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Shoes You Wear Quotes & Sayings

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Top Shoes You Wear Quotes

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Emmie White

She was silent for a moment, trying to force her thoughts into words her tongue could articulate. "I don't know. I'm saying we should go out sometime. I'm saying that I want to see you without your lab coat, and I want to wear a nice dress and maybe a pair of shoes like your Barbie doll over there." She pointed at Bridget. "What do you say? — Emmie White

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Lisa Kleypas

One time I told her that she reminded me of that charming tale, the one with the red shoes."
Helen had always hated that story, in which a little girl who had dared to wear red shoes to her confirmation had been doomed to dance in them until she died. "You're referring to the one by Hans Christian Andersen? It's a morality tale about the wages of sin, is it not?"
His smile faded, and his gaze returned to hers, now appraising rather than dismissive. "I confess, I don't recall the moral of the story."
"No doubt it's been a long time since you've read it." Helen made her face into the inscrutable mask that had always annoyed the twins and provoked them to call her a sphinx. "The red shoes become instruments of death, after a girl yields to temptation. — Lisa Kleypas

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Danny Wallace

Because it is illegal to talk to a stranger on a train, it can sometimes be confusing when someone stands on your foot or hits you with their briefcase and then fails to say sorry. Which is why I have decided to carry an air horn with me at all times, and when someone stands on my foot I will set it off in their face and then go back to reading my paper. I imagine this will make people want to avoid standing on my feet, but if I've paid good money for the air horn, I'll want to use it, so I'll wear massive clown-shoes while travelling. I'll also wear a red nose and a wig.
Essentially, I really want to get into clowning. — Danny Wallace

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Judith Martin

From Memorial Day to Labor Day, you may wear white shoes. Not before and not after. As a command, the White Shoe Edict should be clear and simple enough. Do not violate it. In a society in which everything else has become relative, a matter of how it makes you feel, a question between you and your conscience, and an opportunity for you to be really you, this is an absolute. — Judith Martin

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Chi McBride

When you wear a fresh pair of shoes, you feel like you can never die. You feel like you're gonna live forever. — Chi McBride

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Dave Barry

In the Bowling Alley of Tomorrow, there will even be machines that wear rental shoes and throw the ball for you. Your sole function will be to drink beer. — Dave Barry

Shoes You Wear Quotes By George Carlin

Religion - religion, at best - at BEST - is like a lift in your shoe. If you need it for a while, and it makes you walk straight and feel better - fine. But you don't need it forever, or you can become permanently disabled. Religion is like a lift in the shoe, and I say just don't ask me to wear your shoes. And let's not go down and nail lifts onto the natives' feet. — George Carlin

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Lena Dunham

I did love Ben, in a sense. Because he cooked for me. Because he told me that my body was beautiful, like a Renaissance painting, something I badly needed to hear. Because his stepmother was the same age as him, and that is really sad. But I also didn't: Because his vanity drove him to wear vintage shoes that gave him blisters. Because he gave me HPV. He called me terrible names when I broke up with him for a Puerto Rican named Joe with a tattoo that said mom in Comic Sans. Admittedly, I didn't handle it too well either when, several months later, he moved in with a girl who taught special-needs preschool. I didn't utter the words "I love you" again in a romantic context for more than two years. Joe turned out to consider blow jobs misogynistic and pretended his house had caught fire just to get out of plans. — Lena Dunham

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Jennifer Chiaverini

Who said you had to fill his shoes?" said Karen. "Wear your own shoes. They're bound to fit better. Walk your own path your own way and you'll be more likely to get to where you need to be". — Jennifer Chiaverini

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Humphrey Bogart

Making money isn't the main point of business. Money is a by-product ... A new product has been found, something of use to the world. A new industry moves into an undeveloped area. Factories go up, machines go in and you're in business. It's coincidental that people who've never seen a dime now have a dollar and barefooted kids wear shoes and have their faces washed. What's wrong with an urge that gives people libraries, hospitals, baseball diamonds and movies on a Saturday night? — Humphrey Bogart

