Quotes & Sayings About Mojo
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Top Mojo Quotes

Imagine you're doing your thing, and somebody comes up to you and just kills your mojo. Just tell them, 'No flex zone!' — Swae Lee

If you look at the world one way, it takes from you - it's a thief of time, energy, creative mojo. But if you look at the world another way, it gives you an endless supply of motivation. — Julianna Baggott

You can only be this high-powered mojo rock band for so long, then you just can't look people in the eye. So, we've projected our own demise. — Billy Corgan

I hope the story of 2011 is that America gets its mojo back. You've got to remember that America has the best universities; it's got some of the best businesses. It's got an unbelievable work ethic, rule of law. The story of 2011 will be America blossoming again. — Jamie Dimon

Putting my hands on my hips, I sighed. "Okay, here's what we're going to do. We're going to Unseelie territory, and you're all going to protect me with whatever faerie mojo you have, because I'm pretty sure the Dark Queen will not be very excited to see me. And then I'm going to talk to them."
"Talk to them?" the Light Queen asked.
"Yes," I said, trying to compose a poem on her beauty comparing her to the light of the dawn, to the rays of sunlight piercing clouds after a thunderstorm, to ... Evelyn. I shook my head, trying to clear it. "Gosh, can't you at least try to turn it down? Anyway. We're going to talk to them. If they're anything like your court, a lot of them probably think their queen is a freaking idiot."
The Light Queen's side, white eyebrows rose like a question mark. — Kiersten White

National 21 drinking age, huh, what do you think about that? A bunch of malarkey, whatever malarkey is, man, it's a whole bunch of it. — Mojo Nixon

Robert Farris Thompson, America's most prominent historian of African art, says that funky is derived from the Ki-Kongo lu-fuki, meaning "positive sweat" of the sort you get from dancing or having sex, but not working. One's mojo, which has to be "working" to attract a lover, is Ki-Kongo for "soul." Boogie comes from mbugi, meaning "devilishly good." And both jazz and jism likely derive from dinza, the Ki-Kongo word for "to ejaculate. — Christopher Ryan

One of the few times I've ever wished for a penis," she said to Rae when the bartender stepped up to take the order of yet another male customer. They'd been waiting to be served for over twenty minutes. She'd even worn the red magic boob dress tonight, but unfortunately, its mojo offered no help in this particular situation.
"You haven't had sex in six months," Rae said. "If I were you, I'd be wishing for penises every night. — Julie James

When Michael Crichton approached the end of a novel (so I've read), he used to start getting up earlier and earlier in the morning. He was desperate to keep his mojo going. He'd get up at six, then five, then three-thirty and two-thirty, till he was driving his wife insane. Finally he had to move out of the house. He checked into a hotel (the Kona Village, which ain't so bad) and worked around the clock till he'd finished the book. Michael Crichton was a pro. He knew that Resistance was strongest at the finish. He — Steven Pressfield

Grace Murphy, defender of the downtrodden! Snarking one villain at a time with her acerbic wit and pointy boobs! If there was going to be super-natural mojo involved in my life, the least I could ask for was non-sagging boobs. — Nicole Hamlett

That's one of the problems with making music your business, it becomes a business. You're no longer just this kid who is a fan and going to see every show. I've been in a bar every night for the last 15 years. Going to see bands for me is work. — Mojo Nixon

I can't understand people calling themselves religious and being hateful. If a preacher is preaching hate, to fear God that's not religion, that's not helping humanity, that's organizing an army to defeat somebody. — Mojo Nixon

Not everything has to be done with herbs and oils. In fact, when it comes to any kind of business-related magic, I much prefer a consecrated metal talisman or paper seal hidden away, rather than a bulky bag that smells like a hippie is hiding in my pocket. — Jason G. Miller

Are you kidding me?You come here and use your stupid faerie mojo and then you back away from me? Is there anything in your golden head that makes sense? What,you thought, hey, Evie's probably having a bad night, why don't I go mess with her? While you're at it, there are probably some puppies you could kick!
I whipped around, stalking back to the diner.I should have known-had known-this was a bad idea.Idiot Evie. — Kiersten White

Most of us want to be authentic. Yet, we are not who we think we are. We are made up of a rich array of facets and possibilities, many of which we ignore because we label them as "bad". We create a cardboard cutout image of ourselves to look good to others. The discord between who we are and the image we have to live up to slowly kills our aliveness. When we suppress parts of ourselves, it lowers our mojo, sense of fulfillment, leadership effectiveness and impact in the workplace. — Henna Inam

Sod it. If he laid a finger on my David, I'd just have to use my newfound martial arts mojo and kick him in the Knuts. — J.L. Merrow

When I dance, it's incredible. I can't describe it, there's no words. You just tap into your mojo and you just go. — Johnny Borrell

For a long time I was looking for my perfect equilibrium, my mojo. And now I think I'm getting there: I've found my customer, my silhouette, my cut. — Alexander McQueen

Silicon Bayou - aka Lafayette, LA - is the best kept secret reservoir of innovation mojo in America — Todd Park

