Famous Quotes & Sayings

Rainbow Way Quotes & Sayings

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Top Rainbow Way Quotes

Rainbow Way Quotes By Amy Schumer

I hate false advertising, like 'Skittles: taste the rainbow.' No one's ever been like, 'Rainbow, right you guys?' Or what's Reese's? 'There's no wrong way to eat a Reese's.' Oh, really? Tell that to my uncle who used to put them in my underwear. Alright, maybe your uncles didn't love you. — Amy Schumer

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

He looked like himself, Eleanor thought, but bolder. Like Park with the volume turned way up. — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Sherrilyn Kenyon

In our past lies our future. By our own hands and decisions we will be damned and we will be saved. Whatever you do, put forth your best effort even if all you're doing is chasing a never ending rainbow. You might never reach the end of it, but along the way you'll meet people who will mean the world to you and make me ... mories that will keep you warm on even the coldest nights — Sherrilyn Kenyon

Rainbow Way Quotes By Richelle E. Goodrich

I opened my eyes today to a world that felt alien. For though things resembled the familiar, nothing was the same. Walls I once considered confining, crumbled at the slightest shove. Mountains that for ages had barred my view now faded, transparent. Meandering roads stretched out as straight as an arrow, void of stop signs. Obstacles no longer stood stationary. Pinnacles loomed within reach. Beasts were tame, bullies timid, wagging tongues all tied into knots, and in the palm of my hand glistened the end of a glorious rainbow. It took but a moment to realize that in my newfound sight, everything I'd ever longed for was accessible. Incredibly, the only thing that had really changed was the way I saw the world. — Richelle E. Goodrich

Rainbow Way Quotes By Akshay Vasu

And she had the magic I had never come across all my life. A minute with her messed up my mind and heart in a way that all the theories of right and wrong didn't matter anymore. All of a sudden opening my arms to the storm seemed a better choice, than dancing under the rainbows. — Akshay Vasu

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

Cath liked Levi. A lot. She liked looking at him. She liked listening to him -- though sometimes she hated listening to him talk to other people. She hated the way he passed out smiles to everyone he met like it didn't cost him anything, like he'd never run out. He made everything look so easy. — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Albert Camus

Yes, I know what passion would fill me with all its power. Before, I was too young. I got in the way. Now I know that acting and loving and suffering is living, of course, but it's only living insofar as you can be transparent and accept your fate, like the unique reflection of a rainbow of joys and passions which is the same for everyone. — Albert Camus

Rainbow Way Quotes By Gloria Gaither

We may run, walk, stumble. drive, or fly, but let us never lose sight of the reason for the journey, or miss a chance to see a rainbow on the way. — Gloria Gaither

Rainbow Way Quotes By Harper Sloan

But, I tell you this, there is no way a man as man as him swings for the rainbow. No way. Shame for Sway, but girlfriend, as beautiful as you are, this is good news. — Harper Sloan

Rainbow Way Quotes By Emma Green Tregaro

I think love to another human can't be wrong in any way. And to show that by painting my nails in rainbow colours, is a simple way to hopefully spread a little joy. — Emma Green Tregaro

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

She hated the way he passed out smiles to everyone he met like it didn't cost him anything, like he'd never run out. — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

Reagan wore eyeliner all the way around her eyes. Like a hard-ass Kate Middleton. And even though she was bigger than most girls-big hips, big chest, wide shoulders-she carried herself like she was exactly the same size everyone wanted to be. And everyone went along with it. — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Vincent Starrett

Every new search is a voyage to the Indies, a quest for buried treasure, a journey to the end of the rainbow; and whether or not at the end there shall be turned up a pot of gold or merely a delightful volume, there are always wonders along the way. — Vincent Starrett

Rainbow Way Quotes By Dolly Parton

The way I see it, you've gotta put up with the rain to get a rainbow. — Dolly Parton

Rainbow Way Quotes By John Green

TINY (singing): I was born this way Big-boned and happily gay I was born this way. Right here in the U.S. of A It's pointless to wonder why I ended up so G-A-Y From the very first day The rainbow's come my way I've got brown hair, big hips, blue blue eyes. And one day I'm gonna make out with guys, guys, guys! — John Green

Rainbow Way Quotes By Megan McDonald

I love jell-o. I love the way it comes in rainbow colours, wiggles and jiggles and looks like brains. — Megan McDonald