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Oriana Fallaci

To be good or bad doesn't count: life out in this world doesn't depend on that. It depends on a relation of forces based on violence. And survival is violence. You'll wear leather shoes because someone has killed a cow and skinned it to make leather. — Oriana Fallaci

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Ash Gray

Kimaria smirked and placed her hands behind her back. "Come now. It doesn't have to come to that. Violence is so beneath us."
"No, it isn't," said Helianthus at once.
"Well . . . it is beneath me," the high queen said and touched a hand to her chest. "Unlike you, I am civilized. I wear shoes and I have a last name." They watched as she eased into a chair. She crossed one leg over the other, folded her arms, and regarded them calmly. "Aren't you the least bit curious as to how I snatched the famed Nineveh Atvaris from our dark past? You can't be that boring. — Ash Gray

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Michelle Hodkin

I'll be there at ten."
"Oh," I said suprised. "For some reason I thought that this was a day thing."
"Halarious. Ten in the morning, darling."
"Can't a girl sleep in on the weekend!"
"You don't sleep. See you Sunday, and don't wear stupid shoes." Noah said, and hung up before I could reply. I stood, staring at the phone. He was so aggravating. But a nervous thrill traveled through my stomach. Me and Noah. Sunday. Just us. — Michelle Hodkin

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Miley Cyrus

Imagine finding someone you love more than anything in the world, who you would risk your life for but couldn't marry. And you couldn't have that special day the way your friends do-you know, wear the ring on your finger and have it mean the same thing as everybody else. Just put yourself in that person's shoes. It makes me feel sick to my stomach — Miley Cyrus

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Bethany Mota

When I have a good pair of shoes, I wear them over and over. Whether it's nice sneakers or a cool pair of combat boots, splurge on a pair you love that you can wear over and over with totally different outfits. — Bethany Mota

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Anonymous

It's not about how many hats you wear, it's all about the shoes. — Anonymous

Shoes You Wear Quotes By George Carlin

Religion is like a pair of shoes ... Find one that fits for you, but don't make me wear your shoes. — George Carlin

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Kat Howard

There are stories where you must wear out your iron shoes to right a wrong, where children are baked into pies, where jealousy cuts off hands and cuts out hearts. We forget, because the stories end with those ritual words - happily ever after - all the darkness, all the pain, all the effort that comes before. People say they want a fairy tale life, but what they really want is the part that happens off the page, after the oven has been escaped, after the clock strikes midnight. They want the part that doesn't come with glass slippers still stained with a stepsister's blood, or a lover blinded by an angry mother's thorns. If you live through a fairy tale, you don't make it through unscathed or unchanged. Hands — Kat Howard

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Vi Keeland

I really think you need help." "You might be right." He leaned close and lowered his voice. "But if you wanted to wear those shoes, pigtails, and nothing else, I'd be one happy Tin Man. — Vi Keeland

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Elizabeth Berg

Wear a hat and some old lady shoes, and you can do whatever you want. — Elizabeth Berg

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Victoria Beckham

What do you wear on a running machine? I can't bring myself to wear flat shoes. — Victoria Beckham

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Emma Stone

On the first day of middle school I wore high-heeled shoes that you weren't allowed to wear. I remember being so embarrassed because in every class I went to they kept pointing out that I couldn't wear these shoes. I wanted to call my mom and have her bring me new shoes! — Emma Stone

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Anne Fortier

But he is an Italian," was Umberto's sensible reply. "He doesn't care if you break some law a little bit, as long as you wear beautiful shoes. Are you wearing beautiful shoes? Are you wearing the shoes I gave you? ... principessa?"
I looked down at my flip-flops. "I guess I'm toast. — Anne Fortier

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Uvi Poznansky

When he wants to, he can be real kind. He knows so well how to spoil a woman. He gave me a ring with a pink sapphire. I bet you it's real! Also, a gold chain with a locket, which at the last minute - like, just before saying, I do - I decided not to wear. I wanted to look classy, and worried that it's gonna be a bit much. And the other pair? Now, that's my very first pair of high heel shoes. — Uvi Poznansky

