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Quotes & Sayings About Mistakes And Change

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Top Mistakes And Change Quotes

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Susan Jeffers

For some reason we feel we should be perfect, and forget that we learn through our mistakes. Our need to be perfect and our need to control the outcome of events work together to keep us petrified when we think about making a change or attempting a new challenge. — Susan Jeffers

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Stephenie Meyer

When we were five, they asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. Our answers were thing like astronaut, president, or in my case ... princess.
When we were ten, they asked again and we answered - rock star, cowboy, or in my case, gold medalist. But now that we've grown up, they want a serious answer. Well, how 'bout this: who the hell knows?!
This isn't the time to make hard and fast decisions, its time to make mistakes. Take the wrong train and get stuck somewhere chill. Fall in love - a lot. Major in philosophy 'cause there's no way to make a career out of that. Change your mind. Then change it again, because nothing is permanent.
So make as many mistakes as you can. That way, someday, when they ask again what we want to be ... we won't have to guess. We'll know.
[from the movie] — Stephenie Meyer

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Auliq Ice

It is very important to understand why those annoying people annoy you and then figure out where that fits into your world. — Auliq Ice

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Steve Maraboli

If people refuse to look at you in a new light and they can only see you for what you were, only see you for the mistakes you've made, if they don't realize that you are not your mistakes, then they have to go. — Steve Maraboli

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Sharon Weil

Shame often causes me to hide my mistakes from others. But really, when I make a mistake, I should make it loud and clear, so I can see that it didn't work as a strategy, and be able to make a course correction, either by myself or with the help of others. — Sharon Weil

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Lucille Ball

When you're too mad and too rattled to see straight, you're bound to make mistakes. You can't go on and on for years being miserable about a situation and not have it change you. You get so you can't stand yourself. — Lucille Ball

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Sophocles

All men make mistakes, but a good man yields when he knows his course is wrong, and repairs the evil. The only crime is pride. — Sophocles

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Frederick Weisel

As the chapters took shape, a change came over her. It was the double-sided recognition that this book, the last that she would write, might achieve esteem and success equal to her great novel, but that its emotional heart would lie in her own unhappiness for having failed to find the one thing she wanted. For the first time she was a character in her own writing, and her frailties and mistakes were trapped on the page by the beauty and unsparing focus of her prose. Towards the end it was a battle to finish a page. The story was the story she had told herself for decades, deep within her own mind, and now as it grew, line by line, on the paper before her, she wrestled with each turn in the path all over again, as if it were still possible to change its course with the power of her words. — Frederick Weisel

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Mark Hodder

But maybe efficiency isn't all it's held up to be. Maybe it's the inefficiencies and mistakes that give us the best impetus to change and grow and improve. — Mark Hodder

Mistakes And Change Quotes By T.L. Shreffler

Some days we make mistakes," she said gently. "We feel like we take a
step backward, or even worse, like we aren't true to ourselves. Sometimes, our lives change dramatically
and yet we still feel stuck in the same place. But every day, we have the chance to start anew. " She
reached out and touched his jaw. "We're all headed somewhere, and with each new day, we get a little
better and a little wiser. You showed me that. You're not going to lose yourself, Crash...and you're not
going to lose me, either. — T.L. Shreffler

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Suzy Kassem

Our evolution depends on our memory. If we keep forgetting the mistakes of the past, only to keep repeating them, then we will never change. And if we keep recycling through the exact same kind of leaders - the kind who do not propel us forward, but only hold us back - then perhaps what we really need now is a completely different style of leadership altogether. We need heart-driven leaders, not strictly mind-driven ones. We need compassionate humanitarians, not greedy businessmen. Peacemakers, not war instigators. We need unity, not division. Angels, not devils. — Suzy Kassem