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

Nothing was dirty. With Park.
Nothing could be shameful.
Because Park was the sun, and that was the only way Eleanor could think to explain it. — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Shannon Wiersbitzky

He stared at her the way folks stare at a rainbow, taking in all that unexpected beauty, not wanting to look away in case it might disappear. — Shannon Wiersbitzky

Rainbow Way Quotes By Sherrilyn Kenyon

I wish I had better news for everyone and you can all read my report on our findings in my upcoming paper, as well as on my Web site once I get it finished. In the end, though, my quest for Atlantis did teach me something. In all our pasts lie our futures. By our own hands and decisions we will be damned and we will be saved. Whatever you do, put forth your best effort even if all you're doing is chasing a never-ending rainbow. You might never reach the end of it, but along the way you'll meet people who will mean the world to you and make memories that will keep you warm on even the coldest nights. (Tory) — Sherrilyn Kenyon

Rainbow Way Quotes By John Nichols

Listen cousin, the way things are supposed to work out, one day the struggles of all you screwed up little underdogs will forge a permanent rainbow that'll encircle this entire earth, I should live so long. — John Nichols

Rainbow Way Quotes By Karen White

Every life would have some rain in it, but that's the only way you'd ever get to see the rainbow. — Karen White

Rainbow Way Quotes By Mira Jacob

Cooking was a talent of her mother's that Amina often thought of as an evolutionary way for Kamala to survive herself with friendships intact. Like plumage that expanded to rainbow an otherwise unremarkable bird, Kamala's ability to transform raw ingredients into sumptuous meals brought her the kind of love her personality on its own might have repelled. — Mira Jacob

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

I'm the Cool One," she told herself. "Somebody give me some tequila because I'll totally drink it. And there's no way you're going to find me later having a panic attack in your parents' bathroom. Who wants to French-kiss? — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By David W. Earle

Late one night, during a toss-and-turn fretful sleep, I pondered my crisis. No solutions were on the horizon. I, again, wasted my psychic energy with prayer. Nothing. No angel on a white cloud. No rainbow's pot of gold. No way to control the people I loved. As I rolled over and put the pillow over my head attempting to block all that was negative, I silently screamed for rescue. Then, in a far away and distinct part of my brain, a small voice said, "You have to do this on your own."

I thought, "Was that the best You can do?" This god, to whom I was desperately sending burnt offerings of my own humiliation, couldn't send an avenging angel or a wise man imparting wisdom? All You can give me is this feeble message of abandonment? At that moment, I quit believing in that god. — David W. Earle

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

I bloody well should marry Wellbelove. My father would love it.
Marry her. Give her the keys to whatever she wants keys to. Then find a thousand men who look exactly like Simon bloody Snow and break each of their hearts in a different way. — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

For the first time in weeks, Park didn't have that anxious feeling in his stomach on the way home from school, like he had to soak up enough Eleanor to keep him until the next day. — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

The ultimate act of heroism shouldn't be death. You're always saying you want to give Baz the stories he deserves ... So you're going to kill him off? Isn't the best revenge supposed to be a life well-lived? The punk-rock way to end it would be to let them live happily ever after. — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Judith Fertig

I looked up to see the sun struggling behind a gray mass of snow clouds.
I could relate.
And then a beam of sunlight found a way through. A sign? Maybe.
But what was this? I gasped. The bakery esters had refracted into visible bands of flavor.
Red raspberry, orange, and the yellow of lemon and butter.
Pistachio, lime, and mint green.
The deepest indigo of a fresh blueberry
The violet that blooms when crushed blackberries blend into buttercream.
The Roy G. Biv that a baker loves.
And then the darkness: chocolate, spice, coffee, and burnt-sugar caramel. — Judith Fertig

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

She kept forcing herself to remember the entire conversation, playing it back and playing it back, all the way through, forcing a finger down her memory's throat. — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

There's something really romantic about that. Every woman wants a man who'll fall in love with her soul as well as her body. But what if you meet her, and you don't think she's attractive?"
"I don't think I care what she looks like," Lincoln said. Not that he hadn't thought about it. Not that it wasn't exciting in a weird way, not to know, to imagine. — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

She wanted to cry all the way there, thinking about Neal's sideways symmetrical mouth and the way he could freehand a perfectly straight line. — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

Levi shouldn't get to make her feel this way - he shouldn't even have access to her chest. Levi wasn't her boyfriend. He wasn't family. She didn't choose him. — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