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Bill Nighy

Never go anywhere you have to wear brown shoes. — Bill Nighy

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Raphael

You should see me, dressed to kill. I wear a pair of hacked-off jeans and a too-big T-shirt that I can roll up onto my head when the sun gets bad. I don't wear shoes- one, because I don't have any, and two, because you need to feel with your feet. — Raphael

Shoes You Wear Quotes By M.F. Moonzajer

What makes you believe, that you are the only person with so much problems and bad luck? If you wear everyone's shoes, you will certainly understand that the whole world is drowning in crisis and even you are not among them. — M.F. Moonzajer

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Iris Apfel

You can change the look of an outfit so easily by changing the kind of jewellery you wear. If you have a basic outfit on - a black sweater and skirt or a simple black dress - you can go from the office to a cocktail party at night just by changing your jewellery. It helps if you change your shoes as well. — Iris Apfel

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Jen Turano

You're a bit elderly, Abigail, I'll give you that, but I don't think you've ever been dotty in your life, and I'm certainly not finding you dear at the moment - more like diabolical."
Lucetta's lips curved ever so slightly. "I'll wear that frock just to appease you, but don't think I'm going to be happy about it." She turned and stomped out of the room.
"Don't forget the tiara I left beside the dress," Abigail called. "Or the sparkly shoes that are right on the floor, dear."
"I'm not wearing a tiara," Lucetta yelled back. Abigail grinned.
"She's such a dear, sweet girl. Possessed of such a quiet and delicate nature. — Jen Turano

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Stephen Schwartz

You're gonna be
I'll teach you the proper ploys
when you talk to boys!
Little ways to flirt
and flounce!
I'll show you what shoes to wear,
how to fix your hair,
everything that really counts,
to be
POPULAR!! — Stephen Schwartz

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Ashton Kutcher

Your shoes have to match your belt. That's rule number one for guys. You can't put the brown shoes with the black belt. Or a brown belt with a black wristwatch. Just don't do it! Also, I don't like boots with suits. And when you wear sneakers, make sure they go with your shirt. — Ashton Kutcher

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Christopher Moore

They are the fallen gods. The new gods are producers, creators, doers. The new gods are the chinless techno-children who would rather eat white sugar and watch science-fiction films than worry about what shoes they wear. And these poor souls desperately push papers around hoping that a mystical message will appear to save them from the new, awkward, brilliant gods and their silicon-chip reality. Some of them will survive, of course, but most will fall. Uncreative thinking is done better by machines. Poor souls, you can almost hear them sweating. — Christopher Moore

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Nick Hornby

(About Love)The most important thing in life, and you can't tell whether people have it or not. Surely this is wrong? Surely people who are happy should look happy, at all times, no matter how much money they have or how uncomfortable their shoes are or how little their child is sleeping; and people who are doing OK but have still not found their soul-mate should look, I don't know, anxious, like Billy Crystal in When Harry Met Sally; and people who are desperate should wear something, a yellow ribbon maybe, which would allow them to be identified by similar desperate people. — Nick Hornby

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Agatha Christie

She belonged to the class that wear their best clothes, however unsuitable to the occasion. Last year, you know, we had a picnic outing at Scrantor Rocks. You'd be surprised at the unsuitable clothes the girls wore. Foulard dresses and patent-leather shoes and quite elaborate hats, some of them. For climbing about over rocks and in gorse and heather. And the young men in their best suits. Of course, hiking's different again. That's practically a uniform, and girls don't seem to realize that shorts are very unbecoming unless they are very slender. — Agatha Christie

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Ansel Elgort

I like to buy girls shoes and jewelry. I buy stupidly expensive shoes. I got Louboutins for my mom and my girlfriend before. My mom was like, 'I can't wear these; they're too high.' I was like, 'Mom, you have to try them - they're so cool. They're red snakeskin!' She still wears them every so often, but she can't walk in them. — Ansel Elgort

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Eminem

And to the rest of the world
God gave you shoes to fit you
So put 'em on and wear 'em
Be yourself man, be proud of who you are
Even if it sounds corny
Don't ever let anyone tell you you ain't beautiful — Eminem

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Frank Zappa

This has to be the disease for you
Now scientists call this disease
But us regular folks
Who might wear tennis shoes
Or an occasional python boot
Know this exquisite little inconvenience
By the name of:
Stink Foot — Frank Zappa