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Carol Tavris

Most people, when directly confronted by evidence that they are wrong, do not change their point of view or course of action but justify it even more tenaciously. Even irrefutable evidence is rarely enough to pierce the mental armor of self-justification. When we began working on this book, the poster boy for "tenacious clinging to a discredited belief" was George W. Bush. Bush was wrong in his claim that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, he was wrong in claiming that Saddam was linked with Al Qaeda, he was wrong in predicting that Iraqis would be dancing joyfully in the streets to receive the American soldiers, he was wrong in predicting that the conflict would be over quickly, he was wrong in his gross underestimate of the financial cost of the war, and he was most famously wrong in his photo-op speech six weeks after the invasion began, when he announced (under a banner reading MISSION ACCOMPLISHED) that "major combat operations in Iraq have ended. — Carol Tavris

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Les Brown

In life, friendships change, divorces happen, people move on, others die. Money and jobs will come and go. Live long enough and your health and body will change. It goes with the territory of being human. The fact that you are still here gives you an advantage. Don't look back. Look straight ahead!! Decide to use all of your knowledge, skills, experiences and your life lessons from your mistakes, defeats and setbacks, to start over again. Life changes. You may not have the same life as before, but you can still enjoy your life! — Les Brown

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Michelle Madow

The first time Mr. Darcy asked Lizzy to marry him in Pride and Prejudice, he went about it all wrong," I started, smiling at the connection I'd just made in my mind. "He insulted her and her
family. But after her refusal, he made a conscious effort to change for the better, and everything worked out for them the second time he proposed. It's the same with us. You learned from your past mistakes, and everything's different now. Just as Lizzy gave Mr. Darcy a second chance, I'm going to do the same for you."
"I'm glad that Lizzy gave Mr. Darcy a second chance." He smiled at the comparison. "She was the only one for him. He would have been miserable without her."
"And she would have been miserable without him." I laughed. "Even though she might not have admitted it. — Michelle Madow

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Debasish Mridha

No one can go back and correct his mistakes, but everyone can go forward and change their thoughts and perceptions. — Debasish Mridha

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Rob Ford

I'm not an addict and I do not do drugs. I made mistakes in the past and all I can do is apologize, but it is what it is and I can't change the past. And I can apologize to my family and my friends and my colleagues and the people. — Rob Ford

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Anna Kendrick

This isnt the time to make hard and fast decisions, this is a time to make mistakes. Take the wrong train and get stuck somewhere. Fall in love, a lot. Major in philosophy, because theres no way to make a career out of that. Change your mind and change it again, because nothings permanent. — Anna Kendrick

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Jay Park

Even the mistakes, even everything bad that happened, I wouldn't change because then I wouldn't be the person that I am today. The past is the past. I just want to focus on the future, and getting better, not making the same mistakes and just becoming a better person, a better artist. Just a better everything. — Jay Park

Mistakes And Change Quotes By David Sedaris

I wanted to deny him, but that's the terrible power of a diary: it not only calls forth the person you used to be but rubs your nose in him, reminding you that not all change is evolutionary. More often than not, you didn't learn from your mistakes. You didn't get wiser, but simply older, growing from the twenty-five-year-old who got stoned and accidentally peed on his friend Katherine's kitten to the thirty-five-year-old who got drunk and peed in the sandbox at his old elementary school. "The sandbox!" my sister Amy said at the time. "Don't you realize that children have to pee in there? — David Sedaris

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Trip Hawkins

If you're going to be a successful entrepreneur, you're going to have to be somebody who can tolerate a high rate of change, you have to be willing to put a lot more hours into it, you have to tolerate the fact that you're going to make more mistakes and have a culture that responds to that. — Trip Hawkins

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Rysa Walker

What if you had the chance to go back and tell yourself not to make the mistakes you made? A chance to change everything you think went wrong in your life?" "Well, — Rysa Walker

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Saint Frances De Sales

Have patience with all things but first with yourself. Never confuse your mistakes with your value as a human being. You are perfectly valuable, creative, worthwhile person simply because you exist. And no amount of triumphs or tribulations can ever change that. — Saint Frances De Sales

Mistakes And Change Quotes By David S. Pottruck

If you don't have true, deep, enduring conviction about the importance of the change you're pursuing, you will be buffeted, worn down, ground down, and diverted at those critical points where leadership is the only force that keeps the change moving. The biggest mistakes that I see come during those points. At root, the mistakes arise from the dissipation of conviction - leadership and management conviction. — David S. Pottruck

