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Quotes & Sayings About Stabbing Someone

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Top Stabbing Someone Quotes

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Philip Gibbs

From each one of them rose separate columns of smoke, meeting in a pall overhead, and through the smoke came stabbing flashes of fire as German shells burst with thudding shocks of sound. This was the front line of battle. — Philip Gibbs

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Jonathan Maberry

Stabbing is for suckers who want to die. — Jonathan Maberry

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Snoop Dogg

So what if I'm smokin' weed onstage and doing what I gotta do? It's not me shooting nobody, stabbing nobody, killing nobody. It'sa peaceful gesture and they have to respect that and appreciate that. — Snoop Dogg

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Simon Jenkins

Why do Britons keep stabbing each other in August? Why do seaside hotels burn down in August? Why do children disappear in August, examinations get easier and Heathrow become the world's worst airport? The answer lies not in reality but in appearance. News editors abhor a vacuum. Half an hour of airtime and 10 pages of news must be filled each day, whatever the weather. — Simon Jenkins

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Richard Siken

The radio aches a little tune that tells the story of what the night is thinking. it's thinking of love.
it's thinking of stabbing us to death and leaving our bodies in a dumpster.
that's a nice touch, stains in the night, whiskey and kisses for everyone. — Richard Siken

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Steve Maraboli

I am grateful to those who have betrayed me ... They thought they were just stabbing me in the back, but they were also cutting me free from their poisonous life. — Steve Maraboli

Stabbing Someone Quotes By John Elder Robison

(The only time making a fist around the fork helps is when you want to stab someone because he's stealing your food. Now I know stabbing people is really rude, so I hold my fork in the grown-up way all the time, and I rely on discreet snarls to protect my dinner from predators.) — John Elder Robison

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Emma Goldrick

She was busy trying to stab me to death
with her umbrella and I was busy trying to dodge." He made a little face. "She was better at her stabbing than I was about dodging. — Emma Goldrick

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Ellery Adams

It's like pretending to be Santa and then stabbing someone with a candy cane! — Ellery Adams

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Miranda July

Are you angry? Punch a pillow. Was it satisfying? Not hardly. These days people are too angry for punching. What you might try is stabbing. Take an old pillow and lay it on the front lawn. Stab it with a big pointy knife. Again and again and again. Stab hard enough for the point of the knife to go into the ground. Stab until the pillow is gone and you are just stabbing the earth again and again, as if you want to kill it for continuing to spin, as if you are getting revenge for having to live on this planet day after day, alone. — Miranda July

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Sarah Ockler

After half an hour of forced family fun, in which I score fifty points and take out at least seventy-five percent of my anger trying to blast Frankie with the ball, our game is cut short. Princess gets stung on the top of her foot by a teeny-tiny newborn baby of a jelly-fish and carries on like some shark just swam away with her torso. For one brief moment I wonder if it's the ghost of my journal, reincarnated after its watery death to claim vengeance by stabbing her with its thin metal spiral. The thought makes me smile on the inside, just a little bit. — Sarah Ockler

Stabbing Someone Quotes By J.R. Ward

When they got to thew bottom of the stairwell, they stopped dead. Blay's father was facing off with a lesser, a Civil War sword in one hand, a dagger in the other.
Behind his Joe Friday glasses, his eyes were lit like torches, and they flicked over for a split second. "Stay out of this. This one's mine."
The shit was done faster than you can say, Ninja Dad.
Blay's father went Ginsu on the slayer, carving the thing up like a turkey, then stabbing it back to the Omega. — J.R. Ward

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Pawan Mishra

Now that I am past picking the knife to stab one, the reward of stabbing a few more comes at an unfairly lower risk! — Pawan Mishra

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Simon Sinek

My concern is that we live in an economy in which stabbing someone and waiting for them to complain before we remove the knife has become the normal way of doing business. When did we lose sight of the fact that it's not nice to stab people in the first place? — Simon Sinek

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Jason Fried

If you're solving someone else's problem, you're constantly stabbing in the dark. When you solve your own problem, the light comes on. — Jason Fried