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Ilona Andrews

What's your problem with the Guild?"
"The only way to resolve it involves me being entangled in running it and I don't want to do it." I waved my arms. "I have the Consort crap and I have the Cutting Edge crap and whatever other bullshit the two of you throw my way. I don't want to go to the Guild every month and deal with their crap on top of everything else."
Curran leaned toward me. "I have to dress up and meet with those corpsefuckers once every three months and be civil while we're eating at the same table. You can deal with the Guild."
"You dress up? Wow, I had no idea that putting on your formal sweatpants was such a huge burden."
"Kate," Curran snarled. "They're not sweatpants, they are slacks and they have a belt. I have to wear shoes with fucking laces in them. — Ilona Andrews

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Elvis Costello

Oh I used to be disgusted and now I try to be amused. But since their wings have got rusted, you know, the angels wanna wear my red shoes. — Elvis Costello

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Dylan Moran

I did throw a lot of eggs into one basket, as you do in your teenage years - 'I am buying these records, I am wearing this'. I did quite a bit of that. You have to do it, wear your stupid shoes, wear your stupid hair. — Dylan Moran

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Meaghan Martin

The first day ofschool was always so exciting because you get new shoes and a new backpack, but by the last day of school, you're like, "I don't care. I will wear sweats. Am I done yet?" — Meaghan Martin

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Jay McInerney

I'd urge you to try German Riesling because it's delicious, but I fear you'll be more impressed if I tell you it's cutting-edge. That, after all, is what we want to know
what's now and happening. (Do you really think clunky square-toed shoes make your feet look better than those with slimming, tapered toes? You just wear them because that's what fashion dictates, you slut.) — Jay McInerney

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Fran Lebowitz

You know, almost everyone is an irritant to me. I think people have forgotten what the word 'public' means. 'Public' means you're going to be irritated. It's a natural consequence of leaving one's home. You go outside, and there are people who are irritating. I'll be standing on the sidewalk, and someone berates me for smoking. I look at the person and think, but what about your shoes? How can you wear shoes like that and have the confidence to accost someone like me? — Fran Lebowitz

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Anne Rainey

Actually, yeah, I did buy a few new things," she confirmed, then she teased a little more by adding, "I think Pete is going to really enjoy my outfit tomorrow night."
"Pete seems to like you no matter what you're wearing," Luke grumbled. "So, what did you buy for good ol' Pete?"
Darn, if he didn't sound jealous! Could it be possible? It'd mean she meant something to him. Something more than Dr. Doolittle anyway. "I bought a mini skirt." She wouldn't tell him about the hair and the shoes. Or what she bought to wear under the skirt.
She heard him cough. Hard. As if having a spasm. "Luke? Are you okay?"
A couple more very tense seconds of coughs, and then, "Did you say a skirt?"
She wanted to smack him. — Anne Rainey

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Mariah Carey

I can't wear flat shoes. My feet repel them. I was in agony. My high heels had left my feet bleeding. Laugh all you want, my feet hurt — Mariah Carey

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Kiyohiko Azuma

Osaka: Ah got a question sensei...

Ms Yukari Tanizaki: Wh-what?

Osaka: It true they wear shoes in the house in America?

Tanikaze: That's what I hear.

Osaka: But then...

...wh-what if you stepped in dog poo outside... ... And you never noticed? And then... — Kiyohiko Azuma

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Thom Browne

When it comes to shoes, you don't really need more than a few pairs of wing tips or oxfords. They're classics. And I wear only black shoes in the city. Brown ones are for the country. — Thom Browne

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Lin Shaye

I think the first thing is don't give up. If you love the craft. If you love being a detective and discovering who a character is and the detail of how they walk and what kind of shoes they wear and what did they do yesterday and what's important to them. I definitely advise actors to learn about the craft. — Lin Shaye

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Andre Leon Talley

The late Estee Lauder says you can never wear white shoes after Labor Day. But of course, in today's world, that does not exist. — Andre Leon Talley