Mistakes And Change Quotes By James Balog

Climate change is real. Climate change is being substantially increased by humans and the carbon we put into the atmosphere. And it appears to be speeding up. If science has made any mistakes, science has been underestimating it. — James Balog

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Kedar Joshi

One of the great intellectual mistakes Einstein made is that he thought that space and time are physically or ontologically entangled. In the present non-spatial universal computational program, space and time happen to be entangled to the extent that, under certain unique circumstances, changes in spatial measurements indicate changes in temporal ones. However, a change in the program itself may cause space and time to disentangle. — Kedar Joshi

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Karina Halle

I'd give everything to back to that moment and make things right."
"Would you really? Would you go back in time and change that, if you could?"
"No. No, maybe not. Because then I wouldn't have this. I wouldn't have you. I have to live with my mistakes, but I don't have to regret them. I regret my actions but I can't regret the consequences. — Karina Halle

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Kimberly Giles

I am an amazing, irreplaceable, infinitely valuable child of God. My value comes from that fact alone. My value is absolute. This means nothing I do, nothing anyone thinks about me, and no situation, mistake, or experience can change it. My value is not affected by what I look like, how much money I make, or what I do. My value was set by God and does not change. Mistakes I make and difficult situations I experience are just locations on my journey. — Kimberly Giles

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Ethel Merman

I wouldn't change one thing about my professional life, and I make it a point not to dwell on my mistakes. — Ethel Merman

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Joss Whedon

I think to an extent every human being needs to be redeemed somewhat or at least needs to look at themselves and say, 'I've made mistakes, I'm off course, I need to change.' Which is probably the hardest thing for a human being to do, and maybe that's why it interests me so. — Joss Whedon

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Imelda May

You have to change your life for yourself, and it's about the fun of getting there - sitting in the tour van, breaking down on the side of the road, you know, having a laugh with the guys in the band, making mistakes with nobody watching. — Imelda May

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Catherine Drinker Bowen

Writers seldom choose as friends those self-centered characters who are never in trouble, never make mistakes, and always count their change as it is handed to them. — Catherine Drinker Bowen

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Umberto Eco

You cannot change the world with ideas. People with few ideas are less likely to make mistakes; they follow what everyone else does and are no trouble to anyone; they're successful, make money, find good jobs, enter politics, receive honours; they become famous writers, academics, journalists. Can anyone who is so good at looking after their own interests really be stupid? I'm the stupid one, the one who wanted to go tilting at windmills. — Umberto Eco

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Sara Genn

The 'wandering studio' gathers and stores experiences, takes chances with the unfamiliar and requires a measure of self-trust. Mistakes are part of the change of scene. — Sara Genn

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Traudl Junge

We should listen to the voice of conscience. It does not take nearly as much courage as one might think to admit to our mistakes and learn from them. Human beings are in this world to learn and to change themselves in learning. — Traudl Junge

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Mao Zedong

The attitude of Communists towards any person who has made mistakes in his work should be one of persuasion in order to help him change and start afresh and not one of exclusion, unless he is incorrigible. — Mao Zedong

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Sugar Ray Leonard

I wouldn't change anything because the mistakes and the hurt are as important as all the great fights. They made me who I am today. — Sugar Ray Leonard

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Manuel J. Smith

I: You have the right to judge your own behavior, thoughts, and emotions, and to take the responsibility for their initiation and consequences upon yourself.
II: You have the right to offer no reasons or excuses for justifying your behavior.
III: You have the right to judge if you are responsible for finding solutions to other people's problems.
IV: You have the right to change your mind.
V: You have the right to make mistakes - and be responsible for them.
VI: You have the right to say, "I don't know."
VII: You have the right to be independent of the goodwill of others before coping with them.
VIII: You have the right to be illogical in making decisions.
IX: You have the right to say, "I don't understand."
X: You have the right to say, "I don't care."