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Jennifer Estep

I'm just wondering how exactly I went from being the Spider to the Robin fucking Hood of the greater Ashland area ... Instead of stealing from the rich, I'm stabbing them to death for the poor. — Jennifer Estep

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Ellis Adler

Can you even have human nature if you don't have the capacity to feel?" I ask.
"Do you mean on some kind of existentialist 'what are we if not the things we feel' kind of way?" I don't know what he means by existentialist. I say as much. He laughs. I entertain the idea of stabbing him for several minutes. — Ellis Adler

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Mark Collett

When these Asians go out looking for a victim, they don't go looking for Asian victims. They don't go mugging Asian grandmas, they don't go stabbing each other, they don't go trying to solicit sex off little Pritesh or little Sanjita, they go straight to the whites because they are trying to destroy us and they are the racists. — Mark Collett

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Joel N. Ross

What are you doing?" I asked Loretta.
"Stabbing a cushion," she told me. — Joel N. Ross

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Laura Kreitzer

I'll stab him," offers Jaden as she makes a stabbing motion.
"You expect me to play along?" Rob scoffs, gripping his arm protectively.
"Pretty much," replies Landon earnestly.
"You're serious?"
"As a heart attack."
"No," argues Rob. "I'm not going to let Jaden - or anyone else - skewer me." He's greeted with an amused silence. "Bleedin' crime is what it is," he mutters. "Why can't someone else go all noble sacrifice-y? It's because I'm English, ain't it? — Laura Kreitzer

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Laini Taylor

I kept thinking about that drawing in the war council, and our part in all of this. We cheat the bowl. We keep filling it back up, and the monsters keep stabbing their giant forks in, and because of us, there's always more for them to eat. We never lose but we never win, either. We just keep on dying. Is that what we do? — Laini Taylor

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Josh Radnor

I remember the first day I was looking at my hands and I thought about my nails. People wouldn't really be paying attention to that, but a Civil War doctor - What would they be doing with their nails? Would they cut them really low? And Dr. Burns said, "No, they would let them grow out so they can scoop stuff out. They would use their nails." So for a while I let my nails grow. They were too long. I kept stabbing myself by accident, so I cut them down, but I was trying to be faithful to the details. — Josh Radnor

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Steve Stockman

In Texas, conservative policies win over stabbing fellow Republicans in the back. — Steve Stockman

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Paco Ignacio Taibo II

To write a novel is fundamentally an act of impudence. To comb one's hair is also an act of impudence, especially when it's done to try to cover a scar running across the top of one's forehead. But combing one's hair is an act of minor impudence, whereas writing is a more serious affair. We mask reality, we hide our fears, we reinvent things that have been said, and above all, the people who said them. Writing a novel implies a certain perversity. It's not something one can do with a tortoiseshell comb. It is perhaps for that reason that they take away my pen at night. Not, as they pretend, to prevent me from accidentally stabbing myself in the throat with it- but to prevent me from killing anyone else. — Paco Ignacio Taibo II

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Rachel Van Dyken

Baring your soul to someone is like purposefully stabbing yourself in the heart and waiting for the person you love to stop the bleeding — Rachel Van Dyken

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Lawrence Ferlinghetti

Don't patronize the chain bookstores. Every time I see some author scheduled to read and sign his books at a chain bookstore, I feel like telling him he's stabbing the independent bookstores in the back. — Lawrence Ferlinghetti

Stabbing Someone Quotes By David Mitchell

Bitch' is a stingless insult these days - it hurts like, I don't know, a celery-stabbing. — David Mitchell

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Kit Rocha

Dallas kicked the door shut and sank into a chair. "Guess it's not going to come as a surprise that you've got some of the ladies riled up."
No, the women would be circling the wagons, protecting Mia no matter what. "Surprise? Not really."
"Yeah, someone had to sit on Nessa to keep her from coming over here to crawl halfway up your ass." Dallas draped his arms across his chest and studied Ford. "The good news? Lex hasn't tried to stab you yet, so you've got that going for you."
"Maybe she just hasn't gotten around to it." Ford met his boss's gaze squarely. "Or she sent you to do it for her."
"Lex doesn't send a man to do her stabbing for her. — Kit Rocha

