Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Running Effective Meetings

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Top Running Effective Meetings Quotes

Running Effective Meetings Quotes By Kathleen E. Woodiwiss

Aye, milord." She snuggled close to him, but his low, wheezing laughter made her draw back again to try to see the eyes that were only a dark shadow behind the silken cloth.
"Something amuses you?"
"Sleep! 'Twill be impossible with you in my arms."
"Shall I go?" she questioned, resting a hand on his chest.
"Never!" He caught her to him in a fierce embrace, burying his face against her throat.
-Erienne & Lord Saxton — Kathleen E. Woodiwiss

Running Effective Meetings Quotes By Emma Goldman

When we can't dream any longer we die. — Emma Goldman

Running Effective Meetings Quotes By Karen Kincy

An aroma more heavenly than a flight of angels trickled on the breeze. "Coffee!" He breathed the word like a prayer. — Karen Kincy

Running Effective Meetings Quotes By Morrie Schwartz.

What's wrong with being number two? — Morrie Schwartz.

Running Effective Meetings Quotes By Peter Matthiessen

Yessir, they's big money involved in this park fight, that's the story. Dyer's the mouthpiece for them east coast developers that has fought that park idea for years; them boys are workin day and night to grab that real estate before all them nature-lovers and such get the Glades nailed down by the federl gov'mint. You ain't seen all that stuff in the papers? Gettin the public fired up against the feds for wastin half of Florida on this big green nothin? Stead of sellin off that land and cuttin taxes? — Peter Matthiessen

Running Effective Meetings Quotes By Jojo Moyes

You are scored on my heart,Clark. You were from the first day you walked in,with your ridiculous clothes and your complete inability to ever hide a single thing you felt. — Jojo Moyes

Running Effective Meetings Quotes By Zaman Ali

Human as an intellectual being needs answers about the existence for the purpose of knowing the way to live. — Zaman Ali

Running Effective Meetings Quotes By Sherrilyn Kenyon

You know, you say 'not exactly' a lot. You're not exactly a vampire. You're not exactly from Scotland, and you're allergic to daylight. What else? (Sunshine)
I hate bran muffins and grass. (Talon) — Sherrilyn Kenyon