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Quotes & Sayings About Planets And Love

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Top Planets And Love Quotes

Planets And Love Quotes By Jeffrey A. White

It all seems like a dream, now.
Gray, old men ambling about a bookstore
in the old Jewish quarter of Paris.

As everything is suddenly soaked a dark stain,
we duck inside a door stoop.
I gently pull you closer
and look into your eyes,
azure pools that invite me to sink
into their sensuous depths.

Time slows as everything revolves around us
and planets, stars and constellations
slowly turn like clockwork,
as we dream our love,
our universe - together.

As darkness drains from the early morning sky,
I pull you up to my chest and whisper,
"Do you remember when we were caught in the rain in Paris?"
You squeeze my hand.

It all seems like a dream, now.
One love, one dream, one universe,
with only you and me,
dreaming our love forever. — Jeffrey A. White

Planets And Love Quotes By George MacDonald

We must remember that God is not occupied with a grand toy of worlds and suns and planets, of attractions and repulsions, of agglomerations and crystallizations, of forces and waves; that these but constitute a portion of his workshops and tools for the bringing out of righteous men and women to fill his house of love withal. — George MacDonald

Planets And Love Quotes By U Thant

Understanding, love and tolerance are the highest forms of interest on out small and interdependent planet. — U Thant

Planets And Love Quotes By Friedrich Nietzsche

The Don Juan of knowledge: he has yet to be discovered by any philosopher or poet. He is lacking in love for the things he comes to know, but he has intellect, titillation, and pleasure in the hunt and intrigues involved in coming to know--all the way up to the highest and most distant planets of knowledge--until finally nothing remains for him to hunt down other than what is absolutely painful in knowledge, like the drunkard who ends up drinking absinthe and acqua fortis. Thus he ends up lusting for hell--it is the last knowledge that seduces him. Perhaps, like everything he has come to know, it will disillusion him as well! And then he would have to stand still for all of eternity, nailed on the spot to disillusionment, and himself having become the stone guest longing for an evening meal of knowledge that he never again will receive!--For the entire world of things no longer has a single morsel to offer this hungry man. — Friedrich Nietzsche

Planets And Love Quotes By Kamal Ravikant

I promise you that the same stuff galaxies are made of, you are. The same energy that swings planets around stars makes electrons dance in your heart. It is in you, outside you, you are it. It is beautiful. Trust in this. And you your life will be grand. — Kamal Ravikant

Planets And Love Quotes By Joe Budden

You take music out of life and love. I don't want to be on a planet without music. — Joe Budden

Planets And Love Quotes By Allen Evangelista

Keep spreading the love, world. But don't get greedy and overpopulate the planet. — Allen Evangelista

Planets And Love Quotes By Mary E. Pearson

I wished that love could be simple, that it was always given and returned in the same measure, equally and at the same time, that all the planets aligned in a perfect way to dispel all doubts, that it was easy to understand and never painful. — Mary E. Pearson

Planets And Love Quotes By Louise Hay

I have come to this planet to learn to love myself more, and to share that love with all those around me. — Louise Hay

Planets And Love Quotes By Julia Sawalha

I want to be in 'The Hobbit.' I love fantasy and mythical adventure films. I believe in fairies and angels. I believe in nature's spirit, that there are other realms, other planets, life forms. — Julia Sawalha

Planets And Love Quotes By J.L. Merrow

Keisha, my love," I said in my fey-est, gayest drawl, "your bum doesn't just look big, it is big. No, I take that back. It's enormous. Planets feel inferior beside it . Lesser bums are drawn into orbit around it. Last time it went dark, everyone said, Oh, is it an eclipse? And I told them, 'No, it's Keisha's bum blotting out the sun.' I could compose odes to the size of your bum."

Jude answering Keisha's question "Does my bum look big in this?"