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Sarah Morgan

I want to introduce the world to my princess.'
In a state of disbelief, Izzy took his hand and they walked back towards the stage.
Happiness bubbled up inside her as it slowly dawned on her that this was real. She lifted her
face to look at him. 'I think I'm going to look cute in a tiara. I've never worn anything sparkly on
my head before.'
He laughed and tightened his grip on her hand. 'First thing tomorrow I'm going to buy you one.'
'Slow down.' She winced and stooped to fiddle with her feet. 'My shoes are hurting.'
'This is not news. Your shoes are always hurting, tesoro.'
'Do princesses absolutely have to wear shoes at all times?'
A slow smile spread across his face and he scooped her into his arms and carried her the last
few steps onto the stage. 'Of course not. Didn't you read Cinderella? — Sarah Morgan

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Nina Dobrev

Cole Haan is like high fashion Nike, so you feel like you're wearing Nike shoes, but you're wearing heels. Every time I'm on a red carpet, I always either wear Cole Haan or Stuart Weitzman. You end up having to walk around all night in these heels and you want to be comfortable and not look like you're in pain. It definitely shows in pictures. — Nina Dobrev

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Shannon L. Alder

Have you ever stopped to think that maybe you were wrong? Maybe, you only saw your point of view and you never once put yourself in the other person's shoes. Maybe, walking away from the senseless drama and spiteful criticism isn't the best thing to do. Maybe, for just once in your life you could wear another person's confusion, pain or misunderstanding. Maybe, your future doesn't require explaining yourself or offering an explanation for your indifference, but your character and reputation does. What if one day you find out that you didn't have all the information you thought you did? What if you find out that your presence was needed for healing? What if you only knew half of it and the other half was just your fear and anger translating everything you experienced? What if you were wrong? What if the same thing happened to you? — Shannon L. Alder

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Jochen Zeitz

The problem is you can't wear your old shoes too often because people say, 'You're still wearing that shoe?' — Jochen Zeitz

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Gail Collins

You can hit as many revolutions as you want, but women are always going to wear uncomfortable shoes that look good. — Gail Collins

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Dave Barry

You men out there probably think you already know how to dress for success. You know, for example, that you should not wear leisure suits or white plastic belts and shoes, unless you are going to a costume party disguised as a pig farmer vacationing at Disney World. — Dave Barry

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Paul Weller

The Jam went through a phase of wearing satin jackets. But that was pre-getting signed and making it, when we were still playing the pubs and clubs - around '75. Shocking, really - what would you call them apart from 'horrible?' We'd wear these white zip-up bomber jackets with black kind of loon pants and black and white shoes. — Paul Weller

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Carine Roitfeld

Do what you are not supposed to do, like wear white shoes all year round. — Carine Roitfeld

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Stanley Druckenmiller

Soros is the best loss taker I've ever seen. He doesn't care whether he wins or loses on a trade. If a trade doesn't work, he's confident enough about his ability to win on other trades. There are a lot of shoes on the shelf; wear only the ones that fit. If you're extremely confident, taking a loss doesn't bother you. — Stanley Druckenmiller

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Twiggy

Ballet pumps are the dream shoes because they are so comfortable. They look great both with jeans and summer dresses; and you can even wear the right pair with an evening gown. — Twiggy

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Justin Bieber

I just want to be young and fun and you know I think people should all wear yellow shoes. — Justin Bieber

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Alexander McQueen

Fashions fade, style is eternal. - Yves Saint-LaurentThe most important thing to remember is that you can wear all the greatest clothes and all the greatest shoes, but you've got to have a good spirit on the inside. That's what's really going to make you look like you're ready to rock the world. - Alicia KeysIt's a new era in fashion - there are no rules. It's all about the individual and personal style, wearing high-end, low-end, classic labels, and up-and-coming designers all together. — Alexander McQueen

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Jo Brand

We women continue to swallow this line that it's unladylike or even proof of being a lesbian if you wear flat shoes like Doc Martens. I'm prepared to put up with that accusation, because at least my feet aren't killing me and I don't look like a bandy ostrich. — Jo Brand

