Famous Quotes & Sayings

Onlya Quotes & Sayings

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Top Onlya Quotes

Onlya Quotes By Frank Herbert

I succumbed to the lure of the oracle, he thought.
And he sensed that succumbing to this lure might be to fix himself upon a single-track life. Could it be, he wondered, that the oracle didn't tell the future? Could it be that the oracle made the future? — Frank Herbert

Onlya Quotes By Shigeo Shingo

Are you too busy for improvement? Frequently, I am rebuffed by people who say they are too busy and have no time for such activities. I make it a point to respond by telling people, look, you'll stop being busy either when you die or when the company goes bankrupt. — Shigeo Shingo

Onlya Quotes By Steven Galloway

There is no way to tell which version of a lie is the truth. — Steven Galloway

Onlya Quotes By Mark Messier

There was a time there in the mid '80s to the '90s there that we played six finals, three Canada Cups, we were playing hockey almost 10 months a year for a long time there. — Mark Messier

Onlya Quotes By Ann Aguirre

This is my race, but these are not my people. I — Ann Aguirre

Onlya Quotes By Jess Glynne

'Rather Be' and 'Real Love' are two of the most fun songs to perform; they're such feel-good tracks. 'Rather Be,' especially - I've sung it so many times, but I'm still not bored of it. — Jess Glynne

Onlya Quotes By Lawrence Millman

You are what you inhabit. — Lawrence Millman

Onlya Quotes By J.R. Rim

Discipline is a bridge built through everyday action. — J.R. Rim

Onlya Quotes By Alan Bennett

There is no such thing as a good script, onlya good film, and I'm conscious that my scripts often read better than they play. — Alan Bennett

Onlya Quotes By Chogyam Trungpa

Sit and do nothing. Every once in a while a golden fish swims by and lays her golden eggs. You'll know. — Chogyam Trungpa

Onlya Quotes By Dietrich Bonhoeffer

If religion is onlya garment of Christianityand even this garment has looked very different at different timesthen what is religionless Christianity? — Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Onlya Quotes By Michelangelo Antonioni

The photographer in Blow-Up, who is not a philosopher, wants to see things closer up. But it so happens that, by enlarging too far, the object itself decomposes and disappears. Hence there's a moment in which we grasp reality, but then the moment passes. This was in part the meaning of Blow-Up. — Michelangelo Antonioni

Onlya Quotes By Enya

Place a name upon the night
One to set your heart alight
And to make the darkness bright
Paint the sky with stars. — Enya

Onlya Quotes By Cristina Marrero

Faith should be a tool to set us free, not a means to fuel a fascist agenda seeking to impede the civil liberties of the "us"s. The first shall be last and the last shall be first ... therefore, those who stand for their Pius self-righteousness in order to trample those they deem inferior will be the 'last' and the poor and oppressed shall be 'first.' If the self-righteous want a lesson on morality, then actually take a lesson from Jesus whose best friend was a former hooker and whose mother was a single parent. — Cristina Marrero

Onlya Quotes By Hillary Manton Lodge

We were also in Chicago at the same time, and we agreed about our future. (This is back before we were married. The constant agreeing ends, like three minutes after the ceremony. Two if you're both Italian.) — Hillary Manton Lodge

Onlya Quotes By Mary Summer Rain

My heart, far too sensitivefor this human world.My heart, so easily wounded, sheds rose tears of compassion. — Mary Summer Rain

Onlya Quotes By George Orwell

The Rougiers earned about a hundred francs a week, and by strict economy managed to be always half starved and half drunk. — George Orwell