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Right To Petition Quotes & Sayings

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Top Right To Petition Quotes

Right To Petition Quotes By Kishore Bansal

Our attitude focus on excellence not only made us successful but also timelessly inspirational. — Kishore Bansal

Right To Petition Quotes By Caleb Cushing

Be the responsibility on their heads who raise this novel and extraordinary question of reception, going to the unconstitutional abridgment, as I conceive, of the great right of petition inherent in the People of the United States. — Caleb Cushing

Right To Petition Quotes By Marianne Faithfull

I don't talk about my private life. — Marianne Faithfull

Right To Petition Quotes By Andy Stanley

Your greatest accomplishment may not be something you do but someone you raise. — Andy Stanley

Right To Petition Quotes By Tim Berners-Lee

I think when you have a lot of jumbled up ideas they come together slowly over a period of several years. — Tim Berners-Lee

Right To Petition Quotes By Caleb Cushing

The right of petition, I have said, was not conferred on the People by the Constitution, but was a pre-existing right, reserved by the People out of the grants of power made to Congress. — Caleb Cushing

Right To Petition Quotes By Charlotte Bronte

You are going, Jane?"
"I am going, sir."
"You are leaving me?"
"You will not come? You will not be my comforter, my rescuer? My deep love, my wild woe, my frantic prayer, are all nothing to you?"
What unutterable pathos was in his voice! How hard was it to reiterate firmly, "I am going!"
"Mr. Rochester."
"Withdraw then, I consent; but remember, you leave me here in anguish. Go up to your own room, think over all I have said, and, Jane, cast a glance on my sufferings; think of me."
He turned away, he threw himself on his face on the sofa. "Oh, Jane! my hope, my love, my life!" broke in anguish from his lips. Then came a deep, strong sob. — Charlotte Bronte

Right To Petition Quotes By Terry Pratchett

There were all sorts of ways to petition the Great God, but they depended largely on how much you could afford, which was right and proper and exactly how things should be. After all, those who had achieved success in the world clearly had done it with the approval of the Great God, because it was impossible to believe that they had managed it with His disapproval. In — Terry Pratchett

Right To Petition Quotes By Jane Austen

I am worn out with civility. — Jane Austen

Right To Petition Quotes By Ilona Andrews

You don't have the touching rights." "How do I get those?" Stop being a self-absorbed spoiled baby. "You get those if I fall in love with you." He stopped. "In love. You're serious?" "Yes." That would shut him up. "What is this, the sixteenth century? Should I write you a sonnet next?" "Is it going to be a good sonnet? — Ilona Andrews

Right To Petition Quotes By The Founding Fathers

Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievance
Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. — The Founding Fathers

Right To Petition Quotes By Sophia Bush

My God loves everybody, and if yours doesn't, that's your prerogative, but don't tell me how to live my life and don't tell my best friends that you're going to take away their rights. Because I will march you into the ground. I will argue you into the ground. I will petition you into the ground. I will not sleep, I will not stop, and neither will so many people in this country and in this world. It's not right. — Sophia Bush

Right To Petition Quotes By Rebecca Traister

In the late 1860s, Myra Bradwell petitioned for a law license and argued that the 14th Amendment protected her right to practice. The Illinois Supreme Court rejected her petition, ruling that because she was married she had no legal right to operate on her own. When she challenged the ruling, Justice Joseph Bradley wrote in his decision, "It certainly cannot be affirmed, as a historical fact, that [the right to choose one's profession] has ever been established as one of the fundamental privileges and immunities of the sex." Rather, Bradley argued, "The paramount destiny and mission of women are to fulfill the noble and benign offices of wife and mother."40 Meanwhile, — Rebecca Traister

Right To Petition Quotes By Caroline Dhavernas

At least, I'm very happy that it's going out on DVD because if it wasn't for the fans who signed this petition and were really ongoing about how they loved it, we wouldn't see this DVD right now. — Caroline Dhavernas

Right To Petition Quotes By David Levithan

People say you should wait to be with someone you love, but I think it's more important to be with someone you like. — David Levithan

