Quotes & Sayings About Online Dating
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Top Online Dating Quotes

OKCupid's model is almost entirely based on advertising, which is the way most online media is monetized these days, whether it's the news or whether it's sports, and we think online dating is going to evolve in the exact same way. — Sam Yagan

Since love grows within us, so beautiful that we shall love each other without having regrets again and again. — Auliq Ice

Yes. It is true. I, Michael Scott, am signing up with an online dating service. Thousands of people have done it, and I am going to do it. I need a username, and I have a great one. 'Little Kid Lover.' That way people will know exactly where my priorities are at. — Michael Scott

It's my Prom King, Brett. He's tapping at the window, wanting me to roll it down or to get out of the car - what an image that would be. How will I ever live that down? I can't even see myself laughing about it twenty years from now. If the neighbors walk past they'll probably report me to social services, I can hear them on the phone now, She's too lazy to even go to the bathroom, she just shits in her car. — P.K. Darling

So far the only good things I have seen to come out of this recent technological renaissance are video-chatting with your grandparents, online dating, and being able to attend traffic school on your computer. — Amy Poehler

My parents were so old-fashioned in their attitude to sex that I would rather get in trouble with the police or at school because at least I would be punished less. — Clive Worth

Living in the era of social media and dating apps, online dating is also a very popular dating method in England. It perfectly suits the English person's superpower: being the invisible man or woman. They also like to keep their distance, and the internet is perfect for that. Also complimenting someone is easier online than offline; you don't even have to say anything you just press a 'like' or a 'wink' button and that's it; perfectly suitable for romantically retarded people. — Angela Kiss

For those who have true love, have no limits of expressing their love to one another yet it is a sad fact that those who are searching for love, fear expressing their love to even those who love them. — Auliq Ice

When going on a date with someone they met online, the number-one fear that straight women have is going on a date with a serial killer. The number-one fear straight men have is going on a date with a fat woman. That says everything. — Cheryl Strayed

To successfully tell the story, we had to be willing to let people see us as we really were; with all our weaknesses, fears, and imperfections. There are important lessons we learned from the experience that we would not have adequately relayed to the reader if we had been less bold." ~ Duane — Duane & Selena Pannell

There's no way to get around it; online dating is work. And some people are more skilled at this kind of communication than others. — Rachel Martin

between 2005 and 2012 more than one third of couples who got married in the United States met through an online dating site. Online dating was the single biggest way people met their spouses. Bigger than work, friends, and school combined. — Aziz Ansari

What online dating did was offer me the opportunity to go out with a bunch of different people from different industries; I really didn't want to limit myself with people who are in the entertainment industry. — Essence Atkins

When you're thinking about building your own online dating profile, especially on OkCupid, you should go through the same steps you're thinking about when you're going out to meet someone new. You want to put your best foot forward. — Sam Yagan

'Christian Mingle' is about a young, modern, single woman. She's trying to achieve it all - a successful career, amazing friends, and finding Mr. Right. She stumbles into the world of online dating looking for an instant 'soul mate solution,' but ultimately ends up taking a personal journey transforming her life. — Corbin Bernsen

My name is Lilith, I'm twenty six years old and besides working for my father, I don't do much. — Rachel Spanswick

She is resisting the Internet idea...because she doesn't want to one day tell her children that she posted an ad on the Internet, interviewed twenty-five hopeful candidates, and finally their father turned up and looked good in comparison with the rest of them. It just doesn't seem right. — Jenny Colgan

While there is always someone more attractive, your goal should be to present yourself as the most intriguing. — Keith Grafman

I was starting to learn one of the most important lessons of online dating: the wisdom of saying no. — Sarah Hepola

Reinforce positive energy. — Keith Grafman

I think online dating is a way of procuring people. Like Facebook and Myspace, it's the way that people connect now and procure small children and sometimes dodgy relationships. I don't think it's very healthy. — Tom Hardy

It's good netiquette to get to know someone in social media before giving out your phone number. — David Chiles

You aren't looking for a pen pal, and if need be, say that. — Keith Grafman

Despite what those on the happily coupled sidelines might think, 99 percent of online dates weren't exciting enough to be fun or nerve-racking enough to be adventurous. They were just...awkward. Boring. An hour of small talk with someone you'd think twice about saving from a burning building. Online dating was like Russian roulette. Mostly misses. But sometimes, people Evie knew had met that all-too-rare bullet: a smart, aesthetically pleasing New Yorker who was still single. Maybe tonight, Evie thought, is the night I blow my brains out. — Georgia Clark

