Famous Quotes & Sayings

Nap Funny Quotes & Sayings

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Top Nap Funny Quotes

Nap Funny Quotes By Ilona Andrews

"You're taking a nap? Come on Kate, I need you for this fight, Stop lying around."
You sonovabitch. I rolled to my feet and grabbed my sword. "You must think you're funny. — Ilona Andrews

Nap Funny Quotes By Paulo Coelho

Don't allow your mind to tell your heart what to do. The mind gives up easily — Paulo Coelho

Nap Funny Quotes By Lynetta Halat

That kiss ... that kiss was exceptional, and I'll never forget it. As I stand here and as long as I live, it was the best I've ever had, the best I could ever have. — Lynetta Halat

Nap Funny Quotes By Dave Barry

Remember: What dad really wants is a nap. Really. — Dave Barry

Nap Funny Quotes By Aaron Spelling

I'll tell you what I miss most. What I would love to do, more than anything, is just anthologies. With an anthology you can tell any story and be in every division of television. We don't have any anthologies anymore, do we? — Aaron Spelling

Nap Funny Quotes By Pattie Mallette

For the most part, each day listed a different rendition of "Justin ate well" and "Justin took a great nap". Every now and then they noted Justin doing unusual things, like biting. I was embarrassed to read "Justin is biting his friends again" or "Justin did better with biting and only bit one boy". Other than that, though, my son was a pretty happy-go-lucky kid. — Pattie Mallette

Nap Funny Quotes By M.J. McGuire

I was a lazy reader as a kid. One nutrition label on a box of Cap'n Crunch and I'd have to take a nap. — M.J. McGuire

Nap Funny Quotes By Robyn Carr

Well, what am I supposed to do?"
"Well, you can take a nap, read a little of my book, or close your eyes. Or you could stare
get the thrill of your life."
"She put her hands on her hips. "You really wouldn't care, would you?"
"Not really. A bath is a serious business when it's that much trouble. And it's pretty quick in winter." He started to chuckle.
"What's so funny?" she asked, a little irritated.
"I was just thinking. It's cold enough in here, you might not see that much."
Her cheeks went hot, so she pretended not to understand. "But in summer, you can lay in the tub all afternoon?"
"In summer, I wash in the creek." He grinned at her. "Why don't you comb the snarls out of your hair? You look like a wild banshee."
She stared at him a minute, then said, "Don't flirt with me. It won't do you any good."
-Marcie and Ian — Robyn Carr

Nap Funny Quotes By Gary M. Douglas

The whole universe wants to contribute to
you. The world wants to contribute to you. The world wants to give you everything you desire - but you don't ask. — Gary M. Douglas

Nap Funny Quotes By Hazel B. West

When you are a soldier you do not always realize there is anything beyond the will of your commander, the will of your king. But when you're on the field of battle, when the swords clash and the colors fly above you in all their glory, there comes a time when you wonder: Why am I here? All the brilliance fades, the glory becomes meaningless; the blood spilled and comrades dead, all for nothing when you have no cause to fight for. — Hazel B. West

Nap Funny Quotes By Vanessa Lachey

It's funny because everyone says you sleep when baby sleeps or you take a nap when baby takes a nap. That's true when you have one. When you have two, that is not true. — Vanessa Lachey

Nap Funny Quotes By Ilona Andrews

You're taking a nap? Come on, Kate, I need you for this fight. Stop lying around."
"You must think you're funny."
"Just saying, you have to pull your own weight. A hot body and flirting will only get you so far."
"Everything I do, I learned from you, boy toy."
"Boy toy?" Curran asked.
"Would you prefer man candy? — Ilona Andrews

Nap Funny Quotes By Roz Savage

My advice is don't keep asking yourself if you can do something. Just get out there and do it. You can really surprise yourself. — Roz Savage

Nap Funny Quotes By Julie Powell

Two years ago, I was a twenty-nine year old secretary. Now I am a thirty-one year old writer. I get paid very well to sit around in my pajamas and type on my ridiculously fancy iMac, unless I'd rather take a nap. Feel free to hate me
I certainly would. — Julie Powell

Nap Funny Quotes By Lisa Kleypas

I suppose when you say you slept with him, it was more than just a nap?"
Lillian shot her a withering glance. "Daisy, don't be a pea wit. — Lisa Kleypas

Nap Funny Quotes By Orlando Figes

Lenin's Personal life was extraordinarily dull. He dressed and lived like a middle-aged provincial clerk, with precisely fixed hours for meals, sleep, work and leisure. He liked everything to be neat and orderly. — Orlando Figes

Nap Funny Quotes By Laurie Halse Anderson

Homework is not an option. My bed is sending out serious nap rays. I can't help myself. The fluffy pillows and warm comforter are more powerful than I am. I have no choice but to snuggle under the covers. — Laurie Halse Anderson

Nap Funny Quotes By Stanislaw Ulam

He [John von Neumann] had the invaluable faculty of being able to take the most difficult problem and separate it into its components, whereupon everything looked brlliantly simple. — Stanislaw Ulam