Ryone. You go out of your way to make everyone feel special."
"Well, what's wrong with that?"
"How is anyone supposed to know that they are special? How was I supposed to know you weren't just being nice?"
"You can't see that I'm different with you? — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

They fell in love the way you do the first time, when you're young, and you feel as if you have nothing and everything to lose — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

Your dad loves you, Eleanor said. And she
was right. But it didn't matter. That was table
stakes. His dad loved him in a completely obligatory way — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

There's no shame with Park. Nothing is dirty. Because Park is the sun, and that's the best way she could think to explain it. — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Gregory Maguire

Where shall I say you've gone?"
She threw an arm about airily. "Oh, way up high. Over the rainbow somewhere, I guess. — Gregory Maguire

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

Nobody thinks Asian guys are hot," Park said finally. He had to look away from her when he said it - way away, he turned his head completely. "Not here, anyway. I assume Asian guys do all right in Asia. — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Terry Pratchett

The people who guard the rainbow don't like those who get in the way of the sun. — Terry Pratchett

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

Cath exhaled. Then inhaled. Her chest was so tight, it hurt both ways. Levi shouldn't get to make her feel this way - he shouldn't even have access to her chest. — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

The strange thing about seeing someone for first time in nine years is the way they look totally different, just for a second, a split second, and then they look at you the way they always have, as if no time has passed between you. — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Lady Gaga

Watch very closely as the magical angel and I are swallowed by the rainbow twister, and left stranded on the glitter way. — Lady Gaga

Rainbow Way Quotes By Suzy Kassem

The parent is protector and trainer, but never the ultimate teacher. Every parent is responsible for teaching their kid basic moral conduct, manners, the difference between love and hate, and right from wrong. However, after maturity, the child must set off to seek knowledge on their own. Religion is never to be forced. And you cannot threaten your child with hell and tell them your religion is the only right way. There is no one right way. The many ways to the Creator are as varied as the colors of a rainbow. — Suzy Kassem

Rainbow Way Quotes By Harper Lee

The one place where a man ought to get a square deal is in a court-room, be heany colour of the rainbow, but people have way to carrying their resentments right into a jury box. — Harper Lee

Rainbow Way Quotes By Elizabeth Berg

The fancy things I like are sheets. Pots and pans. And the things I really like aren't fancy at all: old aprons and hankies. Butter wrappers from one pound blocks. Peony bushes, hardback books of poetry. And I like things less than that; the sticky remains at the bottom of the apple crisp dish. The way cats sometimes run sideways. The presence of a rainbow in a puddle of oil. Mayonaise jars. Pussy willows. Wash on a line. The tick-tock of clocks, the blue of the neon sign at the local movie house. The fact that there is a local movie house. — Elizabeth Berg

Rainbow Way Quotes By Suzy Kassem

To become a true global citizen, one must abandon all notions of 'otherness' and instead embrace 'togetherness'. The world is no longer white, black, yellow and brown. Through love, tribes have been intermixing colors to reveal a new rainbow world. And as more time passes, this racial and cultural blending will make it harder for humans to side with one race, nation or religion over another. Therefore, practical wisdom should be used to abandon any cultural, social, religious, tribal, and national beliefs of alterity altogether. This is the only way mankind will truly evolve. Segregation is a word of the past. Unity is the key to a peaceful future. — Suzy Kassem

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

When she smiled up at him, he felt his heart swell against the inside of his chest. He felt that way all the time now. Even when he was holding her, it felt like there was something inside of him trying to burst out and embrace her. — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Carol Birch

There's no way out of this, it's stark: live or die. Every given moment a bubble that bursts. Step on, from one to the next, ever onwards, a rainbow of stepping stones, each bursting softly as your foot touches and passes on. Till one step finds only empty air. Till that step, live. — Carol Birch

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

You're the only girl I've ever touched. And I feel like it
was supposed to be that way. I touch you and my whole body ... rings. Like a bell or something. And I
could touch other girls, and maybe there would be something, you know, like maybe there would be
noise. But not like with you. — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Lesley Gore

Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows, everything that's wonderful, Is sure to come your way — Lesley Gore

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

I take something that happened to me in 1983, and I make it happen to somebody else in 1943. I pick my life apart that way, try to understand it better by writing straight through it. — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Steve Earle

Someday I'm finally gonna let go 'cause I know there's a better way, and I wanna know what's over that rainbow ... I'm gonna get out of here someday ... — Steve Earle

