Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Squeeze

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Top Squeeze Quotes

Squeeze Quotes By Gustave Flaubert

You don't know what it is to stay a whole day with your head in your hands trying to squeeze your unfortunate brain so as to find a word. — Gustave Flaubert

Squeeze Quotes By Philippe Starck

My juicer is not meant to squeeze lemons; it is meant to start conversations — Philippe Starck

Squeeze Quotes By Nassim Nicholas Taleb

It is as if the mission of modernity was to squeeze every drop of variability and randomness out of life - with the ironic result of making the world a lot more unpredictable, as if the goddesses of chance wanted to have the last word. — Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Squeeze Quotes By Camilla Monk

I processed his words, my lips searching for his clumsily in the dark. I felt his fingers squeeze my neck. And that douche choked me out. — Camilla Monk

Squeeze Quotes By Sally Andrew

Under Capitalism the most important thing is to squeeze out more and more money for a few people to spend. This means that most of the other people
as well as the earth and the sea and all the creatures and plants and goggas
have to pay the price. — Sally Andrew

Squeeze Quotes By Nora Roberts

She hadn't thought anything could squeeze past the pain in her head, the ache in her stomach, the sizzle of shame in her blood. But she hadn't counted on despair. Somehow despair always made room for itself. — Nora Roberts

Squeeze Quotes By Lana Sky

Wrapped beneath the shadow of Lucifer's fallen wings, it's even easy to squeeze the trigger, snuffing out one more monster's life. But there are plenty more awaiting their turn, and with hell at my back... They only need to be patient. — Lana Sky

Squeeze Quotes By Richard Simmons

Number one, like yourself. Number two, you have to eat healthy. And number three, you've got to squeeze your buns. That's my formula. — Richard Simmons

Squeeze Quotes By Christina Lauren

I'm not sure I ever made a woman come with my mouth before I met you," he admits. "I love kissing you there. And I love your ass, it's perfect." With this, I feel his length stir against my stomach as his hands squeeze me. "I like any kind of sex with you, but I prefer being on top of you ... You make missionary feel dirty the way you grab and move under me. — Christina Lauren

Squeeze Quotes By Lauren Oliver

They have tried to squeeze us out, to stamp us into the past. But we are still here.
And there are more of us everyday. — Lauren Oliver

Squeeze Quotes By Kristen Ashley

Are you real?" I asked his skin.
"Baby, you're standing in my arms," he answered.
"Please be real," I whispered.
"Feel this." He gave me a squeeze. "I'm real, Lanie. — Kristen Ashley

Squeeze Quotes By Amy Poehler

I am not great in a crowd. I don't see a lot of rock shows because sometimes I am afraid I won't get out. I used to squeeze my little self into the scrum and jump around and cause tiny trouble. Now I just want to sit down and have someone perform my five favorite songs while I eat a light dinner and receive a simultaneous pedicure. Is there some kind of awesome indie/alt/hip-hop/electronica music tour that can do that? — Amy Poehler

Squeeze Quotes By Hunter S. Thompson

It is from the bystanders (who are in the vast majority) that we receive the propaganda that life is not worth living, that life is drudgery, that the ambitions of youth must he laid aside for a life which is but a painful wait for death. These are the ones who squeeze what excitement they can from life out of the imaginations and experiences of others through books and movies. These are the insignificant and forgotten men who preach conformity because it is all they know. These are the men who dream at night of what could have been, but who wake at dawn to take their places at the now-familiar rut and to merely exist through another day. For them, the romance of life is long dead and they are forced to go through the years on a treadmill, cursing their existence, yet afraid to die because of the unknown which faces them after death. They lacked the only true courage: the kind which enables men to face the unknown regardless of the consequences. — Hunter S. Thompson

Squeeze Quotes By Jim Gaffigan

Every now and then I'll read a book, I'll be so proud of myself, I'll try and squeeze it into conversation. People will be like, "Hey Jim, how ya do-" "I read a book! Two hundred and fifty pages!" "That's great, what was it about?" "No idea! Took me three years!" — Jim Gaffigan