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Haruki Murakami

College transported me to a new town, where I tried, one more time, to reinvent myself. Becoming someone new, I could correct the errors of my past. At first I as optimistic; I could pull it off. But in the end, no matter where I went, I could never change. Over and over I made the same mistake, hurt other people, and hurt myself in the bargain.
Just after I turned twenty, this thought hit me: Maybe I've lost the chance to ever be a decent human being. The mistakes I'd committed - maybe they were very makeup, an inescapable part of my being. I'd hit rock bottom, and I knew it. — Haruki Murakami

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Orson Scott Card

This is the most important thing the humans have taught me. The thing they're teaching us right now. You see, they are all strangers to each other. They live out their entire lives, never truly understanding one another, only making guesses, making mistakes, distorting, deceiving, misunderstanding each other. And yet, though they're permanently strangers, they choose sometimes to trust each other, care for each other so completely that they gladly die to let the other live--that they gladly change themselves to make the other person happy. — Orson Scott Card

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Stephen R. Covey

Centering on principles provides sufficient security to not be threatened by change, comparisons, or criticisms; guidance to discover our mission, define our roles, and write our scripts and goals; wisdom to learn from our mistakes and seek continuous improvement; and power to communicate and cooperate, even under conditions of stress and fatigue. — Stephen R. Covey

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Toni Sorenson

Let go and let God. Don't dwell on your past mistakes. When you do that, your past keeps you from moving forward. The wonder of the Atonement is that you don't have to be the same person you were yesterday, last year or even a minute ago. Through Christ, and through the power of repentance, you are continually being reborn. — Toni Sorenson

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Jeffrey Zeldman

Usability is like love. You have to care, you have to listen, and you have to be willing to change. You'll make mistakes along the way, but that's where growth and forgiveness come in. — Jeffrey Zeldman

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Nicholas Sparks

He felt as though he were failing in practically every area of his life. Lately, happiness seemed as distant and unattainable to him as space travel. He hadn't always felt this way. There had been a long period of time during which he remembered being very happy. But things change. People change. Change was one of the inevitable laws of nature, exacting its toll on people's lives. Mistakes are made, regrets form, and all that was left were repercussions that made something as simple as rising from the bed seem almost laborious. — Nicholas Sparks

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Christie Golden

You were given a gift. You were given the chance to see who you were, to learn from mistakes, and to change and grow. Few are granted such insight. — Christie Golden

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Anuj

A man thinking with the core of his heart is always willing to change to accept his mistakes while others just crib and duck the mistakes to find fault with others only. — Anuj

Mistakes And Change Quotes By John Bradshaw

Healthy shame keeps us grounded. It is a yellow light, warning us of our essential limitations. Healthy shame is the basic metaphysical boundary for human beings. It is the emotional energy that signals us that we are not God - that we will make mistakes, that we need help. Healthy shame gives us permission to be human. Healthy shame is part of every human's personal power. It allows us to know our limits, and thus to use our energy more effectively. We have better direction when we know our limits. We do not waste ourselves on goals we cannot reach or on things we cannot change. Healthy shame allows our energy to be integrated rather than diffused. — John Bradshaw

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Ronald Reagan

You know, by the time you reach my age, you've made plenty of mistakes if you've lived your life properly. So you learn. You put things in perspective. You pull your energies together. You change. You go forward. My fellow Americans, I have a great deal that I want to accomplish with you and for you over the next two years. And, the Lord willing, that's exactly what I intend to do. — Ronald Reagan

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Jane Goodall

I think the most important thing to do is to be willing to listen, willing to care, and willing to admit mistakes and change your ways for the better! — Jane Goodall

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Timothy Pina

The world must always keep hope

in their hearts for a better change.

As long as you have life

You have the hope

to change darken nights

into brighter days.

Learn from your mistakes of yesterday.

Live for your dreams today.

