Famous Quotes & Sayings

Pepsi Soda Quotes & Sayings

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Top Pepsi Soda Quotes

Pepsi Soda Quotes By John F. MacArthur Jr.

If you suffer for the truth of the gospel, and you will, remember you're in good company. You're following the best example who ever served God; you are on the Lord's side, casting off self-righteousness to walk through the narrow gospel gate that leads to eternal life, and faithfully giving that gospel to others. — John F. MacArthur Jr.

Pepsi Soda Quotes By Sheena Iyengar

I put out a good 10 different types of drinks for them and they just said, "Oh, okay, so it's just one choice." One choice? I gave you Coke, Pepsi, Ginger Ale, Sprite. They saw that as one choice. Now why was that one choice? Because they felt, well, it was just all soda. — Sheena Iyengar

Pepsi Soda Quotes By Tom Boswell

You can say, 'Well, if they tore down Fenway Park, we can build a new one.' But you wouldn't build it right. It's better to make the accommodations, to save the old ballparks. If Fenway Park needs sky boxes to bring in the poverty-stricken owners enough money to save the stadium before they tear it down and move it someplace else, then build the damn sky boxes. If Wrigley Field needs lights to survive, put up the damn lights ... Make the damn structural improvements, but save the ballpark because when you try to rebuild a cathedral five hundred years too late, it doesn't come out the same. — Tom Boswell

Pepsi Soda Quotes By Guy Pearce

I'm constantly trying to be as original as I can. — Guy Pearce

Pepsi Soda Quotes By Gabrielle Zevin

My life is in these books, he wants to tell her. Read these and know my heart. — Gabrielle Zevin

Pepsi Soda Quotes By Mark Skousen

Lawmakers who interfere with commerce and the normal creation of jobs in an economy run the risk of doing harm rather than good. Unintended consequences from regulating or legislating to achieve a goal can occur and cause havoc in the markets or an economy. — Mark Skousen

Pepsi Soda Quotes By Rick Riordan

The sign was spray-painted in Arabic and English, probably from some attempt by the farmer to sell his wares in the market. The English read: Dates-best price. Cold Bebsi.
"Bebsi?" I asked.
"Pepsi," Walt said. "I read about it on the Internet. There's no 'p' in Arabic. Everyone here calls the soda Bebsi."
"So you have to have Bebsi with your bizza?"
"Brobably. — Rick Riordan

Pepsi Soda Quotes By Raymond E. Feist

A man makes choices," Tal said.

"True, but what choices a man makes depends on what choices he is offered. — Raymond E. Feist

Pepsi Soda Quotes By Suzanne Johnson

So no, I did not rinse out the damned pickle jar." He flopped on the other bed. "And since I'll be going to hell for breaking into a church and stealing holy water, I'll be sure to mention your name when I get there." He paused. "You're probably on Satan's wish-list anyway. — Suzanne Johnson

Pepsi Soda Quotes By Rigoberto Gonzalez

I figure I write for people who are intelligent enough to do some labor. Lazy readers are not my ideal readers. — Rigoberto Gonzalez

Pepsi Soda Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Keep moving; keep moving, no matter how slow you move, you must keep moving. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Pepsi Soda Quotes By Neil Gaiman

Islington smiled superciliously. "Lucifer?" It said. "Lucifer was an idiot. It wound up lord and master of nothing at all." The marquis grinned. "And you wound up lord and master of two thugs and a roomful of candles? — Neil Gaiman

Pepsi Soda Quotes By Rajneesh

Meditation means removing all your prejudices, putting all your conclusions aside, seeing without any hindrance, seeing without any curtains, seeing clearly without any mediation of any thought, seeing without Buddha standing between you and reality, or Krishna, or Christ. — Rajneesh

Pepsi Soda Quotes By George Washington

The scheme, my dear Marqs. which you propose as a precedent, to encourage the emancipation of the black people of this Country from that state of Bondage in wch. they are held, is a striking evidence of the benevolence of your Heart. I shall be happy to join you in so laudable a work. — George Washington

Pepsi Soda Quotes By Edgar Schein

In most organizational change efforts, it is much easier to draw on the strengths of the culture than to overcome the constraints by changing the culture. — Edgar Schein