Squeeze Quotes By Leslie Ludy

Sometimes in a relationship, we can be so caught up in our feelings for the other person that we squeeze God into the background. It becomes a confusing, emotional mess and we wonder why God isn't giving us more direction, when all the while He is there waiting to be allowed back into first place in our hearts. Only when He is truly in first place are we ready for a God-written love story. — Leslie Ludy

Squeeze Quotes By Nyrae Dawn

I squeeze my eyes shut as though that will somehow make it go away, but I know it won't. It happened and there's no changing it. No changing any of the things that happen to us. All there is to do is move on. Starting now. — Nyrae Dawn

Squeeze Quotes By Tory Nyhaug

If you come off the start in a final in fourth or fifth, realistically, the best you can probably do is a podium - squeeze second, third. The chance of you winning at any major race if you get cut off down the hill is pretty remote. — Tory Nyhaug

Squeeze Quotes By Louise O. Weston

Spank, squeeze, rub. And she could feel herself getting wetter and wetter. She couldn't help herself as she moved her feet apart slightly, exposing more of her cunt to each of her stepfather's slaps, making it more likely that his fingers would slip between her pussy lips with each strike." (Rachel Comes Home Late) — Louise O. Weston

Squeeze Quotes By Christopher Allsopp

The settle, followed by 10 for power will give you that grasp on their nuts that you need. Once you've got that, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze and squeeze and don't ever let up! You'll just be breaking 1500 meters down when you hear them yelp. Listen for the yelp, and then bring it into the dock. — Christopher Allsopp

Squeeze Quotes By Maggie Stiefvater

I folded my hands back on my desk, and as I did, I saw Paul's slanted handwriting standing out against my blocky, square printing on my skin. He'd managed to find room to squeeze in the words females hurt my brain on my left hand. I raised an eyebrow at him and he gave me a look like, well it's true, isn't it? — Maggie Stiefvater

Squeeze Quotes By J.D. Robb

She pushed herself up, swayed, and might have tumbled if Feeney hadn't gripped her arm. "Head rush. I'm okay, just a little queasy. Lowell's in there, secured. You need to haul his ass in. Your collar."
"No, it's not." Feeney gave her arm a squeeze. "But I'll haul his ass in for you. McNab, help the lieutenant upstairs, then get your butt back down here and start on the electronics."
"I don't need help," Eve protested.
"You fall on your face," Feeney murmured in her ear, "you'll ruin your exit."
"Yeah. Yeah."
"Just lean on me, Lieutenant." McNab wrapped an arm around her waist.
"You try to cop a feel, I can still put you down."
"Whatever your condition, Dallas, you still scare me."
"Aw." Touched, she slung an arm around his shoulders. "That's so sweet. — J.D. Robb

Squeeze Quotes By Toby Stephens

I've learnt an enormous amount from my children. Mostly that my agenda isn't the most important thing in the world. For a while, I was trying to squeeze them into my life. And it was such torment! It makes you realise how selfish you are. — Toby Stephens

Squeeze Quotes By Ernest Hemingway,

Sometimes when I was starting a new story and I could not get it going, I would sit in front of the fire and squeeze the peel of the little oranges into the edge of the flame and watch the sputter of blue that they made. I would stand and look out over the roofs of Paris and think, "Do not worry. You have always written before and you will write now. All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know." So finally I would write one true sentence, and then go on from there. It was easy then because there was always one true sentence that I knew or had seen or had heard someone say. If I started to write elaborately, or like someone introducing or presenting something, I found that I could cut that scrollwork or ornament out and throw it away and start with the first true simple declarative sentence I had written. — Ernest Hemingway,

Squeeze Quotes By Christina Lauren

This flirting is all well and good, but I mean it when I tell you, I cant have you leaving me again. It almost broke me."
My ribs seemed to squeeze all of the air out of my lungs at the thought. "I don't think I could. I don't want to be away from you again either."
"But you need to give me a chance to fix things when I screw up. You know I'm an ass sometimes."
Growling, he whispered, "And I tear lingerie."
I pushed a curl off his forehead, "And hoard it. Don't forget the creepy hoarding. — Christina Lauren