Shoes You Wear Quotes By John Waters

You don't need fashion designers when you are young. Have faith in your own bad taste. Buy the cheapest thing in your local thrift shop - the clothes that are freshly out of style with even the hippest people a few years older than you. Get on the fashion nerves of your peers, not your parents - that is the key to fashion leadership. Ill-fitting is always stylish. But be more creative - wear your clothes inside out, backward, upside down. Throw bleach in a load of colored laundry. Follow the exact opposite of the dry cleaning instructions inside the clothes that cost the most in your thrift shop. Don't wear jewelry - stick Band-Aids on your wrists or make a necklace out of them. Wear Scotch tape on the side of your face like a bad face-lift attempt. Mismatch your shoes. Best yet, do as Mink Stole used to do: go to the thrift store the day after Halloween, when the children's trick-or-treat costumes are on sale, buy one, and wear it as your uniform of defiance. — John Waters

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Kelly Rowland

If you have a pair of shoes that hurt, don't wear them. The ugliest thing that I think I've seen is a woman walk like her feet hurt. It's awful, so make sure your shoes fit. — Kelly Rowland

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Joyce Meyer

If you want to be unhappy, uncomfortable, and insecure, just spend your life trying to do something that is not right for you. It is just like trying to wear shoes that don't fit. — Joyce Meyer

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Audrey Niffenegger

Hy should free will be limited to right and wrong? I mean, you just decided, of your own free will, to take off your shoes. It doesn't matter, nobody cares if you wear shoes or not, and it's not sinful, or virtuous, and it doesn't affect the future, but you've exercised your free will. — Audrey Niffenegger

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Kellie Elmore

What happens when you return
and find nothing
but a hollowed shell,
shingles and floor,
walls and echoes
and the light that lead you here
has now burned out
and the ones who built it
have traveled afar
and you cant go to them,
no matter what shoes you wear. — Kellie Elmore

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Caitlin Moran

I'm quite British; I've got big, flat feet, and I can't wear heels. I've got very, very pale Celtic skin, so my legs are always a frightening blue color. So when you take out clothes that reveal your legs, shoes that have any kind of heel, no shop will actually take my money. — Caitlin Moran

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Stephen Moyer

I was a mod when I was a kid. I'd be in Italian pencil-leg trousers with those bowling shoes you wear outside and a Fred Perry polo shirt with a V-neck sweater. It was like an Essex uniform - a very specific look. — Stephen Moyer

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Janet Evanovich

Then I had to decide if I needed to wear shoes that kicked ass or were good for ass kicking, on account of there's a difference you know. ~ Finger Lickin' Fifteen — Janet Evanovich

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Basil The Great

3938The bread which you do not use is the bread of the hungry; the garment hanging in your wardrobe is the garment of him who is naked; the shoes that you do not wear are the shoes of the one who is barefoot; the money that you keep locked away is the money of the poor; the acts of charity that you do not perform are so many injustices that you commit. — Basil The Great

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Portia Moore

These shoes look like they're straight out of 'The Wizard of Oz,' but since I'm like the tornado that blew you into Oz, I guess you can wear Dorothy's red slippers. And if I'm gone and seem lost, maybe you can do a little click and I'll find my way home. — Portia Moore

Shoes You Wear Quotes By George Carlin

Religion is sort of like a lift in your shoes. If it makes you feel better, fine. Just don't ask me to wear your shoes. — George Carlin

Shoes You Wear Quotes By John C. Reilly

I went to an all-boys Catholic school, and not only were we not allowed to wear pajamas, we had to wear dress shirts, dress pants, a tie, dress shoes ... they stopped making us wear blazers, like, two years before I started there, so pajamas ... you wouldn't even get in the front door wearing pajamas at my school. — John C. Reilly

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Alessandra Ambrosio

When you're pregnant you just want to be comfortable - but I wear more or less the same as I do when I'm not pregnant: pregnancy denim with normal tops and flat shoes. But when the belly starts to really stick out, I'll want the floaty dresses! — Alessandra Ambrosio

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Jay Bee

If you wear a big smile on your face and a really nice shoes on your feet, chances are that most people will like you. — Jay Bee