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

Like realizing toward the end of a logic puzzle that you'd made a mistake early on, and that there's no way to reach the solution without starting over. Without erasing everything. Without throwing out all of your assumptions. — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By T. Geronimo Johnson

Finally, as was their way, as Daron had learned in Berzerkeley, a group of miscellaneous white people arrived to involve themselves in affairs none of their concern. This particular group was a brightly colored rainbow coalition (in dress only), complete with rainbow posters and matching rainbow shirts - So cute, said his mom - and the chanting of slogans such as, Equal Rights for All, Abolish Reenactments, and States' Rights = Slaves, Right? — T. Geronimo Johnson

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

Penny grabs my arm when I walk past Baz's bed on the way to the bathroom. "It's good to see you," she whispers.
I smile. Again. Penny makes my cheeks hurt. "Don't make a scene," I whisper back. — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Kate McGahan

We need to go first because we cannot live without your love and care. If we lived longer than you, we would not and could not survive. It's supposed to be this way. We also need to cross the Rainbow Bridge before you do so that we can be on the other side to greet you when you get there. We wait at home for you here and we wait at Home for you there. It's just the way it is. — Kate McGahan

Rainbow Way Quotes By C. JoyBell C.

I am a flawed person. A brook with many stones, a clear blue sky with many blackbirds. I have many shortcomings. A rainbow that's not long enough, a starry night with clouds. But I can only be thankful to the God who loves me just this way, and I can only be grateful to the people in my life who accept the clear blue sky with many blackbirds and who are patient with the rainbow that isn't long enough. And because of this, I am taught love, because of this I love my God, and I love these people. — C. JoyBell C.

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

Having kids sent a tornado through your marriage, then made you happy for the devastation. Even if you could rebuild everything just the way it was before, you'd never want to. — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Richelle E. Goodrich

The secret to happiness is elusive because it is a paradoxical truth. To gain happiness, you must first cease pursuing it. Things perceived to provide happiness are like shiny, pretty bubbles that lure us this way and that way, chasing after their glossy buoyancy. But once they are handled, they "pop" - empty - vanishing along with the hope that happiness could ever be captured. Happiness cannot be caught or won or purchased or even handled. Happiness simply forms like a rainbow in the kindest and most grateful hearts. — Richelle E. Goodrich

Rainbow Way Quotes By Lois Lowry

And I've thought of a way to help you with the concept of color.
Close your eyes and be still, now. I'm going to give you a memory of a rainbow. — Lois Lowry

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rick Riordan

Reyna's image appeared in the rainbow, like a two-way video call. She was in the baths. Scared her out of her mind. -That I would've paid to see, Frank said. I mean-her expression. Not, you know, the baths. — Rick Riordan

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

I wasn't built for this," he yelled. "Look at me. You know it's true." And for the
first time, maybe ever, he didn't sound cool. He sounded a little panicked. And a
little angry. "I don't want to love someone so much that they take up all my head,
all my space. If I knew I was going to feel this way about you, I would have left a
long time ago, while I still could. — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

This wasn't good, but it was something. Cath could always change it later. That was the beauty in stacking up words
they got cheaper, the more you had of them. It would feel good to come back and cut this when she had worked her way to something better. — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

(Because being assaulted with maxi pads is a great way to win friends and influence people.) Today — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

Eggnog reminds me of mucus."
"Me, too. But in a good way. — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

What's a meet-cute? It's the moment in a movie when the romantic leads meet. They never just meet normally. It's never like, "Harry, meet Sally. Sally, this is Harry." They always meet in a cute way, like, "Hey, you just got chocolate in my peanut butter!" / "What are you talking about? You just got peanut butter in my chocolate! — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Peggy Orenstein

It's not that pink is intrinsically bad, but it is such a tiny slice of the rainbow, and, though it may celebrate girlhood in one way, it also repeatedly and firmly fuses girl's identity to appearance. — Peggy Orenstein

Rainbow Way Quotes By Joe Mahoney

I need someone who believes that the sun will rise again but who does not fear my darkness. Someone who can point out the rocks in my way without making me a child by carrying me. Someone who can stand in thunder and watch the lightning and believe in a rainbow. — Joe Mahoney

Rainbow Way Quotes By Phil Mitchell

We face many crossroads in our lives. God wants us to be that beacon of faith to those around us. He shows us his love like a rainbow on a sunrise. He helps lift us up when we fall. For our stay in this world is just a short time. A pass over from here to his loving arms. Like the morning star, he will guide us along our way. — Phil Mitchell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