Squeeze Quotes By Susan Sontag

Our task is not to find the maximum amount of content in a work of art, mush less to squeeze more content out of the work than is already there. Our task is to cut back on content so we can see the thing at all. The aim of all commentary on art now should be to make works of art - and, by analogy, our own experience - more, rather than less, real to us. — Susan Sontag

Squeeze Quotes By Ilona Andrews

When in doubt and in need of information, find a snitch and squeeze him. — Ilona Andrews

Squeeze Quotes By Jason Kidd

I'm a high-risk taker on the court in the sense of trying to squeeze things in there. — Jason Kidd

Squeeze Quotes By Oswald Chambers

If ever we are going to be made into wine, we will have to be crushed; you cannot drink grapes. Grapes become wine only when they have been squeezed. I wonder what kind of finger and thumb God has been using to squeeze you, and you have been like a marble and escaped? — Oswald Chambers

Squeeze Quotes By Moe Howard

I'll squeeze the cider out of your adam's apple. — Moe Howard

Squeeze Quotes By Matthew Zapruder

It's just interesting to me that the physical enactment of that mind moving has gradually changed for you in the last few years. It made me wonder if the change was deliberate in any sense, or procedural, like when A.R. Ammons stuck an adding machine roll into his typewriter to squeeze his verses into shorter lines. — Matthew Zapruder

Squeeze Quotes By Rachel Ferguson

I never knew what an extraordinary thing it could be to write a book. In the first place, the characters take the bit between their jaws and canter off with you into places you don't want and never catered for. I had smugly intended my book to be about a family rather like ours, but, lud love you! it's already turned into an account of a barmaid's career in an Edgware Road pub, and I can't squeeze us in anywhere!

Odd things happen, too. I had called my pub, 'The Three Feathers,' and counted on there being heaps of pubs in Edgware Road, not called that, but looking a bit like my description. Before we left home, I went down Edgware Road to investigate, and found my pub, even down to the old-fashioned phonograph on the table in the upstairs sitting-room. And I thought, 'I built that place. — Rachel Ferguson

Squeeze Quotes By Pavel Tsatsouline

HOW TO GRIND YOUR DEADLIFT Mentally prepare for a steady, relentless effort, as opposed to having a speed mindset. Pre-tense. Pressurize. Squeeze the bar off the floor, don't jerk. "Lift the barbell powerfully-steady, applying a maximal effort along the whole lift." (Smolov) Aim for a constant, low, acceleration towards the lockout. There is more than one way to pull big. — Pavel Tsatsouline

Squeeze Quotes By Jennifer L. Armentrout

But it was Seth's decision, and it cannot be undone. And when you go topside in six months, you should find him and thank him.
I was actually going to hug and squeeze and love the dude. Then smack him. And then hug and squeeze and love him again. — Jennifer L. Armentrout

Squeeze Quotes By Missy Welsh

He settled in beside me, and I curled into him. Cocooned in Wes. God, it felt so good. "Thank you," I whispered. "I've never felt so amazing."

"I wanted you in my life from the beginning, Mal. Any way I could have you." He snuggled me closer. "Even if it meant just as friends."

I couldn't help snorting. "Thank God that's not the case."

He chuckled and gave me a squeeze. "Amen, my friend. — Missy Welsh

Squeeze Quotes By Matt Ryan

That's John Constantine. You put him in a corner, and you squeeze him, and he'll find his way out. There's something in him - he's a great escape artist. — Matt Ryan

Squeeze Quotes By Laurel Ulen Curtis

Next time I ran into a terrorist I was going to put a death squeeze on his balls, stab him in the eye with a pencil, and then kill him. — Laurel Ulen Curtis

Squeeze Quotes By Geoff Thompson

Stop trying to squeeze professional results out of recreational hours. — Geoff Thompson

Squeeze Quotes By Douglas Woolf

At the high school a pretty girl strolled across the parking lot to her black stallion, let her cigarette dangle from her lips while she put on her helmet, adjusted her goggles. Throwing a slender white leg over the side she jacked her little backside up and down a few times, exciting the steed. Now she came down on his back and he squatted, moaning to the soft squeeze of her hand, then at her sudden clutch shot out fast between the press of her knees. Claude looked down at his shoes as they passed, having seen nothing. But he glanced up in time to watch them glide off under the next streetlamp, the gleaming beast appearing almost languid with release, very pleased with himself and with the girl who clung to his back, small and stiff and unsatisfied.
She had been noticed: everywhere along the way the leaning people looked after her as though wondering if the new week had finally begun, then they looked at one another, then back at nothing. — Douglas Woolf