Hope for a brighter tomorrow,

For you and humanity. — Timothy Pina

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Kirsten Beyer

I've made mistakes, been broken by evil, and wished fervently for my life to be taken from me. The past will never change. But my imperfect past brought me here, and it's a remarkable place to be. All I've suffered, all you have suffered, Kathryn, has not made us weak. It has made us wise. — Kirsten Beyer

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Edwin Lefevre

Fear and hope remain the same; therefore the study of the psychology of speculators is as valuable as it ever was. Weapons change, but strategy remains strategy, on the New York Stock Exchange as on the battlefield. I think the clearest summing up of the whole thing was expressed by Thomas F. Woodlock when he declared: "The principles of successful stock speculation are based on the supposition that people will continue in the future to make the mistakes that they have made in the past." — Edwin Lefevre

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Arkady Strugatsky

Or how about this hypothetical definition. Reason is a complex type of instinct that has not yet formed completely. This implies that instinctual behavior is always purposeful and natural. A million years from now our instinct will have matured and we will stop making the mistakes that are probably integral to reason. An then, if something should change in the universe, we will all become extinct - precisely because we will have forgotten how to make mistakes, that is, to try various approaches not stipulated by an inflexible program of permitted alternatives. — Arkady Strugatsky

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Sukant Ratnakar

Change and Mistakes are positive and negative terminals of cell called "Transformation". — Sukant Ratnakar

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Neale Donald Walsch

Life is all about mistakes.It is constant change and growth — Neale Donald Walsch

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Brooke McKinley

It's always our mistakes, the things we aren't proud of, that are the first ones to stand up, ready to be counted. That's human nature and it's not going to change, not for me or for you, either. — Brooke McKinley

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Rebecca McKinsey

There's a difference between a mistake and a regret. Everything up to this moment has made this moment. If you can change a mistake, then go out and do what you can to change it. If you can't change it, there's no use regretting it because it will just make you miserable. Live right now, even if that involves dealing with the consequences of your actions. Time travel always ends badly. — Rebecca McKinsey

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Bob Marley

He's not perfect. You aren't either, and the two of you will never be perfect. But if he can make you laugh at least once, causes you to think twice, and if he admits to being human and making mistakes, hold onto him and give him the most you can. He isn't going to quote poetry, he's not thinking about you every moment, but he will give you a part of him that he knows you could break. Don't hurt him, don't change him, and don't expect for more than he can give. Don't analyze. Smile when he makes you happy, yell when he makes you mad, and miss him when he's not there. Love hard when there is love to be had. Because perfect guys don't exist, but there's always one guy that is perfect for you. — Bob Marley

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Thomas Paine

The continually progressive change to which the meaning of words is subject, the want of a universal language which renders translation necessary, the errors to which translations are again subject, the mistakes of copyists and printers, together with the possibility of willful alteration, are themselves evidences that human language, whether in speech or print, cannot be the vehicle of the Word of God. — Thomas Paine

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Mencius

So it is that whenever Heaven invests a person with great responsibilities, it first tries his resolve, exhausts his muscles and bones, starves his body, leaves him destitute, and confound his every endeavor. In this way his patience and endurance are developed, and his weaknesses are overcome. We change and grow only when we make mistakes. We realize what to do only when we work through worry and confusion. And we gain people's trust and understanding only when our inner thoughts are revealed clearly in our faces and words. — Mencius

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Morgan Rhodes

You've made mistakes, yes. And I have no doubt, just as anyone who lives and breathes, that you will make many more in your life. But it doesn't change who you are deep down inside. — Morgan Rhodes

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Marie Lu

If you pledge yourself to the Inquisition, to me, and swear to use your powers and your knowledge to send malfettos back to the Underworld, I will give you everything you've ever wanted. I can grant your every desire. Money? Power? Respect? Done." He smiles. "You can redeem yourself, change from an abomination in the gods' eyes to a savior. You can help me fix this world. Wouldn't it be nice, not having to run anymore?" He pauses, and for a moment, a note of real, painful tragedy enters his voice. "We are not supposed to exist, Adelina. We were never meant to be." We are mistakes. — Marie Lu

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Vinod Khosla

The right way to build a company is to experiment in lots of small ways, so that you have plenty of room to make mistakes and change strategies. — Vinod Khosla

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Rudy Giuliani

There is no more time for us left to revive our great country. No more time to repeat our mistakes of the past. Washington needs a complete turnaround, and Donald Trump is the agent of change, and he will be the leader of the change we need. — Rudy Giuliani