I moved quickly, putting myself between the two of them. "Stop it!" I shouted. "I have way too much to worry about right now to also have to pull you two off each other. Jeesh, talk about immature." Both guys kept glaring at each other over my head. "I said, stop it!" And I smacked their chests. That made them blink and shift their attention to me. Now it was my turn to do the glaring. "You know, you two are ridiculous with your puffing up and your testosterone and crap. I mean, I could summon the elements and kick both of your butts."
Heath shuffled his feet and looked embarrassed. Then he grinned at me, like a cute little boy whose mommy had just yelled at him. "Sorry, Zo. I forget you have some major mojo going on. — Kristin Cast

When I look out into your faces, you know what I see? I see a little bit of Elvis in each and every one of you out there. — Mojo Nixon

I stared harder. Come on, vampire mojo. Do your thing. "Don't. Kill. Yourself."
"Why. Are you. Talking. Like this? — MaryJanice Davidson

Sometimes if somebody you feel you need ... the whole universe tells you that you have to have her, you start watching her favorite TV shows all night, you start buying her the things she needs, you start drinking her drinks, you start smoking her bad cigarettes, you start picking up her nuances in her voice, you sleep in safe sometimes the most dangerous thing ... this is called Mojo Pin. — Jeff Buckley

He laughs. "Put some clothes on so you don't scare poor Kiara with your morning hard-on."
I look down at my shorts. Sure enough, I've got la tengo dura in front of Kiara and Tuck. Shit. I reach out for the first thing I can grab and put it in front of me to shield myself from view. It happens to be one of Kiara's stuffed animals, but I don't have much choice right now.
"That's Kiara's Mojo," Tuck says, laughing. "Get it? Mojo? — Simone Elkeles

Being a playwright of any race is difficult, and Lord knows it gets more difficult the further you get from the middle of the road. I don't know what kind of magic my mojo is working, but it's working. — Suzan-Lori Parks

So it was that neither for the first time nor the last my verbal mojo, my knack for the written word, served to save my reckless ass. — Tom Robbins

The Lone Ranger is going to be one of those iconic characters that never rides off into the sunset. We need heroes like him - an underdog who fights the good fight, doesn't kill, and has some serious mojo when the chips are down. — Mel Odom

I was following you.' - Jace
'Is this the part where you tell me you're secretly in love with me? Vampire mojo strikes again.' - Simon — Cassandra Clare

While Mojo suggests any art that invokes supernatural powers, for us creators Mojovation means finding magic in what we do. — Robert Genn

I can fall asleep at any time and wake up at any time. — Mojo Nixon

I am unbelievably nervous.
It is most unlike me.
This girl is really messing with my mojo. — Siobhan Davis

Lou loved watching Al savor every bite. She mentally vowed to make him an amazing meal just to see him enjoy it. Maybe her Cuban pork with black beans and cilantro rice. That was a great summer feast- complete with mojitos and mojo sauce. If he savored a burger with such fervor, she he'd swoon over her cooking. — Amy E. Reichert

I love blacks and gays and latinos, as long as they don't live next door. — Mojo Nixon

I always feel like there's something magic in recording studios. There's a reason good music continues to be made in them. It's just some mojo element. — Rick Rubin

In the past, people generally believed they could acquire magic in two ways: through learning the craft, either from another practitioner or from books; or through obtaining magic from a powerful being-think Faust or the classic, demonized witch, both of whom get their mojo from Satan. — David Liss

I can't believe you're going to sacrifice your archery mojo for MacReive." Lucia would forfeit her fantastical skill with a bow if she was unchaste. "Who am I going to hang out with when your a talentless nobody? — Kresley Cole

I truly haven't. You've messed up my mojo. — Beckie Stevenson

Chris Ofili's suave, stippled, visually tricked-out paintings of the nineties, with their allover fields of shimmering dots and clumps of dung, are like cave paintings of modern life. They crackle with optical cockiness, love, and massive amounts of painterly mojo. — Jerry Saltz

Debbie Gibson is pregnant with my two headed love child, it's a big foot baby all covered in fur. — Mojo Nixon

Come on, sweetheart. I'm letting you do this. Do it." When she didn't respond, he added, "Listen, I know it's easier when they're not fucking looking at you."
Beckett turned and faced the wall.
"I don't know who hired you, but can I ask you for something?" He talked at the wall.
Here comes the fast-talking, the mojo, the shout to his employees.
"Could you make sure Cole doesn't take credit for his handiwork last night? And can you follow up on that Chris guy?" Beckett turned his head a bit, listening for her answer.
He still trusts me. He still trusts me with his brothers. I can't do it. — Debra Anastasia

If some of the people who write about mojo came with me for a week, they would drop dead on their feet. — William Hague

Screaming racism is the last refuge of leftist intellectuals who've completely lost their mojo. — Neal Boortz

The first time I played a killer, in the 1997 film 'Mojo,' I went to my local video shop and got out a video of real executions and a history of the Third Reich. The guy in the shop was giving me a look. I thought this would help, but I don't think it made any difference, and I don't want to see any more executions. — Aidan Gillen