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Stephanie Tourles

The best treatment for feet encased in shoes all day is to go barefoot. One-fifth of the world's population never wears shoes - ever! But when people who usually go barefoot usually wear shoes, their feet begin to suffer. As often as possible, walk barefoot on the beach, in your yard, or at least around the house. Walking in the grass or sand massages your feet, strengthens your muscles and feels very relaxing ... If you can cut back on wearing shoes by 30 percent, you will save wear and tear on your feet and extend the life of your shoes. — Stephanie Tourles

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Herbert V. Prochnow

If you would like to leave footprints in the sands of time, you had better wear work shoes. — Herbert V. Prochnow

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Con Riley

THEO: You should walk a fucking mile before you judge a situation. You should put yourself in someone else's shoes before you blame, or judge, or pity. It takes a long time to wear down someone's confidence, and it takes much more strength of will to walk away than it does to take another punch. — Con Riley

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Ellis

If you run a thousand miles a minute, you can expect to wear out a few pairs of shoes. — Ellis

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Robert A. Heinlein

The second point I want to make is that you are right; the boy does indeed have to learn human customs. He must be taught to take off his shoes in a mosque and to wear his hat in a synagogue and to cover his nakedness when taboo requires it, or our tribal shamans will burn him for deviationism. But, child, by the myriad deceptive aspects of Ahriman, don't brainwash him in the process. Make sure he is cynical about each part of it. — Robert A. Heinlein

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Kristen Ashley

Women like clothes, they like shoes, they like flowers and they like people to look at them and think,'God, she's gorgeous.' The more people who think that, the better it is. The one day in your life where you get all that rolled up into one is your wedding day. And it
comes with jewelry and presents and ends
with a vacation where it's practically law that you have to wear fabulous underwear and have lots of sex. — Kristen Ashley

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Taylor Momsen

You can wear anything as long as you put a nice pair of shoes with it. — Taylor Momsen

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Willa Cather

You know that my spells come from God, and that I would not harm any living creature. You believe that everyone should worship God in the way revealed to him. But that is not the way of this country. The way here is for all to do alike. I am despised because I do not wear shoes, because I do not cut my hair, and because I have visions. At home, in the old country, there were many like me, who had been touched by God, or who had seen things in the graveyard at night and were different afterward. We thought nothing of it, and let them alone. But here, if a man is different in his feet or in his head, they put him in the asylum ... That is the way; they have built the asylum for people who are different, and they will not even let us live in the holes with the badgers. — Willa Cather

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Emily Henry

Rachel," I snap, "I don't care if Janelle wants to work at Hooters. I don't care if you and the rest of the world want to go spend your money on dried-out chicken and ketchup-based sauces. And least of all - less than almost anything else I can imagine - I don't care how much sex your sister is or isn't having. That's kind of the deal with the whole uptight feminazi thing - we don't care when other women want to wear stupid orange Soffe shorts with white tennis shoes and have a lot of sex, or when they want to wear habits and live in a convent, or if they want to walk around in pasties and never French kiss, so long as they're allowed to do what they want. And right now, all I want is to go to bed. Okay? — Emily Henry

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Callie Khouri

Always, in all circumstances, wear comfortable shoes. You never know when you may have to run for your life. — Callie Khouri

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Mark McGinty

Cigars are society. They are the food you eat and the bed where you sleep. They are the clothes you wear and the shoes on your feet. Cigars are, at the very least, responsible for everything you and I have. — Mark McGinty

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Maggie Gyllenhaal

You're invited to tons of parties, and you'll wear these shoes and that dress, and it can be enticing, but I think it also sucks you dry. If you do it a little, sure, it's fun, but too much and you start to lose your footing. — Maggie Gyllenhaal

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Paul Feig

As tempting as it seems to wear tennis shoes with your tux, don't do it. I think it looks ridiculous. If you're 14 years old, maybe give it a shot. In general, don't portray anything that says 'I'm too cool and I don't care.' — Paul Feig

