Famous Quotes & Sayings

Malcolm Baldrige Quotes & Sayings

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Top Malcolm Baldrige Quotes

Malcolm Baldrige Quotes By George W. Bush

We are seeing some challenges and some changes in American business, American enterprise, but the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award is a reminder of things that must never change: the passion for excellence, the drive to innovate, the hard work that goes with any successful enterprise. — George W. Bush

Malcolm Baldrige Quotes By A. J. Jacobs

The Bible is right: A deluge of images does encourage idolatry. Look at the cults of personality in America today. Look at Hollywood. Look at Washington. I'd like to see the next presidential race be run according to Second Commandment principles. No commercials. A radio-only debate. We need an ugly president. I know we're missing out on some potential Abe Lincolns because they'd look gawky and gangly on TV. — A. J. Jacobs

Malcolm Baldrige Quotes By Greg Cox

Six hundred summers, she reflected.Six hundred snowy winters. Thirty-five generations of mortal
humanity. And finally, again ... the sun. — Greg Cox

Malcolm Baldrige Quotes By Julian Fellowes

Nothing is harder to dramatize than happiness. — Julian Fellowes

Malcolm Baldrige Quotes By Zadie Smith

He talked and talked, the kind of talking you do to stave off the inevitable physical desire, the kind of talking that only increases it. — Zadie Smith

Malcolm Baldrige Quotes By Charles W. Freeman Jr.

I don't think there's a military solution. If we funnel in more weapons we're just likely to see more of them turned against us by the people we're trying to combat. — Charles W. Freeman Jr.

Malcolm Baldrige Quotes By Alyssa Day

Who is Justin Bieber, and why is his hair poisonous to small girls?" It was a long time before he could stop laughing hard enough to answer her. — Alyssa Day

Malcolm Baldrige Quotes By William J. Clinton

The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, which highlights customer satisfaction, workforce empowerment, and increased productivity, has come to symbolize America's commitment to excellence. — William J. Clinton

Malcolm Baldrige Quotes By Ronald Reagan

America's economic strength depends on industry's ability to improve productivity and quality and to remain on the cutting edge of technology, and that's why the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award is so important. — Ronald Reagan

Malcolm Baldrige Quotes By T.L. Shreffler

I should have acted sooner. Saved him. It was in my power." Her throat closed painfully. Then Crash did something unexpected. He sat down on the bed, his hand landing close to her face, gazing down at her intently. For reasons unknown, Sora felt her breath catch, her chest constrict peculiarly. — T.L. Shreffler

Malcolm Baldrige Quotes By Michael Moore

I think I'm in the majority of Americans. I believe that I am in the mainstream of middle America. — Michael Moore

Malcolm Baldrige Quotes By Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu

I have ADD. I can't pay attention to one thing too long. — Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu

Malcolm Baldrige Quotes By Lucian Freud

The painter makes real to others his innermost feelings about all that he cares for. A secret becomes known to everyone who views the picture through the intensity with which it is felt. — Lucian Freud

Malcolm Baldrige Quotes By Carolyn Mackler

I've always protected myself when it comes to love. And maybe that's the problem. By not letting myself get hurt now, it ripples into much bigger pain later. — Carolyn Mackler