Famous Quotes & Sayings

Minsan Kailangan Quotes & Sayings

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Top Minsan Kailangan Quotes

Minsan Kailangan Quotes By Simon Winchester

I don't hero worship for the sake of hero worship. When I find people who are truly remarkable - and I think Joseph Needham is a classic example - I do value their counsel. — Simon Winchester

Minsan Kailangan Quotes By John Gokongwei

You've got to be frugal. If you want to make one peso and you spent two, you'll never make it. You must be very stupid if you don't know what you should save on. — John Gokongwei

Minsan Kailangan Quotes By Harper Bentley

So, I still say Batman is way better than Superman." She looked smugly at him.
"You're crazy," he said between bites totally taking her bait. "Superman is practically immortal unless he's exposed to Kryptonite. That's the only thing that can kill him. Batman's human. He's killable."
"Killable?" She snorted. "Is that even a word, Buddha Boy? — Harper Bentley

Minsan Kailangan Quotes By Aleksandr Lebed

And this system sorted out the Chechen war in just 20 days. This way, I used the President's power, he didn't use me. It wasn't hard for me to leave - it isn't my scene. I have nothing to do there. — Aleksandr Lebed

Minsan Kailangan Quotes By Sandra Bullock

Paparazzi need more flattering lenses. — Sandra Bullock

Minsan Kailangan Quotes By Gabriella Kortsch

You are only free when your happiness is not dictated by your needs. — Gabriella Kortsch

Minsan Kailangan Quotes By B. J. Daniels

Did I catch you at a bad time?" she asked as a few moments passed without either of them speaking.
He mentally shook himself out of his reverie. "Sorry, you looked so..."
"Cold?" she suggested with a smile. — B. J. Daniels

Minsan Kailangan Quotes By Gilda Cordero-Fernando

Pidgin, pidgin everywhere. A peculiarity of dropping the connective, the article, of translating literally, of using present for past, present for future. We Filipinos did not speak pidgin. Our English was straight from the grammar texts. — Gilda Cordero-Fernando

Minsan Kailangan Quotes By Ayn Rand

Through all the ages the mind has been regarded as evil, and every form of insult: from heretic to materialist to exploiter - every form of iniquity: from exile to disfranchisement to expropriation - every form of torture: from sneers to rack to firing squad - have been brought down upon those who assumed the responsibility of looking at the world through the eyes of a living consciousness and performing the crucial act of a rational connection. Yet only to the extent to which - in chains, in dungeons, in hidden corners, in the cells of philosophers, in the shops of traders - some men continued to think, only to that extent was humanity able to survive. — Ayn Rand

Minsan Kailangan Quotes By Megan Whalen Turner

I never understood why she didn't marry you."
The king settled further into the seat with a snort. "Maybe the prospect of being driven out of her mind put her off. — Megan Whalen Turner

Minsan Kailangan Quotes By Max Lucado

God can't fill you when you are already full of yourself. — Max Lucado

Minsan Kailangan Quotes By William Ayers

We are not optimists because we can predict a bright and beautiful future, but we're not pessimists either, because the future is unknown and unknowable. We are, rather, active participants in possibility, willing workers in the fields of what could be, but is not yet. We are compelled by love- love of children and youth, love of a world in need of repair- and powered by hope. — William Ayers

Minsan Kailangan Quotes By Allison Anders

Roman Polanski is one of my favorite filmmakers, and John Phillips one of my favorite songwriters. I had the honor to meet each of these men and was almost giddy to be blessed with the chance to tell each artist what his work meant has to me. — Allison Anders