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Jamie Wyman

Stabbing someone from the front is far more difficult than stabbing them in the back. — Jamie Wyman

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Bushwick Bill

See driving is like stabbing someone, it's very personal. While flying is like shooting someone, it's more distant. — Bushwick Bill

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Norman Vincent Peale

The word resentment means to re-feel ... to feel again. Someone wrongs or wounds you; in resenting it, you re-feel the injury. And you re-hurt yourself. The Hebrew Talmud says that a person who bears a grudge is "Like one who, having cut one hand while handling a knife, avenges himself by stabbing the other hand." — Norman Vincent Peale

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Eric Massa

That's a tumor. It goes across my liver, up through my lungs, all the way around my heart. And when they were done trying to cut it out, nuke it out with radiation and chemotherapy it out, it left so much scar tissue that when I walk outside now in cold weather and take a deep breath, it feels like someone is stabbing me. — Eric Massa

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Bonnie Dee

I know you've done that. I watched you fight with that man and stab him, but what does it feel like? Not just stabbing, but killing someone."

"Feels good. Feels like you're still alive and your enemy is dead." - Cage Match — Bonnie Dee

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Sumit Agarwal

Forcing someone into drug addiction is like stabbing a corpse everyday, the most detestable crime. — Sumit Agarwal

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Suzanne Collins

Delly lost her temper at Peeta over how he treated you. She got very squeaky. It was like someone stabbing a mouse with a fork repeatedly. — Suzanne Collins

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Rachel Hawkins

Ghouls," I heard Archer say. His voice was low and tense, like a person who's being confronted by a wild animal. "Reanimated human flesh, used as guardians. Seriously dark magic. Someone obviously didn't want us finding-"
"Oh my God,less talking, more stabbing, please." My voice was squeaky with fear, and I knew my eyes wer huge when I swiveled around to look at Archer.
He already had the sword in his hand, and he was crouching slightly. "I can slow them down, but ghouls can't be killed by blades. You're the one who has to stop them."
"Come again?" I nearly squeaked.
"You're a necromancer," he said. "They're dead."
Oh,right. One of the many "perks" of having a lot of dark magic at my disposal. But I'd never seen the point in boning up on my necromancer skills. When was I ever going to need to order around the dead? — Rachel Hawkins

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Richard Price

Being nice, setting him up. The glow in his belly got redder, but he also felt a new pain, a stabbing sensation, as if someone was in — Richard Price

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Jeremy Wade

...I'm momentarily transfixed, torn between curiosity and fear. I can pull it up the gently sloping mud bank, but then what? Already thought is lagging behind events, as the blotchy brown mass slides up wet mud toward me, its amorphous margins flowing into the craters left by retreating feet. In the center of the yard-wide disc is a raised turret where two eyes open and close, flashing black. And it's bellowing. A loud rhythmic sound that is at first inexplicable until I realize that those blinking eyes are its spiracles, now sucking in air instead of water, which it is pumping out via gill slits on its underside. And all the while it brandishes that blade, stabbing the air like a scorpion... — Jeremy Wade

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Margaret Lazarus Dean

People care about the unutterable awe of American heroes stabbing into the heavens on columns of fire. — Margaret Lazarus Dean

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Liam Gallagher

Americans want grungy people, stabbing themselves in the head on stage. They get a bright bunch like us, with deodorant on, they don't get it. — Liam Gallagher

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Christopher Marlowe

FAUSTUS. [Stabbing his arm.] Lo, Mephistophilis, for love of thee,
I cut mine arm, and with my proper blood
Assure my soul to be great Lucifer's,
Chief lord and regent of perpetual night! — Christopher Marlowe