No," he said. "No, I'll never wonder what it would be like to have sex with someone else for the same reason I don't want to kiss anyone else. You're the only girl I've ever touched. And I feel like it was supposed to be that way. I touch you and my whole body ... rings. Like a bell or something. And I could touch other girls, and maybe there would be something, you know, like maybe there would be noise. But not like with you. And what would happen if I kept touching and touching them, and then ... and then, I tried to touch you again? I might not be able to hear us anymore. I might not ring true. — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Olivia Munn

I'm a 'What you see is what I want you to see' kind of girl ... When I first started, I just wanted to be perfect. I wanted to say I loved bunnies and rainbows and world peace. I realized that the only way to be perfect was to embrace your imperfections. — Olivia Munn

Rainbow Way Quotes By Leif Hetland

That is the way God sees us, you and me and everyone who has ever inched his way on this earth. He sees not our history but our destiny. Not what we once were but what we will one day become. He sees not our drizzly gray past but our sun-washed future, a rainbow full of promise arching over the whole of it. For God sees not as man sees. We see the disgusting sinner; He sees the destined saint. — Leif Hetland

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

How many people make a career out of writing anyway?' Cath snapped. She felt like everything inside her was snapping. Her nerves. Her temper. Her esophagus. 'I'll write because I love it, the way other people knit or ... or scrapbook. And I'll find some other way to make money. — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

He finally realized that she was reading at his lap. Not in a gross way. She was looking at his comics- he could see her eyes moving. — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

You didn't bring it up. It's always on my mind. In a way it's good to talk about it. To get some of it out of my heart, even for a minute. — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

Levi kicked her chair. "Cath. Read me your fan fiction. I want to know what happens next."
She opened her computer slowly, as if she were still thinking about it. As if there were any way she was going to say no. Levi wanted to know what happened next. That question was Cath's Achilles' heel. — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Marta Curti

In all things there is beauty. In the glint of dew clinging to the strands of a spider's web; in the way the setting sun winks off shards of broken glass; in the rainbow forming in the soap suds in a sink full of dirty dishes; in a blade of grass which manages to force its way, with patience and time, through the all too willing grasp of sidewalk cement. It is in the faded brown of leaves, turning, twisting against their fate, as they fall to the ground, light and dry as brittle bones, and in the bare, thin-tipped branches, denuded by a change in season. It is in the way a stranger's laughter cradles you if you let it. It is in the intricate scars of a lover's back and in our upturned eyes when we ask for forgiveness. — Marta Curti

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

Or maybe, he thought now, he just didn't recognize all those other girls. The way a computer drive will spit out a disk if it doesn't recognize the formatting.
When he touched Eleanor's hand, he recognized her. He knew. — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

The way he looked back at her made her feel wide open, like every thought must be closed-captioned on her face. — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

They talked about the White Album on the way to school, but just as an excuse to stare at each other's mouths. You'd think they were lip-reading. — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Linda Kage

I'm never one, distinct color but a dichotomy of dark and bright. The hues follow me, reflecting my mood, displaying every tone and shade I feel. I can breathe in red and exhale blue, or swim in green and dry as a rainbow. It all depends on how I choose to react to every shadow and light beam headed my way. — Linda Kage

Rainbow Way Quotes By Dolly Parton

The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain! — Dolly Parton

Rainbow Way Quotes By Jeffery W. Turner

In nature, a rainbow appears after a storm. It is luminous and shiny after the dark and rainy event that gave birth to it. Likewise with each of us, events both dark and stormy, but also ones that are bright and full of life, have made us who we are individually, and in turn who we are together as a couple.

The colors of our relationship rainbow really do blend together to create a close and exciting marriage that is also full of contentment, safety, and predictability for both of us. That way, as life's storms do rage around us, and the rainbows appear, we are consistent in our love for one another always. — Jeffery W. Turner

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

Sometimes writing is running downhill, your fingers jerking behind you on the keyboard the way your legs do when they can't quite keep up with gravity. — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Lucy H. Pearce

There is a juiciness to creativity, a succulence that comes up from within, a sensuality which both produces and is soothed by the act and product of creativity. Creativity is pleasing to us on a deep level. Be it the feel of clay in our hands, the colors that make us feel alive as we knit or sew, the meaning that we find in the words that we write, the energizing feel of movement as we dance and the music moves through our bodies. Taking part in creativity helps us to be more fully alive on every level, it asks that we engage with life in a visceral, and interactive way. — Lucy H. Pearce