Encountering potential partners via online dating profiles reduces three-dimensional people to two-dimensional displays of information, — Aziz Ansari

My work involves online dating, but I believe almost every behavior exhibited online has an offline corollary. Really, the medium doesn't change human nature. — Sam Yagan

Do you have one where you're riding a horse or a camel? Or sitting on a rocket ship? Those are always wildly popular with men looking for sex.
- SINGLE-MINDED — Lisa Daily

Whoever you choose to fall in love with, is an important decision of yours, but you better choose carefully 'Cause you're capable of anything. Of anything and everything. — Auliq Ice

The good news is that these descriptive statistics give us a manageable and meaningful summary of the underlying phenomenon. That's what this chapter is about. The bad news is that any simplification invites abuse. Descriptive statistics can be like online dating profiles: technically accurate and yet pretty darn misleading. — Charles Wheelan

Your goal in an online dating profile and in your first message to somebody is to strike up a conversation. — Sam Yagan

When you decide to meet - in person - someone that you met online, would you then be taking your relationship to the 'previous' level? — Mokokoma Mokhonoana

I think for marketplace businesses, and when you think about online dating, it's not a social network. It's not a place where you go to talk to people you already know; it's a place you go to interact with someone you've never met before. — Sam Yagan

To win the hearts of beautiful creatures, your stories must always be told with a joyful face, full of sweetness and love, seen at a distance with kindness. — Auliq Ice

Always try to avoid being limited by means of communication. — Keith Grafman

San Bernardino involved two killers were actually radicalized before they started courting or dating each other online, and online as late as - as early as the end of 2013, they were talking to each other about jihad and martyrdom before they became engaged and then married and lived together in the United States. — Keith Ellison

Peak hours for sending a first email through the online dating system tended to be during work (eleven A.M. to four P.M.) and then just after dinner (seven P.M. to nine P.M.). I did have a few women send me a first message after eleven P.M. Those who did had an 82 percent chance of coming from a profile that had too many words. — Amy Webb

A great piece of advice for online dating is to stand out from the crowd. So greetings like "hello" and "hi" are very common. They do less well than things that are a little bit quirky or a little bit weird, like "howdy" or "holla." The rarer your salutation, the better it does, in general. — Christian Rudder

The sort of the most efficient way for online dating marketplace to evolve and, in fact, any marketplace to evolve is to have one really big market where people can enter and exit as they please, where people have really advanced search, sort, and filtering technology. — Sam Yagan

There must come a time, after you've been online dating for months or even years, when you feel your spirit leaving your body. You'll stay online, but you won't even know why. You'll still sign in and look at people's profiles, just to pass the time, but you won't think of them as humans any longer. They might look like people, but then so do you, and you know that all you are anymore is a shell. You'll start flailing. — Katie Heaney

Much of online dating, Finkel and company argued, is based on the faulty notion that the kind of information we can see in a profile is actually useful in determining whether that person would make a good partner. — Aziz Ansari

True love is durable and hard to find. — Auliq Ice

To fall in love is a legendary action that doesn't need any explanation. — Auliq Ice

We [me and Jennifer Salke] talked about the characters and different kinds of families and where are we today. We certainly pitched the gay couple, but we also talked about what it was like to be a single mother with a young daughter, what is it like to be a woman in your 50's who is completely starting over and dating again and having to go online to date again. We talked about the whole spectrum of the characters, but I don't think it ever came up about whether people are ready for it or not. — Ryan T. Murphy

Oh, yeah, I did the online dating thing. I did Nerve, I did Match. On Nerve there was this one guy who, when I asked him what he did for a living, said he 'used to be in a band.' I was like, 'That is not an occupation.' — Julie Klausner

If you stay on your looks, you may end up loving or dumping a perfectly fantastic person without ever really giving a chance, give them a chance and judge them there and not before. — Auliq Ice

Rejection is inevitable. The goal is to minimize it. — Keith Grafman

Online friends networks and dating sites, like the coffeehouse, are responding to the needs of introverts. We can write, not talk. We can get to the good stuff, and we can press delete as needed. — Laurie A. Helgoe

Personalize, personalize and personalize more — Keith Grafman

Let her know that her look really works for you. — Auliq Ice

Online dating is cool but I think Myspace and Facebook is a little bit off key. — Tom Hardy

Are you sure? Because it looks bad. And you're pale. You're never pale."
"I've seen him look much worse," Dell said. "Like last year, when I signed him up for this online dating thing. He got all scared. He was pretty pale then."
"Because I was stalked," Adam said. "By a crazy person."
"Aw, she wasn't that bad. And she bought you that teddy bear, remember? Because you were her cuddle umpkins. How scary can a woman who says 'cuddle umpkins' be? — Jill Shalvis

