Famous Quotes & Sayings

Making A Comeback Quotes & Sayings

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Top Making A Comeback Quotes

Making A Comeback Quotes By Jorge Luis Borges

What one man does is something done, in some measure, by all men. For that reason a disobedience committed in a garden contaminates the human race; for that reason it is not unjust that the crucifixion of a single Jew suffices to safe it. Perhaps Schopenhauer is right: I am all others, any men is all men, Shakespeare is in some way the wretched John Vincent Moon. — Jorge Luis Borges

Making A Comeback Quotes By Bram Stoker

If you could have looked into my heart then when I want to laugh, if you could have done so when the laugh arrived, if you could do so now, when King Laugh have pack up his crown, and all that is to him, for he go far, far away from me, and for a long, long time, maybe you would perhaps pity me the most of all. — Bram Stoker

Making A Comeback Quotes By Jackee Harry

Sitcoms are making a comeback, but you've got to have a little quirkiness in there now. — Jackee Harry

Making A Comeback Quotes By Virginia Woolf

She felt drawing further from her and further from her an Archduke,
(she did not mind that)
a fortune,
(she did not mind that)
the safety and circumstance of married life,
(she did not mind that)
but life she heard going from her, and a lover. — Virginia Woolf

Making A Comeback Quotes By Aretha Franklin

Don't say Aretha is making a comeback, because I've never been away! — Aretha Franklin

Making A Comeback Quotes By Jason Fried

If you are trying to decide among a few people to fill a position hire the best writer. it doesn't matter if the person is marketer, salesperson, designer, programmer, or whatever, their writing skills will pay off. That's because being a good writer is about more than writing clear writing. Clear writing is a sign of clear thinking. great writers know how to communicate. they make things easy to understand. they can put themselves in someone else's shoes. they know what to omit. And those are qualities you want in any candidate. Writing is making a comeback all over our society ... Writing is today's currency for good ideas. — Jason Fried

Making A Comeback Quotes By Julie Burchill

It is also interesting to note that the original supermodels are now making a comeback after being dismissed in the Nineties as being 'greedy' by a gaggle of male designers who lived like Sun Kings. — Julie Burchill

Making A Comeback Quotes By Greg Lake

Making a comeback is one of the most difficult things to do with dignity. — Greg Lake

Making A Comeback Quotes By Drew Barrymore

Putting your name on something and having no idea how it came about if someone else did all the work - that's not me. — Drew Barrymore

Making A Comeback Quotes By Serge Schmemann

In some circles Stalin has in fact been making a comeback. His portrait hangs above the dashboard of trucks, a symbol of blue- collar nostalgia for a tough leader. — Serge Schmemann

Making A Comeback Quotes By James Mercer

I think that was going on with bands like The Strokes was that the idea of the band, a real band, was making a comeback. My brother in law is an example- before he was listening to some country music, even some of that awful nu-metal stuff , but there weren't many options really. — James Mercer

Making A Comeback Quotes By Ike Turner

I'm really thankful to God, man. Like now, I'm really making a real comeback with my group. With or without a record, with or without a movie. And behind all the negative press behind this movie. — Ike Turner

Making A Comeback Quotes By Bob Hope

You know, marriage is making a big comeback. I know personally that in Hollywood people are marrying people they never married before. — Bob Hope

Making A Comeback Quotes By Michel'le

For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback. — Michel'le

Making A Comeback Quotes By Jennifer Niven

I try to concentrate on the words, on the melody, but then she starts searching through songs, and this feels like my brain - fragments of words, fragments of melodies, fragments of moments, fragments of things. — Jennifer Niven

Making A Comeback Quotes By Banana Yoshimoto

He was quiet in the way people are when they believe the world would get along just fine without them. — Banana Yoshimoto

Making A Comeback Quotes By Karisma Kapoor

Look at Gwyneth Paltrow and my favourite, Kate Winslet. No one ever says, 'Oh, she's making a comeback.' To my mind, I just went on maternity leave and reported back to work. — Karisma Kapoor

Making A Comeback Quotes By Billie Holiday

I'm always making a comeback but nobody ever tells me where I've been. — Billie Holiday

Making A Comeback Quotes By Euripides

Whoso neglects learning in his youth, loses the past and is dead for the future. — Euripides

Making A Comeback Quotes By Bee Wilson

The comeback of true green olives was part of a Spanish food revival in the early 2000s. I credit Sam and Sam Clark of Moro Restaurant in London with making them cool again. — Bee Wilson

Making A Comeback Quotes By Bob Backlund

I'm making the comeback of the century. — Bob Backlund

Making A Comeback Quotes By Guy Lafleur

That's why I made a comeback in 1988. I knew there were chances of not making it, but I didn't want to end up at sixty years old and say I should have tried when I was thirty-eight. — Guy Lafleur

