Famous Quotes & Sayings

Menghantarkan Quotes & Sayings

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Top Menghantarkan Quotes

Menghantarkan Quotes By David Altmejd

I figured out that art would be the perfect place for me because what's encouraged is the invention of languages. — David Altmejd

Menghantarkan Quotes By John Prebble

Architects and engineers are among the most fortunate of men since they build their own monuments with public consent, public approval and often public money. — John Prebble

Menghantarkan Quotes By Maxine Hong Kingston

I'm going away anyway. I am. Do you hear me? I may be ugly and clumsy, but one thing I am not, I'm not retarded. I may be ugly and clumsy, but one thing I am not, I'm not retarded. There's nothing wrong with my brain. Do you know what the Teacher Ghosts say about me? They tell me I'm smart, and I can win scholarships. I can get into colleges. I've already applied. I'm smart. I can do all sorts of things. I know how to get A's, and they say I could be a scientist or a mathematician if I want. I can make a living and take care of myself. So you don't have to find me a keeper who's too dumb to know a bad bargain. I'm so smart, if they say write ten pages, I can write fifteen. I can do ghost things even better than ghosts can. Not everyone thinks I'm nothing. I am not going to be a slave or a wife. Even if I am stupid and talk funny amd get sick, I won't let you turn me into a slave or a wife. I'm getting out of here. I can't stand living here anyore. It's your fault I talk weird. — Maxine Hong Kingston

Menghantarkan Quotes By E.B. White

Surely the Board knows what democracy is. It is the line that forms on the right. It is the don't in don't shove. It is the hole in the stuffed shirt through which the sawdust slowly trickles; it is the dent in the high hat. Democracy is the recurrent suspicion that more than half the people
are right more than half the time. It is the feeling of privacy in the voting booths,the feeling of communion in the libraries, the feeling of vitality everywhere. Democracy is a letter to the editor. Democracy is the score at the beginning of the ninth. It is an idea which hasn't been disproved yet, a song the words of which have not gone bad. It's the mustard on the hot dog and the cream in the rationed coffee. — E.B. White

Menghantarkan Quotes By C.S. Lewis

And taking your life as a whole, with all your innumerable choices, all your life long you are slowly turning this central thing either into a heavenly creature or a hellish creature: either into a creature that is harmony with God, and with other creatures, and with itself, or else into one that is in a state of war and hatred with God, and with its fellow-creatures, and with God. — C.S. Lewis

Menghantarkan Quotes By Lauren Oliver

Love is a kind of possession. It's a poison. — Lauren Oliver

Menghantarkan Quotes By Lisa Kleypas

Whether he stayed or left, whether they walked the same path or not. They could live on opposite sides of the world, and she would still be his. — Lisa Kleypas

Menghantarkan Quotes By Theodore Roosevelt

It is not often that a man can make opportunities for himself. But he can put himself in such shape that when or if the opportunities come he is ready. — Theodore Roosevelt

Menghantarkan Quotes By Kenneth Waltz

External pressure seems to produce internal unity. — Kenneth Waltz

Menghantarkan Quotes By RaeAnne Thayne

Jake, anyway, and somehow that seemed far, far worse. The couldn't — RaeAnne Thayne

Menghantarkan Quotes By Michael J. Fox

If you have doubts about someone, lay on a couple of jokes. If he doesn't find anything funny, your radar should be screaming. Then I would say be patient with people who are negative, because they're really having a hard time. — Michael J. Fox