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Dean Koontz

It's not just that," Chief Porter said. "A guy who once would have raped and killed a woman, now a lot of times he also has to cut off her lips and mail them to us or take her eyes for a souvenir and keep them in his freezer at home. There's more flamboyant craziness these days." Giving the buttered cinnamon roll a reprieve, Ozzie said, "Maybe it's all these superhero movies with all their supervillains. Some psychopath who used to be satisfied raping and murdering, these days he thinks that he should be in a Batman movie, he wants to be the Joker or the Penguin." "No real-life bad guy wants to be the Penguin," I assured him. "Norman Bates was happy just dressing up like his mother and stabbing people," Chief Porter said, "but Hannibal Lecter has to cut off their faces and eat their livers with fava beans. The role models have become more intense. — Dean Koontz

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Michael Scott

How to carry it, simple thrust and parry. Try and avoid stabbing yourself with it," he added. — Michael Scott

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Rachel Hawkins

I didn't actually think you were hanging out at Hex Hall because of your burning love for me. But that's what I'm telling all the girls back at school," I said, stabbing a forkful of eggs. "I'm thinking 'heartbreaker' might be a nice addition to my 'avenging witch' reputation. — Rachel Hawkins

Stabbing Someone Quotes By G.A. Aiken

How's your father?"
"How do you think he is? You stabbed him in the foot."
"I would have aimed for his heart, but I wasn't sure he actually had one. Do any of you have one? — G.A. Aiken

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Arnold Ytreeide

his crying turned to quick, stabbing sobs. I must look for my family. I must search until I find them, wherever they are, he thought. — Arnold Ytreeide

Stabbing Someone Quotes By John Green

It's hard to explain, but talking to them felt like stabbing and being stabbed. — John Green

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Tom Stoppard

GUIL: It [Hamlet's madness] really boils down to symptoms. Pregnant replies, mystic allusions, mistaken identities, arguing his father is his mother, that sort of thing; intimations of suicide, forgoing of exercise, loss of mirth, hints of claustrophobia not to say delusions of imprisonment; invocations of camels, chameleons, capons, whales, weasels, hawks, handsaws
riddles, quibbles and evasions; amnesia, paranoia, myopia; day-dreaming, hallucinations; stabbing his elders, abusing his parents, insulting his lover, and appearing hatless in public
knock-kneed, droop-stockinged and sighing like a love-sick schoolboy, which at his age is coming on a bit strong.
ROS: And talking to himself.
GUIL: And talking to himself. — Tom Stoppard

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Neil Gaiman

CHORONZON: I am a dire wolf, prey-stalking, lethal prowler.
MORPHEUS: I am a hunter, horse-mounted, wolf-stabbing.
CHORONZON: I am a horsefly, horse-stinging, hunter-throwing.
MORPHEUS: I am a spider, fly-consuming, eight legged.
CHORONZON: I am a snake, spider-devouring, posion-toothed.
MORPHEUS: I am an ox, snake-crushing, heavy-footed.
CHORONZON: I am an anthrax, butcher bacterium, warm-life destroying.
MORPHEUS: I am a world, space-floating, life-nurturing.
CHORONZON: I am a nova, all-exploding ... planet-cremating.
MORPHEUS: I am the Universe
all things encompassing, all life embracing.
CHORONZON: I am Anti-Life, the Beast of Judgment. I am the dark at the end of everything. The end of universes, gods, worlds ... of everything. Sss. And what will you be then, Dreamlord?
MORPHEUS: I am hope. — Neil Gaiman

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Hermann Hesse

You broke through the humor of my little theater and tried to make a mess of it, stabbing with knives and spattering our pretty picture-world with the mud of reality. — Hermann Hesse

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Stephani Hecht

Trust just doesn't come because you ask
for it. It has to be earned. Even then it's usually a
false word people toss around just to get what
they want. Then in the end they always end up
doing the same thing, stabbing you in the back. - Andrew to Vapor — Stephani Hecht

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Ben Nicholson

Politics are beautiful. They enable a community to live collectively with one another. It's not about stabbing each other in the back; it's about enabling people to reach their dreams and pursue happiness. — Ben Nicholson

