Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Meiji Restoration

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Top Meiji Restoration Quotes

Meiji Restoration Quotes By William Gurnall

It is not only our duty to pray for others, but also to desire the prayers of others for ourselves. — William Gurnall

Meiji Restoration Quotes By Stefan Tanaka

Shina is the Japanese appellation for China most commonly used during the first half of the twentieth century. After World War II the name for China reverted to chugoku (Middle Kingdom), a common name from before the Meiji Restoration (1868).4 — Stefan Tanaka

Meiji Restoration Quotes By Martin Jacques

After the Meiji restoration in 1868, Japan adopted an expansionist and colonial attitude towards its neighbours. It sought to identify itself with the West and looked down upon the Asian continent as backward and inferior. For most of the next 70 years, Japan was at war, mainly with its neighbours. — Martin Jacques

Meiji Restoration Quotes By Hunter S. Thompson

I've never given much thought to grants but now that LeRoi Jones has a Guggenheim I have to consider the possibility of a new era, for good or ill. So if you're sitting down there on a bundle of loose cash I'd appreciate any and all advice as to how I might lay my hands on some of it.
- in a letter to Richard Scowcroft dated 5/13/1965 — Hunter S. Thompson

Meiji Restoration Quotes By Jenny B. Jones

Don't stop at the Ford's because they're at Gerald Flatt's," a short kid says in passing.
"Super dooper!" Granny's dentures clickity-clack. "Don't stomp on the Lord just because it's raining cats." She nods and adjusts her hearing aid. "Those are words to live by, little man! — Jenny B. Jones

Meiji Restoration Quotes By Martin Jacques

Ever since the Meiji restoration in 1868, Japan has turned its back on Asia in general and China in particular: its pattern of aggression from 1895 onwards and the colonies that resulted were among the consequences. — Martin Jacques

Meiji Restoration Quotes By Garry Fitchett

Teaching my children to love something. Then to faithfully and confidently act on that love is my biggest accomplishment. — Garry Fitchett

Meiji Restoration Quotes By Frederick Lenz

Dharma is a sanskrit word. It simply means that which is right, that which is correct, that which is the divine law. — Frederick Lenz

Meiji Restoration Quotes By A.S. King

I am slowely realizing that Ginny's parents are from tjhe planet Wow, Really? The ants weigh in: I tjhink you meant the planet Fucking Asshole. — A.S. King