Famous Quotes & Sayings

Scuffs For Men Quotes & Sayings

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Top Scuffs For Men Quotes

Scuffs For Men Quotes By Ellen Feldman

The official line is that, after the war, women couldn't wait to leave the offices and assembly lines and government agencies. But the real story was that the economy couldn't have men coming home without women going home, not unless it wanted a lot of unemployed vets. So the problem became unemployed women. "How you gonna keep us down on the farm after we've seen the world,"' she ad-libs to the old World War I tune. 'Enter the women's magazines, and cookbook publishers, and all these advertising agencies carrying on about the scourge of germs in the toilet bowl, and scuffs on the kitchen floor, and, my favorite, house B.O. Enter chicken hash that takes two and a half hours to prepare. I can just hear them sitting around the conference tables. 'That'll keep the gals out of trouble. — Ellen Feldman

Scuffs For Men Quotes By Tennessee Williams

You'll be surprised how infinitely merciful they [these tablets] are. The prescription number is 96814. I think of it as the telephone number of God! — Tennessee Williams

Scuffs For Men Quotes By Victor Hugo

Revolution is the accession of the peoples, and, at the bottom, the People is Man. — Victor Hugo

Scuffs For Men Quotes By Bill Jay

Be gentle and tolerant. Intimacy will grow, but will take time and cannot be rushed. If all goes well, soon you will become more familiar with each other, and handling will forge awkward fumbling and fondling into more satisfying and productive caresses and eventually into a comfortable working partnership. At this stage you will be ready to accompany your new camera into the world. — Bill Jay

Scuffs For Men Quotes By David Milne

We are quite open, however, to looking at acquisitions and there are opportunities that we periodically consider. and I think that may be something we do in the future, but I must say that there is no commitment to that at the present time in any form or size. — David Milne

Scuffs For Men Quotes By Nick Bostrom

The first period of excitement, which began with the Dartmouth meeting, was later described by John McCarthy (the event's main organizer) as the "Look, Ma, no hands!" era. — Nick Bostrom

Scuffs For Men Quotes By Ann Douglas

Human beings cannot live without stories. — Ann Douglas

Scuffs For Men Quotes By John Berger

A drawing is essentially a private work, related only to the artist's own needs; a 'finished' statue or canvas is essentially a public, presented work - related far more directly to the demands of communication. — John Berger