Squeeze Quotes By Honore De Balzac

Squeeze marriage as much as you like, you will never extract anything from it but fun for bachelors and boredom for husbands. — Honore De Balzac

Squeeze Quotes By Mona Eltahawy

Slavish obedience to the clerics, who know how to squeeze every last drop of advantage out of religion, is killing our girls. We must speak-blaspheme, if necessary; be accused of being apostates, if that is what is required. Muslims are taught that Islam put an end to the Arabian practice of burying alive newborn baby girls because they were considered worthless and a burden, but as long as we stay quiet in the face of the abomination of child marriage, we are effectively burying our girls alive today. — Mona Eltahawy

Squeeze Quotes By Beth Michele

I lay my hand over his and give it an empathetic squeeze. "I know what it's like to be damaged."
Brad raises his eyes to mine. "I don't know, Gabby. We're all damaged, right? It's what we make of the wreckage that matters. — Beth Michele

Squeeze Quotes By Kendare Blake

But somewhere out there is the one that matters. Somewhere out there is the one that I came for, one who is strong enough to squeeze the breath out of living throats.
I think of her again. Anna. Anna Dressed in Blood. — Kendare Blake

Squeeze Quotes By Rachel Hawkins

I think we've met our quota for tearful reunions," she chuckled against the top of my head.
"When this is done, I promise I'm never going to leave the house ever again. We'll just stay in and order pizza and watch bad television."
Mom pulled away and looked over my shoulder. "Oh, I think you might want to get out every now and then," she said.
I felt the warm weight of Archer's hand on my waist. "Hey, I like pizza and bad TV."
I turned to him, surprised. "Your chest-"
"Cal," he said by way of explanation. "I owe that guy, like, a mountain of burgers. It's getting embarrassing."
Mom flashed me a little smile before saying, "You know, this isn't how I imagined meeting Sophie's first real boyfriend."
Archer gave me a little squeeze. "You mean I'm the first guy your parents have rescued from an enchanted island via use of a magic mirror? I feel so special. — Rachel Hawkins

Squeeze Quotes By Georges Simenon

I'm a bit like a sponge. When I'm not writing I absorb life like water. When I write I squeeze the sponge a little - and out comes, not water but ink. — Georges Simenon

Squeeze Quotes By Archibald MacLeish

Poets ... are literal-minded men who will squeeze a word till it hurts. — Archibald MacLeish

Squeeze Quotes By David Nicholls

There seemed no reason why she shouldn't try writing something in between, but she was discovering once again that reading and writing were not the same - you couldn't just soak it up and then squeeze it out again. — David Nicholls

Squeeze Quotes By Yancy Lael

Our culture is obsessed with perfection, especially when it comes to the way women look. The parameters of acceptability as far as physical appearance go are so limiting that only a handful of women actually fall into this category. And the rest of us are left to either squeeze ourselves into molds that don't fit, hating ourselves all the while, or we just give up entirely. — Yancy Lael

Squeeze Quotes By Christine Pope

And yet something in his dark, still shape spoke of a sadness I couldn't begin to understand, one I suddenly wished I might do something to dispel. Surprising myself, I reached out and laid a hand on his forearm. I heard a sudden intake of breath, but I made myself give his arm a gentle squeeze before I let go. He really didn't feel very different from a human - at least, a human who was well-muscled. The flesh under my fingertips had been firm and unyielding. — Christine Pope

Squeeze Quotes By Clint Black

I wanted to be the perfect artist. I'd do three hours of media interviews a day, going to every radio station I could squeeze in. I'd sign autographs after the show until everybody left. — Clint Black

Squeeze Quotes By Charles Dickens

And opening her arms wide, took my curly head within them, and gave it a good squeeze. I know it was a good squeeze, because, being very plump, whenever she made any little exertion after she was dressed, some of the buttons on the back of her gown flew off. And I recollect two bursting to the opposite side of the parlour, while she was hugging me. — Charles Dickens

