Famous Quotes & Sayings

Respect Elders Quotes & Sayings

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Top Respect Elders Quotes

Respect Elders Quotes By Sarah Cross

Do you know where Blue is? Can you get him for me? Please?"
"Frederick," Bliss said. "Do you always bring a sword to a pool party? You are familiar with the concept of rust, I hope."
"I - yes, of course," Freddie said, looking as if he wasn't sure whom to answer first, but deferring to the fairy out of respect for his magical elders. "I have it in case there's trouble, and I need to decapitate Fel - er, someone. Anyone, rather. Anyone in need of decapitation."
"Frederick, that is very disturbing," Bliss said. "I do hope you're joking."
"Where's Blue?" Mira shouted. — Sarah Cross

Respect Elders Quotes By Nitish Sharma

Let it be..let it be..
Let the ppl think the way they want,
Live the life the way u want
Let it be..let it be..
Nothing is permanent then why to worry,
Live life condition free
Let it be..let it be..
Smile cost nothing..still u pay for it, why we live life in hurry when everthing is tempory..
Let it be..let it be..
Respect ur elders wether they scold u, love urslf wthr no1 else does, u r most beautiful creature.beleive and accept it nd..
Let it be..let it be..
U r the king, u r the ruler.. conquer urslf nd let things pass like water in the river..move with flow..live has no other flow..
So..let it be..let it be.. — Nitish Sharma

Respect Elders Quotes By Kevin Hearne

That was it. Owen grabbed his arm, yanked it toward him, and head-butted the punk. He went down with a yelp and Owen stood up, kicking his chair away behind him. "Respect your elders, lad!"
The inn got quiet the way things will when shit gets real. — Kevin Hearne

Respect Elders Quotes By Mary Robinson

As Elders we have great respect for all religions and traditions as important forces that bind people together. Faith and tradition provide much of the foundation of our laws and social codes. But where religion and tradition are used to justify discrimination and especially when they are used to justify cruel and harmful practices such as female genital mutilation, infanticide and child marriage, then we believe that is unacceptable. — Mary Robinson

Respect Elders Quotes By Nelson Jack

Dear elders! Age will not carry your respect level always. But your words do! Stay respectful. — Nelson Jack

Respect Elders Quotes By Bernard Kelvin Clive

The fact that social media has leveled the playing field doesn't offer you the right to disrespect the elderly — Bernard Kelvin Clive

Respect Elders Quotes By Zoe Heller

It's clear that politeness to one's elders can't always be justified on the basis of the elder's superior wisdom. It's just that it's not attractive to see a young person answering an older person back. — Zoe Heller

Respect Elders Quotes By Chris Jericho

I'd told Taker before the promo that I was gonna stick it to him and he told me to go for it. However, I crossed the line and insulted him by saying what I said. I can't believe the lack of respect I showed him and so many of the other guys in the locker room during my first month in the company, especially since I knew how important the hierarchy of the business was (and still is). Respect your elders. — Chris Jericho

Respect Elders Quotes By Leo Tolstoy

The faces of these young people, especially those who were military men, bore that expression of condescending respect for their elders which seems to say to the older generation, "We are prepared to respect and honor you, but all the same remember that the future belongs to us. — Leo Tolstoy

Respect Elders Quotes By Criss Jami

Respect elders; protect children. This I do believe. As a young man it is sometimes, in a charitable sense, difficult to shake the sentiment that every elderly person is my grandparent, and every child is my child. — Criss Jami

Respect Elders Quotes By Lora Leigh

I pray. I go to mass. I even remember to respect my elders and help little old ladies across the street. What the hell did I do to deserve this? — Lora Leigh

Respect Elders Quotes By Vera Nazarian

Respect the young and chastise your elders. It's about time the world was set aright. — Vera Nazarian

Respect Elders Quotes By Emma Hart

LIFE TIP #7: Respect your elders. You never know when they'll insult the person you hate. — Emma Hart

Respect Elders Quotes By Lisa Ling

Coming from an Asian culture, I was always taught to respect my elders, to be a better listener than a talker. — Lisa Ling

Respect Elders Quotes By Polybius

Similarly that is no true democracy in which the whole crowd of citizens is free to do whatever they wish or purpose, but when, in a community where it is traditional and customary to reverence the gods, to honor our parents, to respect our elders, and to obey the laws, the will of the greater number prevails, this is to be called a democracy. — Polybius

Respect Elders Quotes By George Burns

I was always taught to respect my elders and I've now reached the age when I don't have anybody to respect. — George Burns