Merrow, JL (2013-04-09). Slam! (Kindle Locations 35-38). — J.L. Merrow

Planets And Love Quotes By Alysia Reiner

I love you. Really, I do. Now love yourself more and each other a lot more. And please take care of this precious planet. — Alysia Reiner

Planets And Love Quotes By India Millar

Nell." I heard Sasha whisper my name from a long way away. He had no need to speak; I could hear his thoughts. "Nell, nobody will ever hurt you again. Ever. I will always be here for you, no matter what. I love you, dearest." And then we truly were one, and the moon and the stars and the planets were no greater things than we were. — India Millar

Planets And Love Quotes By Aishabella Sheikh

Kahana was the first to close the distance between them, joining their two universes into one. Stars exploded and meteors crashed into planets as they shared a kiss that felt like more than just magic. It was love. — Aishabella Sheikh

Planets And Love Quotes By Jo Nesbo

Anna took love very seriously. She loved love. No, worshipped, that's the word. She worshipped love. That was the only thing which had any place in her life. That and hatred. Do you know what neutron stars are?'
'They're planets with such compactness and high surface gravity that if I dropped this cigarette on one of them it would strike with the same force as an atom bomb. It was the same with Anna. Her gravitation to love-and hatred-was so strong that nothing could exist in the space between them. Every tiny detail caused an atomic explosion. Do you understand? It took me time to understand. She was like Jupiter-hidden behind an eternal cloud of sulphur. And humour. And sexuality. — Jo Nesbo

Planets And Love Quotes By David Paul Kirkpatrick

Be patient, child!" said the Music. "But she will forget me." "Do not worry, child. I am there. I shall not forget."And she stared out at the planets and gentle stars and the galaxies and became forlorn for she had known a special love."The Universe is so large, just look at it!" she cried. "Believe." The Music sang. — David Paul Kirkpatrick

Planets And Love Quotes By Madeleine L'Engle

Behind the violence of the birthing of galaxies and stars and planets came a quiet and tender melody, a gentle love song. All the raging of creation, the continuing hydrogen explosions on the countless suns, the heaving of planetary bodies, all was enfolded in a patient, waiting love. — Madeleine L'Engle

Planets And Love Quotes By Meg Cabot

I felt as if the Milky Way, hovering above our heads like a celestial pitcher, had suddenly overturned, pouring suns and planets down my throat. Stars seemed to be shooting out of my finger and toes, the ends of my hair. — Meg Cabot

Planets And Love Quotes By Hannah Tinti

Their hearts were all cycling through the same madness - the discovery, the bliss, the loss, the despair - like planets taking turns in orbit around the sun. Each containing their own unique gravity. Their own force of attractions. Drawing near and holding fast to whatever entered their own atmosphere ... they would find love and lost love and recover from love and love again. — Hannah Tinti

Planets And Love Quotes By Don Chipp

The greatest gift on this planet is to love and be loved. — Don Chipp

Planets And Love Quotes By Anita Moorjani

I believe that the greatest truths of the universe don't lie outside, in the study of the stars and the planets. They lie deep within us, in the magnificence of our heart, mind, and soul. Until we understand what is within, we can't understand what is without. — Anita Moorjani

Planets And Love Quotes By James Baldwin

The universe, which is not merely the stars and the moon and the planets, flowers, grass and trees, but other people, has evolved no terms for your existence, has made no room for you, and if love will not swing wide the gates, no other power will or can. And if one despairs
as who has not?
of human love, God's love alone is left. — James Baldwin

Planets And Love Quotes By Svetlana Alexievich

I asked everyone I met what 'freedom' meant. Fathers and children had very different answers. Those who were born in the USSR and those born after its collapse do not share a common experience - it's like they're from different planets. For the fathers, freedom is the absence of fear;[...] For the children: freedom is love; inner freedom is an absolute value. Freedom is when you're not afraid of your own desires; — Svetlana Alexievich

Planets And Love Quotes By Martin Amis

Imagine the terrestrial timespan as an outstretched arm: a single swipe of an emery-board, across the nail of the third finger, erases human history. We haven't been around for very long. And we've turned the earth's hair white. Sh e seemed to have eternal youth but now she's ageing awful fast, like an addict, like a waxless candle. Jesus, have you seen her recently? we used to live and die without any sense of the planet getting older, of mother earth getting older, living and dying. We used to live outside history. But now we're all coterminous. We're inside history now all right, on its leading edge, with the wind ripping past our ears. Hard to love, when you're bracing yourself for impact. And maybe love can't bear it either, and flees all planets when they reach this condition, when they get to the end of their twentieth centuries. — Martin Amis

