Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Protecting The Country

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Top Protecting The Country Quotes

Protecting The Country Quotes By Henrietta Newton Martin

The irony of the present day is, that, the more human rights jurisprudence seems to be fortified, the more there are human rights violations in newer and newer forms and some recidivism all due to the conflicting deductions of protecting even human rights of offenders. No doubt offenders deserve their rights to be protected, but in cases of serious offenses such as 'rape' where the offence is proved beyond all reasonable doubt against the offender and where the offender consciously commits the act while being aware of the justice system in his particular country and prefers to cross the precincts of the law, the question of a lighter punishment vis-a vis the gravity of the offence is a big question. — Henrietta Newton Martin

Protecting The Country Quotes By James Madison

Equal laws protecting equal rights ... the best guarantee of loyalty and love of country. — James Madison

Protecting The Country Quotes By Laurie David

I am gratified on a regular basis by the people I meet all across the country who dedicate their efforts to protecting the environment and public health and are making a difference. The great thing about working on important issues is all of the other people you meet doing the same thing. — Laurie David

Protecting The Country Quotes By Jacob Lew

The issue of providing women all forms of preventative health care has been and remains very important. The, the importance of protecting religious liberties in this country has been important to the president and will always be. — Jacob Lew

Protecting The Country Quotes By Andrew Johnson

I have performed my duty to my God, my country, and my family. I have nothing to fear in approaching death. To me it is the mere shadow of God's protecting wing ... Here I will rest in quiet and peace beyond the reach of calumny's poisoned shaft, the influence of envy and jealous enemies, where treason and traitors or State backsliders and hypocrites in church can have no peace. — Andrew Johnson

Protecting The Country Quotes By Max Lucado

Be less about protecting any type of identity affiliated to a country or even ethnic background. Be more about the fact that we're here for a short time and Heaven is going to be a rainbow of people, multiculture, every generation. — Max Lucado

Protecting The Country Quotes By Tom Coburn

If we're to honor the heritage of our country, whether it be in terms of religious freedom, whether it be in terms of truly protecting life, protecting not just the unborn but who comes next, the infirm, the elderly, the maimed, the disabled - that's who comes next as we get into the budget crunch of taking care of those people in the years - I believe we ought to have that debate honest and openly. — Tom Coburn

Protecting The Country Quotes By Sylvia Mathews Burwell

We owe an enormous debt of gratitude to those who serve or have served in our country's military, as well as to the families of those individuals. Whether protecting our freedoms in foreign fields or making contributions here at home, the value these men and women bring to the American workforce and our way of life is beyond measure. — Sylvia Mathews Burwell

Protecting The Country Quotes By Pope Francis

Now, at the end of my visit to the Philippines, I commend you to Him, to Jesus who came among us as a child. May He enable all the beloved people of this country to work together, protecting one another, beginning with your families and communities, in building a world of justice, integrity and peace. — Pope Francis

Protecting The Country Quotes By Terre Thaemlitz

Laws never protect anyone, despite claiming to be all about protecting the public. Each legal restriction only strengthens the power of mafia and crime organising who step in to help people do what the law says they can't do, in every country. — Terre Thaemlitz

Protecting The Country Quotes By Zachary Taylor

In conclusion I congratulate you, my fellow-citizens, upon the high state of prosperity to which the goodness of Divine Providence has conducted our common country. Let us invoke a continuance of the same protecting care which has led us from small beginnings to the eminence we this day occupy — Zachary Taylor

Protecting The Country Quotes By Patrick Leahy

Relations between the United States and other countries, and our role as a global leader, are advanced by our willingness to help other countries in need. Foreign aid is essential to protecting U.S. interests around the world, and it is also a moral responsibility of the wealthiest, most powerful nation. — Patrick Leahy

Protecting The Country Quotes By Rich Galen

If the American press corps were as concerned about the Tenth Amendment as it has been protecting the First and trying to get rid of the Second, this would be a far different country. — Rich Galen