Making A Comeback Quotes By Neil Young

In the end, the record companies have the power to control the quality that is served online. Online service has been problematic in that it actively or discreetly promotes trading and duplication of music. It is not offensive to me that the MP3-quaility sound is traded around. It is, in my opinion, the new radio and serves a great purpose: making music lovers away of the content tat is out there to buy. If the consumers want it, let tham take it, whatever quality they prefer. Ultimately, nothing can stop absolute quality from making a big comeback. The stage is well set. I believe in what I am trying to do and that good Karma will come from it.
It is just a matter of time. — Neil Young

Making A Comeback Quotes By Leon M. Lederman

The aether: Invented by Isaac Newton, reinvented by James Clerk Maxwell. This is the stuff that fills up the empty space of the universe. Discredited and discarded by Einstein, the aether is now making a Nixonian comeback. It's really the vacuum, but burdened by theoretical, ghostly particles. — Leon M. Lederman

Making A Comeback Quotes By Johnny Bench

I was thinking about making a comeback, until I pulled a muscle vacuuming. — Johnny Bench

Making A Comeback Quotes By Mark Spitz

By making a comeback, I'm changing the attitude of people toward me. If I'd known that people would react so enthusiastically, I'd have done it years ago. — Mark Spitz

Making A Comeback Quotes By Rocco DiSpirito

There are many great wine producers from all over the world making fantastic wines. Italian wines especially are making an enormous comeback after sometimes being labeled as inexpensive jug wines. — Rocco DiSpirito

Making A Comeback Quotes By Mitch Hedberg

You got to always take advantage of getting your room cleaned. You may think it's nice not to have anybody in your room, like your privacy's not being invaded. But there's nothing like walking back into a clean room. You've got to remember that. — Mitch Hedberg

Making A Comeback Quotes By Summer Sanders

I missed the Olympic team in 1996 - missed making the team. I tried to make a comeback in my sport, and soon after the Olympic trials, Johann Olav Koss, who is a Norwegian speed-skater, called me up and asked me to be a part of Olympic Aid. Now Olympic Aid is Right to Play. It's a wonderful, narrow focus. — Summer Sanders

Making A Comeback Quotes By Steve Maraboli

It seems to me that religion is losing momentum and God is making a comeback. — Steve Maraboli

Making A Comeback Quotes By Paul Ryan

To my great disappointment, it appears that the politics of division are making a big comeback. Many Americans share my disappointment - especially those who were filled with great hope a few years ago, when then-Senator Obama announced his candidacy in Springfield, Illinois. — Paul Ryan

Making A Comeback Quotes By M.F. Moonzajer

When you revenge from the one you love; at the end it will be only you bearing the pain. — M.F. Moonzajer

Making A Comeback Quotes By Oscar De La Hoya

I think about making a comeback every single day. I went running, I went training, did that for a few days. But my body couldn't handle it. — Oscar De La Hoya

Making A Comeback Quotes By L. H. Cosway

Stop looking at me like that," I say, frowning and rubbing at my chest. He has this habit of making my heart sore, making my lungs feel like there's not enough air.
He tilts his head attractively, which only makes matters worse. "Like what?"
"Like you're molesting me with your eyes," I blurt out.
His answering laugh is long and deep. I can barely handle the affection in his gaze. "Okay, I'll try to stop. But if it all gets to be too much for you, this apartment happens to have a very nice bathroom. You can go rub one out again to take the edge off. I'll come listen, too, if that will help."
There he goes again, pushing me.
I do a slow blink at him before coming out with a rather masterful comeback. And when I say "masterful," I mean shit. "Why don't you go and rub one out?"
He cocks an eyebrow. "I don't rub out, darlin'. I jack off. — L. H. Cosway

Making A Comeback Quotes By Lao-Tzu

So there are established sayings: Guidance to enlightenment seems nonsensical. Guidance to progress seems backwards. Guidance to equality seems to classify. Higher efficacy seems at a loss. Great purity seems like shame. Broad effectiveness seems insufficient. Constructive effectiveness seems casual. Basic reality seems changeable. A great expanse has no shores. A large container takes a long time to make. Important news is rarely heard. — Lao-Tzu

Making A Comeback Quotes By Alonzo Mourning

I had to develop the mentality and stay positive about making my comeback. — Alonzo Mourning

Making A Comeback Quotes By Craig Johnson

Do what you're trained to do and you might get out of this alive. Make the right decisions as if your life depended on them, because it does. Hesitate and you hesitate forever. — Craig Johnson

Making A Comeback Quotes By Anonymous

WITH FAMILIAR AND EXOTIC PRODUCE CROWDING THE SUPERMARKET SHELVES FROM JANUARY TO December and farmers' markets making a comeback throughout the country, it may — Anonymous