Squeeze Quotes By Sarah Colliver

Writers are sponges. They absorb life, then squeeze and ring it out onto a page. Sometimes, if they squeeze too hard, they dry up. Not hard enough and they remain saturated, heavy and unpredictable, as they carry around a volume of ideas too great for their capacity. — Sarah Colliver

Squeeze Quotes By Vaclav Klaus

That means following a very restrictive fiscal and monetary policy which will squeeze the monopolies and cut their subsidies. On the micro level we will allow other economic agents, both domestic and foreign, to compete with them. — Vaclav Klaus

Squeeze Quotes By Cal Newport

if you keep interrupting your evening to check and respond to e-mail, or put aside a few hours after dinner to catch up on an approaching deadline, you're robbing your directed attention centers of the uninterrupted rest they need for restoration. Even if these work dashes consume only a small amount of time, they prevent you from reaching the levels of deeper relaxation in which attention restoration can occur. Only the confidence that you're done with work until the next day can convince your brain to downshift to the level where it can begin to recharge for the next day to follow. Put another way, trying to squeeze a little more work out of your evenings might reduce your effectiveness the next day enough that you end up getting less done than if you had instead respected a shutdown. — Cal Newport

Squeeze Quotes By Kristen Ashley

Had no fuckin' clue how deep you ran."
"What?" I whispered.
"Everything you do, what you eat, what you drink, how you live, how you love, how you work, all of it runs deep. You give it everything. It means everything to you." His hand suddenly caught mine that was resting on my thigh and he gave it a squeeze. "Come here, baby."
I bent to him and his hand went to the small of my back, sliding up my spine and into my hair.
"Teach that to our kids, will you? — Kristen Ashley

Squeeze Quotes By Truman Capote

The night I proposed, I cried like a baby. She said: 'What you want to cry for, Doc? 'Course we'll be married. I've never been married before.' Well, I had to laugh, hug and squeeze her: never been married before! — Truman Capote

Squeeze Quotes By Jeanette Winterson

And when I look at a history book and think of the imaginative effort it has taken to squeeze this oozing world between two boards and typeset, I am astonished. Perhaps the event has an unassailable truth. God saw it. God knows. But I am not God. And so when someone tells me what they heard or saw, I believe them, and I believe their friend who also saw, but not in the same way, and I can put these accounts together and I will not have a seamless wonder but a sandwich laced with mustard of my own. — Jeanette Winterson

Squeeze Quotes By Carlos Ruiz Zafon

It's hard work, writing, you know. Honestly, a fight every day against your own limitations. You have to squeeze books out of your brain, you're constantly trying to solve challenges. I think most writers enjoy the feeling of having written something, rather than the process of writing it. — Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Squeeze Quotes By Theodore Sturgeon

He let a vision of April grow and fill the world. ( ... ) He saw April at the spaceport, holding him in the dark shadows of the blockhouse while the sky flamed above them. We'll go out like that soon, soon, Tod. Squeeze me, squeeze me ... Ah, he'd said, who needs a ship?
Another April, part of her in a dim light as she sat writing; her hair, a crescent of light loving her cheek, a band of it on her brow; then she had seen him and turned, rising, smothered his first word with her mouth. Another April wanting to smile, waiting; and April asleep, and once April sobbing because she could not find a special word to tell him what she felt for him ... — Theodore Sturgeon

Squeeze Quotes By David Nicholls

... she was discovering once again that reading and writing were not the same - you couldn't just soak it up then squeeze it out again. — David Nicholls

Squeeze Quotes By Chelsea M. Cameron

You're not just doing that to impress her, are you?"
"Everything I do is to impress her. It's my mission in life," he said with a completely serious face, while he squeezed my knee under the table.
Mom burst out laughing. "I like him," she said.
"Me too. I think I'll keep him," I said, taking his hand and twisting my fingers with his.
"Good," he said, giving my hand a squeeze. — Chelsea M. Cameron