Protecting The Country Quotes By Jesselyn Radack

The fact that other countries spy on their own people or spy on each other does not address the fact that the US is engaged in massive, bulk collection to the tune of 70.3 million telecommunications a month in France of perfectly innocent people. That has nothing to do with protecting the United States, and has nothing to do with really gathering any kind of meaningful intelligence on France. It is an overreach ... and I think the other countries are justifiably outraged ... As one of our founders said: Those who choose between liberty and security deserve neither. — Jesselyn Radack

Protecting The Country Quotes By Alexander Berkman

If you can see, hear, feel, and think, you should know that King Dollar rules the United States, and that the workers are robbed and exploited in this country to the heart's content of the masters.
If you are not deaf, dumb, and blind, then you know that the American bourgeois democracy and capitalistic civilization are the worst enemies of labor and progress, and that instead of protecting them, you should help to fight to destroy them. — Alexander Berkman

Protecting The Country Quotes By David Price

We pass bills authorizing improvements and grants. But when it comes time to pay for these programs, we'd rather put the country's money toward tax breaks for the wealthy than for police officers who are protecting our communities. — David Price

Protecting The Country Quotes By Corneille Ewango

Congo, my country, has the largest forest in Africa, maybe the second-largest in the world. I was born in a forest area, and when I was growing up, I assisted my uncle, who was a poacher. That was good, because it grew my passion for protecting the forest and plants. — Corneille Ewango

Protecting The Country Quotes By Roy Barnes

There is no country on earth with a stronger tradition of protecting the public's right to know. — Roy Barnes

Protecting The Country Quotes By Mike Pence

What I'm OK with is protecting the American people. What I'm OK with is, when people have the intent to come to this country and take American lives, that we are prepared to do what's necessary to gain the information to protect the people of this country. — Mike Pence

Protecting The Country Quotes By Tom Clancy

The U.S. Military is us. There is no truer representation of a country than the people that it sends into the field to fight for it. The people who wear our uniform and carry our rifles into combat are our kids, and our job is to support them, because they're protecting us. — Tom Clancy

Protecting The Country Quotes By Billy Graham

He will give his angels charge of you to guard you in all your ways. PSALM 91:11 RSV A secret agent is one who seeks to protect his country, his king, or his president against evil forces that are opposed to the one he serves. The American Secret Service is charged with protecting the president of the United States. They do an excellent job, but even they will tell you that someone who is fiercely determined to assassinate the president could be successful. God has His own secret agents - the angels. Unseen and unrecognized by the world, they never fail in their appointed tasks. Much has been written recently about angels - often not based on the Bible but on popular legends. But angels are real, and God has commanded them to watch over us. Only in eternity will we know how many accidents they prevented or how often they kept Satan's malicious spirits at bay. In the meantime, we can take comfort in their presence and thank God for the love He expresses for us through their service. — Billy Graham

Protecting The Country Quotes By Barack Obama

We stand with women by fighting for economic security, protecting access to health care and supporting women's leadership across the country — Barack Obama

Protecting The Country Quotes By Peter Gethers

People happily kill other people in the name of everything from a god to a country to an overly developed sense of annoyance when someone cuts across two lanes on a freeway without signaling. Cats will, on occasion, kill other cats but for the most part they are content to puff up their furr, yowl like banshees, and rip the occassional ear off - and all this is usually done for the sake of food or protecting their own territory (which may not be condonable but it is at least rational) . — Peter Gethers

Protecting The Country Quotes By Sun Tzu

A general who advances without thought of personal glory, and retreats without a care for disgrace, who thinks only of protecting the people and benefiting his ruler - such a man is a treasure beyond price to his country. — Sun Tzu

Protecting The Country Quotes By Bob Menendez

Secondly, security. Both the challenges we face in the world and the responsibilities that our country has in protecting our people, are major issues. We need to do more in the context of domestic security. — Bob Menendez

Protecting The Country Quotes By Warren G

I'd end all of the wars. I'd bring all of the troops home and make sure that they're taken care of for life - for what they did protecting our country. — Warren G

Protecting The Country Quotes By Kevin McCarthy

In addition to billions in new 'stimulus' spending that our country can't afford, the Geithner plan also contains billions in tax increases on small and family-owned businesses while protecting the tax preferences of wealthy, multinational corporations. — Kevin McCarthy

