Famous Quotes & Sayings

Shannon Eckstein Quotes & Sayings

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Top Shannon Eckstein Quotes

Shannon Eckstein Quotes By Bill Cosby

Every father says the same thing: "Where's your mother?" — Bill Cosby

Shannon Eckstein Quotes By Alexa Vega

I've been through a marriage, and I'm still very fond of my ex-husband; but if I've learned anything, it's that relationships are about compromise. — Alexa Vega

Shannon Eckstein Quotes By Gavin Mills

Though time seems to expand or contract between idle and frantic moments, it passes the same in both: second by second. You can neither lose it or create it. Use it wisely. — Gavin Mills

Shannon Eckstein Quotes By Gay Hendricks

True independence is not based on fear. It contains within it an ability to be close to others, coupled with a choice to be free and autonomous. — Gay Hendricks

Shannon Eckstein Quotes By Elvin Hayes

Blame is the cowards way out. — Elvin Hayes

Shannon Eckstein Quotes By Barbara B. Appelbaum

Cast bread upon the water and it comes back chocolate cake! — Barbara B. Appelbaum

Shannon Eckstein Quotes By William Henry Pickering

The popular mind often pictures gigantic flying machines speeding across the Atlantic carrying innumerable passengers in a way analogous to our modern steam ships ... it seems safe to say that such ideas are wholly visionary and even if the machine could get across with one or two passengers the expense would be prohibitive to any but the capitalist who could use his own yacht. — William Henry Pickering

Shannon Eckstein Quotes By Debasish Mridha

You are a beautiful flower of love in the endless wilderness of time. — Debasish Mridha