Famous Quotes & Sayings

Membarqmail Quotes & Sayings

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Top Membarqmail Quotes

Membarqmail Quotes By David Letterman

How about this John Kerry controversy? So he's out there in California, tells some kind of joke and it backfires. He's saying he botched the joke ... This guy can lose elections he's not even in. — David Letterman

Membarqmail Quotes By Aaron Gillespie

You don't have to be part of a club to know Jesus. And you don't have to be part of a scene to know Jesus. And you don't have to be perfect to know Jesus. You don't even have to be semi-perfect to know Jesus. You just have to be willing, and open, and honest. — Aaron Gillespie

Membarqmail Quotes By Frederick Lenz

Being a Buddhist monk means never losing one's optimism in spite of all difficulties. It also means being harder on yourself than any of your teachers ever were. — Frederick Lenz

Membarqmail Quotes By Matt Serra

Keep your eye on the prize but enjoy the journey. — Matt Serra

Membarqmail Quotes By Oscar N. Onyema

We haven't seen any African country talk about recession. — Oscar N. Onyema

Membarqmail Quotes By Richard Rodriguez

But lots of emerging racial tensions in California have nothing to do with whites: Filipinos and Samoans are fighting it out in San Francisco high schools. Merced is becoming majority Mexican and Cambodian. They may be fighting in gangs right now, but I bet they are also learning each other's language. — Richard Rodriguez

Membarqmail Quotes By Nadege Richards

I crave you, mi amor. More than I ever thought a man should a woman. Just when I think I can make it on my own, you say these things that call me home to you. I want to leave, I want to run and never look back, and I'm terrified. Terrified of the feelings that control me and the moments where I simply can't exist without you in my arms.
I deserve a second chance. We deserve a second chance. — Nadege Richards

Membarqmail Quotes By Billy Graham

God has given us two hands
one to receive with and the other to give with. We are not cisterns made for hoarding; we are channels made for sharing. — Billy Graham

Membarqmail Quotes By Fyodor Dostoyevsky

And I proclaim that Shakespeare and Raphael are higher than the emancipation of the serfs, higher than nationality, higher than socialism, higher than the younger generation, higher than chemistry, higher than almost all mankind, for they are already the fruit, the real fruit of all mankind, and maybe the highest fruit there ever may be! A form of beauty already achieved, without the achievement of which I might not even consent to live ... — Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Membarqmail Quotes By A. Lee Martinez

The ninth circle was where Hell did its accountancy. The demons within were ruthlessly efficient. All they cared about were profit and cost-effectiveness. Everything was a debit or credit, a gain or a loss. Their ultimate goal was to reduce the universe to a calculation, a final heartless equation in which every soul, living and dead, divine and damned, would serve in the Glorious Ultimate Dividend. — A. Lee Martinez

Membarqmail Quotes By R. Scott Bakker

The Men of the Ordeal do not march to save the World, Proyas
at least not first and foremost. They march to save their wives and children. Their tribes and their nations. If they learn that the world, their world, slips into ruin behind them, that their wives and daughters may perish for want of their shields, their swords, the Host of Hosts would melt about the edges, then collapse. — R. Scott Bakker