Right To Petition Quotes By Caleb Cushing

The Normans came over, lance in hand, burning and trampling down every thing before them, and cutting off the Saxon dynasty and the Saxon nobles at the edge of the sword; but the right of petition remained untouched. — Caleb Cushing

Right To Petition Quotes By Joseph Epstein

One of the reasons that most literary artists are contemptuous of Sigmund Freud - whose thought Vladimir Nabokov once characterized as no more than private parts covered up by Greek myths - is that his extreme determinism is felt to be immensely untrue to the rich complexity of life, with its twists and turns and manifold surprises. — Joseph Epstein

Right To Petition Quotes By Dietrich Bonhoeffer

The child asks of the Father whom he knows. Thus, the essence of Christian prayer is not general adoration, but definite, concrete petition. The right way to approach God is to stretch out our hands and ask of One who we know has the heart of a Father. — Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Right To Petition Quotes By Christopher Hitchens

Many readers are familiar with the spirit and the letter of the definition of "prayer," as given by Ambrose Bierce in his Devil's Dictionary. It runs like this, and is extremely easy to comprehend: Prayer: A petition that the laws of nature be suspended in favor of the petitioner; himself confessedly unworthy. Everybody can see the joke that is lodged within this entry: The man who prays is the one who thinks that god has arranged matters all wrong, but who also thinks that he can instruct god how to put them right. Half-buried in the contradiction is the distressing idea that nobody is in charge, or nobody with any moral authority. The call to prayer is self-cancelling. — Christopher Hitchens

Right To Petition Quotes By Patrick Rothfuss

If you sell me a horse that throws a shoe, or starts to limp, or spooks at shadows, I will miss a valuable opportunity. A quite unrecoverable opportunity. If that happens, I will not come back and demand a
refund. I will not petition the constable. I will walk back to Imre this very night and set fire to your house.
Then, when you run out the front door in your nightshirt and stockle-cap, I will kill you, cook you, and
eat you. Right there on your lawn while all your neighbors watch. — Patrick Rothfuss

Right To Petition Quotes By Lyndon B. Johnson

Free speech, free press, free religion, the right of free assembly, yes, the right of petition ... well, they are still radical ideas. — Lyndon B. Johnson

Right To Petition Quotes By Trey Gowdy

The same Constitution that allows her the right, if she wants to, to sit there and say nothing, allows these groups the right to petition their government for redress. — Trey Gowdy

Right To Petition Quotes By Bryant Gumbel

Live your life with a purpose beyond yourself,
and you'll find that the world is
as bold and broad as
the interests that
brought you here ... — Bryant Gumbel

Right To Petition Quotes By Kurt Vonnegut

The right of the people to peacefully assemble and petition their government for a redress of grievances is now worth a pitcher of warm spit. That's because TV will not come and treat it respectfully. Television is really something. — Kurt Vonnegut

Right To Petition Quotes By Naomi Wolf

In 70s America, protest used to be very effective, but in subsequent decades municipalities have sneakily created a web of 'overpermiticisation' - requirements that were designed to stifle freedom of assembly and the right to petition government for redress of grievances, both of which are part of our first amendment. — Naomi Wolf

Right To Petition Quotes By Sima Mittal

I could decorate a whole city with books! — Sima Mittal

Right To Petition Quotes By Caleb Cushing

It is impossible, in my mind, to distinguish between the refusal to receive a petition, or its summary rejection by some general order, and the denial of the right of petition. — Caleb Cushing

Right To Petition Quotes By U.S. Congress

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. — U.S. Congress

Right To Petition Quotes By Caleb Cushing

The right of petition is an old undoubted household right of the blood of England, which runs in our veins. — Caleb Cushing

Right To Petition Quotes By Michelle Alexander

Through a web of laws, regulations, and informal rules, all of which are powerfully reinforced by social stigma, they are confined to the margins of mainstream society and denied access to the mainstream economy. — Michelle Alexander

Right To Petition Quotes By Arthur Schopenhauer

A man can surely do what he wills to do, but cannot determine what he wills. — Arthur Schopenhauer