Rainbow Way Quotes By Audrey Hepburn

Moon River
Moon river, wider than a mile
I'm crossing you in style some day
Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker
Wherever you're goin', i'm goin' your way
Two drifters, off to see the world
There's such a lot of world to see
We're after the same rainbow's end, waitin' 'round the bend
My huckleberry friend, moon river, and me
(moon river, wider than a mile)
(i'm crossin' you in style some day)
Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker
Wherever you're goin', i'm goin' your way
Two drifters, off to see the world
There's such a lot of world to see
We're after that same rainbow's end, waitin' 'round the bend
My huckleberry friend, moon river, and me — Audrey Hepburn

Rainbow Way Quotes By Allan Sherman

Somewhere, over the rainbow, Way up tall, There's a land where they've never heard of cholesterol. — Allan Sherman

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

Once you get the hang of this, you should totally try to add some mass," Becca said. "You could get really big. You can tell by the size of your elbows." "My elbows?" "There's no fat on the elbow," she said, "so it's a good way to assess bone structure, how big your body can get. I've got small-to-medium elbows, so I'm really limited. — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Neil Peart

Waiting for the winds of change to sweep the clouds away. Waiting for the rainbow's end to cast its gold your way ... You don't get something for nothing. You can't have freedom for free — Neil Peart

Rainbow Way Quotes By L.M. Montgomery

By the brook she came suddenly upon Rosemary West, who was sitting on the old pine tree. She was on her way home from Ingleside, where she had been giving the girls their music lesson. She had been lingering in Rainbow Valley quite a little time, looking across its white beauty and roaming some by-ways of dream. Judging from the expression of her face, her thoughts were pleasant ones. Perhaps the faint, occasional tinkle from the bells on the Tree Lovers brought the little lurking smile to her lips. Or perhaps it was occasioned by the consciousness that John Meredith seldom failed to spend Monday evening in the gray house on the white wind-swept hill. — L.M. Montgomery

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

People tend to pair off that way, Cath thought, in matched sets. — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Yann Martel

I went about the job in a direct way. I took the hatchet in both my hands and vigorously beat the fish on the head with the hammerhead (I still didn't have the stomach to use the sharp edge). The dorado did the most extraordinary thing as it died: it began to flash all kinds of colours in rapid succession. Blue, green, red, gold, and violet flickered and shimmered neon-like on its surface as it struggled. I felt I was beating a rainbow to death. — Yann Martel

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

She'd find a way.
She'd be brave and noble, and she'd find a way.
But she wasn't. Eleanor wasn't any of those things. She was just trying to get through the night. — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Erich Maria Remarque

Love, he thought. That too is love. The old miracle. It not only casts a rainbow of dreams against the gray sky of facts - it also sheds romantic light upon a heap of dung - a miracle and a mad mockery. Suddenly he had the strange feeling of having become, in a remote way, an accomplice. — Erich Maria Remarque

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

He never hurries. He never shows his cards. He always hangs up first ... Like when we first started talking on the phone, he would always be the one who got off first. When we kissed, he always pulled away first. He always kept me just on the edge of crazy. Feeling like I wanted him too much, which just made me want him more ... [It was] excruciating and wonderful. It feels good to want something that bad. I thought about him the way you think about dinner when you haven't eaten for a day and a half. Like you'd sell your soul for it. — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Thomas Pynchon

But on the way home tonight, you wish you'd picked him up, held him a bit. Just held him, very close to your heart, his cheek by the hollow of your shoulder, full of sleep. As it it were you who could, somehow, save him. For the moment not caring who you're supposed to be registered as. For the moment, anyway, no longer who the Caesars say you are. — Thomas Pynchon

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

When you actually fall in love, no one sees that other person the way that you do. — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

Please don't. Don't oversimplify everything you've been through like that. You had to feel those awful feelings. You had to face them down
confront your bitterness and pessimism
and decide that you didn't want to be that way anymore. — Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Robert Motherwell

Walk on a rainbow trail; walk on a trail of song, and all about you will be beauty. There is a way out of every dark mist, over a rainbow trail. — Robert Motherwell

Rainbow Way Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

She thought of ... the way he never made made her feel crazy, even when she was acting crazy, and never made her feel like a failure, even when she was failing. — Rainbow Rowell