. Likewise, those who separate the spiritual and emotional part of a child from the intellectual make a big mistake. You cannot delegate only the intellectual training of your child to professionals and retain just the spiritual and emotional for yourself. Whatever class is taught, the whole child is affected. — Kevin Swanson

I watch an awful lot of old Hollywood movies - I'll devour anything with Bette Davis or Joan Crawford. My absolute favourite is 'Sunset Boulevard' starring Gloria Swanson. — Amanda Donohoe

An estimated 3.5 million people with serious mental illnesses are going without treatment (Kessler et al. 2001). That is scandalous. But mentally ill people are not the cause of the violence problem. If schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depression were cured, our society's problem of violence would diminish by only about 4% (Swanson 1994). — Daniel W. Webster

After about a month of living on my own, I began to feel it. I bought some plants. I remember I named one of them Penelope, and I would talk to her and water her every day. Apparently, I over-watered her, and she died. That's when I knew I needed a roommate. So I got one. — Kristy Swanson

I was 25 and the most popular celebrity in the world, with the possible exception of my friend Mary Pickford. — Gloria Swanson

Thinking is the natural activity of the mind. Meditation is not about stopping your thoughts. Meditation is simply a process of resting the mind in its natural state, which is open to and naturally aware of thoughts, emotions, and sensations as they occur. — Eric Swanson

That's my personality - to end up taking the hardest road possible to get to the top. But I think I will get there. — Cub Swanson

Writing the story of your own life is a bit like drilling your own teeth. — Gloria Swanson

Truthfully, I don't think murder is necessarily as bad as people make it out to be. Everyone dies. What difference does it make if a few bad apples get pushed along a little sooner than God intended? And your wife, for example, seems like the kind worth killing. — Peter Swanson

That's a big concern right now with these storms coming on the heels of a very wet week. The soil is saturated, and the high winds that are supposed to accompany these storms could potentially knock down trees, which often take down power lines with them. — Bryan Swanson

Imagine Jon Stewart if he gave a damn. He's like Howard Zinn after 12 beers. — David Swanson

I'm a simple man. I like pretty dark-haired women and breakfast food. — Ron Swanson

In that other life, I am the center of my world. Of course, I love and care about other people - many other people. But at the end of the day, my thoughts and actions are mainly about managing my own life and my own emotions. Here, — Cynthia Swanson

I shake my head and rub the bridge of my nose. "There's a whole lot more at stake here than just my happiness, so I'll let the doctors do whatever tests they want and answer any questions they have. But after that we save the world. And then we move on, okay? — Kara Swanson

He's a tourist. He takes pictures of people's lives, puts them in a scrapbook, and moves on. All he's interested in is stories. Basically Leslie, he's selfish. And you're not. That's why you don't like him. — Ron Swanson

Freedom cannot exist without morality, and morality can only be defined by the God who, by definition is the source of morality — Kevin Swanson

My greatest debt will always be to the movie-going public of yesterday and today, without whose love and devotion I would have had no story to tell. — Gloria Swanson

The first feminine feature that goes, with advancing age, is the neck. — Gloria Swanson

There's only one thing I hate more than lying... Skim milk. which is water that's lying about being milk. Ron Swanson. — Ron Swanson

John Knox's dying words were, 'Lord, grant true pastors to Thy kirk.' Such was the last prayer of a great man without whom there would have been no America, no Puritans, no Pilgrims, no Scottish covenanters, no Presbyterians, no Patrick Henry, no Samuel Adams, no George Washington. Could it have been so simple? John Knox's agenda was far from political. All he wanted were more pastors and elders. This is our agenda. Lord grant true pastors to Thy church! — Kevin Swanson

And to take another life was, in many ways, the greatest expression of what it meant to be alive. — Peter Swanson

Your words can change the course of your life, don't be afraid. — Annisa Swanson

I am a very pragmatic person. — Gloria Swanson

Let's just say I can never be cast again after Ron Swanson. Then I have a life of theater and woodworking and my wife to look forward to, and that doesn't make me anything but very happy. — Nick Offerman

Popular culture would never have achieved such a high degree of influence had it not been for the disappearance of family culture and Folk culture. With our social revolution, there would have been no cultural revolution. Without age0segregated high schools and the disappearance of the family economy, there would have been no Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, or Katy Perry. — Kevin Swanson

Wonder is a verb. An activity, like walking or eating cheese. Despite what we may think we are all already philosophers; the question simply is whether we do it well or poorly. — Thomas Swanson

It should make perfect sense that if a man is a personal, self-consciously moral creature, and if a personal creature is made by a personal Creator, then the personal Creator must have a personal interest in the personal creatures He made. — Kevin Swanson

Ultimately, we must turn to the God who is both the One and the Many for the standard of His law. He created to live both as individuals and as corporate units; and His law perfectly balances the liberties of the many with the power of the one political unit. — Kevin Swanson

I was married when I was 17. I knew nothing. I was full of romance. — Gloria Swanson

From dear, dear Gloria Swanson, I learned how to live long, happy and free of health problems. I owe her my life. — Dirk Benedict

Not only are you hurting yourself but you are hurting those around you — Joshua Swanson

I've always been this strong-willed person and I've always been in love with acting. — Kristy Swanson

Dear Frozen Yogurt,
You are the celery of desserts. Be ice cream or be nothing. Zero stars. — Ron Swanson

We want to take our rugged individualism and turn it into a rugged covenantalism. — Kevin Swanson

I immensely enjoy any experience directing. I've never hated it, and I've had bad experiences. At the end of the day, I just feel like I'm supposed to be on a set. I'm supposed to be working with creative people. I'm supposed to be working with actors and I'm supposed to be manning a project in this capacity. It's interesting. — Christine Swanson

Still hate the water, bitch?"
"Wh-What? — Elisabeth Naughton

The English press treated the world premiere of my first talking picture as a major event. — Gloria Swanson

I'm the kind of person that thinks that you should get what you deserve in what you show, with actions, not with words. — Cub Swanson

The Psalms draw a hard and fast distinction between the righteous and the wicked, something that is not appreciated in a period of religious syncretism. — Kevin Swanson

John Calvin called the Book of Psalms 'an anatomy of all parts of the soul.' All the range of emotions are expressed; the Psalms weave an emotional fabric for the human soul. These inspired lyrics take us by the hand and train us in proper emotion. They lead us to emotional maturity. — Kevin Swanson

Honestly, on so many levels, I feel like motherhood has prepared me even better for directing than film school because all it is is troubleshooting and dealing with different personalities and emotions and trying to make everybody happy and at the end of the day reaching your own personal goals and agendas. — Christine Swanson

I am big. It's the pictures that got small. — Gloria Swanson

While the world is "entertaining themselves to death," we are working and resting. This is the essence of the fourth commandment. We work for God and we rest in God (Heb. 4: 10). — Kevin Swanson

Because I take care of my body, it doesn't look like the body of a woman of my years. — Gloria Swanson