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Graham Harman

A philosophical thought is not supposed to be impervious to all criticism; this is the error Whitehead describes of turning philosophy into geometry, and it is useful primarily as a way of gaining short-term triumphs in personal arguments that no one else cares (or even knows) about anyway. A good philosophical thought will always be subject to criticisms (as Heidegger's or Whitehead's best insights all are) but they are of such elegance and depth that they change the terms of debate, and function as a sort of "obligatory passage point" (Latour's term) in the discussions that follow.
Or in other words, the reason Being and Time is still such a classic, with hundreds of thousands or millions of readers almost a century later, is not because Heidegger made "fewer mistakes" than others of his generation. Mistakes need to be cleaned up, but that is not the primary engine of personal or collective intellectual progress. — Graham Harman

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Pete Seeger

My father urged Alan [Lomax] not to repeat the mistakes of the European folklorists who, a century ago, had collected these peasant songs and then arranged them for part choir and accompanied them on piano, and then told the young people of their country, "Don't change a note, this is our sacred heritage." Father said, whether it's a fiddle tune or a gospel song, learn it right off the record from the people who grew up with it. Don't just learn it from a piece of paper. — Pete Seeger

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Channing Tatum

'm just going to be a good friend to my kid. One thing I definitely want to change is that whole 'I don't want you to make the same mistakes' mentality. My dad didn't have much money growing up; he didn't have much of an education. He forced that on me, and I didn't want it. — Channing Tatum

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Elizabeth Brundage

As corny as it sounds, Gallagher said, life is very long. You're supposed to mess up when you're young and other people sometimes benefit from your mistakes-as you did in this case. But things rarely stay the same. People grow up and change. They move on. — Elizabeth Brundage

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Virginia McKevitt

King Yorandt to Kristina in book three of Fracture the Secret Enemy Saga~Secrets
release date: Summer 2014

Even the master does not play perfectly. He can only hope to make fewer mistakes than his opponent, and that in the end, he is the victor. Sajah (chess) is a ruthless game where the pieces are all pawns and the Queen is the true killer.
She spares no one to protect the king. The king however, is ruled by all of the pieces that lay before him, even his opponent. Every move is a decision that can change the whole board, and the endgame. — Virginia McKevitt

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Glennon Doyle Melton

I just want us to remember than when we became parents, we didn't change species. We're still humans. I mean, we're bad-ass humans, for sure, but humans nonetheless. We make mistakes, all day, and that's good. We want our children to see that. We want them to learn how to handle mistakes because that's an important thing to learn. We expect to make mistakes, we say we're sorry, we forgive ourselves, we shrug and smile, and we try again.
Repeat. — Glennon Doyle Melton

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Kytka Hilmar-Jezek

Your intention is for readers to benefit from your experiences and avoid the costly and time consuming mistakes you may have made. You want to help your readers know the short cuts and what you would have avoided, and why. As you write, keep a clear sense of why writing this is important to you, but also share your why within the body of the book. Why do your readers need to take the steps you describe? Are you saving them time, money, resources? Why did you start your journey to begin with? Did you want to change the world or get from point "A" to point "B"? Why did you keep going even when it was difficult? Was there a light at the end of the tunnel, a reward at the end? Why should they hang in there? All of these things will work magically if implemented correctly and consistently. — Kytka Hilmar-Jezek

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Adam Gidwitz

There is a certain kind of pain that can change you. Even the strongest sword, when placed in a raging fire, will soften and bend and change its form ...
Trust me on this one. I know this from personal experience. I hope that you never will, but, since you're a person, and therefore prone to making horrible, soul-splitting mistakes, you probably will one day know what this kind of guilt and shame feels like. And when that time comes, I hope you have the strength ... to take advantage of the fire and reshape your own sword. — Adam Gidwitz

Mistakes And Change Quotes By John Gutfreund

I don't have many regrets. I regret mistakes, particularly those that damage other people, and we've all made some of those. But I'm not sad about change. — John Gutfreund

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Marc Andreessen

One of the advantages of moving quickly is if you do something wrong you can change it. What technologies tend to do is they tend to make a lot of mistakes ... but then we go back and aggressively attack those mistakes - and fix them. And you usually recover pretty quickly. — Marc Andreessen