Squeeze Quotes By Jason Wallace

If I stood you in front of a man, pressed the cold metal of a gun into your palm and told you to squeeze the trigger, would you do it?'
'No, sir.'
'Are you sure?'
'Of course, sir. No ways!'
'What if I then told you we'd gone back in time and his name was Adolf Hitler? Would you do it then? Would you? — Jason Wallace

Squeeze Quotes By Tara Sivec

I decided ... I was going to be a labor and delivery consultant. I was going to stand next to every single woman in labor and every time.. the woman's husband said something stupid like, "Just breathe through the pain," it would be my job to squeeze the living fuck out of their reproductive organs until they were curled up in the fetal position ... and I'd say "Just breathe through the pain, asshole! — Tara Sivec

Squeeze Quotes By Lee Trevino

My point is, there's no sense trying to squeeze something out of your swing if you can let your clubs do the shotmaking for you. — Lee Trevino

Squeeze Quotes By Sarah Dessen

Yeah," he agreed, "but when you go for Squeeze Serve with someone, it's a safe zone. What's said there, stays there."
I looked at him. "I think that's Las Vegas."
"That, too. — Sarah Dessen

Squeeze Quotes By Lisa Kleypas

You should hate me," she said brokenly. "You should leave me - "
"Hush." His grip tightened, just short of bruising her. "Do you think so little of me? Damn you." He crushed his lips in her hair. "You don't understand anything about me. Did you think I wouldn't want to help you? That I would abandon you if I knew?"
"Yes," she whispered.
"Damn you," he repeated, his voice choked with anger and love. He forced her face upward. The hopelessness in her eyes caused a cold pressure to squeeze around his heart. — Lisa Kleypas

Squeeze Quotes By Dane Cook

I'm interested in doing everything and anything that I can to squeeze that creativity out of my brain. I guess I'm sort of a performance rat. — Dane Cook

Squeeze Quotes By Roma Downey

I'd love to do some bedtime stories for kids or that kind of thing. But with the demands of the shooting schedule and balancing the demands of being a single mother, it's a wonder you can squeeze in anything. — Roma Downey

Squeeze Quotes By Amy Zhang

I put my hand in my pocket and squeeze my rocks and wonder if there is a word for the marks you get on your palm when you squeeze something so hard that the skin is on the verge of ripping. — Amy Zhang

Squeeze Quotes By Steve Maraboli

Squeeze this amazing human experience for all its nourishing juices. Take action towards the life you see for yourself. Don't just look to the sky and beg for it; put your feet on the ground and create it! — Steve Maraboli

Squeeze Quotes By Jefferson Bass

I watched in astonishment, Jess reached up and cupped Miss Georgia's breasts in her hands, giving them an appraising squeeze and admiring nod. A moment later, Miss Georgia returned the gesture ... — Jefferson Bass

Squeeze Quotes By Jenny Holzer


Squeeze Quotes By Laura Wright

How tight are you,Hellen?If I fuck you with my fingers,will you squeeze them tight?Show me what my cock aches to feel. — Laura Wright

Squeeze Quotes By Jenna Jameson

Randy begins to orgasm.

Yeah! Ha ha! Ah ha. Ahh. Ha. Ah. Ha ha. Ha. Oh baby. Oh fuck. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ah. Oh baby. Huh-ahhh. Ah. Oh God. Oh God. Mmm. Yeah. Squeeze.

Gurgling sound of cum being squeezed out of Jenna.

Oh ho ho. Oh yeah. Oh fuck. Yeah. Oh look at you. Look at you. Look at that. Oh baby. You are so fucking fine.

Jenna giggles. — Jenna Jameson

Squeeze Quotes By J. Sterling

When life gives you lemons, cut 'em open and squeeze the juice in life's face!.. The Game Changer
. — J. Sterling

Squeeze Quotes By Eve Jagger

I think the rules of our truce prohibit the use of words like 'squeeze.' That's an automatic foul. — Eve Jagger

Squeeze Quotes By Iggy Pop

I try to beat back the producers and engineers so they - there's not an excess of stuff used to squeeze my voice to make it artificial. There's a person in there, and people will listen; if they hear another person speak to them, they'll listen because it's lonely out here. — Iggy Pop

