Famous Quotes & Sayings

Nonduality Teachers Quotes & Sayings

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Top Nonduality Teachers Quotes

Nonduality Teachers Quotes By Tom Wolfe

So many people in this country have a dual loyalty. They have loyalty to America, but they also are determined to have their parade up Fifth Avenue once a year ... a Cuban parade or a Puerto Rican parade - many other countries. So they really don't forget. — Tom Wolfe

Nonduality Teachers Quotes By Spencer Pratt

I would say Diddy is the most interesting Twitter-er. I definitely will follow the hip-hop circle now that I have infiltrated the game, just so that I can be aware of my rivals and what my competitors are doing. — Spencer Pratt

Nonduality Teachers Quotes By W. Phillip Keller

It takes some of us a lifetime to learn that Christ, our Good Shepherd, knows exactly what He is doing with us. He understands us perfectly. — W. Phillip Keller

Nonduality Teachers Quotes By Thomas Jefferson

Great innovations should not be forced on slender majorities. — Thomas Jefferson

Nonduality Teachers Quotes By Walter Savage Landor

In the morn of life we are alert, we are heated in its noon, and only in its decline do we repose. — Walter Savage Landor

Nonduality Teachers Quotes By Eric Arvin

Oh wouldn't that twist your twat if that turned out to be true! — Eric Arvin

Nonduality Teachers Quotes By Jon Bernie

Question what you think is enlightenment. — Jon Bernie

Nonduality Teachers Quotes By Kristen Ashley

My peopole like to sing," he informed her easily. "They like it best when they're shitfaced. — Kristen Ashley

Nonduality Teachers Quotes By Sam Harris

In my experience, some Dzogchen masters are better teachers than others. I have been in the presence of several of the most revered Tibetan lamas of our time while they were ostensibly teaching Dzogchen, and most of them simply described this view of consciousness without giving clear instructions on how to glimpse it. The genius of Tulku Urgyen was that he could point out the nature of mind with the precision and matter-of-factness of teaching a person how to thread a needle and could get an ordinary meditator like me to recognize that consciousness is intrinsically free of self. There might be some initial struggle and uncertainty, depending on the student, but once the truth of nonduality had been glimpsed, it became obvious that it was always available - and there was never any doubt about how to see it again. I came to Tulku Urgyen yearning for the experience of self-transcendence, and in a few minutes he showed me that I had no self to transcend. — Sam Harris

Nonduality Teachers Quotes By Margaret Thatcher

Law and order is a social service. Crime and the fear which the threat of crime induces can paralyse whole communities, keep lonely and vulnerable elderly people shut up in their homes, scar young lives and raise to cult status the swaggering violent bully who achieves predatory control over the streets. I suspect that there would be more support and less criticism than today's political leaders imagine for a large shift of resources from Social Security benefits to law and order - as long as rhetoric about getting tough on crime was matched by practice. — Margaret Thatcher

Nonduality Teachers Quotes By John Berger

But for the overcrowded, for those who have little or nothing except, sometimes, courage and love, hope works differently. Hope is then something to bite on, to put between the teeth. Don't forget this. Be a realist. With hope between the teeth comes the strength to carry on even when fatigue never lets up, comes strength, when necessary, to choose not to shout at the wrong moment, comes the strength above all not to howl. A person, with hope between her or his teeth, is a brother or sister who commands respect. — John Berger

Nonduality Teachers Quotes By Julie Berry

Come, come," I said. "You may be a lord someday, but you aren't one yet. No need for the courtly manners, and certainly not the moody temper. If you're to be my escort tonight, I insist you be a cheery one. You can even insult me if you like. It always makes you feel better. — Julie Berry

Nonduality Teachers Quotes By Juliana Hatfield

I love playing in front of people. I feel powerful, 'cause I don't have to really say anything - I'm just singing. — Juliana Hatfield

Nonduality Teachers Quotes By Sherrilyn Kenyon

Acheron: Yeah well, I don't like talking about myself and I despise personal questions.
Tory: Fine. All I want is that brain of yours for a few — Sherrilyn Kenyon

Nonduality Teachers Quotes By Vincent De Paul

I am determined, even if they throw mud in my face, never to show any resentment, nor break with them, nor deviate from the esteem and honor I owe them in the sight of God. If they forget themselves and say or do something offensive against your little bark, even if it is done purposely to make it sink, bear with it for the love of God, who will save you from shipwreck and calm the storm. Do not complain or even say a single work about it. In spite of everything, continue to compliment them when you meet, as if nothing were amiss. — Vincent De Paul