Famous Quotes & Sayings

Soulical Quotes & Sayings

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Top Soulical Quotes

Soulical Quotes By Samuel Butler

Theist and atheist: The fight between them is as to whether God shall be called God or shall have some other name. — Samuel Butler

Soulical Quotes By Susannah Sandlin

As soon as Will disappeared around the corner, Mirren stood up. Stealth was not the way of the gallowglass, and tonight, he was gallowglass and slayer, both. — Susannah Sandlin

Soulical Quotes By Watchman Nee

If we verily bear the cross we shall be neither controlled nor influenced by soulical affection but shall be fit to love in the power of the Holy Spirit. Even so did the Lord Jesus love His family while on earth. — Watchman Nee

Soulical Quotes By Bill Engvall

I swear to you, I am the cheapest drunk on the planet. It takes nothing to get me loopy and doing stupid stuff. Yeah. Some of you like that? Well ... like riding an electric floor buffer for a shot of tequila. Did it! — Bill Engvall

Soulical Quotes By George Orwell

And even when they became discontented, as they sometimes did, their discontent led nowhere, because, being without general ideas, they could only focus it on petty specific grievances. The larger evils invariably escaped their notice. The — George Orwell

Soulical Quotes By Rosabeth Moss Kanter

Organizational structures that allow divisions and departments to own their turf and people with long tenure to take root creates the same hardened group distinctions as Congressional redistricting to produce homogeneous voting blocs - all of which makes it easier to resist compromise, let alone collaboration. — Rosabeth Moss Kanter

Soulical Quotes By Watchman Nee

To be penitent, to feel sorry for sin, to shed tears, to even make decisions does not bring in salvation. Confession, decision, and many other religious acts can never be and are not to be construed as new birth. Rational judgment, intelligent understanding, mental acceptance, or the pursuit of the good, the beautiful, and the true are merely soulical activities if the spirit is not reached and stirred. — Watchman Nee

Soulical Quotes By Philip Green

I could have closed down bits of British Home Stores to make more money but it's not my style. I want to make my money as a retailer, not by putting people out of work. — Philip Green

Soulical Quotes By Emily Thorne

Engagement can be a commitment to love or a declaration of war. One must enter every battle without hesitation, willing to fully engage the enemy until death do you apart. — Emily Thorne

Soulical Quotes By Jose Antonio Vargas

I'm a gay, undocumented immigrant; I have to be optimistic. — Jose Antonio Vargas

Soulical Quotes By Agatha Christie

Poirot closed his eyes. What he perceived mentally was a kaleidoscope, no more, no less. Pieces of cut-up scarves and rucksacks, cookery books, lipsticks, bath salts; names and thumbnail sketches of odd students. Nowhere was there cohesion or form. Unrelated incidents and people whirled round in space. But Poirot knew quite well that somehow and somewhere there must be a pattern ... The question was where to start ... — Agatha Christie