Famous Quotes & Sayings

Regan From The Exorcist Quotes & Sayings

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Top Regan From The Exorcist Quotes

Regan From The Exorcist Quotes By Carl David Anderson

The atom can't be seen, yet its existence can be proved. And it is simple to prove that it can't ever be seen. It has to be studied by indirect evidence - and the technical difficulty has been compared to asking a man who has never seen a piano to describe a piano from the sound it would make falling downstairs in the dark. — Carl David Anderson

Regan From The Exorcist Quotes By Audre Lorde

When there is no connection at all between people, then anger is a way of bringing them closer together, of making contact. But when there is a great deal of connectedness that is problematic or threatening or unacknowledged, then anger is a way of keeping people separate, of putting distance between us. — Audre Lorde

Regan From The Exorcist Quotes By Nora Roberts

Love, even when it's not real, can be deadly. — Nora Roberts

Regan From The Exorcist Quotes By Radiohead

Karma Police

Karma police
arrest this man,
he talks in maths,
he buzzes like a fridge,
he's like a detuned radio.

Karma police
arrest this girl,
her Hitler hairdo
is making me feel ill
and we have crashed her party.

This is what you get,
this is what you get,
this is what you get,
when you mess with us.

Karma police
I've given all I can,
it's not enough,
I've given all I can
but we're still on the payroll.

This is what you get,
this is what you get,
this is what you get,
when you mess with us.

For a minute there
I lost myself, I lost myself.
Phew, for a minute there,
I lost myself, I lost myself.

For a minute there
I lost myself, I lost myself.
Phew, for a minute there,
I lost myself, I lost myself. — Radiohead

Regan From The Exorcist Quotes By Anonymous

30. There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the Lord. 31. The horse is prepared against the day of battle: but safety is of the Lord. — Anonymous

Regan From The Exorcist Quotes By Mary Wigman

If I could say with words what my dances express, I wouldn't have a reason to dance. — Mary Wigman

Regan From The Exorcist Quotes By Ian Anderson

Most people, from their second album on, find it much harder to be as spontaneously creative as they were with their first couple of records, and some people only have one thing that they do. — Ian Anderson

Regan From The Exorcist Quotes By George Carlin

Not only do I not know what's going on, I wouldn't know what to do about it if I did. — George Carlin

Regan From The Exorcist Quotes By Stacy Kramer

It sounds so cheesy, even I don't buy it. And it's currently happening to me. — Stacy Kramer

Regan From The Exorcist Quotes By Judith Lewis Herman

Repetition is the mute language of the abused child. — Judith Lewis Herman

Regan From The Exorcist Quotes By Dean Cain

Some people believe God is involved in every little decision we make. Some people believe you're given the free will to make the decisions. Sometimes people believe God is not involved at all. — Dean Cain

Regan From The Exorcist Quotes By Colleen Coble

We don't all have to be in the limelight to be reaching our potential,' Jack said, keeping his voice even. 'There's something to be said for raising a family and being part of my community. — Colleen Coble

Regan From The Exorcist Quotes By William Peter Blatty

Gliding spiderlike, rapidly, close behind Sharon, her body arched backward in a bow with her head almost touching her feet, was Regan, her tongue flicking quickly in and out of her mouth while she hissed sibilantly like a serpent. Sharon stopped then screamed as she felt Regan's tongue snaking out at her ankle. That day, everywhere Sharon went, Regan followed. — William Peter Blatty

Regan From The Exorcist Quotes By Zoe Lister-Jones

I'm a health-food junkie, so all of my food is a splurge, money-wise! — Zoe Lister-Jones

Regan From The Exorcist Quotes By T. S. Eliot

Because I do not hope to turn again
Because I do not hope
Because I do not hope to turn
Desiring this man's gift and that man's scope
I no longer strive to strive towards such things
(Why should the aged eagle stretch its wings?)
Why should I mourn
The vanished power of the usual reign? — T. S. Eliot