The cover of Mojo, that was good for us. — Meg White

I graduated from college in Ohio and bummed around for a while, and then I joined VISTA, which was a domestic Peace Corps kind of thing, and they sent me to Colorado. — Mojo Nixon

I can't believe I'm saying this, but you're perfect for each other! You irritate people, and he smooths things out. You have good mojo, and he only thinks he does. You're broke, and he's rich. You've got those weird feet of yours, and he's got them cute ears. — Kim Harrison

Elvis, heal me, save me. Elvis, make me be born again in the perfect Elvis light. — Mojo Nixon

She was lying like a loaf of bread. I said, baby, baby, baby, are you dead? — Mojo Nixon

I don't know when it happened, but somewhere between our first kiss and that first fuck, I came to the conclusion that Hailey needs sex. Good sex. And lots of it. I've caught glimpses of her steel, her confidence, her sexiness, usually in our online exchanges. But in person, it's like she's second-guessing herself all the time. The poor girl needs to get her mojo back, and I've decided I'm the man for the job. Just call me Matt the mojo maker. — Sarina Bowen

I love you more than the pool hall, but not as much as football. — Mojo Nixon

I'm lying in my bed, blanket is warm, this body will never keep me safe from harm. I still feel your hair, black ribbons of coal. Touch my skin to keep me whole. If only you'd come back to me. To feel you at my side, wouldn't need no Mojo Pin to keep me satisfied. — Jeff Buckley

sexy vampire mojo. — Cassandra Clare

All the consumer market mojo is with Apple and to a lesser extent BlackBerry. And yet, the real market momentum with operators and the real market momentum with device manufacturers seems to primarily be with Windows Mobile and Android. — Steve Ballmer

Lack of Confidence, low Self-Esteem, and depleted Mojo are symptoms of inadequate Strength Training. — Steve Ilg

Me and Don Henley are fast acquaintances now, or something. He actually got on stage and sang with me. — Mojo Nixon

Mojo" is, "That positive spirit toward what we are doing now, that starts from the inside and radiates to the outside — Marshall Goldsmith

I don't think a songwriter should lose their mojo. In my situation, I'm one of those artists that lasts over a long period rather than have your moment and your moment is gone. — Jimmy Cliff

Tis not what you crave that feeds your soul...
Tis my sunshine right after the rain
When my ravishing rays unfold. — Melissa Mojo Hunter

Rave music sounds like an electronic disco version of '30s Universal monster movies. — Mojo Nixon

Either Kyle was lucky or his mojo had bowled over the headwaiter, because he and Deborah were waiting outside at one of these tables working on a bottle of mineral water and a plate of what appeared to be crab cakes. I grabbed one and took a bite as I slid into a chair facing Kyle. "Yummy," I said. "This must be where good crabs go when they die. — Jeff Lindsay

I have twin six-year-old boys. Have no mojo. The closest thing to a mojo I have is five minutes of peace. — Darin Strauss

I think I believe a little bit in the power of people to really cast a bad energy on you if they want to. If the bad mojo wants to come your way, look out. — Dileep Rao

There's downtime in music, which obviously is necessary or else you'd lose your mind in other ways, but if we're on tour and there's electricity from the audience, if you're getting a good response, then that's the positive side of the mojo where I could feel cocky and just know I'm doing good and then there's a time all of a sudden when you're alone and you just don't know if people will like it. — Kurt Vile

Our job as leaders is to find those innovators and release their mojo - lean startup-style - to serve the American people better. — Todd Park

Once upon a time, we were Africans involved in a unique lexicon of beliefs, lore, stories, and customs that were designed to help integrate us into an environment filled with plants, animals, elements, and a complex array of spirits. With the advent of slavery, the physical bond with the motherland was broken, but like seeds lifted from a ripe plant by wind, we found fertile ground in distant lands elsewhere. — Stephanie Rose Bird

Mojo grace means the shocking benevolence of a mysterious force beyond our comprehension. — Rob Brezsny

Seven years, Dawn. Working with the Slayer. Seeing my friends get more and more powerful ... a witch. A demon. Hell, I could fit Oz in my shaving kit, but come a full moon, he had a wolfy mojo not to be messed with. Powerful, all of them. And I'm the guy who fixes the windows.
They'll never know how tough it is, Dawnie, to be the one who isn't Chosen, to live so near the spotlight and never step in it. But I know. I see more than anybody realizes because nobody's watching me.
I saw you last night, and I see you working here today. You're not special; you're extraordinary. — Joss Whedon

Rock in the mainstream culture has lost a lot of its mojo. — Billy Corgan

People from outer space they come up to me, they don't look like Doctor Spock, they don't look like Klingons, all that Star Trek jive. They look like Elvis. — Mojo Nixon

Dad's going steady with a pig in the barn. — Mojo Nixon

Is this the part where you tell me you're secretly in love with me? Vampire mojo strikes again. — Cassandra Clare

Music Tele-Vision should be covered in jism. — Mojo Nixon

He was wearing a little bag of "Mojo" around his neck. — Nancy B. Brewer