Planets And Love Quotes By Jacqueline Rayner

Rose wasn't 'ordinary'. What was I supposed to do? Wrap her in cotton wool? Tell her 'Here, I could give you the universe, but I'm not going to in case you get hurt? There's all this stuff out there, all these planets, all these wonders, but I want you to stay at home and work in a shop? — Jacqueline Rayner

Planets And Love Quotes By Carter Quinn

'Why what? Why do I want to make love to you?' He continues with a smile when I bob a nod. 'Because you're irresistibly beautiful and crazy sexy and I know when we get it right, we'll make the planets align.' — Carter Quinn

Planets And Love Quotes By Emery Lord

That's the thing about love stories: Just because one ends, that doesn't mean it failed. A cherry pie isn't a failure just because you eat it all. It's perfect for what it is, and then it's gone. And exchanging the truest parts of yourself - all the things you are - with someone? What a slice of life. One I'll carry with me into every single someday.
I lie down in the cool grass beside him as planets collide above us and we stay like this for a long time, down to every last crumb. My cheeks are wet, but oh, my heart - it is so full. — Emery Lord

Planets And Love Quotes By AainaA-Ridtz

We must try to remember everything, every movement, every stretch, every convulsion that made us how we move as we readily grow in our outer body that encompasses the planets, the suns and the moons in every other body that we touch, in every other mouth that we kissed, in every other language that we try to comprehend; for they are not the outside of a stranger, nor are they just images of our psyche, but the very being of ourselves, the dimensional levels of our very existence weaving colours in the tapestry of creation, yet the very non-existence of the template is proof of consciousness, of ascension, of Life. — AainaA-Ridtz

Planets And Love Quotes By Pamela Morsi

They stood up and the world was totally different. The wheat was an onyx sea, ever moving in shadow. Above it the heavens were illuminated with the wink of stars and planets, the Milky Way like a giant streak of glimmer slashing across the sky.
She was standing right next to him, awed by the beauty of the night sky and their tiny, tiny place in it. It seemed perfectly natural that he leaned down to gently press his lips to her temple. It wasn't a kiss really, it was a consolation.
"Take my hand," he said.
D.J. could see nothing as he unerringly led her through the darkened grain to the edge of the field. — Pamela Morsi

Planets And Love Quotes By Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

Each spice has a special day to it. For turmeric it is Sunday, when light drips fat and butter-colored into the bins to be soaked up glowing, when you pray to the nine planets for love and luck. — Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

Planets And Love Quotes By Alysia Reiner

When we love the planet, we love ourselves, and when we love ourselves, we love the planet. — Alysia Reiner

Planets And Love Quotes By Dan Skinner

All those millions of stars and planets and it only takes three to make something important. The Sun, the Moon, and the Earth. And here we are. Life. — Dan Skinner

Planets And Love Quotes By Atheist Republic

If, for whatever cruel twist of fate, the God of the Bible exists, I want no part of him. I, along with what I hope is the vast majority of humanity, am better than him. I know more than he ever taught. I see beyond horizons that he could never reach. I love more genuinely than He. I help more than He. I understand myself better than He ever could. I see planets, stars, solar systems, galaxies just on the edge of humanity's perception. I can even sometimes catch a small glimpse of our universe, and all the wonder and beauty it holds. Your god is too small for me. — Atheist Republic

Planets And Love Quotes By Giorge Leedy


I love everyone-
And everything.

The ocean,
The sky,
The other planets,
The people here,
The people there.

I love to smile,
To run and play,
I love to work hard,
And create everyday.