Shoes You Wear Quotes By J.D. Robb

You have shoes to match."
"I do?"
"You do, yes, and go with diamonds. Leave the color to the dress."
"Which diamonds? Do you know how many you give me? Why do you do that?"
The aggrieved sound of her voice amused him nearly as much as giving her diamonds. "It's a sickness. I'll get them for you once you're dressed."
She said nothing, and stood where she was as he selected a dark suit from his forest of suits, a slate-colored shirt, and a stone-colored tie.
"How come you don't wear color?"
"The better to serve as the backdrop for my beautiful wife."
She narrowed her eyes. "You had that one ready."
"The truth is always ready."
She jabbed a finger at him. "That one, too."
"Such a cynic. — J.D. Robb

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Hod Lipson

The only way to make something cheaply today is to have it mass-produced. For example, you wear the same shoes as everyone else. If you had a fabber, you could custom-make shoes that perfectly fit your feet. Three-dimensional printing will help us move away from the mass consumption that is so deeply ingrained in our culture. — Hod Lipson

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Yara Shahidi

I have so many pairs of oxfords; it's ridiculous. It started because at my school you have to wear oxfords for our uniform, but after I got my first pair, I realized they were really comfortable, so they became my regular walking shoes, too. — Yara Shahidi

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Joe R. Landon

The mosquitos are so big they eat you alive wear your shoes. — Joe R. Landon

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Jeff Lindsay

What to wear? I could think of no guidelines on what we were wearing this season to a party forced on you to celebrate an unwanted engagement that might turn into a violent confrontation with a vengeful maniac. Clearly brown shoes were out, but beyond that nothing really seemed de rigueur. — Jeff Lindsay

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Deborah Moggach

Don't start writing your novel until you know your characters very, very well. What they'd do if they saw somebody shoplifting. What they were like at school. What shoes they wear. Spend days - weeks, months - being them until they thicken up and start to breathe. — Deborah Moggach

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Meryl Streep

One of the most important keys to acting is curiosity. I am curious to the point of being nosy. What that means is you want to devour lives. You're eager to put on their shoes and wear their clothes and have them become a part of you. All people contain mystery, and when you act, you want to plumb that mystery until everything is known to you — Meryl Streep

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Anonymous

Chap in the cagoule." "What's a cagoule?" "Eleven? Do I hear eleven? Big fat man with the shameless wig? No? Still with the chap in the lightweight, knee-length anorak of French origin, very popular with bearded prannies who wear ethnic shoes, get off on Olde English folk music and have girlfriends called Ros who run encounter groups where you can find your true self and be at one with the cosmos. Eleven still with you, sir." "Well!" said the chap in the cagoule. "I don't know if I want it now." "Oh go on," said Ros, his girlfriend. "Twelve," said a new voice. — Anonymous

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Danielle Dutton

The way I've talked about my research process is that it was like magpies. I was just sort of moving through all these books and when something shiny would pop out I'd be like, Ooh, I love it! and I'd pluck it out. It's fun to figure out how to use those bits you really love - like I'd read about gold shoes with cork heels. Obviously, Margaret would have to wear those shoes. — Danielle Dutton

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Giorge Leedy

Tiring of his questioning, I tell him adamantly that nothing's ever going to happen between Kahn and I.
"But you want it to."
"It doesn't matter what I want. It's never gonna happen."
"Does he know that you wear ballet shoes to bed?"
"I do NOT-"
He laughed, "That you're GAY-"
"Oh. Yeah- he knows THAT."
He asks if Kahn is okay with me being gay.
"That's what I thought. But Nadda."
"Nadda... YET. — Giorge Leedy

Shoes You Wear Quotes By Cindi Madsen

If you could travel anywhere in the US for a vacation, where would you go?"
He reached up with his free hand and rubbed his jaw, two creases forming between his eyebrows. She wanted to take over for him, brush her fingers across his whiskers, make him groan the way she had earlier. But she decided to behave herself.
For now.
"I've always wanted to go to Yellowstone," he said. "See all the wildlife. Maybe go fishing." ...
"I'd pick a beach, Florida or California. Where I could be in my bikini more than not, rarely wear shoes, and wake up to the sound of the ocean."
"Well, if you're gonna be wearing a bikini, I'm switching to a beach vacation with you." ...
"Okay, so foreign vacation," she said, snuggling against him. "Then where would you go?" ...
"Let's just cut to the chase and say wherever you'd go. — Cindi Madsen