Famous Quotes & Sayings

Lostara Quotes & Sayings

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Top Lostara Quotes

Lostara Quotes By Guy Vanderhaeghe

The fact remains, I was never meant to sell china. Only truly saintly men are cut out for that; the sort of men who trudge the roads to Benares, or reside on the icy hilltops speculating on infinity. It takes more faith than I can summon. — Guy Vanderhaeghe

Lostara Quotes By Steven Erikson

It is not enough to wish for a better world for the children. It is not enough to shield them with ease and comfort. Lostara Yil, if we do not sacrifice our own ease, our own comfort, to make the future's world a better one, then we curse our own children. We leave them a misery they do not deserve; we leave them a host of lessons unearned. — Steven Erikson

Lostara Quotes By George Arnold

The glass of your life is darkened, and darkly through it you see distorted and ghastly fragments of duty and destiny. — George Arnold

Lostara Quotes By Alan Sugar

I don't make enemies, it's just I'm not afraid to speak my mind, which can sometimes mean people don't like what I am saying. — Alan Sugar

Lostara Quotes By Gary Zukav

The most important choices you make are the choices about how you see yourself, the Universe, and your relationship to the Universe. — Gary Zukav

Lostara Quotes By Walter Raleigh

To live thy better, let thy worst thoughts die. — Walter Raleigh