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Amy Harmon

You're smart then . . . aren't you, Finn?" I heard the awe in my own voice. It wasn't a question. I had never been school smart, and marveled at those who were. "I thought you were. I was never any good with numbers. Math has always been like a murky pond, and me, a hillbilly stabbing at the fish with a pokey stick, trying to get lucky."
"That doesn't make any sense, Bonnie." Finn laughed softly.
"That's my point, Clyde — Amy Harmon

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Ryu Murakami

Yeah, he'd said, maybe it's just my idea, but really it always hurts, the times it don't hurt is when we just forget, we just forget it hurts, you know, it's not just because my belly's all rotten, everybody always hurts. So when it really starts stabbing me, somehow I feel sort of peaceful, like I'm myself again. — Ryu Murakami

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Steven Erikson

Numbness spread, allowing him to move his arms without the stabbing agony that had had him bathed in sweat over the last few hours. — Steven Erikson

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Kristen Ashley

Jesus, fuck, once we kill him, can I keep stabbing him? — Kristen Ashley

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Heather Brewer

Henry dropped his voice to a horrifed, but confused, whisper. "A knife? Or a dagger?" ... Vlad wrinkled his forehead in uncertainty. "What's the difference?"Henry shrugged as if it were obvious. "One's for eating; one's for stabbing. — Heather Brewer

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Kiera Cass

Ean seems like the 'not here to make friends' type, but I don't think anyone could go through this without getting close to someone. It's too hard. As difficult as it is for me, I know it's just as bad for you all."

"We definitely get the better end of the deal though," he said, winking at my reflection.

I tilted my head. "I don't know about that. The more I think about it, the sadder I get about having to send all but one of you away. I'll miss having you here."

"Have you considered a harem?" he said, deadpan.

I bent over in laughter and was rewarded with a pin stabbing my waist. "Ow!"

"Sorry! I shouldn't joke when there are needles around. — Kiera Cass

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Holly Black

And you want more holes because you think pain will distract you from all the annoying celebrating? Or because stabbing me will make you feel better?"
"Something like that." She smiled enigmatically, went into the bathroom, and came out with a wad of cotton balls and a safety pin. — Holly Black

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Jack Kerouac

In winter darkness, the Baghdad Arabian keen blue deepness of the piercing lovely January winter's dusk
it used to tear my heart out, one stabbing soft star was in the middle of the magicalest blue, throbbing like love
I saw Maggie's black hair in this night
In the shelves of Orion her eye shades, borrowed, gleamed a dark and proud vellum somber power brooding rich bracelets of the moon rose from our snow, and surrounded the mystery. — Jack Kerouac

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Sarah Dessen

But you, fine sir." John Miller clapped Dexter on the shoulder, a bit unsteadily. "You have problems of your own."
"This is true," Dexter replied, nodding.
"The women," John Miller sighed.
Dexter wiped a hand over his face, and glanced down the road. "The women. Indeed, dear squire, they perplex me as well."
"Ah, the fair Remy," John Miller said grandly, and I felt a flush run up my face. Lissa, in the front seat, put a hand to her mouth.
"The fair Remy," Dexter repeated, "did not see me as a worthwhile risk."
"I am, of course, a rogue. A rapscallion. A musician. I would bring her nothing but poverty, shame, and bruised shins from my flailing limbs. She is the better for our parting."
John Miller pantomined stabbing himself in the heart. "Cold words, my squire."
"Huffah," Dexter agreed.
"Huffah," John Miller repeated, "Indeed. — Sarah Dessen

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Michael Schudson

Advertising is much less powerful than advertisers and critics of advertising claim, and advertising agencies are stabbing in the dark much more than they are practicing precision microsurgery on the public consciousness. — Michael Schudson

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Ilona Andrews

Did they think I would throw a tantrum?"
"Baby, you're not the tantrum type. You are the scary-smile-and-stabbing type. — Ilona Andrews

Stabbing Someone Quotes By Julia Quinn

Heartache, Daphne eventually learned, never really went away; it just dulled. The sharp, stabbing pain that one felt with each breath eventually gave way to a blunter, lower ache - the kind that one could almost - but never quite - ignore. — Julia Quinn