Squeeze Quotes By Jamie Farrell

Are those the Edible Undies cupcakes?" one of the women in the kitchen asked.
"They're the Nipple Lickers," Kimmie answered. "Without the nipples."
"I heard you perfected the Sex on a Peach cupcakes," another feminine voice said.
"Can you squeeze me in for a double order of Spank Me Strawberries the weekend before Knot Fest? — Jamie Farrell

Squeeze Quotes By Carolyn Brown

Finn looped an arm around Callie's waist and waited.
"Are we in big trouble?"
Verdie nodded seriously. "Yes, you are. First thing is, this ain't my place nomore and it ain't my business to fuss at ya'll, but I love that kid and I can't stand to see him cry. My dad gave me a bit of advice when our boys were little that I'm about to give ya'll. You're going to argue, but it's your argument, not his. Don't let him see it and don't go to bed angry with each other. We got enough of a feud goin' on all around us. We don't need one inside the walls of the house. Now let's go have some cookies." Finn gave Callie a gentle squeeze, "Sounds like good advice to me. — Carolyn Brown

Squeeze Quotes By Benny Bellamacina

A thin man can squeeze into a fat body, yet you can only squeeze a fat man to become thin — Benny Bellamacina

Squeeze Quotes By Samantha Young

She gave me a lopsided quirk of a smile. "Joss," her voice hoarse, barely audible.
I wanted to run. I know. That's horrible. But I wanted to run away from this part. People ending up in hospital had never concluded well in my life, and seeing her there, so vulnerable, so exhausted, just reminded me of how close we might have come to losing her.
I felt a hand squeeze mine and I turned my head to see Hannah watching me. She looked as pale as I felt, and her fingers were trembling between mine. She was scared too. I smiled reassuringly at her, hoping I was pulling it off. "Ellie is okay. Come on." I tugged on her hand and pulled her with me to Ellie's bed side.
I reached out for the hand Ellie had held out for her mom, and I slid mine into it, feeling relief and love as she gave me a gentle squeeze. — Samantha Young

Squeeze Quotes By Norman Mailer

Only another writer can know how much damage writing a novel can do to you. It's an unnatural activity to sit at a desk and squeeze words out of yourself. — Norman Mailer

Squeeze Quotes By Julie Garwood

Johanna sat by the fire every night and worked on her tapestry. Dumfries waited until she was settled in her chair and then draped himself across her feet. It became a ritual for Alex to squeeze himself up next to her and fall asleep during her stories about fierce warriors and fair maidens. Johanna's tales all had a unique twist, for none of the heroines she told stories about ever needed to be rescued by their knights in shining armor. More often than not, the fair maidens rescued their knights.
Gabriel couldn't take issue with his wife. She was telling Alex the truth. It was a fact that maidens could rescue mighty, arrogant warriors. Johanna had certainly rescued him from a bleak, cold existence. She'd given him a family and a home. She was his love, his joy, his companion.
She was his saving grace. — Julie Garwood

Squeeze Quotes By Gus Barrett

accomplish, and they do not always have the time to squeeze all of these activities in a sixteen hour day (since we spend eight hours sleeping). Since it is impossible to sacrifice sleep altogether (meaning, omit or significantly decrease the amount of hours — Gus Barrett

Squeeze Quotes By Becca Ritchie

When I was seventeen you said you wanted to perform an autopsy on me, to crack open my ribcage and squeeze my heart until it burst between your fingers." What is that - if not flirting? She lifts her head off a pillow to near me, propping her elbows on the mattress. "That was me hating you, Richard. I dreamed of your death." "You dreamed of clutching my heart," I rebut. "Of killing you," she emphasizes. I lean closer to her, our eyes locking. "Vous m'aimiez." You loved me. — Becca Ritchie

Squeeze Quotes By Augusten Burroughs

A lot of being a writer doesn't have anything to do with writing. It's ironic - I have to squeeze the books in, even though that's what it's all about. — Augusten Burroughs

Squeeze Quotes By Stacia Kane

His hand touched the back of her neck, gave a gentle squeeze. Takes a many of them make one almost as good as you. — Stacia Kane