Respect Elders Quotes By Dan Brown

She tried to make friends, but her peers immersed themselves in frivolities that held no interest to her. She tried to respect her elders, but most adults seemed like nothing more than aging children, lacking — Dan Brown

Respect Elders Quotes By Sherman Alexie

Oh, no, no, you've got that all wrong. You're not required to respect elders. After all, most people are idiots, regardless of age. In tribal cultures, we just make sure that elders remain an active part of the culture, even if they're idiots. Especially if they're idiots. You can't just abandon your old people, even if they have nothing intelligent to say. Even if they're crazy. — Sherman Alexie

Respect Elders Quotes By Yasunari Kawabata

It may be said that the Master was plagued in his last match by modern rationalism, to which fussy rules were everything, from which all the grace and elegance of Go as art had disappeared, which quite dispensed with respect for elders and attached no importance to mutual respect as human beings. From the way of Go the beauty of Japan and the Orient had fled. Everything had become science and regulation. The road to advancement in rank, which controlled the life of a player, had become a meticulous point system. One conducted the battle only to win, and there was no margin for remembering the dignity and the fragrance of Go as an art. The modern way was to insist upon doing battle under conditions of abstract justice ... — Yasunari Kawabata

Respect Elders Quotes By KRS-One

We [black people] don't respect our elders. Besides artists, we don't respect Frederick Douglass. We don't respect Martin Luther King. You look at every Martin Luther King Boulevard out here, and it's a crack block. That's not because of white people. That's because of black leadership. We just have that problem, and it's something that I am going to spend the rest of my life trying to conquer. — KRS-One

Respect Elders Quotes By Baz Luhrmann

Understand that friends come and go, but for the precious few you should hold on. Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle because the older you get, the more you need the people you knew when you were young. Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard; live in Northern California once, but leave before it makes you soft. Travel. Accept certain inalienable truths, prices will rise, politicians will philander, you too will get old, and when you do you'll fantasize that when you were young prices were reasonable, politicians were noble and children respected their elders. Respect your elders. Don't expect anyone else to support you. — Baz Luhrmann

Respect Elders Quotes By Carl Sagan

When the training is unchanged for immense periods of time, traditions are passed on intact to the next generation. But when what needs to be learned changes quickly, especially in the course of a single generation, it becomes much harder to know what to teach and how to teach it. Then, students complain about relevance; respect for their elders diminishes. Teachers despair at how educational standards have deteriorated, and how lackadaisical students have become. In a world in transition, students and teachers both need to teach themselves one essential skill - learning how to learn. — Carl Sagan

Respect Elders Quotes By Adam Johnson

The Respect for Elders Retirement Home on Moranbong Street. — Adam Johnson

Respect Elders Quotes By George Burns

I was brought up to respect my elders, so now I don't have to respect anybody. — George Burns

Respect Elders Quotes By Diana Gabaldon

Once I told him I thought beating your son was a most uncivilized method of getting your own way. He said I'd about as much sense as the post I was standing next to, if as much. He said respect for your elders was one of the cornerstones of civilized behavior, and until I learned that, I'd better get used to looking at my toes while one of my barbaric elders thrashed my arse off. — Diana Gabaldon

Respect Elders Quotes By Mencius

The fruit of humanity is devotion to one's parents. The fruit of righteousness is to respect one's elders. The fruit of wisdom is to understand these two and not to betray them. The fruit of propriety is to regulate and polish them. The fruit of music is the joy that comes from rejoicing in them. When one rejoices in them, they grow. When they grow, how can they be stopped? And when they cannot be stopped, unconsciously one's feet begin to dance and one's arms begin to wave. — Mencius

Respect Elders Quotes By Edith Wharton

Meanwhile the old Marquess, visibly moved, was charging Odo to respect his elders and superiors, while in the same breath warning him not to take up with the Frenchified notions of the court, but to remember that for a lad of his condition the chief virtues were a tight seat in the saddle, a quick hand on the sword and a slow tongue in counsel. "Mind your own business," he concluded, "and see that others mind theirs." The Marchioness thereupon, with many tears, hung a — Edith Wharton

Respect Elders Quotes By Rebecca McKinsey

I respect you as my king, and I respect you as my father, but I do not respect you as a man! — Rebecca McKinsey

Respect Elders Quotes By James Dashner

You okay, there, Mr. Rat Man?" Minho asked. "My name is Assistant Director Janson," he replied, his voice low and strained, as if it was hard work to stay calm. His eyes never left Thomas. "Learn to show respect for your elders. — James Dashner

