Famous Quotes & Sayings

Ray Eames Quotes & Sayings

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Top Ray Eames Quotes

Ray Eames Quotes By Marie Howe

Every poem holds the unspeakable inside it. The unsayable ... The thing that you can't really say because it's too complicated. It's too complex for us. Every poem has that silence deep in the center of it. — Marie Howe

Ray Eames Quotes By Mira Sorvino

That's the thing about acting - it does have the feeling of downhill skiing. When it's really all going right, you know your lines, you know what's important to your character, you pick the strongest reactions possible to elements in the story. But then you let it all go and you're in the moment and stuff happens. It surprises you and it's super strong; it's like you're living life in a slightly heightened way in the time between "action" and "cut." — Mira Sorvino

Ray Eames Quotes By A.G. Howard

I should be terrified. I should be committed. But something about the netherling is sensual and exhilarating, more evocative than anything in my world has ever been. — A.G. Howard

Ray Eames Quotes By Homer

I don't know how much longer I can complain. — Homer

Ray Eames Quotes By Neil Gaiman

Classic authors should be older than I am, and wiser, and on-top of all their deadlines. — Neil Gaiman

Ray Eames Quotes By John Cheese

You don't want to completely change who you are you are to please other people. If they want you to change so much that you become someone else, they're probably not the right person for you. — John Cheese

Ray Eames Quotes By Neil Patrick Harris

Theater for me is about enduring human truth. Special effects can be part of that, but when they obscure what is the reason we come to theater - to see reflections of our confounded humanity - the theater has lost its way. — Neil Patrick Harris

Ray Eames Quotes By Kevin Hearne

Gaia has left us wonder wherever we go, if we only open our eyes to it." ~ Atticus — Kevin Hearne

Ray Eames Quotes By Lena Dunham

My shape reminds me a lot of my grandmother, whom I was really close to. She died when I was 13, and we have a really similar body type, the squat New England woman who can roll out dough and bring in your lawnmower. That's kind of the vibe of my body, and I'm into it. — Lena Dunham

Ray Eames Quotes By Anton Chekhov

MASHA : Happiness does not depend on riches; poor men are often happy. — Anton Chekhov

Ray Eames Quotes By Marie Rutkoski

I want better choices."
"Then we must make a world that has them. — Marie Rutkoski

Ray Eames Quotes By Nick Offerman

but, like an alcoholic or a fan of the Dave Matthews Band, he ultimately couldn't control his self-destructive addiction. — Nick Offerman

Ray Eames Quotes By Karen Armstrong

The awful atrocities of religion happened when people assume that God shares your likes and dislikes. The Crusaders when into battle to kill Muslims and Jews and cried, "God will's it." That was their battle cry. Obviously God willed no such thing. The Crusaders were simply projecting onto a deity they'd created on their own image and likeness, all their hatred and loathing of these faiths and made it endorse some of their most awful prejudices and lethal prejudices. — Karen Armstrong

Ray Eames Quotes By J.R.R. Tolkien

If we was master, then we could help ourselves. — J.R.R. Tolkien