Love can be expressed in a myriad of different methods, but the most timeless and most treasured will always remain the classic love letter. — Auliq Ice

It's kind of freaky to send your picture over the Internet to someone you don't really know and then have to sit waiting for their judgement on how you look. Maybe that's why my aunt Penny, who got divorced two years ago, hates online dating so much. Mom's always nagging her to go back on Match but Aunt Penny says she'd rather have root canal work - without anesthetic. — Sarah Darer Littman

Love is not blind but it leads to blindness. — Auliq Ice

If you are in a big city or on an online dating site, you are flooded with options. Seeing all these options, like the people in the job example, are we now comparing our potential partners not to other potential partners but rather to an idealized person whom no one could measure up to? — Aziz Ansari

His "Harmonian Court of Love," in which individuals are algorithmically paired for romantic and sexual liaisons, sounded preposterous in the middle nineteenth century. Today it is the banal reality of online dating (eHarmony). Since — Chris Jennings

Online dating," he mumbled dryly.
"Oh, like before? That makes sense then. It's actually kind of sweet you still have each other through all this craziness." It was like an ah-ha moment. They were gay.
"I was kidding," his eyes snapped up to mine again and flashed with annoyance.
"I'm not judging you," I quickly said. "I think it's great. Seriously!"
"We're not gay," he growled. "We're brothers. — Rachel Higginson

Reassurance is a good way to reinforce — Keith Grafman

Some say "fear even helps like; The flight or over love reaction but to me it is your loving heart to prove to prove it worthy. — Auliq Ice

By the end of the date, your intentions should be clear. — Auliq Ice

too many people spend way too much time doing the online part of online dating, not the dating part. — Aziz Ansari

The biggest change in dating between 2004 and 2014 was that one-third of all marriages in America began with online relationships, compared to a fraction of that in the decade before. — Daniel J. Levitin

I've never done online dating, but first of all, I have a book out called 'Make It Last Forever: The Do's and The Dont's,' which led me to do the online dating thing. A lot of people respect my relationship songs, so they can pretty much trust me. — Keith Sweat

This, however, is OKCupid, the vast, weird pink-and-blue toned jungle of the id masquerading as a dating site, where rare birds of modern romance flutter amongst the night-terrors of human loneliness and despair and the suspicious skin irritants of late-night hook-uppery. — Laurie Penny

All of the directors I work with have their own unique gifts. My particular segment deals with online dating. It's a very interesting take on it, and a great observation of what goes on there. — Dennis Haysbert

Keep the first date brief, short, sweet and simple and they'll come back to you. — Auliq Ice

Understand that I am even ignored by the opposite sex on the internet. — Vann Chow

Unfortunately, there's no test of compatibility to see how couples will survive together, despite what they say on those online dating sites. There's always a risk you take when you agree to spend the rest of your life with someone. — Jaci Burton

Effective communication is effective communication, regardless of the setting. — Keith Grafman

Take control from the moment you step in her place. She'll be pleasantly surprised and impressed. — Auliq Ice

I told you I don't want to meet 'girls' and I'm not going to find a woman of any substance at the bars where you yahoos hang out."
"Then set up one of those online dating accounts. They have them for older folks now."
"Older folks?" Rohn let out a snort as that hit him hard, like a punch to the gut.
"Great. Thanks a lot." How the hell old did these kids think he was, anyway? Rohn had quite a few years left before he turned fifty ... — Cat Johnson

Your eyes gave it away. You don't want the old stuff. You want to have the new and improved Well-being, go with the right people and they'll be right for you. — Auliq Ice

We need to have a measure of love and freedom at all times, even with the ones we love much in our lives. — Auliq Ice

Online dating is just a vehicle to meet more people," she says. "It's not the place to actually date." For — Aziz Ansari

I've had to wonder if people like Shina and other spawns of third world immigrants have felt the need to purchase so much expensive couture in order to feel acceptable and insulated enough in (white) American upper-class society. But why purchase so much costly shit when you're not even that rich or ever going to wear half of what your husband has had to pay for anyway? At least more upper-class white women in America have had better things to spend their money on, like Botox, fillers, and online dating sites. — Jean Bergman

I can barely even run a computer. God knows what I'd get on online dating. I'd get something that was subhuman or something. — Stockard Channing

Were I to put myself on ... one of those online dating things, I would not include in my profile that I'm regularly hospitalized for psychosis. But I do know that when I get really bad, there is a place for me to go where I will feel better. — Marya Hornbacher