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Donald Miller

I could be judging unfairly, but all the people I've met who've really changed from unhealthy to healthy have a story, a story about hitting rock bottom, realizing what they were doing wrong, and radically changing the way they live so they don't repeat their mistakes. Characters only change when they live through a story. — Donald Miller

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Abigail Thomas

The future was also the place where the bad stuff waited in ambush. My children were embarking on their futures in fragile vessels, and I trembled. I wanted to remove obstacles, smooth their way, I wanted to change their childhoods. I needed to be right all the time, I wanted them to listen to me, learn from my mistakes, and save themselves a lot of grief. Well, now I know I can control my tongue, my temper, and my appetites, but that's it. I have no effect on weather, traffic, or luck. I can't make good things happen. I can't keep anybody safe. I can't influence the future and I can't fix up the past.
What a relief. — Abigail Thomas

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Corey Taylor

The pale fabric of reality has so many hidden pockets that we can find some change in here somewhere - you just have to dig a little deeper to avoid the chewing gum and past mistakes. — Corey Taylor

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Kemi Sogunle

Without living, there will be no learning. Without learning, there will be no growth. Without growth, there will be no change. The only way you learn is by trying. You may make mistakes but you have to remember that doing so will lead to change. Be willing to learn from experiences, grow and live to become better not bitter. — Kemi Sogunle

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Carl Jung

The psychotherapist learns little or nothing from his successes. They mainly confirm him in his mistakes, while his failures, on the other hand, are priceless experiences in that they not only open up the way to a deeper truth, but force him to change his views and methods. — Carl Jung

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Maya Banks

I'm not saying this is going toe easy. I'll make mistakes. You'll make mistakes, mostly about trying to draw attention to the differences between us. I realize it'll take time for you to get over this mind-set that you're somehow not good enough for me. It pisses me off, but I get that you can't change a lifetime of seeing yourself the way you do overnight. But I'm going to work on it and wear you down. — Maya Banks

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

A step from the past always demands a step in the mind backed by a robust action. The very place you fall is the very place you make the first move to move. — Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

The past can leave us in an indelible bitterness. The past can erode our present joy. The past can chain our present in the cage of the past. The past can make our future look blurry. Not until we learn the real lessons of the past and dare to go for growth, we shall always live in the past though we may have today to think for a change, and we shall never forgo the past. — Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Lindy West

I didn't want to wait two more weeks. I didn't want to think about this every day. I didn't want to feel my body change. I didn't want to carry and feed this artifact of my inherent unlovability - this physical proof that any permanent connection to me must be an accident. Men made wanted babies with beautiful women. Men made mistakes with fat chicks. — Lindy West

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Thomas S. Power

Are we amateurs and not professionals? We know the lessons of history, we know the mistakes and we either act accordingly or collapse. Salvation lies in clarity and the courage to implement change — Thomas S. Power

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Dora Bakoyannis

There is no magic. Harry Potter was probably the last one. There are no Harry Potters in politics. There are people who should be hard working, admit their mistakes - and we made a lot of mistakes - make an honest self-critic but change what we did wrong. What did we do wrong? We built a state which is big, which is corrupted, which is a state which should radically change. What is Mr Tsipras saying - keep it as it is, so everything that is old belongs to him. — Dora Bakoyannis

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Robin S. Sharma

Yesterday you told me that life is a growth school, Father Mike. Every person and every experience comes to us to teach us the lesson we most need to learn at that particular point of our journey. We can either awaken to this act of nature, or we can turn a blind eye to it and, in doing so, keep repeating the mistakes of the past until the pain becomes so great that we have no choice but to change. — Robin S. Sharma

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Rory Gallagher

Naturally, in 10 years, you change as a person and you learn a lot from your mistakes. You also learn a lot about wasting time and the right way to handle things. We're not touring as much. We're not doing eight or nine months of the year, so I've got a bit more time to get a perspective on what I do. I think I've improved my songwriting. I'm every bit as enthusiastic about playing as ever and I'm still learning. — Rory Gallagher

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Hillary Clinton

We acknowledge-now with President Obama-that we have made mistakes in the United States, and we along with other developed countries have contributed most significantly to the problem we face with climate change. — Hillary Clinton