Protecting The Country Quotes By Donald Mol

Time is the ultimate form of socialism. Each receives the same amount equally, yet how we manage our time is reflected by our lives. We all can agree, no one comes out equal. For a country to govern by socialism will fail as there will always be the weak and strong. Social justice is fantasy. Nothing can be equal in the end if we have true freedom to choose our own fate. In place of socialism, a government should rule by protection. Protecting the freedoms of each citizen, each of us can choose his own destiny. Some may choose material happiness, while others may choose immaterial joy — Donald Mol

Protecting The Country Quotes By Chris Christie

Terrorism - radical jihadist terrorism is not theoretical to me. It's real. And for seven years, I spent my life protecting our country against another one of those attacks. You won't have to worry when I'm President of the Untied States whether that can be done because I've already done it. I want the chance to do it again to protect you, your children and your families. — Chris Christie

Protecting The Country Quotes By Jim Ryun

I am committed to protecting our country against the threat of terrorism. — Jim Ryun

Protecting The Country Quotes By George W. Bush

I think most people, when they take a look at the candidates and the positions of the candidates, realize that protecting this country and keeping this economy going are the two most important issues. And you can't protect the country if you retreat from overseas, and you can't keep the economy growing if you raise taxes. And that's exactly what the Democrats in the House would like to do. — George W. Bush

Protecting The Country Quotes By Clay Allison

I have at all times tried to use my influence toward protecting the property holders and substantial men of the country from thieves, outlaws and murderers, among whom I do not care to be classed. — Clay Allison

Protecting The Country Quotes By Henrietta Newton Martin

The irony of the present day is, the more human rights jurisprudence seems to be fortified, the more there are human rights violations in newer and newer forms and some recidivism all due to the conflicting deductions of protecting even human rights of offenders. No doubts offenders deserve their rights to be protected but in cases of serious offenses such as 'rape' where the offender consciously commits the act while being aware of the justice system in his particular country, prefers to cross the precincts of the law. Worst still, is increasing crime rate of offenses such as rape committed against children and infants. — Henrietta Newton Martin

Protecting The Country Quotes By George W. Bush

There's no bigger task than protecting the homeland of our country. — George W. Bush

Protecting The Country Quotes By Quincy Jones

After every war, there was a significant change in the music, and I can understand how that happened. If you participate in protecting the country, you think you can be part of it, but you come back home and it's worse than ever. — Quincy Jones

Protecting The Country Quotes By John Kasich

We think about our country and the big issues that we face in this country; creating jobs, making sure people can keep their jobs, the need for rising wages, whether our children when they graduate from college can find a job, protecting the homeland, destroying ISIS, rebuilding defense. These are all the things that we need to focus on but we'll never get there if we're divided. We'll never get there if republicans and democrats just fight with one another. — John Kasich

Protecting The Country Quotes By Niall Ferguson

Bringing an 'emerging market' under the aegis of the British Empire was the surest way to remove political risk from investors' concerns.51 Even those outside the Empire risked a visit from a gunboat if they defaulted, as Venezuela discovered in 1902, when a joint naval expedition by Britain, Germany and Italy temporarily blockaded the country's ports. The United States was especially energetic (and effective) in protecting bondholders' interests in Central America and the Caribbean.52 — Niall Ferguson

Protecting The Country Quotes By Virginia Foxx

From a parent's right to know what their children are doing, to protecting citizens across the country from the growing threat of gang violence, the House Democrat leadership is simply out to lunch. — Virginia Foxx

Protecting The Country Quotes By Arundhati Roy

They're mostly rich folk who live in our poor country like captive animals, incarcerated by their own wealth, locked and barred in their gilded cages, protecting themselves from the threat of the vulgar and unruly multitudes whom they have systematically dispossessed over the centuries. — Arundhati Roy

Protecting The Country Quotes By James Madison

Among the features peculiar to the political system of the United States, is the perfect equality of rights which it secures to every religious sectEqual laws, protecting equal rights, are found, as they ought to be presumed, the best guarantee of loyalty and love of country; as well as best calculated to cherish that mutual respect and good will among citizens of every religious denomination which are necessary to social harmony, and most favorable to the advancement of truth. — James Madison