People Just Dont Get It Quotes & Sayings
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Top People Just Dont Get It Quotes

Hey be ur own heck of a person, and dont copy what other people do or say. cause then it just makes u look really bad, then that person who u copyied will get mad at u. so grow up a little — Greg Mortenson

If you are just yourself, that's when people start gravitating towards you because nobody else can be you except you. Be authentic, don't give up, and start today. — Tyler Oakley

I need the money, people are very coy about money, and the ladies arent just coy, they are sci fi about money ...
... people ask, well, dont sweet things happen? yes, indeed, many sweet things, but sweet doesnt keep you from dying, making love doesnt keep you from dying unless you get paid, writing doesnt keep you from dying unless you get paid, being wise doesnt keep you from dying unless you get paid, facts are facts, being poor makes you face facts which also does not keep you from dying. — Andrea Dworkin

I dont only want to Be successful in life. I also want to Live a Life that the people will remember for a Better tomorrow — Antoni Omeihe

When you're a kid you have these notions about how things are goin to be, Billy said. You get a little older and you pull back some on that. I think you just wind up tryin to minimize the pain. Anyway this country aint the same. Nor anything in it. The war changed everthing. I dont think people even know it yet. — Cormac McCarthy

Every writer has to make an emotional journey from artist sitting in attic to being part of a business. The writer of a film is like Tinkerbell. You are only there because people believe in you. The moment they dont, because youre a pain the arse, youve lost. — Julian Fellowes

The people who don't give up are the people who find a way to believe in abundance rather than scarcity. — Cheryl Strayed

People who get married because they're in love make a ridiculous mistake. It makes much more sense to marry your best friend. You like your best friend more than anyone you're ever going to be in love with. You dont choose your best friend because they have a cute nose. — Fran Lebowitz

Give people time and space. Dont beg for anyone to stay. Dont beg anyone for Love. Whats meant for you will always be yours. If you are meant to be together you will be despite everything! Trust in Gods plans. — Lily Amis

If you find your truth you must follow it. You could find it in a paper bag, or in a statue, or in a slaughterhouse; you might find it dangling somewhere. People might say, What the heck are you doing? but its ok if they dont understand. And if you follow it, stay true to it, and respect it, you could be in store for the greatest journey you could ever imagine. — Buckethead

People who agree with you already agree with you
you don't change peoples minds. — Neil Young

I know a lot of people have a hard time talking dirty - they dont know what to say, how to start, or when to end it. Also, at first they will think they sound ridiculous. And they might. But let me just say that talking dirty is so important in sex. And its pretty easy. To wit: Establish from the very beginning that you like this. And trust me, you want to do it early on. Because if you wait too long to introduce the concept, your Special Lady Friend will be a little thrown and might not take you seriously. — Olivia Munn

Skulls are what people dont know to be good luck, they ward off bad. — A. J. McLean

Don't give up! Be friends with people who help you work hard. — Magic Johnson

I like people. Rightwingers don't. They like business, they don't care about people. I like education, they seem not to care much about it. — Henry Rollins

I aint sure we've seen these people before. Their kind. I dont know what to do about em even. If you killed em all they'd have to build a annex on to hell. — Cormac McCarthy

People are afraid to spend money now because they dont know how long theyre going to be working. — Herbie Hancock

I dont think there is anything on earth more wonderful than those wistful incomplete friendships one makes now and then in an hour's talk. You never see the people again, but the lingering sense of their presence in the world is like the glow of an unseen city at night
makes you feel the teemingness of it all. — John Dos Passos

Among our people, theres not any question about women being strong
even stronger than men
they work in the fields right along with the men. When your survival is at stake, you dont have these questions about yourself like middle
class women do. — Dolores Huerta

People dont want to hear about that, dont want to entertain it. Vast numbers will watch two naked girls online shit in a cup then eat it, but babies enjoying the living hell out of breasts as a supreme source of endless free nourishment and good health for all remains taboo. — Elisa Albert

Gods dont kill people. People with Gods kill people. — David Viaene

I dont see why people are so snooty about Channel Five. It has some respectable documentaries about the Second World War. It also devotes considerable airtime to investigations into lap-dancing, and other related and vital subjects — Boris Johnson

To find out that there is even one devoted fan who loves you, as a singer, without any condition, gives you tremendous amount of strength and courage. I work over and over again so I dont disappoint those people. — BoA

You have to love what you do. Without passion, great success is hard to come by. An entrepreneur will have tough times if he or she isn't passionate about what they're doing. People who love what they're doing don't give up. It's never even a consideration. It's a pretty simple formula. — Donald Trump

I dont partake in assembly-line convenience. I dont say that killing things is bad while I hire people to kill things for me. — Ted Nugent

But anybody who's never had delirium tremens even in their early stages may not understand that it's not so much a physical pain but a mental anguish indescribable to those ignorant people who dont drink and accuse drinkers of irresponsibility. — Jack Kerouac

always inexact. I don't trust people who cannot even copy out. — Jean Rostand

CHARTERIS [unfolding his arms in terror] No, please. Dont. As a philosopher, it's my business to tell other people the truth; but it's not their business to tell it to me. I dont like it: it hurts. — George Bernard Shaw

Married people dont look like they have bedrooms on their minds when they look at each other. In this world, either you're virtuous or you enjoy yourself. Not both ... Not both. — Ayn Rand

People will help, they just want to check 'How good are you without them?'. Just Show Them. — Prerak Trivedi

A cigar makers organization once said that I was the most famous cigar smoker in the world. I dont know if thats true, but once while visiting Havana, I went to a cigar factory. There were four hundred people there rolling cigars, and when they saw me, they all stood up and applauded. — Groucho Marx