I love to rest,
When the long day's through,
But most of all,
l love thinking of you. — Giorge Leedy

Planets And Love Quotes By Haruki Murakami

And I really wanted to see you, too," she said. "When I couldn't see you any more, I realized that. It was as clear as if the planets all of a sudden lined up in a row for me. I really need you. You're a part of me; I'm a part of you. — Haruki Murakami

Planets And Love Quotes By C. JoyBell C.

Yes, the human race is a small species in an infinite universe filled with many other planets and many other things, but though small; this race is bearer of very great and big things: Destiny, Virtue, Hope, Love ... and that's what makes this species different. That's what makes this species very shiny and very visible and very important, in a whole, whole, big, big, vast, expanding universe! — C. JoyBell C.

Planets And Love Quotes By Laura Kreitzer

There was an image in my mind - an expectation of what it would be like when I finally gave myself fully to a man. It wasn't like this. It was always at night with candles flickering lazily, music filling the air with a sexy melody, and maybe a bubble bath. But no. It was infinitely better, and there was no froo froo, stereotypical scene that played out.
It was incredible.
Indescribable, really. Like all the planets in the galaxy aligned for a perfect moment in time. As if this was the beginning of time. From now until the rest of eternity, everything finally had meaning. — Laura Kreitzer

Planets And Love Quotes By Joanna Wayne

Love is infinite, Becca. Like the universe, the stars, the planets. It goes on and on forever. Every time it's different, but it can never be measured or compared. — Joanna Wayne

Planets And Love Quotes By Lewis Nordan

In my mind, I gave the woman gifts. I gave her a candle stub. I gave her a box of wooden kitchen matches. I gave her a cake of Lifebuoy soap. I gave her a ceilingful of glow-in-the-dark planets. I gave her a bald baby doll. I gave her a ripe fig, sweet as new wood, and a milkdrop from its stem. I gave her a peppermint puff. I gave her a bouquet of four roses. I gave her fat earthworms for her grave. I gave her a fish from Roebuck Lake, a vial of my sweat for it to swim in. — Lewis Nordan

Planets And Love Quotes By Greg Bear

Of all the planets apart from Earth in our solar system, Mars is the most hospitable. Yeah. Right. Better keep my visit short. And yet, despite the discomfort, the danger, I love it here. I love coming back for these imaginary vacations. The sights are amazing. — Greg Bear

Planets And Love Quotes By Nina Lane

The fact that I was studying the perfect harmony of the stars and planets at the exact same time I was falling in love with you. — Nina Lane

Planets And Love Quotes By Stephen Christian

Honestly i don't understand the rousing of romance all that well. i used to believe in this thing called fate, or destiny. a romantic romeo and juliet, monet and veronica, etc. but now i feel jaded, maybe agnostic to the idea.
but choice used to seem so unromantic, as if some mystic force was not behind the meeting of 2 beautiful individuals. but now i think choice is the greater of the two simply for this fact: by choosing someone you are saying that out of all the people in the entire world i have decided that i want you apart of my life in perpetuum, for the rest of my life, and no one else.
no haphazard circumstance, no chance meetings where distant planets align. it's simply two rational individuals who make a choice and an effort to remain together. — Stephen Christian

Planets And Love Quotes By Brooks Atkinson

Say "Yes" to the seedlings and a giant forest cleaves the sky. Say "Yes" to the universe and the planets become your neighbors. Say "Yes" to dreams of love and freedom. It is the password to utopia. — Brooks Atkinson

Planets And Love Quotes By P. Harding

My goodness, I am made from planets and wood, diamonds and orange peels, now and then, here and there; the iron in my blood was once the blade of a Roman plow; peel back my scalp and you will see my cranium covered in the scrimshaw carved by an ancient sailor who never suspected he was whittling at my skull - no, my blood is a Roman plow, my bones are being etched by men with names that mean sea wrestler and ocean rider and the pictures they are making are pictures of northern stars at different seasons, and the man keeping my blood straight as it splits the soil is named Lucian and he will plant wheat, and I cannot concentrate on this apple, this apple, and the only thing common to all of this is that I feel sorrow so deep, it must be love, and they are upset because while they are carving and plowing they are troubled by visions of trying to pick apples from barrels. — P. Harding