Squeeze Quotes By Felix Baumgartner

Engage your life with enthusiasm; grasp your life aggressively and squeeze from it every drop of excitement, satisfaction, and joy. — Felix Baumgartner

Squeeze Quotes By William A. Dembski

What I propose, then, is a strategy for interrogating the Darwinists to, as it were, squeeze the truth out of them. — William A. Dembski

Squeeze Quotes By Isaac Marion

Breathe those useless breaths. Drop this piece of life you're holding to your lips. Where are you? How long have you been here? Stop now. You have to stop.
Squeeze shut your stinging eyes, and take another bite. — Isaac Marion

Squeeze Quotes By Paul Banks

If you're playing a one-minute game, I could squeeze in five to six games before anybody walked by my cubicle. So I got really good at blitz, one-minute chess games. But that's kind of like the cheap chess version. — Paul Banks

Squeeze Quotes By Neil Pasricha

Because, life's too short, my friends. Let's squeeze in as many laughs as we can get. — Neil Pasricha

Squeeze Quotes By Quentin Tarantino

You can do all these kinds of things that are up close and personal, but you really have to bring your strength, and really - you have to really be committed to actually strangle the life out of somebody, to crush their larynx and just squeeze every drop of life out of them. — Quentin Tarantino

Squeeze Quotes By Colleen Hoover

I slowly lean in toward her when her lips part into a smile.
"Are you planning on using tongue this time?" she whispers.
I squeeze my eyes shut and take a step back, completely thrown off by her comment. I rub my palms down my face and groan.
"Dammit, Six. I was already feeling inadequate. Now you've just put expectations on it."
She's smiling when I look at her again. "Oh, there are definitely expectations," she says teasingly. "I expect this to be the most mind-blowing thing I've ever experienced, so you better deliver. — Colleen Hoover

Squeeze Quotes By Rae Carson

I make my hand my whole world. Hand hand hand hand. I push through the sand and light and heat, and with every bit of strength I have in me, I squeeze back. — Rae Carson

Squeeze Quotes By Nathan Filer

It's like we each have a wall that separates our dreams from reality, but mine has cracks in it. The dreams can wriggle and squeeze their way through, until it's hard to know the difference. — Nathan Filer

Squeeze Quotes By Tess Oliver

Seeing that guy touch you was too much. I couldn't stop myself. Before I knew it, I was flying across that bar thinking, he touched you and I was going to have to pound him for it. No one fucking touches you except me." His mouth came down over mine again. He held me so tightly, I was sure he'd squeeze the breath from me. "Since I had you pressed up against the wall in that closet, I knew that you had to be mine," he whispered against my mouth. — Tess Oliver

Squeeze Quotes By Tim O'Brien

I could feel my moral compass as a soldier, in danger of - I could feel the squeeze, the pressure of frustration and anger and fear combining on me ... I felt the danger; I felt the squeeze of it. — Tim O'Brien

Squeeze Quotes By Z.A. Maxfield

Experimenting with touch, he found he barely had to ripple a light fingertip over his sleeping lover, and Tristan would move, twisting until he was melted into Michael's embrace. Stroking Tristan's cheek got Michael a sleepy kiss. Touching Tristan's back or sliding a hand down his spine earned Michael the satisfying squeeze of arms around him. And squeezing Tristan's ass got him a fully awake and erect boy-toy looking for love. — Z.A. Maxfield

Squeeze Quotes By C.S. Lewis

The real Oxford is a close corporation of jolly, untidy, lazy, good-for-nothing humorous old men, who have been electing their own successors ever since the world began and who intend to go on with it. They'll squeeze under the Revolution or leap over it when the time comes, don't you worry. — C.S. Lewis

Squeeze Quotes By Sherrilyn Kenyon

I can't imagine anyone dumb enough to think they could ever take you on and win. Damn, boy. You are ripped!" Gaping even wider, he gave one more squeeze to Talyn's massive biceps. Fain bristled at Chayden's impressed tone. "He's the same size I am." Chayden finally quit molesting Talyn's arm and snorted disdainfully at Fain. "Yeah, but he's a lot scarier than you are, Hauk." Talyn cracked a cocky grin that really didn't help Fain's foul mood, as Galene laughed. While — Sherrilyn Kenyon