Respect Elders Quotes By Nalo Hopkinson

When your elders are millennia-old demigods, you'd best take the injunction to respect your elders seriously. — Nalo Hopkinson

Respect Elders Quotes By Linus Pauling

When an old and distinguished person speaks to you, listen to him carefully and with respect - but do not believe him. Never put your trust into anything but your own intellect. Your elder, no matter whether he has gray hair or has lost his hair, no matter whether he is a Nobel laureate - may be wrong. The world progresses, year by year, century by century, as the members of the younger generation find out what was wrong among the things that their elders said. So you must always be skeptical - always think for yourself. — Linus Pauling

Respect Elders Quotes By Jenna Morasca

As human beings we value the experience that comes with age. We are reminded over and over again with statements like 'older and wiser' and 'respect your elders,' promoting age as something to be cherished and respected. — Jenna Morasca

Respect Elders Quotes By Erin Hunter

I suppose." Mousefur sniffed. "No doubt it'll be up to me to teach them manners. Kits nowadays don't know how to show any respect."
Jayfeather's whiskers twitched with amusement.
"Don't you believe it," Purdy whispered. "She was teaching Lilykit and Seedkit how to reach under the wall of the warriors' den and catch stray tails yesterday. — Erin Hunter

Respect Elders Quotes By Deanna Anderson

The earth is over a million years old; respect your elders. — Deanna Anderson

Respect Elders Quotes By Friedrich Hayek

The young are right if they have little confidence in the ideas which rule most of their elders. But they are mistaken or misled when they believe that these are still the liberal ideas of the nineteenth century, which, in fact, the younger generation hardly knows. We have little right to feel in this respect superior to our grandfathers; and we should never forget that it is we, the twentieth century, and not they, who have made a mess of things.
If in the first attempt to create a world of free men we have failed, we must try again. The guiding principle that a policy of freedom for the individual is the only truly progressive policy remains as true today as it was in the nineteenth century. — Friedrich Hayek

Respect Elders Quotes By Kishore Bansal

Extend your commitment to your family members. Have respect for elders and be nice to them.they are your soft pillow — Kishore Bansal

Respect Elders Quotes By Richard Bach

Whatever harm I would do to another, I shall do first to myself.
As I respect and am kind to myself, so shall I respect and be kind to peers, to elders, to kits.
I claim for others the freedom to live as they wish, to think and believe as they will. I claim that freedom for myself.
I shall make each choice and live each day to my highest sense of right. — Richard Bach

Respect Elders Quotes By Ray Lewis

I have so much respect for people that are my elders. You aren't going to hear me cursing around people that are 60 and 70 years old. — Ray Lewis

Respect Elders Quotes By Diana Gabaldon

respect for your elders was one of the cornerstones of civilized behavior, — Diana Gabaldon

Respect Elders Quotes By Rigoberta Menchu

Instead of giving a rifle to somebody, build a school; instead of giving a rifle, build a community with adequate services. Instead of giving a rifle, develop an educational system that is not about conflict and violence, but one that promotes respect for values, for life, and respect for one's elders. This requires a huge investment. Yet if we can invest in a different vision of peaceful coexistence, I think we can change the world, because every problem has a nonviolent answer. — Rigoberta Menchu

Respect Elders Quotes By Steven Pressfield

Let us be, then, warriors of the heart, and enlist in our inner cause the virtues we have acquired through blood and sweat in the sphere of conflict - courage, patience, selflessness, loyalty, fidelity, self-command, respect for elders, love of our comrades (and of the enemy), perseverance, cheerfulness in adversity and a sense of humor, however terse or dark. — Steven Pressfield

Respect Elders Quotes By Nadia Scrieva

How could he possibly bow deeply enough to honor a thousand-year-old samurai queen? — Nadia Scrieva

Respect Elders Quotes By F. Paul Wilson

He isn't a government or an army. He's a guy. No matter what you think of any particular war, you've got to feel something for some poor guy ripped out of his life and handed a gun and sent somewhere to kill other guys who've been ripped out of their lives and sent to do the same thing, and while they're both shivering in their foxholes, scared they're not going to see another sunrise, all the fat cats, all the generals and politicos and priests and mullahs and tribal elders who started the whole damn thing, sit way to the rear, moving their chess pieces around." He jerked a thumb over his shoulder as he took a breath. "He got handed the dirty end of a dirty stick but he handled it. You've got to respect that. — F. Paul Wilson

Respect Elders Quotes By Penelope Douglas

Few simple rules: respect your elders, take care of your body, finish what you start, and solve your own problems. — Penelope Douglas