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Candace Bushnell

Maybe mistakes are what make our fate ... without them what would shape our lives? Maybe if we had never veered off course we wouldn't fall in love, have babies, or be who we are. After all, things change, so do cities, people come into your life and they go. But it's comforting to know that the ones you love are always in your heart ... and if you're very lucky, a plane ride away — Candace Bushnell

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Lauren Myracle

We are all flawed, my dear. Every one of us. And believe me, we've all made mistakes. You've just got to take a good hard look at yourself, change what needs to be changed, and move one, pet. — Lauren Myracle

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Betty Eadie

God knew we would make mistakes. Life is all about mistakes. It is constant change and growth. Our greatest challenges in life will one day be known to us as our greatest teachers. — Betty Eadie

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Gregory David Roberts

Our decisions become narratives: fated choices that unknowably change the course of the living river. In the present, where decisions and connections are made, Fate waits on the riverbank of Story, leaving us to our mistakes and miracles, because it's our will alone that leads us to one or the other. — Gregory David Roberts

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Sid Caesar

There's a now, a was, and a gonna be. Now is now, and after now is a was. And what comes after the was is a gonna be. It hasn't happened yet. It's gonna happen as soon as the now is over. But if you have a good now, you're bound to have a good was and a good gonna be. But after the bad now comes a bad was. But if you have a bad now and dwell on it, you're going to have a bad gonna be and you're going to have a bad cycle. If you learn from the bad was, you can turn the bad gonna be into a good gonna be. The only way you can change the cycle is after the was. If you carry the bad wases around with you, they get heavy and become should'a could'as - I should'a done this, I could'a done that.
If you learn from the was, you'll have a great now; you won't repeat the same mistakes. It will bring you to a good now, which changes the cycle to a good was, and a good gonna be. You need to learn from the wases. It's all about changing your attitude. — Sid Caesar

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Jhene Aiko

Is it strange for me to say that if I were to die today, there's not a thing I would change? I've lived well. Maybe I have made mistakes and been through my fair share of pain but all in all, it's been okay. I've lived well. — Jhene Aiko

Mistakes And Change Quotes By David W. Earle

Many people look at their past and bemoan their mistakes. Those errors in judgment, behavior, hurting others, and the wrong decisions may be what consumes them now. It does not have to be that way, for recovering from a traumatic situation is all a matter of how we think about what happened. It is not so much about what happened to us as what we make of the circumstance. — David W. Earle

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Malcom X Alex Haley

I know that societies often have killed people who have helped to change those societies. And if I can die having brought any light, having exposed any meaningful truth that will help destroy the racist cancer that is malignant in the body of America then, all of the credit is due to Allah. Only the mistakes have been mine. — Malcom X Alex Haley

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Tahereh Mafi

Nothing in this life will ever make sense to me but I can't help but try to collect the change and hope it's enough to pay for our mistakes. — Tahereh Mafi

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Donna Summer

Don't try to change or tear your brother down, let him make his mistakes and he will come around. — Donna Summer

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Brian Herbert

The Universe operates on a basic principle of economics: everything has its
cost. We pay to create our future, we pay for the mistakes of the past. We
pay for every change we make ... and we pay just as dearly if we refuse to
change. — Brian Herbert

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Sheri Dew

Discipleship requires at least three things of us: first, coming to love the Lord more than we love anything in the world; second, experiencing a change of heart so that we have no "disposition to do evil, but to do good continually"57 - which doesn't mean we no longer make mistakes, it just means we don't want to; and third, behaving like true followers. — Sheri Dew

Mistakes And Change Quotes By Haruki Murakami

Narrow minds devoid of
imagination. Intolerance, theories cut off from reality, empty terminology, usurped
ideals, inflexible systems. Those are the things that really frighten me. What I absolutely
fear and loathe. Of course it's important to know what's right and what's wrong.
Individual errors in judgment can usually be corrected. As long as you have the courage
to admit mistakes, things can be turned around. But intolerant, narrow minds with no
imagination are like parasites that transform the host, change form, and continue to
thrive. They're a lost cause — Haruki Murakami